How To Use Glove In A Sentence
Again wear rubber gloves and repeat the treatment until the wood can absorb no more.
I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture.
The Return (With Butterflies) - A Dress A Day
Always use protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, facemask, and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Times, Sunday Times
Wear warm gloves, socks and shoes in the cold.
The Sun
He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh.

A nice red beret and matching gloves.
Times, Sunday Times
Glove with mechanic protection made of cowhide.
And most spectators are alert, many of them bringing their own baseball gloves to catch souvenirs.
S2 Surely if gloves will not stand up to basic detergent, what use are they?
The Sun
They had donned hairnets and gloves to gather DNA samples not previously submitted.
He takes his infield and outfield gloves into the dugout for each game.
Wear a warm hat to guard against heat loss from your head and if your hands are susceptible to the cold then wear some thin gloves.
The gloves are critical because they were smeared with blood consistent with DNA from both victims and O. J. Simpson.
Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon.
The Seattle Times
She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly.
You have to handle the students with kid gloves
She slipped her hands in side her brown fingerless gloves, and then laced up her big brown boots.
How shall we ever admire our civic leaders if we cannot look up to them, to see a white silk glove raised in blessing, a ringed-hand greeting?
Inside, gloves and mufflers are removed, quilted jackets are unzipped.
The Hand-e-holder is a simple device that consists of two parts: an adhesive disk applied to the back of your iPad, and a strap that looks vaguely like a biking glove and fits snuggly around your hand.
Daily Dispatch: Microsoft patents innovative touch keyboard; Leatherbound lets you compare eBook prices
To Slegge's annoyance, he very soon found that if the prestige of the school was to be kept up Glyn and Singh must be in the eleven, for the former in a very short time was acknowledged to be the sharpest bowler in the school, while, from long practice together, Singh was an admirable wicket-keeper -- one who laughed at gloves and pads, was utterly without fear, and had, as Wrench said -- he being a great admirer of a game in which he never had a chance to play -- "a nye like a nork.
Glyn Severn's Schooldays
The dash is nicely finished in silver metal effect and there are plenty of cubbyholes for storage, even a shelf above the driver's head, although the glovebox is tiny.
But the Count of Angoulême is another malcontent who serves only his own interests, and both of them are hand in glove with Philip.
There are lots of gloves with bright colors, or that are actually made to go with certain outfits and brands.
Gloves Leather | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
If someone harvest a buck go out and cut the tarsal gands from the hind hocks, I would suggest using disposalable gloves and a zip lock baggy to hold your bounty.
Deer Actractants
Dressed again in wadmal, leather gloves, leather apron, and wooden shoes, beard and mane full of the soot that blackened his skin, the dwarf gripped a piece with tongs and banged it into shape.
Operation Luna
With Charles II. the embroidered gloves seem to have vanished along with the stumpwork pictures, of which more anon.
Chats on Old Lace and Needlework
He puts on a pair of latex gloves and tears a fresh needle from a packet.
Wearing oven gloves, remove the tin from the oven and set on a heatproof surface.
The Sun
Unlike PVC gloves, neoprene and nitrile gloves showed leakage rates comparable to latex gloves.
The heavily padded gloves used in boxing are actually employed to protect the boxers' hands, not their opponents' face and body.
Employees must wear gloves whenever they obtain, handle, or process patient specimens.
And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
The morrice dancers accordingly set out upon their further progress, dancing and carolling as they went along to the sound of four musicians, who led the joyous band, while Simon Glover drew their coryphaeus into his house, and placed him in a chair by his parlour fire.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Celebrity Chefs please bring with your chef uniform, hat, glove, apron and cravat.
If, for instance, you have alkaline soil you can dig a large hole, fill it with ericaceous compost and grow acid-loving plants such as azalea and foxgloves.
We use Vizard Virtual Reality Software and datagloves to interact with the NPCs, developing a gesture and speech based interface.
She wished to hide her face in her book, but feared to look unwomanly, so played with her gloves instead, looking down.
To make it more of a challenge for her fitter students, she relies on an array of aqua accessories, such as webbed gloves that increase resistance and foam dumbbells that help mimic land-based strength exercises.
New workout programs show that pools can attract exercisers of all ages
Digitalis from the foxglove plants used by an old woman in Shropshire, England was analyzed and promoted for heart disease by Dr. William Withering in 1785 and was still widely used in herbal form until the 1950's.
Constables and sergeants wore white gloves, and inspectors and the more senior ranks wore black or brown leather gloves.
Surgical Glove, Examination Glove, Nitrile Glove, Medical Tape, Wound Dressing, Face Mask Medical Equipment.
He clasped her hand tightly and she was immediately fond of his firm, warm grip that felt as if it fit like a glove.
The suspect is described as a 30-year old black male, 5ft 6ins tall, wearing a grey beanie hat, dark quilted flat jacket, black gloves, dark jeans and white trainers.
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
I take my glove off and try again, the metal cold and edges sharp against my skin.
Inventor Jose Hernandez-Rebollar has invented an electronic glove that transforms American Sign Language hand-gestures into readable or hearable text, to help deaf people communicate more easily with hearing folks.
Boing Boing
Then there were silk gowns, and velvet and satin ones added to these; laces, too, and embroideries; bonnets and gloves; for the corbeille had been of rare quality.
The Awakening
Friday, March 17: Father worked in the hole and Mr. Glover windlassed for him.
People were bundled up in scarves and hats and snowpants and mittens and gloves.
She had on diamond stud earrings and thin fingerless lace gloves.
That lady, having discovered that her guest's gloves needed mending, was working over them with pieces of Indian-tanned buckskin and beeswaxed thread, the picture of domestic content.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
The finale featured solo turns by some of Glover's student devotees, young and old, and a joyous shim-sham dance by the entire cast.
Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
Since no combination of nerves serve this area a glove anesthesia is clearly psychogenic in origin.
We Tortured and We'd Do It Again for his latest hysterical rant in support of kidglove treatment for headlopping babyhunters.
The Jawa Report
In a pocket of the coat was a black toque, and in there, a pair of gloves.
The school was one of four to win a set of equipment, including bats, pads, gloves, balls and stumps as well as a scorebook, rule book and kit bag.
By late afternoon Glover was feeling glad not to be worn out for the mild diversion of Halloween.
For something a little different in the kitchen, sew a pocket onto the palm of each of your oven gloves and fill them with rosemary.
line the gloves
We sell pots, gloves, seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.
Really, child, I could spend three months in the Engadine for the price of one decent month at Newport; the parasols, gloves, fans, shoes, 'frillies' -- enough to stock the Rue de la Paix, to say nothing of gowns -- but why do I run on?
The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
She bent down to pick up her glove.
She wore a cream linen suit, a black straw boater, and black gloves.
Kate shouted as she covered the young woman's mouth with a gloved hand.
He wore a kind of paletôt of light camlet cloth, with voluminous lapels and deep cuffs of lavender watered silk; very baggy trousers, with lavender stripes down the seams; very shiny boots and quite as glossy a hat; his attire being completed by tightly-fitting gloves, of the hue known in Paris as beurre frais — that is to say, light yellow.
Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
The firefighters are kitted out in special red one-piece thermal suits as well as boots, a helmet and gloves.
She works in the glove department of Saks Fifth Avenue, returning home to a modest apartment, a cat, a sketch pad and her oppressive loneliness.
Danes plays Mirabelle Buttersfield, a shopgirl and aspiring artist who works in the glove department of Saks Fifth Avenue in LA.
The second uses glove puppets and is performed from a small booth to animate smaller crowds.
The exhibition will showcase a special range of shawls, stoles, garments, sarees, scarves, caps, gloves, sweaters, durries and fabric in embroidery, mirror work, weaves and natural dyes.
The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies.
Look Sarah, I am sorry if you think it is the right thing to do to "coddle" a person under the age of 18 by treating them with "kids gloves" in your response to them on here.
Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
Wearing leather gloves for protection, cut sprigs of greenery and bunch them up.
They were dressed in plastic overalls, goggles and rubber gloves.
Times, Sunday Times
He hand in glove with our rivals.
The cravat is a bit tricky to get looking right and the white cotton gloves are slightly too small.
August 18th, 2008
Mr. Monkey turns out to be a moth-eaten glove puppet.
She had black leather gloves on with the fingers cut off and black trousers.
Then they donned booties, rubber shoes and lab coats, all yellow, plus cotton glove liners and orange rubber gloves.
Temperamentally and ideologically, the two men fit hand in glove.
In addition, remember to have handy in the glove box your driving licence, GB sticker, and the vehicle's registration document and MOT certificate.
So, okay, he must have left sometime after 1100 hours G.M.T. but before 1145 hours G.M.T., at almost exactly which time I returned to the cabin and brushed as well as I could all the particles of snow still clinging to my wool jacket and gloves and knitted ski cap, sea-green, and my blue jeans and rugged, well-worn work boots.
Self-Destruction, Vol. 1
Zeke leaned over, his white-gloved hands splayed on the counter, and his shaggy, ruffled black hair forming a cowlick.
The man hit him, left hand, backhanded; he was wearing a weighted glove.
Come on, try and imagine me, Mike Da Hat, rock star, wearing white kid gloves and a pinny.
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She is held hostage by a masked woman wearing long black gloves and high-heeled boots.
Wearing blue gloves, he uses a pipettor -- like a giant syringe -- to withdraw a small amount of liquid from a microcentrifuge and inject it into a tiny tray. Local News
For less formal moments, there are shirts and sweaters with coordinated gloves.
A slim PICC disappears into me just below the antecubital fossa, and my whole lower arm is wrapped in a white mesh glove that looks almost like lace, and would have been cool back in 1983, when I was negative two.
The Worst Years of Your Life
Taking his right glove off he placed a finger on her cheek and wiped away the dirt that was there.
In presidential campaigns, foreign policy is treated with kid gloves.
Anti - static gloves is one of products to accompany the use of anti - static garment in clean room.
What if he were to be punished for his vengeance by a plunge into the nerve-glove?
The game turned ugly quickly after Lobo cornerback Glover Quin intercepted a pass from freshman quarterback Ryan Lindley on the Aztecs 'first possession.
A commando unit, wearing black jerseys, gloves and skull-caps, armed with bazookas, marched past.
While Lagerfeld's design aesthetic was woven into the whole show, there were also wry motifs that reflected his own dress sense, such as jewelled silver gloves. - Frontpage RSS Feed
I was also tempted to go out to my car and get my gloves but felt that the gloves were a minor and petty concern when there was a missing cat.
I had a good bike, an almost new baseball glove and a nice portable radio.
Our tents are filled with clothes, down jackets, sleeping bags, woollen gloves and socks, snow boots, and tonnes of packed cream - sun-block, moisturiser, lip balm and cleanser - as well as the routine climbing paraphernalia of ropes, crampons, harnesses, descendeurs and carabiners.
Out in the hallway, May hovered, holding her tan leather gloves and new brimless hat at her waist.
Pure Sin
Sixty seconds later, he swerved away from the keeper's clawing gloves to stroke home his 21st goal of an astounding debut campaign.
The fetich is a symbol of the desired person, thus the handkerchief and glove of the woman or the hat of the man.
The Foundations of Personality
Her parents, thinking the gloves were for sentimental reasons, hadn't said a word.
Breaking down the left side, Moen deked a defender and beat Khabibulin with a slap shot high to the glove side for his fourth goal.
Mr. Samuel Parish: Tailor—1,200 pounds six ensembles for Lady Castlemaine, gloves and corsetry included
Exit the Actress
What benefits the willow tree that its bark should contain salicylic acid; or the foxglove, digitalis; the periwinkle, vincristine; or the poppy, opiates?
If we don't have room for a glover, blacksmith, steamfitter, cobbler, hooper, chimney sweep and Balkan restaurant, what good are we?
Archive 2006-10-01
The idea is to incorporate these nanomaterials and nanodevices into the future soldier's uniform, and associated equipage like helmets and gloves,’ Thomas said.
I tallied our money, sorted it, found a sickly rubber band in the glove compartment to wrap around it.
July to felony murder and other charges in the death of her daughter Alexis "Lexie" Agyepong-Glover.
WMDT Top News Stories
Christy removed her hat and gloves and stuffed them into her coat pocket.
The iron hand in the velvet glove approach seems to work best with this age group.
The age of elegance is gone, there was a time when a woman wouldn't dare leave the house without makeup and the right gloves.
Archive 2009-09-01
Wear gloves as the milky sap can cause skin irritations.
Times, Sunday Times
Other pricey plants that easily start from seed include delphiniums, foxgloves, black-eyed Susans, and coneflowers.
Gloves, an Ell or two of Muslin or figured Lawn, and as a little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world, Nabby would have me add, a few yard of Black or
Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 May 1780
When the eventful day arrived, each girl was dressed in white, and all the boys, including me, wore white suits, white clip-on ties, and white gloves.
Recovering From Religious Abuse
On a rapid return journey he took the catch of the series so far in his right glove while airborne.
A gloved hand slammed merrily on a wooden table, shaking the contents on it and clattering a box of various tools to the floor.
On Sunday, I was tie-dyeing and my left hand wasn't gloved.
Amjl81 Diary Entry
If the Lib Dems, and others (not the Greens as they appear to be working hand in glove with the Tories) point out that the Tories can break a promise in five weeks it might make people wonder if the Tories can be trusted in Norwich to keep their word.
Norfolk Tories manifesto pledge on flood sirens broken in just five weeks !
Inside, gloves and mufflers are removed, quilted jackets are unzipped.
She smothered her creased skirts with her hands then pulled her matching, dusted rose pink gloves off and set them on a side table.
On her feet were thick socks and hiking boots, and at her belt was a bota bag full of water and a pair of leather gloves.
If this patient has uncomplicated Raynaud's, advise her to wear gloves in cold weather and to avoid tobacco; she may benefit from vasodilators, such as nifedipine 20 mg daily and increased slowly as necessary.
In stating that "the fashionable flag under which to fly this autumn is the F-word", Glover is correct that fairness will remain a central political battleground.
It's equality of life chances, not literal equality, that the left espouses
THIS jacket may come in handy - if you like your blazer attached to a pair of giant gloves.
The Sun
Don't forget your gloves, scarf, woolen hat, ear muffs and boots.
A bill was introduced into the legislative assembly that would have banned the use of powdered latex gloves throughout the state.
Glove-fit suede, plonge lamb and leopard combined with crepe, jersey and silk chiffon were also introduced.
Anyone who lived in a factory would naturally be a bit pasty, and gloves are a sensible and hygienic precaution where food preparation is involved.
In partial shade, use balloon flowers as accent plants placed among foxgloves, hostas, or lamb's ears.
She set the chain snubber and came back to him, pulling off her rust-streaked gloves.
I'm not, mother; only think" -- Nancy's eyes glistened -- "no more velveteen masquerading as velvet, no more bargain-counter shoes and gloves, no more percaline petticoats with silk flounces, no more
Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
The Fellhotel Iso-Syote supplies all the necessary snow gear, from one-piece snow suits to thermal gloves and balaclavas.
The brightly colored fish that had been nibbling at the tips of her gloved fingers darted away.
Andrew Galpin also broke the records on Thursday for the loudest clap (113 decibels), most baseballs held in a baseball glove (14), furthest coin flicking (10.64 metres) and furthest golf ball blow (5.835 metres).
Radio New Zealand News Headlines
Two men in cotton field costume, blacked up and gloved, paraded foolishly behind a third, as equally painted about the face, but dressed up fancier than any untitled lord you'd meet up in Washington at that time.
Several journalists were found to be hand and glove with enemy agents.
Having recognized her symptoms as heart disease and dropsy because they led to his mother's death, he knew what could relieve her pain and gave her a medicine made from a special herb called foxglove.
A friendly palm flashes up from the shadows, like a pink glove.
In fact, they seemed to get kidglove treatment in the article.
Sound Politics: Theocracy Alert
Cloaks, sashes, jerkins and gloves lined the very top shelf that went the width of the wardrobe.
Hats made of fleece and gloves or mittens lined with fleece are excellent choices for warmth and breathability.
I was straightening up the teddy bears and long-stemmed red roses this morning at the Michael Jackson Eternal Moonwalk Memorial on what would have been The Gloved One's 53rd birthday when I heard this guy say “You'd think it was tupping Shakespeare who died—instead of an androgynous black man who overcame racial prejudice by turning himself into a white woman.”
Who's Better: Michael Jackson or Shakespeare?
Wear rubber, vinyl, or plastic gloves when handling severely contaminated clothing.
She was also wearing red vinyl gloves that went up past her elbows, red fishnet pantyhose, and 6 inch stiletto high heels.
Ditch the summer's clunky ethnic beads for lady-like pearls, vintage jewellery, an old-fashioned handbag, leather gloves and a flash of stocking.
I peeled off my gloves and binned them, and started untying my plastic pinny.
She then wriggled her fingers within the gloves and ran them across a glass counter.
This glove has a hole in the thumb.
Before games, he will spend hours fussing with his pads, his glove, his mask, his sticks - everything.
This glove has a hole in the thumb.
Silk gloves for the hands (ask at a funeral parlor), covered with wool gloves and toped with leather gloves or leather mittens (called choppers up north).
Out Cold
The scrub student gowned and gloved, set up sterile fields, draped patients, and assisted with surgery.
Then, with his assistant, he put on his white robes, mask, gloves and other precautions for asepsis, setting out the apparatus for the intravenous administration of the drug that would kill the spirillum.
The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine"
The Navy and the Coast Guard work hand in glove, especially in war time.
Almost before Lee knew it, Hector, the third rider, was out, there was a pat on Lee's shoulder, and he was climbing the rails to lower himself onto a saddle bronc, smoothing a new pigskin glove over his right hand and gripping the braided handle of the hornless saddle.
The Body Ricardo
It was only then she realised she was wearing gloves.
Times, Sunday Times
When it's fully frozen, just "unglove" the hand, and plop it in your punch. - Local Headlines
He has no catcher's mask or mitt, only an infielder's glove.
She wore a canary yellow chinchilla clutch coat and pristine, satin, white gloves up to her elbows.
You use the key for the doors and the tailgate as well as the fuel filler, glovebox and console bin.
I shucked off my coat, gloves, shoes, socks, and goggles and rolled up my pants.
Lucy was looking very sneaky as she rummaged through her drawers to find black leotards, a black turtleneck, and black gloves.
E Is for Environment
Running back at the crack of the bat, Greer leaped high and made the catch with his glove above the fence.
But, in the times we write of, the hosiers, the glovers, the hatters, the mercers, the milliners, and all who dealt in the miscellaneous wares now termed haberdasher’s goods, were to be found in this narrow alley.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
In connection to gloves, they are durable and the longer you wear them the more durable they get.
Rieff swore at the stink, slapped his thigh with his gloves.
His anger floats over me as I fossick inside, Wednesday gloves black with grime.
In winter we wrap up in scarves and Steptoe-style gloves with the fingers cut out.
In the center of the hole was a brawny, black-gloved arm, its fingers curled tightly into a large fist.
The Princess arrived at 2.15 pm, wearing a green checked woollen coat over a red roll-neck and silk scarf with black boots, gloves and handbag.
As he stood up to leave, Digger came in, fresh from embalming a corpse, rubber gloves in hand.
I had them all this summer - a ladybird poppy, lupin, phlox, busy Lizzie, begonia, fuchsia and foxglove and many, many more.
If I am diligent I can get an extra few weeks out of the delphiniums, foxgloves and monkshood by removing the spent blooms.
The skin is either shark or ray skin, so the gloved arm of the mannequin shows beaded motifs of sharks and rays.
The Times Literary Supplement
For years we had used a pressure-cooker-type autoclave to sterilize obstetric packs, towels, gloves, flats, solutions, and all supplies that we did not wish to boil.
Glover saw his face, dense as coal, no white blood, none of the high tones of the day.
He also said that gloves minimise skin breakage and unsightly blood & bruising, but do nothing to reduce the impact on the punchees brain.
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For evening functions long dresses and evening gloves were worn by the women and dinner suits by the men.
Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin.
Loving and Killing fit like hand in glove!
Clad in thermal underwear, a drysuit, flippers and gloves, and wearing weights on her legs and belt, she set off at midnight.
The gauntlet on the glove was to cover up the aluminum, so it wouldn't heat up in the light.
She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.
The rain echoed in the shadowy attic space and made me feel small and fragile, like a lace glove left behind on moving day—mateless and abandoned.
Bleeding Violet
Best Types of Fly Rod, Reel, and Line for Beginners do you think the ragg wool half finger gloves would be a good ice fishing glove can you use a pop up hunting blind as a ice shanty if so how can you make it stay in one spot?
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Even the guy who puts down the rat traps at Madison Square Garden doesn't wear gloves.
They came into the hallway before opening it and taking out rubber surgical gloves.
The ignition key is in the glove box.
Times, Sunday Times
We also buy regular rubber gloves for the guys working in the field and vibration gloves for the jackhammers and tampers.
On his hands was a pair of dark red, fingerless gloves, and around his neck was a black scarf, almost like a muffler.
The palm of the glove contained a healing incantation burned in gold.
Father Conmee sat in a corner of the tramcar, a blue ticket tucked with care in the eye of one plump kid glove, while four shillings, a sixpence and five pennies chuted from his other plump glovepalm into his purse.
Sighing heavily, he flopped onto his bed and reached for the glove.