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Glorious Revolution

  1. the revolution against James II; there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (1688-1689)

How To Use Glorious Revolution In A Sentence

  • But the most glorious revolution of the century has been the flowering of British food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.
  • This was a point of central importance – for some purposes it was the point of central importance – in the political philosophies behind the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution, from which the phrase "inalienable rights" historically sprang. Rand and "Inalienable Rights"
  • When the Glorious Revolution deposed James in 1689, rebellions in Massachusetts and New York overthrew the Dominion of New England and unseated the proprietary government in Maryland.
  • In essence, the Glorious Revolution was a coup d'état undertaken by an adventurous foreign prince and his mercenary army, supported by local aristocracies, not an uprising of ‘the people’.
  • Jacobitism Not everyone was reconciled to the breach in the succession that occurred with the Glorious Revolution.
  • It was a rather respectable sodality, dedicated to celebrating the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, a relatively bloodless coup that installed William and Mary of the House of Orange on the English throne, and established Protestantism as the state religion. Reactionary Prophet
  • After the Glorious Revolution, the law was modified: ordinary citizens were not required to find billets, but innkeepers were obliged to accept troops and a scale of charges laid down.
  • His father often asked him to inherit the glorious revolutionary tradition.
  • Eventually he was reappointed to his post which he held until the Glorious Revolution after which he lost his office once again, this time because of his loyalty to James II.
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