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How To Use Glop In A Sentence

  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • The combining form 'Anglo', which means English, combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile.
  • Moreover, I can't think of any other 'minority' of which this is remotely true, unless it were to be the other minority from which I can claim descent: people of British or Anglophile provenance. Christopher Hitchens: Reinstate Rick Sanchez!
  • But some younger white South Africans, especially those from anglophone backgrounds with higher education, went searching for new identities, not least Australian, British, and Canadian.
  • He began to coat my head with it, smushing it on in huge glops.
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  • She clacked her spoon back onto the tray, so that a tiny glop of porridge leapt from it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
  • Bakhtin is a latecomer on the anglophone critical scene.
  • Despite the common portrayal of Canada's two major linguistic groups as ‘two solitudes,’ research shows that anglophones and francophones continue to hold similar values, distinct from those in the United States.
  • That's not to say he sings in a heavily accented style, far from it; indeed many of the characteristics of the Faroese language carry well into Teitur's anglophonic melodies but the shroud of mystery is one which a lot of artists benefit greatly from. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • The blue glop that they like to call food had just arrived, and everyone was scrambling to get a serving for some strange reason.
  • The Thatcher years also fed an ancient undercurrent of Anglophobia. Blue, White, Red
  • Anglophone, francophone and allophone, we are Canadians, first of all.
  • Speaking as an anglophone who from time to time tries to ressurect his Grade 12 French, and as someone who has also spent some time in predominantly French-only parts of the country such as Chicoutimi, I immediately recognize the confusion introduced into the interview by this question:, what would you have done about this economy and this crisis. Mike watkins dot ca
  • Thus, anglophone scholars may read not only the ethnographic descriptions of the items exhibited, but also Sonia Silva's thoughtful essay about collecting and presenting basketry.
  • This glop went into a Pyrex dish and into the oven and appeared in tandem with holidays and caskets.
  • The texture is very strange - gloppy, gooey, glutinous, and not that easy to manage with chopsticks.
  • Â Must wait overnight before doing anything else at this point, because the acrylic is quite gloppy. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Book Covers Step 1
  • In the recent work of the global anglophone academy, evaluative criticism has largely disappeared.
  • Those three anglophone thinkers each tried to provide a theory, right or wrong, to engage and elucidate some kinds of facts about human communication.
  • It's largely the French that makes this city such an interesting place to live, despite the relative lack of decent jobs for anglophones and the trying winters.
  • The first was a familiar swell of pained and wincing why-oh-whying as it became clear that the Premier League's most consistently infuriating club would not win a trophy this season: talk of callowness, foreign-accented surrenderism and a crucial absence of Anglophone chest-thump. Arsenal's failure to win trophies is not down to faint hearts | Barney Ronay
  • German fox-hunters tended to be aristocratic, in his view effete and probably Anglophile.
  • I let the stuff glop into the pail I was given to store it in until I came down the ladder to put it in the wheelbarrow.
  • American history is filled with manifestos of cultural independence paradoxically coupled with exercises in bardolatry and Anglophilia.
  • Although many of the great minds of nineteenth-century anglophone culture had been fascinated by the French Revolution and Napoleon, interest lapsed during the first half of the twentieth century.
  • The dinner glop that served as stew brought him a bit lower, but his day was highlighted when he found a letter on his bunk that evening.
  • The second case took place in the 1950s, by which time the reformism of the 1930s had sunk into a stultifying coalition: francophone religious and political elites allied with anglophone elites in business.
  • In Quebec, the linguistic majority abuses the groups they call anglophones and allophones.
  • Who had to read that soporific glop in high school?
  • This is especially important in areas where francophones intermarry with anglophones and are incapable of transmitting the French language to their children.
  • The nasty gooey LeSueur-mushy glop was more than I could handle. What's in your English pea salad? | Homesick Texan
  • This strategy serves to maintain the boundaries between anglophones and francophones.
  • There is always going to be a bit of separation between francophones and anglophones, but it's the love of this style of music that really unites people in the punk scene.
  • Finally, he was satisfied with his work and pulled his hand gently out, coated in green glop and various internal juices.
  • One imagines Dumas's young men about town affecting the same dandified, Anglophile pose.
  • And in my mind, the Anglophile was virtually in England already. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • ‘There are still a lot of Anglophiles around,’ one US radio plugger told me last week.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • Somewhere in Bangor -- or wherever Karl Marks called home -- there was an Anglophile mind like my own, dreaming and waiting. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • As my (top loading) washer fills with water I dump in a half cup of the "glop" and wait for it to dissolve before adding the clothes but the glop never dissolves!!
  • However, her teenage coworkers marginalized her from contact with anglophones by not allowing her to interact with customers and by sending her off to sweep the floor while they chatted.
  • Parker is a bit like Chauncey Gardner in “Being There,” the right person at the right time who was able to distill the unspoken desire of the anglophonic wine-consuming Volk, looking for “objective” measures of quality without wishing to be bothered by the messy and somewhat subjectivist notion of terroir. Wine Person of the Decade - nominations open! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It's okay to be messy - glops of glue only make it more realistic.
  • My favorite part is the glops of caramel you suck up in the straw.
  • As on can deduce from the quote from Wilson above, the Germans may have copied their racism from Anglo-phone countries, but Anglophone and French countries also had strong humanistic and egalitarian traditions that they did not copy. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • The success and rise of Dravidians is mainly due to their latent anglophonic skills more than anything else it certainly ain't anything specifically anatomic or cultural in the sense that Anglophonia is the edge you need to get ahead, climb the ladder, get to the top in this competetive world. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • Exhaling good old inland American Anglophobia, he mocks "those periwigged lords of London, who wore their laces and took their snuff and kept their mistresses" and lent their own names to Bedford, Halifax, Pelham and the like. A Long Way From Dullsville
  • Such incendiary observations may have alarmed some anglophone New Brunswickers, and the 1967 results essentially reproduced those of the previous two provincial elections.
  • In McKenna's three elections as leader, the Liberals won 85 of 99 seats in ridings where anglophones comprised three-quarters or more of the population.
  • The anglophone countries of Africa include Kenya and Zimbabwe.
  • This is especially important in areas where francophones intermarry with anglophones and are incapable of transmitting the French language to their children.
  • It's nice to see the Queen of Pop so flustered that the Anglophile has to pause to elucidate the difference between "who" and "whom. The 17 Most Memorable Moments of the Golden Globes
  • No outer crust, just bottom crust, and was thick enough to stand straight up- no gloppiness, no drippiness. Tuna Toast
  • He has just been building terraria so his hands are glopped with glue, P.J. explains. The Song of The Dodo
  • The sun reflected off the snow will burn through even thick layers of glop.
  • Anglophobia is always liable to reversal, hence that fairly common spectacle, the pacifist of one war who is a bellicist in the next. Notes on Nationalism
  • One son threatens to beat his ass with his head and one daughter is given to candid Anglophobia. An Englishman in Dixie
  • Having many more glutamines makes the binding stronger, and the cell's cytoplasm is afflicted with a gluey glop that leads to accumulating cell damage.
  • This prevents you from dumping a large glop of seasoning on the food.
  • Most of the church goers were from the neighboring baptist community, and therefore anglophone, so most of what happened I understood. Happy New Year from Cameroon
  • this makes a "gloppy" mixture like eggs-- use a blender BIG CHEWY CHOCOLATE CHUNK AND PECAN COOKIES
  • England; for rabid, I see you are; I read Anglophobia in your looks, and hear it in your words. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Tommy was looking for glop, or slime, or something disgusting that makes a huge mess, and his mother seemed fine with that.
  • Hatfield never managed to change the views of his party's anglophone supporters on language questions.
  • An unforeseen and ill-timed coughing incident means a huge great glop of red wine leaves your glass and lands on the sofa cushions.
  • Thoreau in the context of early national Anglophobia in Introduction: A History of Transatlantic Romanticism
  • To Anglophone types with an interest in the beautiful game the Italian word 'catenaccio', ( 'door-bolt') is usually familiar only as a once influential defensive system first employed by Inter Milan in the 1960s. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • There is a sensitivity, a reflexion on the weight of history coupled with the tradition of the great adventure novel to European SF&F that makes it a bit distinct from the anglophone classics. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part II)
  • The Gascon-Thomas Award, now in its 10th year, is always given to one francophone and one anglophone artist in recognition of a significant contribution to Canadian theatre.
  • Since discovering the BBC some years ago, John has become an obsessive Anglophile. John Rabon | Fandomania
  • After hearing a glopping sound hit the snow covered ground, Hugh's skinless face begins scanning the hyperborean terrain for his epidermal layer.
  • The primary job of the large intestine is to resorb water from the waste, condensing it down into the thick, pasty glop we all know and love as excrement. Evolution of the appendix? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The fat lunch lady behind the counter grunted as she shoveled some glop onto their plates.
  • Rather it exists as a continuum, from long-established unilingual anglophones broadly similar to anglophones in Ontario through bilinguals of various kinds to francophones using English as a second language.
  • Francophones and anglophones had seemingly few grounds to distinguish between the two parties for most of this period.
  • All three versions combine the joy of dry, splintery pastry with the joy of chewy, indigestible glop.
  • By fostering individual bilingualism in anglophones, the programme would also eventually produce qualified applicants for civil service positions.
  • Rather it exists as a continuum, from long-established unilingual anglophones broadly similar to anglophones in Ontario through bilinguals of various kinds to francophones using English as a second language.
  • The moneyed elite was unilingually Anglophone and French was the language of the unwashed masses. MONTREAL 2.
  • Tensions between francophones and anglophones have often driven the national political agenda in Canada.
  • They make a nice antidote to the Anglophobia of the breakfast rooms, where a persuasive case is made for polished mahogany, willowware and crustless toast.
  • Blend on high for several minutes, until the mixture is "gloppy" like slightly beaten egg whites, with little brown flecks of flax skin throughout. Notes from the Vegan Feast Kitchen/ 21st Century Table
  • I had been holding onto the counter but hadn't seen the big glop of chocolate sauce.
  • We all took a bite and no one wanted to say how awful the glop had turned out.
  • There is always going to be a bit of separation between francophones and anglophones, but it's the love of this style of music that really unites people in the punk scene.
  • In a blender, combine the water and flaxseeds at high speed until the mixture is "gloppy" like egg whites and you can only see flecks of flaxseed. CHAI BROWNIES WITH GINGER GELATO
  • Iraq is one of the most Anglophile of all Arab countries with their HP sauce, Quality Street, their London buses and three-pin plugs.
  • She clacked her spoon back onto the tray, so that a tiny glop of porridge leapt from it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • You may not need the entire amount—aim to create a soup that's silky thick, not gloppy. Choose Your Own Soup Adventure
  • He'd only seen the makeup kit briefly, when Tanner took out some white, gloppy gook to take off the makeup that covered nearly his entire body.
  • Once this glop was strained in cheese cloth, it did form a sort of dry cakey crumble remotely goat cheese-like. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Now, this is not macaroni and cheese, which is noodles in a wet, gloppy sauce.
  • Although less well known among anglophone philosophers than his contemporary Hans-Georg Gadamer, Adorno had even greater influence on scholars and intellectuals in postwar Germany.
  • Except for a smattering of third world authors we hear little of Commonwealth and other anglophone literatures, and even less of post-colonial literatures in translation, let alone entire courses devoted to them.
  • An '' 'Anglophile' '' is someone who loves England and appreciates its historical significance. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In fact, anglophone residents from Ontario and New Brunswick would be more likely to meet francophones from Quebec in their own province of residence than westerners since these are the provinces Quebeckers are most likely to visit.
  • People know the difference between cotton and silk; between institutional glop and gourmet meals.
  • Meanwhile, his Anglophile secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton, hoped he would refuse to see the upstart ambassador. The Leadership Secrets of George Washington
  • White went to the buffet counter and served himself some of the grey glop in one of the vats.
  • Those two lectures gave us the anglophone and francophone perspectives.
  • Anglophobia is always liable to reversal, hence that fairly common spectacle, the pacifist of one war who is a bellicist in the next. Notes on Nationalism
  • And if it was true that Judge Arribat was an Anglophobe, this clearly took second place in his philosophy to his obligations as a host. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • The current century is going to be the century of the global dominance of the English language, anglophone culture, and of the Anglo-Saxon derived polities - for both good and ill.
  • I'm really sick of these stations not supporting local anglophone artists, who have to leave the province and go to the States, become famous there, come back and only then receive airplay.
  • The bad-tempered Cooper, says Mr. Richardson, had "paranoia: paranoia made for Anglophobia, the only form of patriotism that he permitted himself. A Shortsighted View of Picasso
  • Now, heraldry is one of the quaint, meaningless traditions that so enthralls anglophiles like myself.
  • Your face would cloud over and the gloppity sounds would decelerate with revulsion. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Another option is that it's a somewhat sophomoric, eurocentric brand of feminism incapable, through its own misinformed liberalism, of recognising anyone other than white, anglophone males as the enemy.
  • Your face would cloud over and the gloppity sounds would decelerate with revulsion. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • A kind of chemical fog had settled over Sausalito, a dense pungent glop.
  • I console myself with the prose - not bad prose but pedagogic, over-correct prose - written by anglophones who have written French.
  • This suggests that if the conditions surrounding contact do matter, then the contact between anglophone and francophone Canadians that has taken place has occurred more often under favourable than under unfavourable conditions.
  • Coupled with the pressure many anglophone nurses face from the French language tests, it's small wonder that many of them would seek climes that are both literally and professionally warmer.
  • He is as much of an anglophile in his pop obsessions as fellow young broody Yank Pete Yorn, the intro to Puppets boasting a Peter Hook bass line that New Order would not throw out the studio.
  • He, you see, is a details man, a coltish clothes horse, and a dedicated Anglophile to boot.
  • Your face would cloud over and the gloppity sounds would decelerate with revulsion. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • An Anglophile who studied a the London School of Economics, his strong connections to Britain will no doubt be of great interest to many.12.10am: You can read a profile of Saif, written by the Guardian's Middle East Editor, Ian Black, here.12.16am: The fall-out from events in Libya appears to be taking a toll among representatives of the regime abroad. Libya protests – as they happened
  • In a worried report, a Université de Montréal demographer suggests that so many francophones are moving there that by 2021 allophones and anglophones will combine to form the majority of Montreal's population.
  • In 1560 Elizabeth scored a crucial success in the creation of an Anglophile government in Scotland and in Mary's apparent renunciation of her rival claim in the treaty of Edinburgh.
  • Tensions between francophones and anglophones have often driven the national political agenda in Canada.
  • Generally, the worst thing you can say about a movie like this is that it's cloying sentimental glop.
  • Considering North American population demographics, common sense would dictate that the need to speak English is greater for francophones than the need for anglophones to speak French.
  • The line came in response to research which showed that women liked moisturizing body washes, but not the "glop" and "grease" associated with them. Brandweek - News and Features
  • Regrettably, the contest is limited to anglophone bots and humans.
  • One of the most terrifying sights in the animal world is an elephant in a state of must: Huge bulls, oozing a weird, foul-smelling, greenish glop from glands near their eyes, behave with violent abandon, taking risks and defying the basic rules of pachyderm propriety and also giving rise to the term "rogue elephant". NYT > Home Page
  • The answer included the launching of various legal challenges and the creation of an anglophone lobby group.
  • I think a bigger factor in high salaries is what I call the Corruption Principle: those in charge of a large glop of wealth are going to take a chunk of it one way or another.
  • All three versions combine the joy of dry, splintery pastry with the joy of chewy, indigestible glop.
  • A kind of chemical fog had settled over Sausalito, a dense pungent glop.
  • It was not a reprise of the Revolution of 1776 with Federalists in Tory roles as Anglophiles, aristocrats, or monocrats.
  • We make a New England clam chowder that is not that gloppy, thick, potato-infested thing we're all used to.
  • It's melodic, but even on a deep, meditative level, I feel this song is more glop than substance.
  • This legacy alone is enough to inspire virulent Anglophobia in any democracy-loving American. Archive 2006-11-01
  • His donnish concerns and highly specific milieu make him less ‘contemporary and accessible’ than his Anglophilic, Masterpiece Theaterish, young fogey fans might think.
  • Because that would validate all my preconceived notions of innate North European linguistic ability - and our knack at attracting patronising anglophonic morons. Can You Top This
  • Izarra has presented himself as a New World leader in the communications revolution but, apart from setting up TeleSUR to mimic CNN en Espanol throughout South America (and hey, why not the world?), he's aiming to mimic AP, Reuters and UPI (even AFP, Xinhua and DPA) with a non-aligned alignment of state-controlled news agencies to pump the news that the AP, Reuters, UPI "brotherhood" patently fail to do in their anglophonic First World bias on world events! Nothing has changed since the days of Caesar and Brutus! Et tu!
  • I pull myself out the seat and push the door open, making a face; the rain turned from huge glops to smaller, heaving it down worse than ever.
  • Despite the common portrayal of Canada's two major linguistic groups as ‘two solitudes,’ research shows that anglophones and francophones continue to hold similar values, distinct from those in the United States.
  • It starts off as a malleable glop, neither too stiff nor too liquid, which can be shaped in a mold, where it hardens.
  • It's no secret that HotelChatter is a total Anglophile, meaning we're a bit obsessed with anything British, even going so far as to hire a HotelChatter -
  • If Mirischia the Brazilian theropod is one of my little pets, the enormous sauropod represented by the cervical vertebra MIWG. 7306 – affectionately (and unofficially) known to some of us as 'Angloposeidon' – is one of the biggest [the image at left, and that below, are my drawings of the specimen]. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • Thus in 1945 George Orwell wrote about the rampant Anglophobia among left-wing intellectuals in his country: "a derisive and mildly hostile attitude towards Britain is more or less compulsory, but it is an unfaked emotion in many cases". - Comments
  • They went to a day-care where the caregivers were anglophones.
  • Two and a half hours of retch-worthy glop, set to the greeting-card lyrics of Iris Rainer Dart ("It's never been easy / It's always been rough / I give her my life / But it's never enough") and the perfectly serviceable music of Mike Stoller (who is better known as the other half of Leiber & Stoller) and Artie Butler. The Invisible Girls
  • But his vision continues to inspire Quebec anglophones.
  • Suppressing many other urges, the wounded captain actually took hold of the shot glass in front of her, gazing down at the glop inside.
  • He broke the surface up into a diagonal grid that he then filled with values of gray, black and white, using large glops of paint.
  • L'avocat du syndicat, John McLuckie, a aussi envoyé une lettre à la station anglophone CFRA, demandant à son coloré animateur Lowell Green de se rétracter, pour des propos qu'il a tenus sur les ondes la semaine dernière, et qui inciteraient à la violence à l'endroit de M. Archive 2008-12-01
  • In the recent work of the global anglophone academy, evaluative criticism has largely disappeared.
  • As the sauce simmers, add more stock as necessary to maintain a velvety consistency that thickly coats a wooden spoon but isn't gloppy. Holy-Moly Lobster Mole
  • This is the position of Christopher Norris, who modestly but firmly maintains that all anglophone readers except himself have misunderstood Derrida.
  • The diversionary tactic of arguing that anyone arguing the anti-Islamist case is tarring 'All 1.5 Billion Muslims with The Same Brush!!' must now be sent to the rhetorical dustbin, along with the 'We Didn't Call IRA Terrorists' Catholic 'Terrorists!!' and the 'Muslims are the New Jews!!' devices, beloved of the Guardian crowd in their Anglophobia and naivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Small's score turns into a gloppy Middle-European rhapsody as she walks into the old man's office in a shining black metallic gown and feather boa.
  • The period up to 1970, then, can be described as one in which the Liberals were heavily dependent upon francophone voters and the Conservatives upon anglophones.
  • We often hear francophones singing for their supper in English, at least here in Quebec, but rarely do we get anglophone singers from Ontario trying their darnedest to sing in French.
  • The kasha is combined with a hefty helping of slowly carmelized onions, the sauteed fresh and dried mushrooms, and a glop of the sesame oil, as well as salt and pepper. It's not Iams: The Buckwheat Digressions
  • No, not stertorous," reflects our narrator three pages in, remembering his ailing father, "rather wheezeful, softer, gulping, an immeasurably beautiful strange ancient fish glopping glooping groping rasping for air, at air …" But in this quest for literary uniqueness, there is too much calculation and coldness; something of the "love" needed to make it a full-blooded work of art is missing. Debut fiction: Quilt by Nicholas Royle; The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai by Ruiyan Xu; The World Beneath by Cate Kennedy
  • You'll find an article featuring 19 francophone and anglophone performers musing about the relationship of spoken word to literature..
  • Come on, howzabout some REAL news and not this mindless space-taking glop! Poll shows tight race for 2012 GOP nomination
  • It turns gloppy and pasty once it sits in the pot after being taken off the heat.
  • Andrew said ... it'd be good to see more on pneumaticity and Angloposeidon - hopefully together. Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
  • And Tonic Stress is not an Anglophile cocktail -- served up with an olive and a twist of lemon -- at the Bar Hemingway in the Ritz Hotel .... French Word-A-Day:
  • The anglo community here in Montreal is made up of dozens of different ethnic communities, and the anglophones I know and have grown up with have embraced and are knowledgeable about other cultures.
  • Leong recalls his own recent staging of Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire, for the benefit of an audience of both anglophones and francophones.
  • The cake was moist and flavorful and dense and rich and the icing was light and fluffy and sweet and gloppy.
  • For both parties, francophones and anglophones disagree sharply on most ethno-linguistic matters.
  • He adapted and developed Cape Dutch motifs such as shutters and gables, reflecting a more general desire by anglophones to acclimatize to their surroundings and forge a British - South African identity.
  • Tara takes another look at the glop, shakes her head fondly, and turns off the heat
  • Arguably, it's the spirit of Hume that prevails in anglophone philosophy today, where the standard atheist position holds that there is a substantial balance of proof against theism.
  • It's easy to make a mess of zabaglione and turn it into a heavy glop, but this was as light as a feather - and perfect.
  • The texture is very strange - gloppy, gooey, glutinous, and not that easy to manage with chopsticks.
  • It's neither comedy nor tragedy - just a big, gloppy mess.
  • Around pink and yellow blossoms against a pearlescent greenish-blue sky, the word ‘lie’ recurs, in gloppy white cursive in a jumbled web with a central, sooty smudge.
  • The writers and stories the Anglophone readers are missing remain obscured for the rest of the world too, since most of the publishers, editors and fans can read their own language and English. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part III)
  • Scotland is a deeply divided society: Catholic versus Protestant, highlander against lowlander, urban versus rural, Gaelic versus Anglophone, rectitude versus licence, welfare dependents versus a strong entrepreneurial tradition. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • I have more hair glop in my hair then I am sure she has used in her life time, just to give my hair the natural up do look, with my long ringlets spilling down my back.
  • I stabbed at my plate of cafeteria glop unenthusiastically.
  • The period up to 1970, then, can be described as one in which the Liberals were heavily dependent upon francophone voters and the Conservatives upon anglophones.
  • This unique PQ ad reaches out to anglophone and allophone voters in Quebec by expoliting the left/right divide in Quebec politics. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Now, heraldry is one of the quaint, meaningless traditions (not unlike the House of Lords itself, come to think of it) that so enthralls Yanqui Anglophiles like myself.
  • I think I scraped it all outta my hair, and I got the grotesque green glop off my chin.
  • In 1560 Elizabeth scored a crucial success in the creation of an Anglophile government in Scotland and in Mary's apparent renunciation of her rival claim in the treaty of Edinburgh.
  • Her concern is with anglophone writing, and she carefully distinguishes between West Indian and Caribbean (and then moves gracefully between the two terms, with no quotation marks).
  • Leon looked down at the table and took a big glop of his drink.
  • There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
  • Since in popular Anglophone consciousness the regime's policy is to devalorize all Anglophones or see them as deficient, they believe that they can gain national recognition or visibility by excelling in the international arena.
  • /U.K. is the fact that certain words and expressions in English with a hint of Francophobia, as well as some French words and sayings of an Anglophobic nature, have largely fallen into disuse The expression Pardon my French was once a popular way of saying “excuse my bad language.” Pardon my French
  • Having lived in 10 Montreal boroughs or neighbourhoods since I was born, I can honestly say that Verdun is not only the most bilingual area on the island, but also the one in which francophones and anglophones get along the best.
  • They had his-and-hers Sovereigns, except that Fiske, an Anglophile, had bought his in England. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Les pesos espagnols et les pièces portugaises de huit réals les anglophones connaissent bien les “pieces of eight”, dont il était question dans les histoires de pirates étaient à cette époque aussi appelés "dollars", car ils avaient un poids, un aspect et une valeur similaires. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Glancing around as though someone were watching, I pulled a small jar of peanut butter from the back of a cupboard, and a spoon, taking a large glop of the stuff and stuffing it into my mouth.
  • I think this little Anglophobic historian really wants to * think* about the families of those SAS lads - that died trying to prevent an all-out 'regional carnage' when they attempted to destroy those Skud missile sites - and then Roberts should just shut up. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Having lived in 10 Montreal boroughs or neighbourhoods since I was born, I can honestly say that Verdun is not only the most bilingual area on the island, but also the one in which francophones and anglophones get along the best.
  • Considering North American population demographics, common sense would dictate that the need to speak English is greater for francophones than the need for anglophones to speak French.
  • Francophone interests trumped - and will always trump - anglophone interests.
  • The Liberals, under Robichaud, were criticized for an underrepresentation of anglophones in their 1960-1970 cabinets.
  • I have none of the guilt that seems to plague many well-intentioned, but frustrated anglophones and francophones.

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