How To Use Glucose tolerance test In A Sentence
If patients aged over 45 with other risk factors are screened every three years, and those with impaired fasting glucose have an oral glucose tolerance test, nearly all cases of diabetes will be identified in a preclinical phase.
How is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done?
Participants not known to be diabetic and without glycosuria underwent a standard oral glucose tolerance test.
Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .
The glucose tolerance test is used to observe the response of the patient to a glucose load or challenge.
Before and after therapy, animals were subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test.
The subjects had a continuous infusion glucose tolerance test.
Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .
The glucose tolerance test is used to observe the response of the patient to a glucose load or challenge.
Six subjects did not consent to a glucose tolerance test and tolerance was determined from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations.
Does prior exercise affect oral glucose tolerance test results?
GH increased glucose levels during glucose tolerance testing, however long-term indices of glucose, hemoglobin A1c the substance of red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells and sometimes joins with glucose, were not different between the groups.
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The insulin sensitivity of animal models was quantified by insulin tolerance test, glucose tolerance test and gluconeogenesis test, etc.