
  1. having the shape of a sphere or ball
    a spherical object
    little globular houses like mud-wasp nests
    nearly orbicular in shape
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How To Use globose In A Sentence

  • In _P. farinosa_ the germen is broadly obovate and the stigma capitate; here the germen is globose and the stigma has five points. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Ellipsoidal microconidia and falcate macroconidia are formed from phialides by basipetal division; globose chlamydospores with thick walls are formed acrogenously from hyphae or by the modification of hyphal cells.
  • BUDS -- terminal buds usually 3/8 to 3/4 of an inch long, subglobose to narrowly ovate, with 8-10 imbricate scales, the outermost of which are a blackish brown with dark brown tomentum, and a short mucronate or attenuate apex, inner scales light brown with longer lanate pubescence and apex acute to obtuse; lateral buds smaller, about 1/4 of an inch with tightly appressed scales. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 44th Annual Meeting Rochester, N.Y. August 31 and September 1, 1953
  • Of the five subphyla of the traditional scheme, the first is the Echinozoa, which are usually globose or discoidal in form.
  • Baculiphyca taeniata was considered to differ from D. longiconoidalis on the basis of its rhizoidal rather than globose holdfast; however, the difference in holdfasts is probably preservational.
  • Nearly globose, slightly compressed, 2-3 cm long, green, turning yellowish brown on ripening. Chapter 7
  • Spikelets are in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter with the pedicels adnate to, or closely appressed to the joint of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • In _A. frostiana_ and the pale forms of the species the spores are nearly globose or oval, rarely with a tendency to become elliptical, but _the content is quite constantly finely granular_, while the spores of _A. cothurnata_ are perhaps more constantly globose or nearly so, but the spore is _nearly filled with a highly refractive oil globule or "nucleus. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Description: An extensive climber originating from a huge, usually globose, tuber up to 1 m across. Chapter 7
  • The _spikelets_ are 1 - to 2-flowered in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile and bisexual and the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter; the pedicel is adnate to the joint of the rachis. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
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