[ UK /ɡlˈɒm/ ]
  1. take by theft
    Someone snitched my wallet!
  2. seize upon or latch onto something
    The Republicans glommed onto Whitewater
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How To Use glom In A Sentence

  • Phase I called for dewatering and rehabilitating the No.6 shaft, sinking the shaft to the 45th level, cutting seven level stations, and diamond drilling the conglomerate bed.
  • Sinosteel, another Chinese-owned metals conglomerate, has plans to develop a massive opencast iron ore mine in the Weld range, a ridge of hills 400 miles north-east of Perth. Australia leases out mineral-rich land as China's hunger for resources grows
  • The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it .... Two Years in the French West Indies
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • During states of ineffective arterial volume, local production of vasodilatory prostanoids and kinins in the kidney offsets the decrease in renal blood flow and helps maintain the glomerular filtration rate.
  • The surface of the land is scattered with fragments of white silex and fine red jasper, banded with black oligistic iron: this rock, close, hard, and fine enough to bear cutting, appears everywhere in scatters and amongst the conglomerates. The Land of Midian
  • Fibrin deposition was found in areas of fibrinoid necrosis within the glomeruli and in the interstitium.
  • In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • The products including cork floor tile, cork wall tile, cork sheet and roll, agglomerated cork stopper, granulated cork and other cork products.
  • Once a year, a conglomerate of children's literacy-type people (librarians, teachers, museum workers, etc.) from the Pittsburgh area put together a lovely one-day conference featuring a bevy of children's authors and illustrators.
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