How To Use Glossily In A Sentence
Reminding the glossily appareled Jeremiah Cummings, the head of the Worldwide International Campaign for Christ, that Saint Paul traveled with only the shirt on his back, he asks, “Should I assume that this is the only $2,000 suit you own?”
An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
And those in those days the furniture of brand new, already added the years mark that shines glossily in desk horn and handle place.
Of good glaze sit implement smooth, meticulous, without the flaw, after be being rinsed through relapsing , still can be like glossily new.
He was a man of high good humor, well-pressed double-breasted suits, manicured nails, and glossily polished shoes.
The design, meantime, makes this a volume both glossily compelling and hard-wearing — a handsome coffee-table tome that will present nicely at your next humanitarian klatsch.
Cover to Cover
The lip kisses a ministry from bright red, fiery change to dark purple, shine glossily .
The lip kisses a ministry from bright red, fiery change to dark purple, shine glossily .
Does fingernail surface appear be to owe those vitamins glossily?
Eight glossily painted, two-dimensional wooden horses hinged to one another stretched across the room.
the magazine was glossily printed