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How To Use Globular In A Sentence

  • The globular proteins lysozyme, [alpha] lactalbumin, pepsin, and [beta] lactoglobulin in aqueous solution have been studied to determine the possible influence of secondary or tertiary structure on the low-frequency spectra.
  • It puts forward the idea that Earth is a globular allium and "pain and fear" are the lachrymatory agents that provoke all the tears. Readers recommend songs about vegetables: The results
  • Most extraordinary of all is a colossal pair of tortoiseshell and ivory globular vases and covers, probably made as exhibition pieces.
  • The Golgi are budlike globular beauties of nature that package the neurotransmitters at their point of manufacture in the cell body and then, with the help of motor proteins, transport them and other essential molecules from within the cell body, down the axon, to the location of use near the cell membrane. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • Most globulars these evolutionary differences are fairly minor, and suggest that star formation was not all at once but over a short period – possibly with intermittent burst of star formation depending on the gas collapse of the nebulosity that forms the stars in the globular. Alien Star Clusters Are Invading the Milky Way | Universe Today
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  • Resonance energy transfer efficiency is strongly affected by changes in the donor-acceptor distance on the order of a typical globular protein.
  • Globular proteins partly unravel and become tangled, causing them to solidify, as when egg white sets.
  • _Tréhala_ (fig. 2) consists of cocoons of an ovoid or globular form, about 3/4 of an inch in length; their inner surface is composed of a smooth, hard, dusky layer, external to which is a thick, rough, tuberculated coating of a greyish-white colour and earthy appearance. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The small differences among various amino acids are diminished further by averaging over the rather similar compositions of globular proteins.
  • The plant has distinctive globular flowers.
  • So many blobs are simply the result of stacked geodesics, like Grimshaw's Eden project, a series of bubble-forms that remind me of what geologists call globular clusters.
  • Composite vase, globular juglet with cylindrical neck and handle, surmounted by a second smaller one with cutaway neck and small handle. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
  • Confirmatory investigations at first rare, became more and more numerous; at the same time endoglobular parasites were discovered in different animals which closely resembled the haematozoon of malaria. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • The fruits, which are globular, berrylike, are pea shaped, contain four or five seeds.
  • His chest radiograph showed a large globular heart, and an echocardiogram confirmed a pericardial effusion from which two litres of fluid were drained.
  • In medià ¦ val armour, a light globular headpiece, either with or without a vizor, and without a crest, the lower part curving outwards behind. c1440 Eng. Conq. Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • A permesothyrid foramen is commonly associated with globular, gerontic forms within a single species population.
  • The number of observed nanostructures (i.e., fibrils, filaments, and globular aggregates) reduces when the concentration is below 0.1 mg/ml.
  • The tertiary structure of myoglobin is that of a typical water soluble globular protein.
  • Manga's familiar marks - the ramjet speed lines, the plashy globular peepers, the buckets of gore, - are merely the crumbs of an old and highly developed art form.
  • The two HC, a-helical domains are helically interwound, giving the molecules a long, rigid superhelical structure with 2 globular headpieces.
  • We wandered up into the hills, which are sprinkled just at the moment with globular sheep: first lambs are due hereabouts in ten days or so.
  • The group was initially characterized by small and globular taxa with a muricate funnel-pore wall texture.
  • The highly conserved globular domain is essential for the binding of H1 to the nucleosome.
  • The tropical marine blowfish, which can grossly distend its spiny body into globular form, thereby terrifying confused predators.
  • The new species is characterized by a transversely extended, strongly biconvex to globular shell with prominent umbones, relatively numerous costae and a notothyrial cavity supported dorsally by a short median ridge.
  • A small subglobular pebble used as a polishing stone for pottery. Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made During the Field Season of 1881 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-82, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1884, pages 427-510
  • For this purpose, we represent the globular proteins with spheres and the membrane proteins with cylinders.
  • Omega Centauri has been known to be an unusual globular cluster for a long time.
  • In the Q & A, someone asked why any globulars are left.
  • The Milky Way has about 100 globular clusters, whereas giant elliptical galaxies are surrounded by thousands of globulars.
  • Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters.
  • Under her skilled hands a snake of clay was being coiled into the shape of a large globular jar.
  • The bottom disc, resting on three padded feet, is the base, while the globular glass shade sits on the top one.
  • Small caps, with low, wide necks, and globular or subglobular bodies, having two handles or ears which connect the lip with the shoulder. Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made During the Field Season of 1881 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-82, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1884, pages 427-510
  • Phylactolaemate bryozoans form globular or stolonate colonies in a variety of exclusively fresh water habitats.
  • These 5-to 6-nm - wide chains of globular subunits are interpreted as individual tubulin protofilaments in a curved guanosine diphosphate conformational state.
  • Two intertwined chains with globular heads on one end form a Kinesin dimer. Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
  • A typical globular cluster has about 1 million stars.
  • The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
  • The big vertical Global Roses in Bloom is all luscious, tumbling, whorling brushwork comprising a rough circular mass of globular, grapelike clusters.
  • DAVIESIA, JACKSONIA, and two or three dwarf species of ACACIA, one of which was very showy, about three feet high, with very small oblong, sericeous phyllodia, and globular heads of bright yellow flowers, produced in great abundance on axillary fascicles; also a very fine leguminous shrub, bearing the habit and appearance of Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • Hedgehog cacti are variable in form, but many are barrel shaped or globular.
  • The closest star system, Alpha Centauri, and the giant Omega Centauri globular star cluster also shine in the starry night.
  • It is microphthalmic, micropterous, depigmented, with reduced size, globular shape, and short and robust appendages.
  • Both have a globular or bulbous bell and the reed is placed on a curved or angled crook.
  • You can conceive of globular protein molecules folding from chains of left- and right-handed amino acids but not helical protein molecules.
  • little globular houses like mud-wasp nests
  • The chief part of the globular mass is formed by the nuclear yelk (deutoplasm), which is evenly distributed in the active protoplasm, and consists of numbers of fine yelk-granules. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Each tentacle has a globular tip filled with a multitude of cells, the so-called lasso-cells, each one of which conceals a coiled-up thread. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • If globulars have black holes now, then globulars most likely had black holes when they originally formed.
  • Indusium cup-shaped, fixed beneath the sorus, supported by the tooth of a leaf; sporangia borne in an elevated, globular receptacle open at the top. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • (b) Three handleless globular juglets, the necks of which support a fourth juglet, with beak-shaped spout and handle. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • The assumption of isochronal behaviour is always a problem is both open and globular clusters. Dating a Cluster – A New Trick | Universe Today
  • Radiating to branching crystal groups and rounded, globular, reniform, and botryoidal masses are common.
  • Globular nanometer ? ? aluminum oxide powder was synthesized through detonation of aluminum nitrate.
  • First, the titin molecule is composed of a discrete number of globular domains and a nonglobular segment.
  • Commonly called the lablab bug or globular stink bug, it's pea-sized and brownish with a wide posterior. - News
  • The stamen primordia differentiate from globular primordia into elliptic appendages of differing size.
  • It consisted of a globular iron cap, spreading out with a large hollowed projection over the back of the neck, and protected in front by the visor, beaver, and gorget. Medallion Vulcan | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Before the discovery of the malarial haemotozoon no pathogenic endoglobular haematozoon was known; today the Haemocytozoa constitute a family, important for the number of genera and species and also for the role some of these Protozoa play in human or veterinary pathology. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Shapley also pointed out in that paper that the noted increase in the distance of the clouds explains the ‘failure of the persistent Harvard searches for cluster-type cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds and their globular clusters.’
  • A species of CYPERUS with panicled globular heads of flowers was found here in the sloping bank. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • He was at least seven feet tall, and as hideous as he was big - a great yellow, globular face set on massive shoulders, with a tasselled cap on top, staring pop-eyes, and a great sword clutched in his pudgy hands. Flashman's Lady
  • On November 16, 1974 when the so-called “Arecibo message” was broadcast from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico to globular star cluster Messier 13, many doomsayers warned that the transmission would herald an alien invasion. Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Contact | Station151
  • This approach may be particularly inadequate for nonglobular, aspherical particles.
  • The musa lasiocarpa is both dwarf and hardy, and when established produces unusual yellow globular flowers.
  • The main object of binocular interest in Aquarius is the globular cluster M2.
  • According to electron micrographs and low angle X-ray studies the structure of the Rho hexamer can be described as a flat ring-shaped molecule composed of six globular subunits.
  • A distinguishing feature of the echinoids is that the ossicles imbricate and are fused into a globular or discoidal test; its flattened or concave oral side faces the substratum and the aboral side is arched in most species.
  • Another botanical curiosity is called the impregnated lemon; which is a perfect and distinct lemon enclosed within another, and differing from the outer one only in being a little more globular. Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
  • What is clear is that these clusters, like the globulars, are ancient.
  • The globular star clusters that surround the Milky Way also seem to come in two age groups.
  • Pottery includes globular vessels with cylindrical necks, pedestalled bowls, and one-handled cups, sometimes with embossed ornament.
  • The prevailing form is a bottle-shaped vessel, the neck being frequently high and slender, and the body globular or subglobular. Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made During the Field Season of 1881 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-82, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1884, pages 427-510
  • Quality of Pearl Gemstone: Select the genuine and globular shaped Pearl with fine qualities such as the soft luster with shining whitish color, spotlessness, totally free from the possible impurities or blemishes like dents, ridges and scratches. Gemology Pearl: Wear Ring or Mala to Mitigate the Negative Effects of Moon in Your Horoscope
  • The whorls of bloom issue from half-globular arrangements of buds and persistent calyces; each flower is an inch long; corolla ringent, or gaping; helmet, or upper division, linear; the seed organs are longer; the calyx tubular, having five minute teeth, being striped and grooved; the whole head, or whorl, is supported by a leafy bract, the leaflets being of a pale green colour, tinted with red. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • The globular wall of the blastula is a real blastoderm, and consists of homogeneous (blastodermic) cells; it is not yet differentiated into the two primary germinal layers. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Plasma membrane and polarized GFP-ICR1 localization in globular embryos GFP-ICR1 is detected in basal and periclinal membranes (arrowheads). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The body is globular with but slight differentiation into ectoplasm and endoplasm; one nucleus in the latter; contractile vacuoles one or many; pseudopodia on all sides, thin, and with peripheral granule-streaming; surrounded by a globular, rather thick coat of jelly, which is hyaline inside and granular on the periphery. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • Her doorbell buzzed: she knew who it was, but still, from habit, peered through the globular eye in the door. COUP D'ETAT
  • The next form of dial which comes under our notice is the convex or globular type. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • They exactly resemble the finest work in frosted silver, the curve of their globular mass of leaves is perfect; and one thinks of them rather as the base of an epergne for an imperial table, or as a prize at Ascot or Goodwood, than as anything organic. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Serpens contains a prominent globular cluster, M5, which is not far below naked-eye visibility.
  • A globular point means safety, a conch shape represents fame, a bright yellow flame indicated no obstacles, a lotus and jewel like flame denotes wealth.
  • The stalked globular antheridia are exceptional in being formed endogenously, and are situated in groups in special intercellular spaces. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Other studies in which quasi-static force spectroscopy was applied to globular proteins generally lack details that can be linked directly to the secondary structure of the protein.
  • As some of the water was removed, tiny globular islands, or ‘micelles’ of solid material formed in the solution.
  • pitahaya" (_Cereus giganteus_), with columnar shafts and straight upright arms, like the branches of gigantic candelabra; the echino-cacti, too -- those huge mammals of the vegetable world, resting their globular or egg-shaped forms, without trunk or stalk, upon the surface of the earth. The Rifle Rangers
  • This straggling shrub grows about a metre high and is covered in golden globular flowers.
  • It has hitherto been the only known member of the genus with spiny oogonia, and is readily distinguished from the second such species, next to be described, by its globular and few-spored oogonia, borne on slender threads. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • The energy orb is a simple globular light that changes color depending on how much energy you are using, or how much energy is available. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Energy Orb - Hacking Your Perception
  • There are certain stones and other minerals which, owing to their possession of numerous microscopically fine cavities, of a globular or tubular shape, have the appearance of "rays" or "stars," and these are called "asteriated. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet acid pithy flesh.
  • The bottle has a direct neck and a globular body and an evened and rounded lip.
  • Fruit very abundant, borne in short, branched clusters, globular, perfectly smooth, with no apparent sutures. Tomato Culture: A Practical Treatise on the Tomato
  • The antheridia are usually globular and long-stalked. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Its smooth shiny finish recalls the fine black slipware of ancient Etruria, while the globular body and pronounced lip recall Apulian geometric pottery.
  • a globular cluster of similar segmentation-cells, which we call the mulberry-formation or morula. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • The cells of the glands contain bright pink fluid, charged with granules or with globular masses of pinkish pulpy matter.
  • These differences might be related to the shape of the species in water, namely, the globular structure of meta-substituted porphyrins and the dimeric form of the zinc porphyrins.
  • These have expanding necks and bulbous to globular bodies.
  • We surmise that protonation of titratable residues of the HA1 domain at low pH enhances the electrostatic repulsion between the monomers of the globular domain and thus lowers the stability of their association.
  • Applying an irritant chemical to the membrane disrupts the ordered structure: the dye is released and the globular proteins undergo conformational changes.
  • Directly ahead you see a huge, globular molecule the size of a two-car garage.
  • Then followed an amoeboid and uncertain form, with an increased intensity of action which lasted a few moments, when lassitude supervened, then perfect stillness of the body, which is now globular in form, while the flagellum feebly lashed, and then fell upon and fused with the substance of the sarcode. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • Under her skilled hands a snake of clay was being coiled into the shape of a large globular jar.
  • In the words of Dr. Gray, "The fruit is a globular dry berry, enclosed by a five-parted, bladdery inflated calyx. Seed Dispersal
  • The blastoid is stemmed and armless, and its globular "head" or The Elements of Geology
  • But for all the lingering on inky skies or globular dollops of snow outside a window pane, the story never meanders.
  • Coleorhiza covered the radicle of differentiating wheat embryo and morphologically appeared as tapered tissue with an attached globular protrusion.
  • There were also force curves consistent with an attachment of a globular structure folded by an entangled DNA molecule.
  • The globular cluster M53 is in the same field as Alpha.
  • I wiped my mouth and looked at the globular mass floating towards the bridge and nearly gagged again as the ducks began eating it. THE MANANA MAN
  • He finds that the deprivation of solar light causes a diminution in the pigment of the skin, and absence of sunburning, but there is no globular anæmia -- that is, diminution in the number of globules in the blood. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • Proteins are strings of 20 kinds of amino acids, which usually fold up to form a large globular molecule.
  • The scolex of the organism is globular in shape and features a prominent projection known as a rostellum that is lined with a double row of hooks. Undefined
  • The complete quenching also suggests that lipids in the membrane are not arranged in aggregated or globular constructs that may prevent CO 2 + access.
  • This, he saw almost immediately, could form a key ingredient for globular bioplastic beads. Smithsonian
  • He showed me a large and very rusty helmet, which he informed me was a basinet, a typical type of open-faced helmet with a conical or globular skull.
  • The tertiary structure of myoglobin is that of a typical water soluble globular protein.
  • The aggregates of globular bodies seen in the section so greatly resemble the globulites of slags and natural glasses, and in their arrangement so forcibly recall the structures seen in the well known pitchstone of Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • The stability of the simulations of this large system (- 800 residues and 6,650 water molecules) is comparable to more conventional globular protein simulations.
  • Zoosporangia from cylindric becoming clavate, fusiform, or nearly globular, often in torulose series. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • This rough estimate applies to the globular and the egg-shaped bacteria, to which is given the name "coccus" (plural, cocci). Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
  • The only other object of immediate interest is the globular cluster M30, near Zeta.
  • It rose from the semiglobular mound like a spike from a helmet. The Return of the Native
  • It consisted of multiple red-brown globular nodules measuring 1 to 3.5 cm, with smaller fine nodules emerging from their surfaces.
  • Some scientists think globular clusters may actually be remnants of smaller "dwarf" galaxies, caught in the gravitational maw of their larger counterparts.
  • A large, bottle-shaped vase, with long neck and subglobular body. Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made During the Field Season of 1881 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-82, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1884, pages 427-510
  • Harlow Shapley (1885–1972), from an extensive study of the distribution of globular clusters and cepheid variable stars, increased the estimated size of our galaxy about ten times. 4. Science
  • Proteins are strings of 20 kinds of amino acids, which usually fold up to form a large globular molecule.
  • The nest of this little bird is more loosely put together and more globular than that of the amadavat. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • The top sources within our galaxy include the sun; a star system known as LSI +61 303, which pairs a massive normal star with a superdense neutron star; PSR J1836+5925, which is one of many new pulsars, a type of spinning neutron star that emits gamma-ray beams; and the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, a sphere of ancient stars 15,000 light-years away. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The softly shaded stars of globularia, the blue cups of nemophila, the yellow crosses of saponaria, the white and purple ones of sweet rocket, wove patches of rich tapestry, stretching onward and onward, a fabric of royal luxury, so that the young couple might enjoy the delights of that first walk together without fatigue. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • The high fraction of black hole binaries found in globular star clusters suggests that the black holes captured a single star or pulled it away from its original companion.
  • Instead, the barrel pore is occluded by a large, globular amino-terminal domain, termed the plug.
  • Such a pretty name for a ugly, destruction loving, globular mess.
  • But for all the lingering on inky skies or globular dollops of snow outside a window pane, the story never meanders.
  • The other interesting binocular object in Lepus is the globular cluster M79.
  • Serpens contains a prominent globular cluster, M5, which is not far below naked-eye visibility.
  • The macronucleus is globular and central, occasionally band-form and with numerous attached micronuclei. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901

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