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How To Use Glossa In A Sentence

  • The glossary contains explanations of abbreviations and terms used in this pamphlet.
  • There are also some terrific glossaries of texting abbreviations in other languages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact sheet, brief history, glossary and list of abbreviations are also invaluable additions.
  • French glossary: coucher = to lie down matelas = mattress matelot = sailor vouloir = to want Mexican Humor..A New Forum?
  • A preliminary glossary of Inuktitut words relating to bowheads, whaling, and related topics has been prepared, but it is not included in the book, as it awaits verification by Inuit elders.
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  • Many species of the salamander genus Bolitoglossa are arboreal (tree living), rather than typically terrestrial, and their feet are modified for climbing on smooth surfaces.
  • Eskendereya also is defined as a flirty Alexandrian dance with a heavy veil, according to a bellydance glossary of Middle Eastern dance teminologies. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Glossaries (glossarist. com, contains lots of broken links) Archive 2007-11-01
  • In all, you can access up to 150 dictionaries, glossaries and reference works about the word you're exploring.
  • Blog optimization is both a one time event with the templates but is also an ongoing process involving keyword glossaries that help determine post level keyword usage, internal anchor text and off site anchor text. WebProNews Feed
  • Care is needed to avoid injury of the hypo-glossal nerve, which lies above the muscle. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • Some might find that a bit too donnish, but his glossaries of rare or lost words are a delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may or may not be tied into debate about the genesis of pidgins, with one school of thought claiming there was a single source (monogenesis) and one arguing that pidgins arose separately (polygenesis) (a second battle is over substrate, superstrate, or bio-program, a glossary to figure out the terminology is here) ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • You can get race news (on the Kiwi crew member who lost a finger, for example), updated photos of the beach from the "San Diego Bay-Cam" and a glossary for finding out the difference between a gennaker and a burgee. Getting Wet On The Net
  • Now this is only a simple glossary overview and one can delve deeper into each religion, and those not mentioned here, and choose more components to syncretize until they have a complete religion of their own that fits their individual needs. Room Eight
  • He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language
  • Used loosely in early glossaries as a rendering of L. anabola, cyclas, peplum, ricinum. a1100 Aldhelm Gloss. Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The book concludes with detailed appendices, chapter notes, and a glossary.
  • Such a cyst may rupture on the surface, usually as a result of superadded infection, and give rise to a _thyreo-glossal_ or _median fistula of the neck_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • During visits to flowers in which the corolla spur was removed, males directed their glossa to the tips of the connective appendages, making it clear that their search was for nectar.
  • Likewise, she points out, she has never chosen to include glossaries to demystify certain words for an overseas readership.
  • A glossary is therefore a collection of words about which observations and notes have been gathered, and a glossarist is one who thus explains or illustrates given texts. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Words Containing One Basic Root canine cynic ` dog 'febrile pyretic ` fever' lingual glossal ` tongue 'peculiar idiotic ` one's own, private' popular demotic ` people 'position thesis ` place, put' rabies mania ` madness 'regal basilic ` king' risible gelastic ` laugh 'scientism gnosticism ` know' stellar astral ` star 'terrene chthonic ` earth' testis orchid ` testis ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
  • Alethinophidians and scolecophidians form a monophyletic ophidian clade that is also unresolved within scleroglossans.
  • Managing the implementation of Search Engine Optimization principles with content created by PR firms or internal PR staff involves the creation and maintenance of keyword glossaries from which to pick phrases for optimization as well as best practices applied to content creation processs. Online Marketing Blog
  • A thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital anomaly of the thyroid gland and midline masses in childhood (70% abnormality in childhood, 7% in adult). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Author's introductionAuthor's prefaceSelecting a breedMethods of breedingHow to breedThe rabbitry and its equipmentFeeds and feedingFeeding rabbitsCoprophagyReproductionManaging the herdVarious uses of rabbit manureTypes of productionMarketing rabbitsSimplified tanningCooking recipesMultiple-project approach to rabbitryGlossaryHow to breed Chapter 6
  • Hence find bireme, hemiolia, merchantman, myoparo, quinquereme, sixteener and trireme in the glossary of Fortune's Favorites. Fortune's Favorites
  • The book, which is undoubtedly a pleasure to read, is completed with a useful glossary and a select bibliography. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Because the company's web site encompasses a vast number of product pages - and because product focuses change over time - ongoing attention to keyword glossaries, on page optimization, anchor text and link sources has been vital. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • At the base of either condyle the bone is tunnelled by a short canal, the hypoglossal canal (anterior condyloid foramen). II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • His glossary includes ‘fair dinkum’ and ‘stonkered’, though not, surprisingly, ‘hooroo’ or ‘rumpty’.
  • If punishment is assimilated into the probation glossary it will inevitably influence the sort of practice the Service undertakes.
  • Similar explanations are given by other glossarists, and thus the evidence of etymological scholarship as well as that of folk-lore support the Psychological Theory.
  • There is a glossary, along with lists of endangered and threatened taxa and references.
  • It measures about 2 cm. in length, and in the lower, closed part of the medulla oblongata is situated behind the hypoglossal nucleus; whereas in the upper, open part it lies lateral to that nucleus, and corresponds to an eminence, named the ala cinerea (trigonum vagi), in the rhomboid fossa. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • It includes a glossary whose entries are italicized when they first appear in the text.
  • The glossary contains explanations of abbreviations and terms used in this pamphlet.
  • This includes opiate-induced depression of hypoglossal motoneuron (XII MN) output, which activates the genioglossal muscle of the tongue and helps maintain an open airspace for effective breathing PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It also contains one of the most comprehensive glossaries of local words and expressions to be found outside specialist books.
  • Merciful, too, are the Glossary (for words like rhopalic) and the appendix of solutions and answers. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3
  • All of these are ‘magazines of falsehoods,’ if accepted in the exoteric dead-letter interpretations of their ancient, and especially their modern, theological glossarists.
  • American readers wondering what on earth full-frontal snogging is will find the answer in the helpful (and hilarious) glossary appended to this antic diary of a year in the life of an English girl named Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Summary and book reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • For convenience, we have also provided a glossary in an appendix.
  • Include glossaries or legends as helpful tools.
  • First spotted at the beginning of the second millennium in a Latin-to-Anglo-Saxon glossary under the heading “Concerning Tools of Farmers,” it is now “a term of obloquy.” No Uncertain Terms
  • The _cystic lymphangioma_, _hygroma_, or _hydrocele of the neck_ (Fig. 274), has been described with affections of lymphatics (Volume I., p. 327); and _thyreo-glossal cysts in the neck_ at p. 583. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • We highly recommend this book to those who seek a more complete glossary of parapsychological terms.
  • A hoplite is a heavily armed infantry man; see the Glossary or Appendix F, Land Warfare, ©2. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • French, for its part, has its own glossary of words that are hardly complimentary to Anglo-Saxons capote anglaise condom Pardon my French
  • Maps, the foreword and introduction precede a glossary with notes and information about the translation form.
  • The glossary has been moved to the back of the manual and the index has been divided into separate sections for common and scientific plant names.
  • Author Adam Jacot de Boinod spent two years scouring old dictionaries, dial­ect books and slang glossaries from across the world to amass the collection. Home
  • The book also includes a short glossary, a thorough bibliography, and seven appendices.
  • Lateral lobe: of the labium in Odonata, corresponds to the paraglossa with palpiger and palpus (Gerstaecker) or, more probably, to the palpus alone (Butler). Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The author comes to the conclusion that glossators, using scholastic methodology, elaborated their own doctrine of contracts and pacts.
  • Certain muscles involved in mastication, such as the masseter, the digastric (anterior and posterior belly), the buccinators, the hypoglossal and the mylohyoid, play a part in the balancing of the muscles of the head, neck, shoulder and thorax.
  • Each book has copious illustrations, charts and glossaries. Globe and Mail
  • _ -- These may originate in a diverticulum of a vein that has become isolated, or in a cavernous angioma; or they may be due to hæmorrhage taking place into a branchial or thyreo-glossal cyst. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Could we expect a replay of the achievements of the glossators and postglossators discussed earlier in this report?
  • At the other end, the book 's extensive glossary and references make this a useful resource. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The average reader does not need a glossary for the meanings of all such words, for they are clearly elicited in the context.
  • But because hypoglossal motoneurons and motor axons project to any one of the eight tongue muscles, it is unclear to which of these muscles the motoneuronal activities corresponded.
  • The text is broken down into four chapters, a glossary, lists of trees by category, and an index.
  • Mentum: a labial sclerite bearing the movable parts; attached to and sometimes fused with the sub-mentum; corresponds to the (united) stipes of maxillae: in Coleoptera, what is usually called mentum is really submentum: in Diptera, the term is applied to the posterior oral margin: in Hymenoptera, is part of "tongue," the second joint bearing the labial palpi, paraglossae and ligula. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Glossary: hail = whole fient = hardly straucht = straight dwine = dwindle forfochten = worn out abrede = spread tae gar = to make warldis = all the world remeid = relief mirk = darkness thir = these dule = misery leal = loyal soothfu = truthful Oh Wee White Rose of Scotland
  • In small doses of the drug, the diaphragm is the most resistant muscle of body, while small rapidly moving muscles including ocular muscles, glossal muscles of swallowing, and genohyoid are affected earlier.
  • Technical terms are defined (both in the text and in the glossary), and all foreign language words presented in the body of the text are transliterated for easy access by the beginning student.
  • At the end of the book there is a brief glossary of terms used throughout the text.
  • -- Find the great cornu and make an incision about an inch and a half in length through the skin and platysma, two lines above and parallel with it; push up the sub-maxillary gland and find the tendon of the digastric muscle, and the hypoglossal nerve; free this nerve and divide the muscle; open the sheath of the artery; isolate and ligate it. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • Nicander is a gifted Homeric glossator, but he is neither zoologist nor toxicologist.
  • Look out for Glossa, a Spanish label rich in little-known pre-classical and classical music.
  • The hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves innervate pharyngeal dilator muscles.
  • Let me know if you have any questions. cronaca24 Willis CEO Plumeri Says Trust Central to Economic Recovery; Calls on Business to Commit to True Transparency abhoel Target Marketing - Essential To Your Business abhoel EBay Business Tips - Life Is Different With EBay! busycoach Training NLP - Business In A Box glossarist Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business 11 | Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • For those unversed in the fractions and factions of Labour local politics, here is a glossary.
  • The Apnex HGNS System is intended to work by restoring neuromuscular activity to the genioglossus muscle by stimulating the hypoglossal nerve synchronous with inspiration to mitigate upper airway collapse during sleep. Medgadget
  • Glossary: hail = whole fient = hardly straucht = straight dwine = dwindle forfochten = worn out abrede = spread tae gar = to make warldis = all the world remeid = relief mirk = darkness thir = these dule = misery leal = loyal soothfu = truthful Oh Wee White Rose of Scotland
  • The examination of the glosses in this codex reveals that the student glossators of this work engaged in a dialectical relationship about how to approach this medieval textbook.
  • It has a glossary of acronyms, 2 pages of hints and tips and a step by step guide to using the computer software.
  • They accomplish this coordination with proprioceptive feedback through the hypoglossal nerve that disinhibits activation of the jaw depressors when the tongue protractor muscle is activated.
  • For today's installment of (Ad) Word of the Day, we're looking at keyword insertion from the AdWords Glossary: (Ad)Word of the Day: Keyword Insertion
  • Non-essential experimental status (see Glossary) applies only to the 5-county red wolf recovery area comprising the Albemarle Peninsula in northeastern North Carolina.
  • There's also an amusing glossary of rapslang, which translates the likes of "move to me blud and ya click get shank" into gentlemanly English. Doc Brown
  • Objections to the general theory of evolution are presented in both Darwin's conclusion and glossary of terms.
  • Glossary abá: A Tagalog exclamation of wonder, surprise, etc., often used to introduce or emphasize a contradictory statement. abaka: "Manila hemp," the fiber of a plant of the banana family. achara: Pickles made from the tender shoots of bamboo, green papayas, etc. The Social Cancer
  • If punishment is assimilated into the probation glossary it will inevitably influence the sort of practice the Service undertakes.
  • These dyes have an affinity for and are able to complex (see Glossary) with basic or 'cationic' (see Glossary) substances. Chapter 8
  • —The external carotid artery is covered by the skin, superficial fascia, Platysma, deep fascia, and anterior margin of the Sternocleidomastoideus; it is crossed by the hypoglossal nerve, by the lingual, ranine, common facial, and superior thyroid veins; and by the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus; higher up it passes deeply into the substance of the parotid gland, where it lies deep to the facial nerve and the junction of the temporal and internal maxillary veins. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
  • For a brief introduction and a glossary of Hebrew and Aramaic words, see the first installment. yod zayin Evan Eisenberg: Mary Christ (Part 3)
  • Even with the aid of a glossary, a synopsis and a published text, I found large tracts of Marcia Layne's first play impenetrable.
  • We will not assay here the glossal or gustatory possibilities.
  • Besides several _Biblia optima in duobus voluminibus_, or complete copies of the Bible, many separate books of the inspired writers are noted down; indeed the catalogue lays before us a superb array of fine biblical treasures, rendered doubly valuable by copious and useful glossaries; and embracing many a rare Hebrew MS. Bible, _bibliotheca hebraice_, and precious commentary. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • The glossary is very complete and accessible and includes definitions of common prefixes.
  • _ -- The thyreo-glossal _cyst_ is developed in relation to the thyreo-glossal tract of His, which in early embryonic life extends from the foramen cæcum at the base of the tongue to the isthmus of the thyreoid. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • (Boss Man, as a MOP I am lost in the acronyms, is there a glossary please?) on June 11, 2007 at 8: 06 pm | Reply Noddy Anarchy In The Uk « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry.
  • During this period, Roman Law was used in Holland although it had been subject to changes contributed not only by glossarists and commentators but also by Dutch jurisconsultants.
  • Shakspeare's genuine text, backed by the masterly illustrations of his ablest glossarist, before the wishy-washy adulterations of Nobody: and as a small contribution to his abundant avouchment of the original reading, the underwritten passage may be flung in, by way of make-weight: Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Donbass Arena Glossary cluster звуковой кластер из колонок stage furniture обшивка сцены props реквизиты lighting trusses металлоконструкции для света scaff рабочие на лесах stage hand разнорабочий operating area производственная площадь stage scenography сценические декорации chain hoist motors цепные лебёдки rigging stage roof высотные работы по поднятию сцены gibbet стрела крана catering питание vomitory запасный выход plywood фанера logistic перевозки Archive 2009-08-30
  • If you get confused while reading, you can refer to the glossary to put everything in proper context.
  • So before we continue, here's a helpful glossary which you may want to clip and save for the cinema trip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its three basic essential factors are: Speed, understanding and glossary.
  • Cortius, "glossae MSS. exponunt _ex utrâque parte pontis," and there is little doubt that the exposition is correct. Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jurgurthine War
  • Thus is the Tradition; in which by the light of the fourteenth day their glossaries tell us that we must understand the ` thirteenth day at even, when it began to be duskish and candle-light. ' NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • The glossary is especially beneficial in the era of ever-increasing medical terms and acronyms.
  • Join using a basic running stitch ( see glossary online for details). Times, Sunday Times
  • Scleroglossa is a diverse and speciose group including all remaining lizard families, plus snakes and amphisbaenians.
  • There is a glossary, an essay on language, and a Romanichal word list I particularly like bístering mush 'judge, magistrate', among much other material. PATRIN.
  • Based on "The Bard's Song" in "The Jolly Beggars" RW glossary: aboon: above bear the gree: Take first place, be foremost birkie: person coof: fool, idle/worthless fellow fa ': fault gowd: gold hamely: homely, humble hoddin grey: coarse wool mauna: must not A Man's a Man for All that
  • They are located close to the median raphe, ventromedial to the hypoglossal nucleus.
  • It also contains one of the most comprehensive glossaries of local words and expressions to be found outside specialist books.
  • One is a glossary of cookery terms (have you ever heard of “flummery”?), and the other is an illustrative listing of antique cooking implements (do you know what a “raisin seeder” looks like?) Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project
  • An example is in site 31, an alabaster locality: no mention is made that alabaster is a fine-grained, compact variety of the mineral gypsum except in the glossary in the back of the book.
  • Each chapter is followed by a brief summary and a glossary of key terms.
  • The hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves innervate pharyngeal dilator muscles.
  • Even the book's glossary of plant names is a verbal joy, full of sun spurge, fumitory, lady's mantle and spotted medick. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • For those unversed in the fractions and factions of Labour local politics, here is a glossary.
  • This is why we started publishing the Glossary of basic scientific terms and concepts.
  • Brief introductions preface each text, which is printed in double columns on the page, and there is a full glossary at the end of the book.
  • As the fetus grows, the thyroid descends to the throat and attaches to the base of the tongue by the thyroglossal duct, which disappears as the fetus further develops. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • My only criticism would be that despite the book's inclusion of a glossary of terms, I think people who aren't familiar with the language and existing culture of non-monogamy may want some outside annotation.
  • The sources, however, have disappeared in the severe abridgement which has reduced the lexicon to a glossary, copious though that remains.
  • And she provides a helpful glossary. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There's a really helpful dialect glossary at the end of the book which has added some good new words to my daily conversation, and now I know what a dumbledore really is I can tell you that we've got loads in the garden at the moment, and they don't have white beards or wear wizard hats. 47 entries from February 2008
  • The present work extends these findings by demonstrating that three-dimensional analyses of diffusion tensor MRI data can be used effectively to map complete glossal myoarchitecture.
  • A helpful glossary of basic financial terms is included. Christianity Today
  • The end of the book includes a short glossary of terms to help readers with certain concepts such as bel canto, leitmotif and verismo.
  • This part of the artery is crossed obliquely, from its medial to its lateral side, by the sternocleidomastoid branch of the superior thyroid artery; it is also crossed by the superior and middle thyroid veins which end in the internal jugular; descending in front of its sheath is the descending branch of the hypoglossal nerve, this filament being joined by one or two branches from the cervical nerves, which cross the vessel obliquely. VI. The Arteries. 3. The Arteries of the Head and Neck. a. The Common Carotid Artery
  • To help enrich your enjoyment, here is a handy glossary of useful terms…
  • It is especially useful that words defined in the glossary are in bold in the text.
  • The book would have gained substantially from a glossary and a bibliography of secondary sources on the subject.
  • The connection of the diverticulum with the pharynx is termed the thyroglossal duct; its continuity is subsequently interrupted, and it undergoes degeneration, its upper end being represented by the foramen cecum of the tongue, and its lower by the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland. XI. Splanchnology. 4. The Ductless Glands
  • Its stronger moments come when Mason leaves off his fussy scholarly pose, as a translator and footnoting glossarist for the book's varied literary gestures toward ancient Greek stories. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Author's introductionAuthor's prefaceSelecting a breedMethods of breedingHow to breedThe rabbitry and its equipmentFeeds and feedingFeeding rabbitsCoprophagyReproductionManaging the herdVarious uses of rabbit manureTypes of productionMarketing rabbitsSimplified tanningCooking recipesMultiple-project approach to rabbitryGlossaryGlossary Chapter 19
  • What can be heard with a stethoscope amounts to an onomatopoetic glossary: pistol shot pulses; cardiac murmurs, rumbles, clicks, and gallops; pericardial knocks and rubs; rales and rhonchi of the lungs; succussion splashes in the abdomen. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • Writ of certiorari - An order issued by the Supreme Court directing the lower court to transmit records for a case for which it will hear on appeal. (See certiorari in Foreign Words Glossary.
  • The meaning of the phrase spur-ta eisna hinθu is no mystery at all thanks to Pallotino and Bonfante's glossary: "the divine city below" (read Bonfante/Bonfante, The Etruscan Language (2002): eisna, spur and hinθu). Disproving a particular translation of TLE 193 once and for all
  • The book, which is undoubtedly a pleasure to read, is completed with a useful glossary and a select bibliography. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The foramen cecum is the remains of the upper part of the thyroglossal duct or diverticulum from which the thyroid gland is developed; the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland indicates the position of the lower part of the duct. XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
  • This may or may not be tied into debate about the genesis of pidgins, with one school of thought claiming there was a single source (monogenesis) and one arguing that pidgins arose separately (polygenesis) (a second battle is over substrate, superstrate, or bio-program, a glossary to figure out the terminology is here) ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • From the first two nerves the branch joins the hypoglossal trunk, runs with it some distance, and sends off a branch to the Thyreohyoideus; it then leaves the hypoglossal to form the descendens hypoglossi and unites with the communicantes cervicalis from the second and third cervical nerves to form the ansa hypoglossi from which nerves pass to the other Infrahyoid muscles. IV. Myology. 5c. The Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles
  • The most ancient glossarist of the Decretals of Gregory IX is Vincent of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Both species landed directly on the column but, while one scraped its abdomen against the anthers, the other introduced its glossa into the anther, and then scraped it-with the many adhered pollen grains-against its scopae.
  • Polarization has happened, and extremism, with publicity-seeking pundits and irresponsible candidates refusing to be guided by the standard glossary. Benjamin R. Barber: Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist
  • Financial term glossaries help define some of the financial terminology in the Student Loan Corporation website. Xml's
  • They accomplish this coordination with proprioceptive feedback through the hypoglossal nerve that disinhibits activation of the jaw depressors when the tongue protractor muscle is activated.
  • The hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves innervate pharyngeal dilator muscles.
  • So a few words in the glossary were inadequately defined?
  • While Willis considers that the term corona was a common one for an apse at the end of a church, citing "Ducange's Glossary," which defines "Corona Ecclesiæ" as The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
  • To the former set belong the oculomotor, trochlear, abducent, and hypoglossal nerves; to the latter, the accessory and the motor fibers of the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus nerves (Figs. 659, 660). IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • Look at keyword glossaries to find writing headlines, anchor text and twitter content. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In a book so prodigal of riches one finds, unbelievably, neither an index nor a glossary.
  • # -- Tumours may develop in the embryonic tract which passes from the isthmus of the thyreoid gland to the foramen cæcum at the base of the tongue -- the thyreo-glossal tract of His. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Give your keyword glossaries to your social media marketing and PR team to use across marketing efforts. Online Marketing Blog
  • These might be brief glossaries, grammatical or rhetorical definitions, astronomical diagrams, tables of kindred and affinity, accounts, or tests of penmanship by the apprentice.
  • Sodium bicarbonate, sometimes called bicarbonate of soda or sodium hydrogen carbonate, is a weak alkali used in pad-batch dyeing (see Glossary) with reactive dyes. Chapter 7
  • SKOS Core is a simple, flexible and extensible language for expressing in a machine-understandable form the structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', other types of controlled vocabulary, and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies. SKOS Documents from the W3C
  • They accompany this show not with a conventional catalogue of explanatory texts but with a glossary of terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • eusporangiate ferns of the families Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae
  • Glossary aedile an elected official, of whom four were chosen annually to serve a one-year term, responsible for the running of the city of Rome: law and order, public buildings, business regulations, etc. CONSPIRATA
  • Handily, there is a glossary, so that you, too, will know that a tufter is an old hound, and a stirk is a shorthorned bullock.
  • Figures, tables, and glossaries of terms promote an understanding of the materials presented.
  • Donbass Arena Glossary cluster звуковой кластер из колонок stage furniture обшивка сцены props реквизиты lighting trusses металлоконструкции для света scaff рабочие на лесах stage hand разнорабочий operating area производственная площадь stage scenography сценические декорации chain hoist motors цепные лебёдки rigging stage roof высотные работы по поднятию сцены gibbet стрела крана catering питание vomitory запасный выход plywood фанера logistic перевозки Archive 2009-08-30
  • A short glossary: sonsie = cheerful, happy aboon = above painch = paunch thairm = cat gut dight = wipes Site Map BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • The pages in the student workbook are reproducible with numerous ‘look and do’ activities including weaving, pottery, and so on, closing with a ‘Fun Quiz’ and a glossary of terms.
  • In older Glossaries there were listings following both columbite and tantalite that referred the reader to ferrocolumbite, magnocolumbite, manganocolumbite, and so on.
  • Below the mandible it receives the submental, palatine, and submaxillary veins, and, generally, the vena comitans of the hypoglossal nerve. VII. The Veins. 3b. The Veins of the Head and Neck
  • Handily, there is a glossary, so that you will know that a tufter is an old hound.
  • This text is followed by a selection of translated poems and a glossary of terms.
  • GLOSSARY 8], and replevying and replevying, and he made a good living of trespassing cattle; there was always some tenant's pig, or horse, or cow, or calf, or goose, trespassing, which was so great a gain to Sir Castle Rackrent
  • This compendium of information has added a bibliography, an expanded glossary and new statistics on social developments and economics while the period covered has been brought up to the last general election.
  • The system, developed by the U.S. -based company Apnex, targets the hypoglossal nerve which controls the genioglossus muscle in the tongue. Home | Mail Online
  • In addition to the individual entries there are many valuable aids: a classified list of contents, glossary, chronology, maps, genealogies, a guide to further reading and an index.
  • Indeed it seemed so unfamiliar to would-be patrons that the menu came with an explanatory glossary of unfamiliar ingredients.
  • In addition, there is a very extensive bibliography, a chronology, a glossary, and a list of acronyms.
  • However it is difficult to see exactly what ‘contracted to thine own bright eyes’ means, although the glossarists cite the example of Narcissus from classical literature.
  • Exhibit 14.1 provides a glossary of key terms. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Liu H, Horner RL (2005) Opposing muscarinic and nicotinic modulation of hypoglossal motor output to genioglossus muscle in rats in vivo. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary.
  • Of late, for example, there has been an emphasis on re-editing texts and providing footnotes, glossaries and notes.
  • The other is a collection of rare words for different landscapes; themed glossaries follow every essay. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we could not find a unique single motor unit potential on the same side, the ipsilateral hypoglossal nerve was sectioned, and that half of the muscle became silent.
  • A listing of authors and a glossary of words can be found at the end of the book.
  • Table 1 is a glossary of terms used to describe the mechanical properties of steels.
  • They accompany this show not with a conventional catalogue of explanatory texts but with a glossary of terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carolo du Fresne du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae latin - itatis (Paris, 1678; 1840-46). AUTHORITY
  • Third, each story and poem has, if available, a short epilogue from Zelazny himself explaining his own feelings about it, and also a glossary of literary references (most of which are accurate, though I wouldn't be surprised if the Miller whose writing has emetic effects is Henry rather than Arthur). Linkspam for 24-8-2009
  • And it was declared of the herb by another ancient author: _Vinum potatum quo sit macerata buglossa moerorum cerebri dicunt auferre periti_: -- Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The only sort of training I had as any kind of exegete or glossator was being taught for A-level how to read Shakespeare, Milton and Dickens.
  • Rennison includes a funny glossary to cover all the terms, such as snogging (kissing), unfamiliar to Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Summary and book reviews of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison.
  • Many terms and words in the glossary are described inaccurately at their best and downright erroneously at their worst.
  • We have given below a short glossary of terms that doctors and drug specialists might use and terms that are in wide popular use. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • We are frequently faced with a translation that has many source language words, and a glossary longer than the text itself.
  • These variations in size and repeated attacks of bleeding help to distinguish thyreo-glossal cysts from other swellings of the tongue. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • These two spoke in a slangy language which was virtually incomprehensible to anyone hearing it for the first time, though by repetition week by week a mental glossary could be constructed.
  • From the first two nerves the branch joins the hypoglossal trunk, runs with it some distance, and sends off a branch to the Thyreohyoideus; it then leaves the hypoglossal to form the descendens hypoglossi and unites with the communicantes cervicalis from the second and third cervical nerves to form the ansa hypoglossi from which nerves pass to the other Infrahyoid muscles. IV. Myology. 5c. The Supra- and Infrahyoid Muscles
  • Scrap-farthingi de botchandis glossae Accursianae Triflis repetitio enucidi-luculidissima. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary.
  • The book would have been strengthened with a glossary or a more extensive use of explanatory footnotes, to overcome the inevitable distancing effect of the Arabic terms. Christianity Today

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