How To Use Glute In A Sentence
The inferior gluteal artery also assists in forming the cruciate anastomosis that forms around the neck and greater trochanter of the femur.
Just the thought of going into a fish shop and knowing you can get something that's gluten free with no hassle and no fuss is wonderful.
Think of it as a repeated uphill sprint requiring constant firing of the gluteal muscles.
Times, Sunday Times
No refined sugar, no gluten, no dairy.
Times, Sunday Times
Doctors plan to remove her breasts, her gluteal muscles and her calves because of damage from industrial silicone that allegedly was injected into her body.
In fact, some 'loads' abusers have ingested up to 12 grams of glutethimide and greater than 2.5 grams of codeine (often in combination with acetaminophen or aspirin) on adaily basis. 5 Complications from chronic abuse should also be considered.
It is to the gluten of flour that its property of panification, or bread-making, is due.
The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
On the other hand, his glutes and hams have never been as shredded.
Here's another kind of prefiguring of epoxy because we've got glutenin and gliadin, neither of which are strong enough to make a good bread.
Peter Reinhart on bread
It is worth remembering that rye flour contains gluten, so is not suitable for people avoiding this.
The Sun
After blood tests and a biopsy, Coeliac disease was confirmed and he was told to give up gluten.
The primary muscles of the hip joint are the gluteus maximus and hamstrings.
The spine is in Spain very curved, producing what is termed _ensellure_, or saddle-back -- a characteristic which gives great flexibility to the back and prominence to the gluteal regions, sometimes slightly simulating steatopygia.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
The results of this study suggest at least one interesting insight - our participants feel pain more acutely in the upper head and neck area than they do in the region of the gluteus, trochanter, and knees.
The squat is one of the best exercises to develop and define the front of the thigh, glute and hamstring muscles.
Objective To discuss the effect of healthy education gluteus contracture children by clinical nursing pathway.
Aunt Gloria said she was off wheat of all kinds because of being on a gluten-free diet.
The shop stocks more than 700 products free of ingredients such as gluten and dairy.
Times, Sunday Times
As you exhale, contract your core muscles (i.e., your abs, spine extensors, gluteals and other muscles that control your pelvis) to help maintain your alignment.
Two decades ago, clearly defined lower backs were rare and no one had striated glutes.
Second, small partially digested food proteins, called peptides, from gluten and casein can act to disturb the normal neurotransmitter function in the brain, and third, they can act as “excitotoxins,” increasing glutamate an excitatory neurotransmitter and creating a chain reaction that overexcites, injures, inflames and ultimately kills brain cells.
The UltraMind Solution
He proved once and for all he's not a fluke, that he's willing to bust his striated glutes in the gym.
Celiac disease is a T-cell-mediated disorder triggered by gluten in susceptible subjects, affecting not only the small bowel but also the gastric and colonic mucosae.
It comes from gluten, the insoluble protein in wheat that makes bread dough elastic.
Inhale, keeping the core and glutes contracted.
The Sun
Since last December, all products must state on the label that they contain any of the eight main food allergens (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and cereals containing gluten), plus sesame seeds and sulphites.
The most common signs of folliculitis are red bumps and pustules on the glutes and leg area.
The most common foods people are allergic to include: peanuts; walnuts; pecans or almonds; and wheat and gluten.
A weak, de-conditioned core -- the muscles and tendons that make up the midsection of the body, including the hips, "glutes," hamstrings and abdominals -- is a contributing factor.
Dr. Rock Positano: Rx For Your Golf Game
You work every muscle, but strong abs, glutes and calves are essential.
The Sun
Interleave running days with days of other exercises, such as squats, lunges and gluteal strengthening.
Times, Sunday Times
For delicious gluten-free recipes, go to thetimes.
Times, Sunday Times
The quads, hip flexors, hip rotators, hamstrings and glutes are primary core stabilizers.
The challenge for producers of Indian rice grass was to develop a solid, reliable commodity-producer base to process high-quality seed into a nutritious, good tasting, quality product which is reliably gluten-free.
The inclusion rates of finely ground feed should be kept to a minimum (for example, ground cereals, maize gluten).
Your gluteus maximus and hamstrings are powerful hip extensors that are activated whenever you stand, sit or step up.
Remember also to tie the ischiatic and gluteal arteries, in the posterior flap before ligating the femoral and profunda, for if the main artery is properly held by the assistant, it will not bleed.
An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
It is termed the gluteal tuberosity, and gives attachment to part of the Glutæus maximus: its upper part is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, the third trochanter, is occasionally developed.
II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
The strong muscles of the buttocks (glutei) span the hip joints, and are crucial to support and stability.
Lift, strengthen and define your gluteals and hamstrings.
The radical or innate, is daily supplied by nourishment, which some call cambium, and make those secondary humours of ros and gluten to maintain it: or acquisite, to maintain these four first primary humours, coming and proceeding from the first concoction in the liver, by which means chylus is excluded.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The American trainers are also helping the Indian players in utilising the gluteal muscles well and for those who have a problem they have devised a special regimen of weight-training, sliding wedger, Swiss ball and medicine ball.
What are your thoughts on gluteal warming, Stormee?
Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 11, 2010
Perhaps you want to work glutes and legs, or alleviate sciatica, or even correct joint hypermobility.
Times, Sunday Times
The gluten also shields the helpful microbes from the sun's lethal ultraviolet rays.
To diagnose gluten sensitivity, Dr. Fasano relies on a few tests to rule out other causes while confirming the reaction negative immune-allergy tests to wheat, negative celiac serology, negative duodenal histopathology, presence of biomarkers of gluten immune-reaction.
Manuel Villacorta: Should Everyone Avoid Gluten for Good Health?
Your hip abductors are a very small muscle group that is really part of your gluteals, says Keli Roberts, co-author of Stronger Legs and Lower Body.
He trained only lightly on Thursday as he nursed a corked glute muscle sustained last weekend.
In this method, waste protein such as wheat gluten, is combined with water and acid.
There is a difference between wheat/gluten allergy (celiac disease) and wheat intolerance, but the foods we avoid are the same.
But in celiac disease, gluten appears to flatten the villi and damage them, reducing the body's ability to take in nutrients properly.
Zeroing In On Gluten
This condition involves the heavy gluteal muscles and may occur as a complication of azoturia, or a lameness of the hind limb that is usually due to a spavin.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
The problem with rye is it contains little glutenin.
Kitchen Knives
+Cap+ dark chestnut color, 1½ to 2½ inches broad, thick, convex, covered with a tough gluten, margin inflexed, flesh white or yellowish.
Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
A: All-purpose flour is a blend of hard and soft wheats and has a higher gluten content than cake flour.
Other hip rotator muscles located deep beneath the gluteals help to stabilize your pelvis.
Today most pasta is made from durum, which has a high gluten level that makes the dough easy to shape.
These are a good choice if you're looking for a gluten-free alternative.
Gluten-free grains include rice, millet and quinoa, which can either be cooked as they are or bought as flour that can then be made into bread or puddings.
For the judges, it's all about the "goosies" J.Lo's term for goosebumps — or maybe gooses, as Erica the randy bartender gets in a good squeeze of Tyler's gluteus maximus.
Matt's TV Week in Review
This low rep range is essential to developing the hams and glutes at the expense of unwanted bodyfat.
Gluten causes the intestinal mucosa to lose its villous structure and absorptive capacity.
There has also been an increased incidence of atrophic gastritis and achlorhydria in patients with gluten sensitivity.
If she eats gluten, she swells up and explodes into a thousand bits of flesh.
Times, Sunday Times
Strong gluteal muscles are also crucial for better posture and faster walking or running.
Times, Sunday Times
Fifteen of the untreated patients were re-evaluated after six and 12 months of gluten free diet.
But some stretching of the leg, gluteal and back muscles before you set off is also important.
Times, Sunday Times
For James McConnell and the estimated 3 million other Americans with celiac disease, staying away from gluten is a fact of life if they want to prevent long-term intestinal damage and the myriad digestive discomforts that come with the disease.
A New Diet Villain
Although the presence of gluten in wheat flour has been utilized to create a variety of pasta shapes, such as noodles, spaghetti, and tagliatelle, gluten is not an essential human nutrient.
He was on a gluten-free diet and had begun to gain weight.
AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
This emphasizes quadriceps and gluteal strength on the front leg while requiring dynamic flexibility of the back leg, specifically the hip flexors and calf muscles.
I've heard horror stories where although the woman was gluten tolerant, her cooch, not so much.
Lora Somoza: When Hot Cosmopolitan Sex Tips Go Bad
You can still eat rice and potatoes but must swap all wheat, barley and rye for gluten-free alternatives.
The Sun
He also leaned laterally during single leg stance, which may indicate weak gluteus medius muscles relative to his body weight.
Coeliac disease, also known as gluten enteropathy, is an immunological problem that affects people genetically predisposed to it.
Times, Sunday Times
If bowel sounds are present, repeated doses of oral activated charcoal may be administered to enhance the elimination of glutethimide through interruption of its enterohepatic recirculation.
It has malt, gluten and ascorbic acid, and help keep whole grain loaves from turning into neutron stars.
Tigers & Strawberries » A Baking Mood
I know, I know, a gluten free recipe wouldn't hurt us gluten gluttons, but with an impending lay-off and potential grad school fees, I'm really not all that excited on spending money we might need for rent next month.
Because gluten is so far-reaching, reading labels is a necessity for celiac patients.
Olives, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, rice, unsweetened fruits and gluten-free products are allowed.
With his gluten-free menu, the emphasis is on breads made from different types of flour, such as millet, maize, sogram and gram flour, which are easier to digest than wheat and suitable for coeliacs.
When inferior branches are absent, they are sometimes replaced by branches from the middle rectal, gluteal, and sciatic arteries.
Say her eating your gluten-free food then tucking into all the other treats really upsets you.
The Sun
It is important to use good hard wheat and good weak wheat varieties to improve the middle gluten wheat with poor quality in whe...
Characteristically, psoriasis is symmetrically distributed, with lesions frequently located on the ears, elbows, knees, umbilicus, gluteal cleft and genitalia.
A gluten-free trial should last for at least a month and most health food stores will stock alternative foods and gluten-free cook books.
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Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.
Gluten and acid orange juice can also help restore tanning the skin.
And what the four-mile trail lacks in hiking glute burn, it more than makes up for with views.
Times, Sunday Times
Or hear a woman's attractive bum described as a "well-placed gluteal mass?
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
A type of rice grown in the Far East known as glutinous or sticky rice contains no proteinatious gluten and owes its sticky nature to a waxy carbohydrate.
Apparently they obtain the needful proteid and fat from the beans; while the coarse once-milled rice furnishes them with starch, gluten, and mineral salts, etc.
No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet with Vegetable Recipes
You think you have lactose intolerance, gluten issues and candida.
Times, Sunday Times
While there is no cure, these symptoms and the sickness should ease as you change to a diet consisting mainly of gluten-free food.
The Sun
In three cases coeliac disease was suspected and gluten-free diets were prescribed.
For nouveau hippies there are endless wheat-free, dairy-free and gluten-free eateries, and you can also drop into a class of Pilates to keep you toned and grounded.
One study found that 12 percent of patients with IBS were gluten intolerant.
A street protest in Washington D.C. transforms into a no-gluten, soy-cheese, all veggie pizza party.
Shoppers are also paying up to three times as much for gluten-free products.
Times, Sunday Times
This exercise strengthens the obliques, quadratus lumborum, back extensors, gluteals, adductors and core abdominal muscles.
Shortly afterwards she became intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy products.
Times, Sunday Times
The squat strengthens all of the major muscles of the lower body, including the gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.
Binding glutens were added, and the mixture was strained through a large-holed colander into boiling water.
These substances are mostly insoluble, but are brought into solution by the atmospheric oxygen acting upon the gluten, and converting it into a soluble substance called diastase, which in its turn reacts upon the starch, converting it first into dextrine, and then into cellulose, and the latter is finally deposited in the form of organised cells, and produces the first little shoot of the plant.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Organic buckwheat noodles are also widely available and are also suitable for those on a gluten free diet.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Moderation is the key to success when training your legs and glutes.
A great glute and thigh strengthener, this exercise tones the abs and lower back muscles in a highly original way.
A 70-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital in March 1997 complaining of pain in her left gluteal region.
It only serves vegetarian food, gluten-free pizzas and salads.
Times, Sunday Times
He has tested the attention spans and gluteal muscles of audiences in Europe with a 6
Peter Stein, Straight Shooter
As one of our guests has to follow a gluten-free diet, I was hoping I could find something that she could eat, too.
Absolutely, and measuring the hips actually measures the gluteal muscles in a way, so it might be a surrogate measure of muscularity.
Cake flour, which is milled from a soft wheat, has a finer texture and a lower gluten content.
Gluten, in fact, can be used as a filler, binder or thickener, hidden in all manner of food, including, for example, soy sauce, many salad dressings and even some toothpaste.
Pet Talk: Show dog knows his business, and his gluten
In Table 2 of our article, we list gluten-free diet as the first treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis and indicate that sulfones are beneficial for the skin lesions only.
Your gluteals are one of the largest and strongest muscle groups in your body.
The sticky nature of gluten has been utilized as a paper and fabric glue, as in making papier-mâché and wallpaper paste.
My question to them would be why do they think forcing the word gluten into the product's nomenclature is a solid marketing strategy?
The Full Feed from
Both glutethimide and codeine cause depression of the respiratory drive.
Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, our bodies were being detoxed with a strict vegan, gluten-free diet.
Melissa Biggs Bradley: Back From Boot Camp: How Brutal Can a Spa Be?
Two thirds of gluten protein is in the form of glutenins, which are insoluble in ethyl alcohol but soluble in a mixture of ethanoic acid, urea, and cetrimide.
The most common foods people are allergic to include: peanuts; walnuts; pecans or almonds; and wheat and gluten.
As the authors point out, the loss of gluteofemoral fat, as observed in Cushing’s syndrome and lipodystrophy is in fact associated with an increased metabolic and cardiovascular risk.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Big Butts and Thighs Equals Lower Risk?
This exercise strengthens the back extensors, gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings and core abdominal muscles.
With his gluten-free menu, the emphasis is on breads made from different types of flour, such as millet, maize, sogram and gram flour, which are suitable for coeliacs.
We should eat more leafy vegetables and avoid gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley and in processed foods.
Times, Sunday Times
A biscuit is a biscuit, whether it is a standard product or gluten-free.
The Sun
It is a superficial muscle that gives the buttock its shape and covers the gluteus medius.
Say her eating your gluten-free food then tucking into all the other treats really upsets you.
The Sun
Because the hip muscles, specifically the gluteus medius, minimus and maximus stabilize the leg during gait, poor strength or conditioning of these muscles results in excessive stress at and below the knee.
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The quadriceps, glutes, trapezius and upper back are also called into play.
False negatives can occur, especially if you have already put yourself on a gluten-free diet.
Times, Sunday Times
People with wheat or gluten problems can replace this with an equal amount of buckwheat flour ).
Times, Sunday Times
Being at home full-time, I was also able to put Yvette on a gluten-free diet, which seemed to help her concentration, as it apparently does for many autistic children.
Areas most affected are interdigital folds, flexor aspect of wrists, extensor aspect of elbows, belt line, thighs, navel, penis, areola, abdomen, inter gluteal fold.
Group 3 comprised biopsies from patients previously diagnosed as having coeliac disease who admitted not adhering to a gluten free diet.
I have to admit that seeing the intermammary sulci like that signaled to me a resemblance to the gluteal sulcus or the natal cleft which left me thinking of thoughts of reproduction.
The sleazy sexism that's served up...
Green Bay, meanwhile, has ruled out four players for Sunday's game: linebackers Nick Barnett (wrist) and Brandon Chillar (shoulder), fullback Quinn Johnson (glute) and cornerback Sam Shields.
Redskins-Packers injury report: Trent Williams questionable, but expected to play
Severe hypocalcemia associated with chronic glutethimide addiction: a case report.
In wheat, the prolamins form the major components of the gluten protein fraction which forms a viscoelastic network in doughs and is largely responsible for the ability to process wheat to form bread, pasta and many other food products.
Nowadays it is usually manufactured from wheat gluten or beet molasses by a fermentation process devised in the 1950s.
Glutens are often added to prepared food for taste and emulsification.
Promissis everberant, molliunt dulciloquiis, et opportunum tempus aucupantes laqueos ingerunt quos vix Lucretia vitare; escam parant quam vel satur Hippolitus sumeret, &c. Hae sane sunt virgae soporiferae quibus contactae animae ad Orcum descendunt; hoc gluten quo compactae mentium alae evolare nequeunt, daemonis ancillae, quae sollicitant, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Its position will prevent the knees from falling out of position, which ensures you fully activate the gluteal muscles.
Times, Sunday Times
She had demonstrated the move impeccably, hopping atop the ball, thighs and glutes flexing as she balanced on its moonwalk surface, not needing to put so much as a toe to the ground.
Gluten as a unique food ingredient was discovered by Chinese noodle makers around the 6th century, and by the 11th was known as mien chin, or the “muscle of flour.”
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The argument over wheat and gluten is a case in point.
Times, Sunday Times
Hip flexor swings, glute swings, lunges with arms swinging to the ceiling are all great as part of a warm-up.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, barley breads stale quickly, because they lack the water-retaining powers of the gluten network in wheat or the natural gums in rye.
Gluten allergies and dairy intolerances may be nothing new in an increasingly faddy world but a dog owner was still astonished to find her pet was allergic to almost everything - including dog food.
Well, when making a dough that relies on strong gluten bonds for chewiness and body (like a bagel mixture) it helps if you use a flour actually containing gluten.
Rings of Rye
This exercise strengthens the back extensors, gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings and core abdominal muscles.
This targets the quads, the glutes and the calves.
Times, Sunday Times
Owing, however, to its poverty in that form of nitrogenous compound called gluten, so abundant in wheat, barley-flour cannot be baked into vesiculated bread; still it is a highly-nutritious substance, the salts it contains having a high proportion of phosphoric acid.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
The leading factor in weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products, which interferes with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate.
Make sure you pick cornflakes that are gluten free, though.
Times, Sunday Times
A protein that is part of wheat, gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye.
But that's probably also because it runs a lot of sites: Gilt Home, Gilt Man, Gilt City, Jetsetter for travel and Gilt Taste, which as of last check was selling whole Dungeness crabs, gluten-free carrot cake cookies, fiddlehead ferns and finger limes.
Gilt's Flashy Dinner for Fashionable Men
There is a good range of gluten-free foods available as well as recipe books.
Vital Wheat Gluten ghalun Bread banavla...khupach aavadla aamchya kade.
Whole-Wheat Flour & Vital Wheat Gluten
Coconut: Ground from pure, dehydrated coconut meat, then de-fatted to make a gluten free, low carbohydrate, high protein and high fibre powder.
A [Couple] Dozen Flours
• The presence in the flour of oxidizing substances—aging and improving agents—which can increase the endto-end linking of glutenin molecules and thus dough strength p.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
As the baker kneads the dough, protein develops into gluten, which gives bread its rising power.
These muscles, known as the six deep outward rotators, are located in the middle-lower gluteal area and tend to tighten with repetitive use.
“It's not a butt; it's a gluteus maximus muscle,” Berto said.
Berto and Cosi
Gluten is broken up into two smaller categories of proteins: the prolamine (e.g., gliadin) and the dietary protein (e.g., glutenin).
Ashley Koff: The Gluten-Free Challenge
Gluten causes the intestinal mucosa to lose its villous structure and absorptive capacity.
Hold for a couple of seconds while squeezing your glutes.
The Sun
Last year, guided by a binder listing gluten-free foods that one student brought from home, he provided meals for two gluten-intolerant students.
Promissis everberant, molliunt dulciloquiis, et opportunum tempus aucupantes laqueos ingerunt quos vix Lucretia vitare; escam parant quam vel satur Hippolitus sumeret, &c. Hae sane sunt virgae soporiferae quibus contactae animae ad Orcum descendunt; hoc gluten quo compactae mentium alae evolare nequeunt, daemonis ancillae, quae sollicitant, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
My right 'glute' muscle is not being activated properly so although I can run, and run at a decent pace, I can't sprint and don't have the agility to jump or play to the standard required.
Give Me Football Featured Content
Under this tissue is found with the Nos. 7, 8, and 9, the endosperm or perisperm, containing the gluten and the starch; soluble and insoluble albuminoids, that is to say, the flour.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
Although Dudamel has not been able to visit the Beverly Hills location, Camelia said his favorite hometown dish is the Perico Platter, a traditional breakfast dish of scrambled eggs with sautéed mini-sweet peppers, fresh tomatoes and chopped onions, served with a Venezuelan arepa (wheat and gluten-free!) corn cake and a side of fresh fruit ($11).
Jay Weston: Venezuelan Food in Beverly Hills... and Dudamel's Favorite Breakfast Dish!
Celiac disease is a T-cell-mediated disorder triggered by gluten in susceptible subjects, affecting not only the small bowel but also the gastric and colonic mucosae.
Gluten-free bread formulated with Prosopis ruscifolia (vinal) seed and corn flours
FoodNavigator RSS
When you have strong quads, you tend to rely heavily on them, and you probably underuse your glutes for weight training, athletic activity and general mobility.
This exercise strengthens the obliques, quadratus lumborum, back extensors, gluteals, adductors and core abdominal muscles.
Pasta on the other hand is usually made from durum wheat, a harder kind of wheat which has more gluten, offers a higher protein-to-starch ration, but takes forever to cook.
People with coeliac disease need to keep to a gluten-free diet.
A gluten-free diet is demanding and typically requires much more time and energy in food preparation.
The glutei must be spread to provide adequate visualization of the anus.
‘Gluten free’ flour and bread are available and usually contain starch from maize or rice, with some of the elastic properties of gluten being provided by guar gum or similar substances.
[[GLAD MIDSOMMAR!]] thursday: salt&vinegar crisps & lemon-tinged water rolled up in a stale headache-tortilla. smothered in non-profit-job-responsibility sauce with a hint of reluctant obedience. pre-stonewall gay documentaries as garnish. friday: [[proposed menu:]] a ramequin filled with moral-backslide. [to partake of the drink thursday's vow prohibits.] [[p.s. my lungs absofuckinglutely hate me.]] comments??
Pojken Diary Entry
Perhaps adding gluten will give that smoother finer crumb I associate with what I have been told is French bread, here at the bottom of the Pacific, a long way from France.
The raising effect is caused by the heat reacting with other ingredients to form air bubbles of CO2, and these are trapped in the gluten forming pockets in the dough.
There is no advantage to gluten-free pasta unless you have a medical need to avoid gluten.
The Sun
Switch legs to roll the opposite glute.
The Sun
Shortly afterwards she became intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy products.
Times, Sunday Times
Cold noodles are served after they are mixed with gluten, bean sprouts, sliced cucumber, chill oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic sauce.
Sunripened tomatoes, cool cukes, sensuous spearmint, and hip hempseed as an alternative to the gluten containing bulgur wheat that is traditionally used.
Brigitte Mars: Vegan Gluten-Free Tabouli Salad
Cures of pain reported by injection of the joint are, I think, not because the joint has been injected but because the injection has gone into part of the gluteal muscle origin.
Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.
This means that although made predominantly from potato, they are not gluten free.
The Sun
Officers observed a baggy hidden in the suspect's "glutes," the report says.
Evening News and Tribune Homepage
Although Dudamel has not been able to visit the Beverly Hills location, Camelia said his favorite hometown dish is the Perico Platter, a traditional breakfast dish of scrambled eggs with sautéed mini-sweet peppers, fresh tomatoes and chopped onions, served with a Venezuelan arepa (wheat and gluten-free!) corn cake and a side of fresh fruit ($11).
Jay Weston: Venezuelan Food in Beverly Hills... and Dudamel's Favorite Breakfast Dish!
The glossy appearance of wheaten corn flour is from the fact that in ordinary flour the gluten remains undissolved and does not transmit light.
If he knows I accidentally claimed your glutes, I will never live it down.
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf
Also missing practice Thusday in Green Bay: linebacker Brandon Chillar, fullback Quinn Johnson (glute) and cornerback Sam Shields (calf).
Only Trent Williams is limited in practice
The superior gluteal vein is seen between gluteus medius and minimus muscles.
To perform a squat with ideal alignment, one needs to have flexible hamstrings, gluteals and calf muscles, strong quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals, as well as strong, stable abdominals and erector spinae muscles.