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How To Use Glory In A Sentence

  • They will need to be against an Abbeyside team being groomed for glory on the back of outstanding Under-21 and minor success.
  • Even the Magdalene herself, eyes turned in horror from the abandoned grave to the radiant glory of the seraphim, had the faint touch of that naiveté in her eyes.
  • And as the Roman Consuls held this to be the principal praise of their glory, they had this title curiously sculptured in marble on the Quirinal and in the forum of Trajan --- "Most powerful gift in a Prince is liberality [12]. History of the Incas
  • The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
  • The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city.
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Master English with Ease
  • We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.
  • Glory to our Lord! Verily we have been doing wrong!
  • The grade II listed building has been restored to its former glory as part of a £180,000 project.
  • The litter on the boreen in Tullyvarraga, black bags of household rubbish thrown in over the wall, is a shame, a black spot in the quest for Tidy Towns glory.
  • Over the south door, the twelfth-century carving of Christ in Glory is seated in a niche, within the traditional mandorla.
  • The photographs of black cotton pickers, including young children, are reminders of the harsh reality underlying the glory.
  • For all its heart-thumping glory, it can also come with a heavy-duty helping of awkwardness and anxiety.
  • The forwards also seemed intent on glory as several rolling mauls were stopped dead in their tracks when the wingers were standing idle and unmarked on the flanks.
  • Those glory days are a distant memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the great Maggie Smith, as a dotty old dame named Mrs. Docherty, grabs her moment of unglory by sitting on a pad of cowflop that goes squish. 'Last Dancer': Ultimately on Point
  • Die young, and I shall accept your death- but not if you have lived without glory, without being useful to your country, without leaving a trace of your existence: for that is not to have lived at all. Napoleon Bonaparte 
  • That you know; and you know too, that she purchased her glory and her greatness not by faint-heartedness, but by choosing to suffer pain and incur dangers in the day of need. Hellenica
  • Note, Scorners that laugh at what they see and hear that is above their capacity, are not proper witnesses of the wonderful works of Christ, the glory of which lies not in pomp, but in power. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • A less ambitious painter would have been content merely to bask in the glory that his canvases had earned him.
  • But this belongs to vainglory, which is opposed to magnanimity, as stated above (Q. 131, A. 2). Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • O'Sullivan never had the distinction of guiding a senior team to glory in the top division but his athletic tutelage of any team that crossed his path was legendary.
  • Colorado Plateau sandstone is nearly totemic in texture and color: voluptuously carved by wind and water, bared to a glory of sunset colors.
  • We should look to the glory and splendor of the arena … Where even the most untalented one-hit-wonder will be able to regain a sliver of dignity before their untimely demise. 2010 February « The Graveyard
  • It's the guerdon, the reward, the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.
  • Thou teachest "my hands to war and my fingers to fight" [361] against the invisible enemies of my salvation and blessedness; against the enemies of holiness and of the power of Thy glory; against the subcelestial spirits of evil. My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
  • Glory be to God!
  • They are extremely handsome and sensual, and glory in a drunken brawl.
  • Following the lector was the movie "Children of Glory" with English subtitles. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • United fans were overjoyed today that the most successful manager in the club's history was about to sign on for more glory.
  • That said, lines can still be traced between the glory days and the swan songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • His moment of glory came in a raid on a Kilburn flat when the tenant brandished a loaded gun in his face. The Sun
  • The chase scene that follows is intercut with brief vignettes showing the bank officials glorying in the publicity the robbery has created.
  • It's in all its glory and ready to go back indoors for the tinsel and twinkling lights. The Sun
  • Until it appeared on the bill in all its 10 glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dock, foxtail, jimsonweed, johnsongrass, morning glory, wild nightshades and ragweed indicate a soil low in calcium and phosphorus.
  • His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit.
  • One may search these "Salt Water Ballads" through from the opening line of "Consecration" to "The Song At Parting" and find no faint suggestion of that deep religious glory of "The Everlasting Mercy. Giant Hours with Poet Preachers
  • Perhaps the most interesting piece illustrated is a brooch with a moonstone intaglio of Aurora within a diamond morning glory.
  • Last night they took another step towards ending their long quest for glory. The Sun
  • Christ's spiritual body (Col 1: 24). they ... also -- as well as myself: both God's elect not yet converted and those already so. salvation ... glory -- not only salvation from wrath, but glory in reigning with Him eternally (2Ti 2: 12). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • What tugs at Carlyon's heartstrings is the fate of the soldiers, the boys from the outback and the small towns who dreamed of glory but found only death and disaster in the barren wastes of Gallipoli.
  • But though this darkness were wholly removed, there is another darkness, that ariseth not from the want of light, but from the excessive superabundance of light — _caligo lucis nimiæ_, (240) that is, a divine darkness, a darkness of glory, such an infinite excess and superplus of light and glory, above all created capacities, that it dazzles and confounds all mortal or created understandings. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • But there is still room for considerable mischief by those who oppose the rush to negotiating glory in Clinton's final days.
  • The March Bank is at its peak with millions of scilla and glory-of-the-snow in full bloom.
  • I'll wager that when the first-born of Canaan was in the flood-tide of glory, this very gown was worn by one of the most beautiful women in the pentapolis of Philistia. Romance Island
  • Alex Ferguson picking up top coach last year was the nearest we've been to basking in any reflected tartan glory since Liz McColgan did the biz in 1991.
  • His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit.
  • He also delighted in seeing the girls team achieve such honour and glory over the past five years.
  • John can dally with a host of other women but never find in them the revelation of heavenly glory that he beholds after the most awkward kiss with the scholarly Lucy.
  • Nicholas the fish, spread out in all his glory, like a polypod awash, or Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire Tale
  • While Henry may have failed to taste true European glory with Leeds, he at least had a whiff of it, he tells pals.
  • They want to restore the castle to its former glory.
  • The regiments of Fleur-d'Orange, Millefleur, and Eau-de-Cologne covered themselves with glory: they sabred many thousands of the enemy's troops.
  • Her sacrifice & committment is to herself when she left Alaskans for the glory of being VP without a Lt. Governor and then leaving her elected seat to make money and do her beauty contestant walk & turns. Palin to visit Fort Hood during book tour
  • I visited in late May 2006 some of my favorite Provencal spots and the glory of the poppies simply takes my breath away!! Acrostiche - French Word-A-Day
  • The play aspires to the weight and import that American theatre had in the glory days of Arthur Miller, Elia Kazan and Tennessee Williams.
  • Near the boathouse was a larger display, several easels with work clearly by the same artist, the featured artist, Derek Huff, who stood bathing in the glory offered him by the people of that rural and rudimentary county. Vermilion Drift
  • They managed to restore the past glory of this forefather of the comic book industry - largely developed by American Jews after the Depression and reaching its heights in the '60s.
  • It is known in their writings as the “halo,” the “aureola,” or the “glory.” CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE
  • Her crowning glory is her hair.
  • It has lost its Royal status but not his beauty and glory.
  • When the weather warms up, sow seeds of cosmos, marigold, morning glory, portulaca, nasturtium, sunflower, and zinnia for splashes of color.
  • Is it time for us in the Church to say that splitting atoms is unholy work, work that even ‘at its best’ is inherently incapable of giving glory to the God who made heaven and earth?
  • He enjoys it and he enjoys the reflected glory that comes with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the 19th century the play had been transformed into a spectacle of patriotic pageantry celebrating imperial Britain and the glory of its military.
  • His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.
  • If thy disease be continuate and painful to thee, it will not surely last: and a light affliction, which is but for a moment, causeth unto us a far more excellent and eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. iv. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • No wonder therefore, since glory itself is able thus to stretch a man to a kind of omnipresence, if the desire of glory has over his life and actions a kind of omnipotence. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • They can be the difference between dismal failure and glory. The Sun
  • More than 50 years after graduating, the class valedictorian gets her long delayed moment of glory.
  • Glory is the shadow of virtue. 
  • As Paul says, all creation groans in anguished anticipation of the day when God's glory will transfigure all things. Medpundit
  • Now, it's not like Johnny had some former great glory with The Swing Orchestra, but at least they had a shtick, something to work with.
  • The praises of the toy theatre have been a common theme for essayists, the planning of the scenes, the painting and cutting out of the caste, penny plain twopence coloured, the stink and glory of the performance and the final conflagration. Archive 2010-04-01
  • The honour and glory of the colours were now fore-most in the players mind.
  • What joy, what rapture, what glory to see him again!
  • He performed well there but did not quite recapture the glory of his Ashes summer. The Sun
  • One day, I found that morning glory grow rapidly, the upward climb, there is a meter - high.
  • But the key to stock market glory isn't contained in some hackneyed phrase.
  • Si vis ditari, contemne divitias; that's true plenty, not to have, but not to want riches, non habere, sed non indigere, vera abundantia: 'tis more glory to contemn, than to possess; et nihil agere, est deorum, and to want nothing is divine. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • As the Davidic epoch is the point of the covenant-people's highest glory, so the captivity is that of their lowest humiliation. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This he afterwards explained by saying that to a boyar the pride of his house and name is his own pride, that their glory is his glory, that their fate is his fate. The Deadlocked City
  • Of 32 revolutionary leaders, 23 were described as egotistical, narcissistic, and searching for personal fame and glory Rejai, 1980. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • A morning newspaper should be a city's crown of glory, an intellectual Aurora ushering in the new-born day; but in Houston's case her chief newspaper is a sorrow's crown of sorrow, her inexpungeable badge of shame. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors, so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters.
  • Benitez is hoping that the lure of possible glory with Liverpool rather than an increased pay packet will be enough to convince Mascherano that his future remains at Anfield.
  • Greek, "The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, the thanksgiving, the honor, the power, the might [the doxology is sevenfold, implying its totality and completeness], unto the ages of the ages. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The prophecy, probably, contemplates ultimately, besides the affliction and deliverance in Sennacherib's time, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the dispersion of the Jews, their restoration, the destruction of the enemies that besiege the city (Zec 14: 2), and the final glory of Israel (Isa 29: 17-24). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They will clash on the track because they are such fierce competitors and both fighting hard for World Championship glory. The Sun
  • Instead we should give glory and honor to the Creator and return to the authority of His Word.
  • No sooner, that is, does "etherial glory" seem glancingly posited on the phonemic run as Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • There is great glory and beauty in not being your own. Christianity Today
  • Cocooned in scaffolding and planks, Manchester's majestic John Rylands Library is undergoing a facelift that will see it restored to its original glory, albeit with some modern touches.
  • Has there ever been higher expression of the overwhelming nearness and glory of God?
  • Tavara was the one who had mended Gordon, and she'd also resewed a couple of the acolyte's shifts so that Glory would have something to change into besides her jeans. The Warslayer
  • Those who through grace can glory in tribulation ought to glorify God in tribulation, and give him thanks for their comforts, which abound as their afflictions do abound. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
  • Even Goneril has her one splendid hour, her fire - flaught of hellish glory; when she treads under foot the half-hearted goodness, the wordy and windy though sincere abhorrence, which is all that the mild and impotent revolt of Albany can bring to bear against her imperious and dauntless devilhood; when she flaunts before the eyes of her "milk-livered" and "moral fool" the coming banners of France about the "plumed helm" of his slayer. A Study of Shakespeare
  • The eventual aim is to restore Swindon's stately home to its former Georgian glory.
  • Meanwhile, aids-de-camp galloped along the lines, announcing the arrival of Grouchy, to reanimate the drooping spirits of the men; for, at last, a doubt of victory was breaking upon the minds of those who never before, in the most adverse hour of fortune, deemed _his_ star could set that led them on to glory. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • He had status, ultimate power and the chance to win the glory denied him on land by his lowly position in the rigid social hierarchy of 18th - century Britain.
  • But nobody seems to want to exert the effort to make the UK truly competitive or bring it back to the glory that it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • I unhooked Glory from the crossties and took his halter off, before placing his bridle on and adjusting the straps.
  • Some attempts are being made to bring the spirit of individual sport and glory back to its roots with the Nemean Games, a worthy but only partial successful attempt.
  • The force behind all Peter's reforms was the greater glory of the Russian state.
  • Our ways may be wicked, and the movements of our mind wicked; such as adulteries, thefts, idolatries, slanders, strife, passion, sedition, vain-glory, and all that the apostle Paul enumerates among the works of the flesh. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • And not that we should be glorying in that; we shouldn't.
  • This pioneering plea for religious freedom called diversity not a curse but a glory.
  • Amid all this sylvan glory the notice giving the dentist's working hours struck a discordant note.
  • He read long and attentively, various tedious and embarrassed letters, in which the writers, placing before him the glory of God, and the freedom and liberties of England, as their supreme ends, could not, by all the ambagitory expressions they made use of, prevent the shrewd eye of Markham Woodstock
  • It makes me think we are dealing with a vain mendacious man who clung to power as long as he possibly could wrapped in a cloud of vainglory and falsehood, when he should have had the good grace to go quietly long ago.
  • Alford thinks, to the literal Israel being meant; for, in consummated glory, still the Church will be that built on the foundation of the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I am never going back to prison. I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory.
  • The liquid turned out to be distilled morning glory seeds, which contain traces of lysergic acid.
  • To feel the full glory of the sun, the joy of the Western wind, to hear the aphonous whisperings of the flowers, to be fancifully cognisant of "the music of the spheres"; better this with only a garret for your environment, than to be a wealthy Peter Bell in a palace, or a lord of many acres who sees nothing beyond its intrinsic value in a Turner, and finds Shelley poor stuff and Tennyson only a rhymster. The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • Meanwhile, inside the Grand Hyatt's Independence Ballroom, 273 spellers celebrated the complexity of our language in all its glory, correctly spelling words like zaibatsu, vibrissae and biauriculate, according to The Associated Press. Moultrie Observer Homepage
  • But even though his initial search for glory has destroyed his life, he pursues the monster with the same ardor and passion with which he created him, determined to succeed despite the physical impossibilities.
  • Thus will you obtain the glory of the whole world and obscurity will fly far away from you. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • We hope to restore the garden to its former glory .
  • As the snowdrops and winter aconite begin to depart, glory-of-the-snow, Siberian squill, dwarf iris, and puschkinia might arrive. Suzy Bales: Looking For Compounding Interest? Plant Bulbs!
  • In Brazil, though rich in luxuriant vegetable and animal life, there is no history – all is new and progressive, but vulgar and parvenu; whereas Syria, in her abomination of desolation, is the old land, and she teems with relics of departed glory. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • Then in the center of this cloud there blazed out that marvellous light called the Shekinah, which was the indication of the presence of Him who cannot be seen, but whose glory may be manifest. Recover the
  • Unrolling his bedroll, Muammar made himself as comfortable as possible, dreams of power and glory still filling his head.
  • Since then he has known both glory and disaster, but yesterday as the Tour entered the Alps he managed the grand slam: the sixth stage win of his career, the maillot jaune and the polka-dot King of the Mountains jersey.
  • Alas, the fishery is a pale ghost of its former glory. Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
  • Just as no player can capture the other side's king without sacrificing some important pieces, she is willing to give things up for chess glory.
  • The word doxology comes from two Greek roots: doxa, which means “glory,” and logos, which refers to “words.” The SOURCE of MIRACLES
  • A month later they were in that bit of hell known as the Argonne Forest, where on September 26th, they covered themselves with glory. History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • The film opens with a tender, candlelit love scene that features both actors in all their naked glory.
  • They want to restore the castle to its former glory.
  • On a recent train journey a nearby couple had a comically tumultuous and very public break-up, which she duly live-tweeted in all its glory.
  • We are sailing due westward and the sun, yet two hours high, is blazoning a fiery glory on the sea that spreads and gleams like some broad, jeweled trail, to where the blue and distant shadow-land lifts its carven front aloft, leaving, as it gropes, shades of shadows beyond. DARKWATER
  • In my world, when politics comes up on the course very rarely, it's almost always defanged by the glory of the day and everyone's preference for getting on with the game. The Many Ways Golf Beats Politics
  • Its glory days came when Spitfire and Hurricane pilots scrambled to defeat Hitler's Luftwaffe despite overwhelming odds.
  • The Swiss won gold in the doubles in 2008 and wants singles glory this time around. The Sun
  • Let us then feede his flocke with a trebble zeale, expressed in our prayer, preaching and living: Let us make it appeare to the consciences of all, that the top of our ambition is Gods glory: and that wee preferr the winning of soules, to the winning of the world. A Coal From The Altar, To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale In a Sermon Preached at a Generall Visitation at Ipswich
  • There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but boys, it is all hell. 
  • This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.
  • The noble art of self-defence in all its aesthetic glory will always draw polite applause from appreciative audiences. The Sun
  • Lot's wife," we moved on again, past the glory of the lagoons, to further brumby encounters, carrying a water-bag on a pack-horse by way of precaution against further "drouths. We of the Never-Never
  • Contemplation of Christ's radiant glory could be taken in such a way as to point away from the suffering Christ, but this need not be so.
  • By baptism we be regenerate, and when we shall have passed the time of this exile, he shall clothe us of double vesture, that is to wit of body and soul in glory. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • We are playing for glory and honour. For Love or Money
  • His stark garage tunes - inflected by house and hip hop - celebrated late-night, low rent Britain in all its lairy glory.
  • Harnessed up and clipped on - and on flat water - the task was a different story to how it would have been in the glory days of square-rigged pirate ships, exposed on a rolling sea.
  • Yes, nobody can forget the glory that Wenger brought to the team but what it s forgotten is that the glory came with guys like Berkamp, overmans, Viera, petit, Wiltord, Pires, Adam ..... and those guys were no spring chikens. Arsenal Mania
  • (The opposite formula to "Tell it not in Gath," namely, lest the heathen should glory over Israel). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The gardens have recently been restored to their original glory.
  • As the sunshine filtered in, a new light came to her face and she sat in all her glory.
  • The gardens have recently been restored to their original glory.
  • Across the gallery and down the stair -- it might have been the Golden Stair linking Near with Far -- came a score of exquisite women in all the glory of their youth, of perfect physical beauty and splendid strength and fullness of life; and the wonder was not their beauty more than a kind of dryad delicacy of that beauty, which was yet not frailty but a look of angelic strength. Romance Island
  • Usually it is those who seek the gratification of personal glory as well as the sound of the cash register who pump themselves full of this or that chemical, preferably one hitherto unknown to science so that the authorities, who religiously trot out the psittacine mantra that this is the most drug-free Olympics ever, are left flat-footed in their wake. Boycott the Olympics & Read Proust Instead
  • And, yet, you will see your son's name defamed in the moment of his glory. The Scarlet Feather
  • His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.
  • They shot the picture in some kind of super-duper 16, newly available from Kodak, and it reminds me once again of the glory of film.
  • We are pleased to note the overall Oxford triumph, sealed in thrilling fashion as Craig Heasman threw the winning dart to once again seal glory for the men and women of the Pelican.
  • The shortest priced favourite can stumble and fall at the very first fence while the 100-1 outsider can achieve the ultimate glory.
  • The enjoyment of heaven is usually called the beatifical vision; that is, such an intellectual present view, apprehension, and sight of God and his glory, especially as manifested in Christ, as will make us blessed unto eternity. Christologia
  • They flew throughout the night, glorying in the sensation of flight and the rush of air through their pinions.
  • Described as post-grunge rock, it strips all the guts and glory out of the grunge we know and love, leaving the listener with watered-down middle-of-the-road ambiguity in both music and lyric.
  • This claim to glory, doubtless exaggerated in stereotypical Gascon fashion, caricatures, indeed cleverly reverses the terms of Soyer's own, far less swashbuckling role in the July Days — Mirobolant would have slain elite troops while standing his ground in the street, whereas Soyer was nearly lynched by a revolutionary mob while fleeing from a palace kitchen. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • From beyond the canyon's ridge, a wonderful bugle call charged the air, pounding hooves, belonging to the stalwart super troopers of Holt's Rangers raced to The Alamo in all their red, white and blue glory.
  • And he really enjoyed the glory and grandeur, you know, of being treated like a head of state.
  • For power to show itself in weakness, for glory to appear in baseness, for divinity to kythe (228) in humanity, and such glorious rays to break forth from under such a dark cloud, this was greater glory, and more majesty, than if he had only showed himself in the perfection of the creatures. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • If we are successful, we can begin to restore this once majestic ancient woodland to its former glory.
  • It starts with the line "City famed in song and story, shrined within the hearts of men/Objects of a people's glory, thou, the Nation's diadem. Dreaming of taking the District by song
  • When you take into consideration the tiny dimensions of the island, its distance from all the centres of civilization, its isolation, the great calamities which have befallen it from hurricane, drought and pestilence, and the way it has overlived them all, there is every justification for the pride and glory of its inhabitants in their fair and fertile islet. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • The dial has been skeletonised to reveal the perpetual calendar tourbillon calibre 461 in all its mechanical glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even as he basks in the glory of his school's achievement, he nurses a grudge.
  • There is great glory and beauty in not being your own. Christianity Today
  • And then, preacher friend, ‘Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem, in the hand of thy God.’
  • Even fighting for the glory of the Overlord starts to pale when it's costing you money and there's no plunder in sight. TREASON KEEP
  • The glory days of manufacturing in Germany or high-tech silicon-chip makers in the US will not be restored by rejigging currency exchange rates in the dollar's favour, Rogoff said.
  • A wave of euphoria swept across shops and workplaces as thousands of people got behind the lads in their bid for glory.
  • The herbaceous Paeonias are part of the glory of flower borders in the early summer.
  • It's in all its glory and ready to go back indoors for the tinsel and twinkling lights. The Sun
  • Artists and intellectuals are called upon not to offer critique or alternative visions but to sidle in compliantly amongst the lowest rungs of this same pantheon and so to boost its size and glory.
  • Every desire is either a devout or a distorted enticement to the glory of heaven.
  • It had been such a wonderful day and the beautiful evening was its crowning glory.
  • Some leaders chase fame and glory from the very beginning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Halloween is a great time to dress your furry friend in adorable costumes and parade them around in all of their outfitted glory Wendy Diamond: Halloween Safety Tips for Pets!
  • In due course I'll have a natter here about the whole tie-in thang, in all its controversial glory. Phew! Head space is all cleared again ...
  • Cecilia is wailing away at the organ like Amanda Mae Meyncke and hallucinating little wing-ed dudes trailing clouds of glory. I never knew | clusterflock
  • The sight of lots of game mums boogie boarding on the beaches of Pembrokeshire is a glory indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Irish rockers U 2 bask in glory after clinching all three of the biggest Grammy prizes.
  • Drawn by the smell of petrol and cellulose paint, Angus wandered into a car enthusiast's glory hole.
  • The first stanza reveals a speaker characterized by vainglory and chivalry at one and the same time.
  • There was Mark, in all his geeky glory, grinning goofily in a black-and-white photo. Jerry Zezima: "Get the Picture?"
  • The Islamic expansion of the early medieval period was not waged for glory, or any of the other factors I listed at the top of this op.
  • He lives in the lonely lands where mighty rivers twist in long reaches between the barren bluffs; where the prairies stretch out into billowy plains of waving grass, girt only by the blue horizon, —plains across whose endless breadth he can steer his course for days and weeks and see neither man to speak to nor hill to break the level; where the glory and the burning splendor of the sunsets kindle the blue vault of heaven and the level brown earth till they merge together in an ocean of flaming fire. Frontier Types
  • One of the city's architectural gems is to be restored to glory by a multi-million pound revamp - but some of Manchester's oldest trees will be felled in the process.
  • Next came the brief period of their artistic glory; then the syncretism of the Renaissance, when these winged messengers were amalgamated with pagan _amoretti_ and began to flutter in foolish baroque fashion about the Queen of Heaven, after the pattern of the disreputable little genii attendant upon a Venus of a bad school. Old Calabria
  • The glory of the dawn [ morning ] is mirrored on [ in ] the lake.
  • Halloween is a great time to dress your furry friend in adorable costumes and parade them around in all of their outfitted glory. Wendy Diamond: Halloween Safety Tips for Pets!
  • Major Cain, in opening the exercises and introducing the speakers who were to follow, praised in highest terms the undaunted spirit of the North Carolina troops, "who like crusaders have battled in a just cause and returned covered with glory and honor". Record of the War Activities in Orange County, North Carolina. 1917-1919
  • When one day, a Persian conqueror -- Cyrus -- entered the precincts of E-Sagila, his first step was to acknowledge Marduk and Nabu as the supreme powers in the world; and the successors of Alexander continue to glory in the title 'adorner of The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Punch at this time was a bitter critic of the methods of recruiting, and his anti-militaristic zeal reached a climax in a protest against the advertisements used at Birmingham and elsewhere, in which he calls the recruiting sergeant "the clown in the bloody pantomime of glory. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • He is chasing himself in pursuit of a glory that has eluded thousands of cricketers who have played this game.
  • They want him to stick his hand in his nicely-lined pockets, and finance a death-or-glory spree.

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