How To Use Globally In A Sentence
Only a very strong, perhaps only a globally dominant, power can sustain informal empire in the long run.
We are pleased to offer our clients access to CBX ASIA through our trading platform as we remain fully committed to providing the broadest selection of liquidity in Asia and globally, ensuring that our clients have a unique and dynamic edge when accessing trading venues".
Bobsguide Financial Industry News
LONDON—Commodities prices face increased volatility due to near-term macroeconomic concerns, but the long-term demand outlook remains bright, several of the U.K.'s largest globally diversified miners said Monday.
Global Miners See Price Volatility but Brisk Demand
The nutrients are becoming an important ingredient in infant formula globally.
When viewed globally, the future epidemiology of lung cancer is of great concern.

They are not caught in the cheap food syndrome, the race to the bottom, the chase for the lowest cost of production globally.
Oops, Business minister Baroness Vadera seems to have dropped a clanger - the BBC are reporting that "Baroness Vadera was asked when the UK could expect to see some" green shoots "and replied:" It's a very uncertain world right now globally ...
"a few green shoots"
Under the guise of socialism, it has become a source of cheap labor, with far-reaching implications for economies globally.
Likewise, procedure calls to globally defined functions are redirected through the "Procedure Linkage Table" (PLT) residing in the data segment of the core image.
The third key to Canada's international competitiveness in pharmaceuticals is a globally competitive stance with regard to patent protection.
Strengthening Canada's Economy Within the Globl Healthcare Environment: The Need For Vision
Global advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty's online portfolio which allows the user to browse either globally or via regional versions that are supported by local languages.
Ray E. Kidder, a laser pioneer at the Livermore nuclear arms lab, estimated that the overall number of scientists involved globally ran to several thousand.
Here we show that misreporting by countries with large fisheries, combined with the large and widely fluctuating catch of species such as the Peruvian anchoveta, can cause globally spurious trends.
I also discussed in some depth the potential for bypassing firewalls using the proxying components of the protocol. demo DNS is a routing, caching, globally deployed overlay network on top of the Internet.
Boing Boing: January 9, 2005 - January 15, 2005 Archives
Our vision for 2020 is for the UK to be the most investment-friendly environment for fintech globally, attracting $4bn of venture investment and $4bn of institutional investment in corporate venture funds, accelerators and innovation programmes.
Two globally endangered species -- spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank -- were also spotted in Sonadia.
The Daily Star
SMS messaging is the fastest-growing means of communication globally - with monthly volumes topping a billion.
It could also be easier to experiment with new formats and to push the successes globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The companies face increasingly cutthroat competition and a growing glut in productive capacity both in Japan and globally.
She has achieved what must be one of the more astonishingly high degrees of popularity in dance globally.
Madrasas now outnumber secondary schools, according to Anupam Sen, the vice chancellor of a new private university in Chittagong, who also told me that a new class of society is emerging that is “globally Islamic” rather than “specifically Bengali.”
Traditional investment banking and stockbroking activity has been muted globally as a result of the European sovereign-debt crisis and concerns about a protracted economic downturn in the U.S. In July, Macquarie said it expected its results for fiscal 2012, which ends March 31, to be better than last year's—if market conditions are not "materially worse.
Macquarie May Bid for RBS Aviation Unit
Reuters Steel coils in Tokyo this week For Japan's top steel suppliers, close ties to local auto makers and operations focused on high-grade steel serve as a cushion against foreign market conditions, but they are nonetheless vulnerable to the globally weakening steel-market conditions that have already bit into the earnings of foreign rivals ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel Corp.
Nippon Steel Swings to Profit
Globally, we know that about 200 million suffer from chronic undernutrition.
Mobilizing to End Child Hunger
The research team concluded that parents are still raising girls and boys in environments that are “globally different”; they are still encouraging “sex-typed play by selecting different toys for female and male children, even before the child can express her or his own preferences.”
Failing at FAIRNESS
This applies globally as well as locally: despite continuous, near-global sympatry between domestic dogs and wolves, hybridization has hardly occurred and only one mtDNA type is shared.
Archive 2006-10-01
One red car stood out: Hyundai's new three-door sporty hatchback called Veloster, which hit showrooms here in May and is slowly rolling out globally.
Bright Colors Struggle to Bloom in South Korea's Silver-Car Nation
With the new proposal of multi-national DNA databanks, this information could be accessed and cross-referenced globally.
Selective mutism would manifest only in particular social situations rather than globally.
Movement of animals and disease vectors is perhaps one of the most common causes of disease emergence globally.
Most of the work going on globally in integrated polymer components is in the areas of switches, attenuators, filters, modulators, lasers, and amplifiers.
From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader.
Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
DOMUS has instituted a program to work in collaboration with institutions globally to ensure the collection's continued commitment to education and advocacy of the arts.
And we have already started it but we will formulize it between now and the end of the year and the sales organization will start to sell globally the different offerings that we have.
Software Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
Requests for strategic intelligence are steadily on the rise globally.
Iran borders the Strait of Hormuz, conduit for roughly two - fifths of all globally traded oil.
Steve Martin approached his stints as Oscar host in 2001 and 2003 like a guy who had taken a religious vow not to pander or suck up to his audience, both the star-studded one inside the Kodak Theater and the millions tuning in globally.
Steve Martin: The bone-dry humor in his Oscar past just needs a little gravy |
Reportedly, Omid Kordestani, Google's senior vice-president of global sales and business development, told staff: "We believe it's now time not just to roll-out globally the best practices from the different reginal sales teams - the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific - but also to tailor our business strategies more closely to the different situations we face in different countries.
Gastrointestinal problems — vomiting and diarrhea — are normally rare for adults with flu, but have been reported globally in as many as 50% of nonhospitalized patients with the virus.
Swine Flu: The Next Wave
Chad ranked last on the African list and 101st globally.
Restructured to compete globally, it enacted "flexicurity"-an important pre-text in setting the stage for Denmark's brain-powered environment. News
Denizen Hotels website remains fairly vague - lots of flash and plenty of sleek, chic introductions to the Denizen concept - here's what we know so far: the brand will be aimed at the "globally conscious modern traveler," with the word denizen meant to be interpreted as "citizen of the world.
HotelChatter -
Contrarily, television is actually having a confident, expansive moment globally.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, there may be underutilized workforces globally, but there is notably less available supply of copper, platinum, and crude oil.
Globally, this will put 17 million telephone repairmen, and another 48 million people who work in cognate branches of the phone industry, out of work.
Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare.
Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
Global atmospherics made it abundantly clear that thinking globally and acting locally were not enough.
Most businesses will compete globally iD. a rapidly changing world.
Politicians have finally acknowledged that they cannot run schools, which is why governments globally are turning to autonomous charter schools.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the most efficient car plant in all Europe, a model for the entire industry globally.
Times, Sunday Times
But if the country builds a future-proof network, we will be recognised globally as a key area for communications, and this will benefit the entire population.
We need to start thinking globally.
Though piracy is a globally recognized crime, few governments are willing to navigate the legal and logistical barriers that impede convicting seaborn bandits.
On the Lawless Seas, It's Not Easy Putting Somali Pirates in the Dock
Modal logic has a more sophisticated truth definition in which formulas are not simply globally true or false; their truth depends on your point of view.
Around ten million people globally require surgery to prevent corneal blindness.
The Sun
Basically, value-excerption in hCard got implemented in parsers globally, so we're trying spec it more fully to reflect that.
Ben Ward
The term Brahmin has come to be used globally to describe those at the top of the heap with an attitude to match, as in Boston Brahmins.
Reversal of Fortune Isolates India's Brahmins
The wetland areas of the region support numerous waterfowl and native fish including the endemic brown mudfish (Neochanna apoda), which is considered a lower risk globally threatened species.
Northland temperate forests
Strategies for containing breakouts of contagious diseases could be shared, globally and in real time, across languages and technologies.
Globally, transverse flutes are less common than end-blown or duct flutes.
Neisseria meningitidis, the meningococcus, is a globally distributed cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia.
Our already ideologically narrow local media sphere is further narrowed by this recycling of a globally homogenized, monoglot worldview.
In Linux, however, the case suggests itself strongly that developing software through evolutionary processes does not require globally coordinated efforts.
Europe has a bad habit of putting its companies at a competitive disadvantage globally.
Times, Sunday Times
It was supported globally and was backed by RoadPeace, the national charity for road traffic victims.
At first, with the support of international scientists including Thomas Jefferson, the nation's finest savants reckoned that the pendulum would set a fair and globally convincing standard.
The family Anthomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) is a globally distributed group of phytophagous, saprophagous, or coprophagous flies with over 1500 described species worldwide.
Apart from the globally-extinct great auk, the bustard is the only bird known to have bred in Britain that hasn't done so in recent times.
Among the respiratory viruses, influenza viruses are known to cause outbreaks globally.
The spiny thicket or "spiny desert" of southern Madagascar, also referred to as deciduous thicket, is a globally distinctive ecoregion.
Madagascar spiny thickets
But Mr. Panetta's public comments about al Qaeda's decline were the most far-reaching to date about what he described as a final push to defeat the network globally.
Panetta: U.S. Within Reach of Defeating al Qaeda
Like a virus on the Internet, this contagion spreads globally, especially as bigger companies shrink their advertising budgets.
Alarmingly, since the 1980s S. pyogenes has been identified to be globally responsible for a class of emerging, life threatening, invasive infections including the "flesh-eating" disease, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia, and the excretion of the pyrogenic exotoxin-associated toxic shock syndrome
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Globally, UBS recently merged its equity and debt capital desks, a move that better enables bankers there to find solutions for companies whose refinancing options have dwindled.
Globally endangered wild animals include Capreolus pygargus and Cervus elaphus in the forests and Ovis ammon and Capra sibirica in the mountainous area.
Altai montane forest and forest steppe
I think that the motivation of all of this development work in Africa, it's about a particular vision of a globally just society; it's about a sense of profound responsibility for each other, and the unity of the Church in that context doesn't mean papering over the cracks in an institution just so people hang on to their jobs and their structures, it means keeping open the networks, the channels that exist between different parts of the Communion so that this kind of resourcing can go on.
Reflections on Angola, Africa and the Communion
From September, 500 out-of-print titles from authors such as Clark, the outspoken Conservative minister, the Labour politician and biographer Roy Jenkins, Booker prizewinner Bernice Rubens and poet and critic Edith Sitwell will be available globally via a new online service to be called Bloomsbury Reader.
Bloomsbury brings Edith Sitwell to the ebook
Noyer: There was probably during the period of time that preceded the crisis an excessive belief that the combination of the growing importance of emerging economies, which brought a disinflationary force in the manufacturing sector, and the credibility attained by central banks globally had created a world where inflation could be kept at bay quite easily.
According to Productscan, PepsiCo launched the most isotonic, energy producing beverages globally in the 12 months to May 2007, followed by The Coca-Cola Company.
Our customers respect us for our agile, responsive approach to satisfying their needs, whether for the precision metallic components, modules and systems of our powertrain driveline business, or the high-quality, innovative aerial work platforms our globally successful Skyjack business produces.
The New Face of Linamar: The Evolution of a Brand
Globally competitive firms knit together national competitive advantages to make things in the most cost-effective locations.
Times, Sunday Times
The case of detainee Omar Khadr highlights how President Barack Obama has struggled to carry out a pledge he made immediately after taking office to close the globally unpopular military prison, which he called a recruiting tool for terrorists.
The Guardian World News
But to thrive globally we also need the freedom to compete on equal terms, and to do that the media industry needs deregulation.
Times, Sunday Times
Apart from the ease of apparently authentic numbering, holograms have been globally downgraded as a protection.
Bush/Brownhave andcan open your mail, read your emails, keep records of what you buy and where you shop, keep records on all of your internet searches, listen in on your phone calls, globally GPS track your cell phone, etc.
Torture, Rendition, Stolen Elections Must be America
A 16-year-old British schoolboy has been arrested over his alleged involvement in a cyber attack which is said to have affected the internet globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The paradox today is that the sense of a familiar rhetorical territory is now supplied globally by an international consumer culture.
Furthermore, experts argue that if the health ministry could in the past ban painkiller rofecoxib, diabetes drug phenformin, and anti-allergy drugs astemizole and terfenadine due to adverse effects based on global reports, why can't the same logic be applied in case of other drugs which have been banned globally?
Daily News & Analysis
There are 1.3 billion chip-based cards in circulation globally, according to Randy Vanderhoof , executive director of the Smart Card Alliance, a trade association that supports the technology.
J.P. Morgan Adds Chip-Based Cards
Innovations, while important, are globally available, and America's productivity gains have outstripped those of other countries.
International SOS Assistance Inc., a medical - and security-assistance company that advises and tracks travelers globally, is telling corporate clients to continue business in Europe, but is warning them to be more cautious.
Germany Downplays Terror Threat
According to McKinsey & Company, there are a "startingly wide range" of ways in which companies can offer economic benefits not only to women, but also to the corporations themselves in the form of enlarged markets, improved quality and size of the workforce, and improved corporate reputations both locally and globally.
Ben Kerschberg: The Imperative of Investing in Women in the Workforce
It forced Washington to look inland as well as globally, to ponder homeland security, even agroterrorism.
These music creations can then be uploaded onto the Internet and distributed globally.
So the fact that sometimes the shekel is strengthening because the dollar is weakening globally doesn't cut a lot of ice with most Israelis.
Interview Transcript: Stanley Fischer
The other interesting project in Ecuador that would “make a difference” globally is the copper-gold prospect of Corriente (CTQ. to, ETQ) in the eponymous copper belt.
Maul Scale | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
Politicians have finally acknowledged that they cannot run schools, which is why governments globally are turning to autonomous charter schools.
Times, Sunday Times
Hexaploid common wheat is one of the most important staple crops globally.
While the financial crisis has ushered in an era of great currency volatility globally, China's response has been to effectively repeg the yuan to the dollar.
China Sets Stage With New Yuan-Clearing Process
And, yet, in 2008, their label loving world where they live myopically and refuse to think globally has become claustrophobic and beside the point.
Thelma Adams: Sex and The City Jumps the Shark
Leishmaniasis, a globally prevalent parasitic disease occurs in three forms viz., visceral, cutaneous and mucocutaneous, transmitted by the bite of infected female Phlebotomus sandflies.
The Government agreed to wipe out the UK's ruddy duck population after it was found the north American duck was challenging the survival of the globally-threatened white-headed duck through interbreeding.
Mud volcanoes are an important global mechanism for degassing deeply buried sediments and it has been estimated that several thousand occur globally.
People who join the National Front consider force a globally acceptable tool and consider some of us rightless untermenschen.
Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #45
Restricted range and globally threatened birds present in Cape York Peninsula include the buff-breasted buttonquail (Turnix olivii EN), golden-shouldered parrot (Psephotus chrysopterygius EN), lovely fairywren (Malurus amabilis), white-streaked honeyeater (Trichodere cockerelli), and yellow-spotted honeyeater (Meliphaga notata).
Cape York tropical savanna
By the end of the decade the four big Australian iron ore producers will command comfortably more than half of globally traded iron ore.
Times, Sunday Times
His "coming out party" has been gloriously trumpeted globally while locally he won't even supply one "iota" of proof to let us home folks know where he was really born.
The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
The company has to be able to compete globally.
Kodak decided to invest dozens of billions of US dollars globally last year to expand its business.
The project key must be globally unique if DOAP descriptions are to be shared on the Web.
Under conditions of a globally integrated capitalist economy, only the perspective of socialist internationalism can provide a way forward.
By contrast, for more complex corporations such as the global multimarket multibusiness firm, key account management may reside within individual divisions or business units, in individual countries, and/or in regional groups and/or globally, and/or at corporate.
Other globally threatened species recorded in this ecoregion include wattled crane (Bugeranus carunculatus, VU), which has its main breeding populations in the wetlands of Zambia, including the Kafue Flats and the Bangweulu and Busanga swamps, corncrake (Crex crex, VU), lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni, VU), great snipe (Gallinago media) and shoebill stork (Balaeniceps rex).
Zambezian flooded grasslands
Globally Unique Identifier or GUID is a pseudo-random number used in software applications.
Banks globally are recapitalizing their balance sheets thru stock issues to take advantage of the past 5 months stock market rally and improved market sentiment.
The Trust aims to educate the children of poor widows throughout India, irrespective of religion, caste and gender, and raise the issues surrounding widowhood globally.
It turns out we can very simply manipulate their genetics to produce fungi that induce up to a five-fold growth increase in this globally important food plant, " Sanders said.
The APC is the torch bearer of Pan Africanism, and will occupy the centre stage of politics in this country, and continentally and globally in due course," Maringa said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This is a myopic way of thinking, especially for companies who want to remain globally competitive.
The race for news started to accelerate in the 60s and 70s when news providers started to disseminate information globally by telex.
With my friends from home we had discussed Third World politics and our growing awareness of exploitation globally.
The Scottish film industry may be small, but is recognised globally as creative, enterprising and skilled.
The US, Australia and many other countries soon followed and by January 2010 most of McDonald's network in developed economies globally is already wired for WiFi.
Brett King: Is free WiFi in Coffee Shops an economic indicator for innovation?
Globally competitive firms knit together national competitive advantages to make things in the most cost-effective locations.
Times, Sunday Times
Low-relief domical volcanoes, many less than several kilometers in diameter, are globally abundant, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
Globally, after technology, energy companies, materials, industrials and telecoms shares were the most popular.
Times, Sunday Times
Globally, digital publishing is a $430 billion industry. In the west, digitisation has witnessed a revolutionary growth.
The GDR is a financial tool used by private companies to raise capital globally in either
China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
Biomarkers, first and last appearances of species and acmes, appropriately tested globally form the basis of biostratigraphy and age dating in conjunction with paleomagnetic and radiometric dates.
Should Keller's Thin Sections Be Independently Tested? « Climate Audit
However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari.
Simpson desert
Creating a climate of success for women globally is just simply smart business for a consumer-products company.
Muhtar Kent: This Century Goes to the Women
Among listed birds and mammals are: golden eagle Aquila chrysaetus, imperial eagle Aquila heliaca, peregrine Falco peregrinus, black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus, snow leopard Uncia uncia (EN, Globally threatened), manul cat Felis manul, Mongolian gazelle Procapra guttorosa; (LR, Globally Threatened) and Altai argali Ovis ammon ammon (VU, Globally Threatened).
Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
Insecure land tenure is a common problem faced by African pastoralists and by indigenous peoples more globally.
Since the early 1970s Australia has had a string of front-rank, globally recognized prime ministers: Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, John Howard and Kevin Rudd.
When Julia Gillard Went to Canberra
Recently, the property of unambiguity in alternating Turing machines has received considerable attention in the context of analyzing globally-unique games.
The effects of fisheries, focusing on the top predators and herbivores of the food web, is globally visible in the disappearance of large fish, sharks, turtles, crustaceans and plants, and consequent increases in smaller fish species, sea urchins, etc., and their phytoplanktonic or macrophyte food.
Marine biodiversity
It is harder for industry to compete globally and householders face higher bills for an essential service.
Times, Sunday Times
The live feed was also broadcast globally by the Sirius satellite radio network.
The last Spix's Macaw had been alone for thirteen years; he had become globally famous as the world's loneliest bird.
In addition to conserving globally important populations of freshwater dolphins, the new wildlife sanctuaries in the Sundarbans are expected to provide protection for other threatened aquatic wildlife including the river terrapin, masked finfoot, and small-clawed otter.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
A sobering reflection of this is the loss of $ 30 trillion dollars in equity prices globally.
Aids alone has been responsible for more than 35 million deaths globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The world working class must rally to the banner of internationalism and unite in opposition to globally organized capital.
This is the most efficient car plant in all Europe, a model for the entire industry globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The worst depredations upon the environment, give or take a few, have all been inflicted in the last twenty-five years -- the duration in which markets have gotten freer in the U.S., and the population explosion globally has been regarded a surmountable triviality.
Environmentalist Forecasting Model, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It is a hive of creativity, recognized globally as a fashion capital.
However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari.
Simpson desert
Politicians have finally acknowledged that they cannot run schools, which is why governments globally are turning to autonomous charter schools.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the most efficient car plant in all Europe, a model for the entire industry globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The bird assemblage also includes the globally threatened lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) and threatened masked finfoot (Heliopais personata).
Sundarbans mangroves
Globally I think that the classical political doctrines will be seriously transformed.
Pissarides, a globally renowned expert in the jobs market who received his Nobel prize in Stockholm last Monday, is urging George Osborne to avoid the temptation to penalise the jobless.
UK's Nobel economics laureate Christopher Pissarides warns chancellor: don't axe jobless benefits
Until recently, the airline was the largest carrier globally that was not a member of a big airline alliance scheme.
Times, Sunday Times
Yogi, a hungarian vizsla from Sydney, made headlines globally last month when he was crowned Best in Show at Crufts, the world's most prestigious dog show held in England. | Top Stories
The southern bald ibis (Geronticus calvus VU), Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres VU) and wintering lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni VU) are other globally threatened bird species that occur in the ecoregion.
Drakensberg alti-montane grasslands and woodlands
Europe has a bad habit of putting its companies at a competitive disadvantage globally.
Times, Sunday Times
I mean: there they are, all multiethnic yet homespun, chock-full of scrimpy rightwing family values, thinking globally and acting locally, checking their ten-dollar Indian laptops to see whose turn it is to turn the compost heap ...
Warren Ellis
Rhetorically, he often proposed that modern architecture be regionally specific rather than globally uniform.
But ABI Research expects mobile TV will be someday cash cow globally as well.
Existence and the rationality of everlastingness are human intrinsic concerns, and. sustainable development expands such rationality in a broader space socially and globally.
• The rapid emergence of infectious diseases crises, such as multidrug resistant tuberculosis, SARS, mad cow disease, are likely to spread globally causing severe health and economic consequences.
Dr. Paul Zeitz: Call for Global Wikipedia of Global Peace Organization (GPO) Charter: 31 Days Until Global Marches for Justice on 17 January 2011
The core thesis in this book is that the global technocracy, visible in all our major cities, working for globally focused organisations, have more in common with each other than the culture of their particular national hinterland.
Roy is probably now her country's most globally famous polemicist, as both a writer and speaker
Arundhati Roy: India's bold and brilliant daughter
[T] he films in this year's Oscar race seem to suggest the world is more globally unified and polyglot than ever before," writes Anthony's also got a followup entry at his blog: "[W] hat I neglected to mention in the story is that most of the films have not exactly done 'boffo' business.
GreenCine Daily
Besides being the world's largest GMO seed producer, Monsanto makes a stew of toxic chemicals and spreads them globally - including glyphosate herbicide, alachlor, and butachlor.
Obama's New Appointments
It is commonly due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow, which may be caused by a variety of mechanisms.
Another instrument keeps daily track of the carbon monoxide plumes from fires and the scope of pollution produced regionally and globally.
Mosquitoes spread about four million malaria cases, causing about one million deaths globally each year.
Share prices have tumbled globally, with Britain's FTSE share index hitting its lowest level for six years.
From Nobel Prizes in economics to Pulitzers in fiction, from a film industry that has captured the hearts of millions to a vast knowledge industry that produces the technology and content of transnational firms, India's cultural capital is produced globally, speaks multilingually, and is consumed visibly in just about every corner of the post-industrial world.
That does not sound a big deal, but the resulting financial ructions would be felt globally.
Times, Sunday Times
The Air Force Distributed Common Ground System is the service's premier globally networked intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance weapon system, SAIC said.
Teamwork makes our organization strong as we continue to expand nationally and globally.
We are among the finest educated, creative and talented people in the world and yet we have the second highest rate of suicide globally - especially among young boys and men.
I'm afraid that if anything, the situation is more critical and needs attention globally.
A 2001 report from the International Organization for Standardization, the governing body responsible for standardizing the containers, estimated that containerization has reduced the cost and time required to move goods globally by 35 and 84 percent, respectively.
8,000 Refrigerated Shipping Containers May Be In Danger Of Exploding
Like any nation competing for foreign trade or investment, African countries have to focus on a variety of policies as a strategy to become more globally acceptable as investment havens.
By means of Lyapunov stability theorem, it is proved that the dynamics of the synchronization error is globally and asymptotically stable.
Going forward, Glen Dimplex will have to meet the low-cost manufacturing challenge presented globally by the emerging economic powerhouse in China.
ICICI's chief executive officer K.V.Kamath said that in spite of steel prices hardening globally, ICICI will not lend any further to the industry.
Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare.
Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
A PET Scan showed globally decreased radiotracer uptake within the brain, bilaterally, consistent with involutional change and prior radiation therapy.
The quality of education was also key in making student's globally marketable.
We also can export our new knowledge to treat ebola globally.
Times, Sunday Times
Smuggling is not a small phenomenon: we have estimated that, globally, a third of legal cigarette exports disappear into the contraband market.
The study 'Magnesium ethoxide (CAS 2414-98-4) Market Research Report 2009' presents an overview of the Magnesium ethoxide market globally and regionally by contemplating and analyzing its parameters.
Let's name the women who have climbed to power globally and look at whether they were mothers, or single.
Globally, there has been a sharp overall decline in leatherbacks over the past 15 years.
Their art works, that comprise digital re-photographed reproductions, are an attempt to link memory and subject, subsuming memory as archival material that transcends barriers to be utilised globally.
The worldwide collapse in the price of oil, due to a glut in production, means the energy industry is in the doldrums globally.
Times, Sunday Times
At the national level, our outreach also expands globally.
But we are talking about oil reaching a coral cay which is globally important for seabird breeding and the nesting of green and loggerhead turtles.
Raw Story
The rump controls business remaining was too small to compete globally: a bid was inevitable.
Times, Sunday Times
this is globally significant
These globally approved, food - grade lubricants also acceptable for use in Kosher, Halal and vegetarian food manufacture.
It is harder for industry to compete globally and householders face higher bills for an essential service.
Times, Sunday Times
From Taiwan freight can be forwarded to cities worldwide using EVA Air's route network and cooperation agreements with carriers globally.
If we set a goal in 2012 to internationalize education for all US students, future generations of Americans will be outward-looking, locally and globally engaged, multilingual, and empathetic.
Ed Gragert: America's Educational Exceptionalism
The company has to be able to compete globally.
The total amount of water withdrawn globally from rivers, underground aquifers and other sources has increased ninefold since 1900.