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How To Use Globalization In A Sentence

  • And it broadly defines these extremists as including people who embrace some components of "anticapitalist" or "antiglobalization" ideas. Us Too
  • The forum gives anti-globalization activists and civil society leaders a chance promote progressive causes. At Close of World Social Forum, Activists Draw Inspiration from Uprisings
  • Unless we are to believe naively that leisure and luxury crystallize out of thin air, we must recognize and acknowledge that the comforts of globalization are reaped from the labour and toil of others.
  • The singular aim of elite globalization is to maximize profits for international corporations.
  • While sociologists do not fully understand these processes, they do know that they are in large part a result of globalization. Sociology
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  • This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
  • Why has the era of globalization been characterized by an intensification of tribalism and ethnic conflict?
  • Mr. Husain articulates a clear, unambivalent and positive assessment of the likely effects of globalization and liberalization on poverty.
  • Freedom, democracy and fraternity are people's slogans and globalization and liberalization are the slogans of imperialism.
  • In what ways has economic globalization affected the U. S. stratification system? Sociology
  • The proper response to the globalization of greed and gluttony, and to the rise of violence in this world, is solidarity, which must manifest itself in practical actions, not just rhetorical flourishes.
  • Fundamentalism is a cultural backlash to globalization; the alienated and angry young men of colonized societies and cultures react to the erosion of their identity and security.
  • We find ourselves in a world system of globalization willing to sacrifice millions of human beings. Christianity Today
  • The onrushing process of globalization—loosely defined as worldwide networks of interdependence—served as a major propellant of integration. Between War and Peace
  • In the era of consume culture and cultural globalization, the multi - culture views are respected unprecedentedly.
  • Most groups now also suggest localization and subsidiarity as key principles opposed to globalization.
  • bisected" structures, globalization and: "What was the last blockbuster that left you smiling? GreenCine Daily
  • The classic lie about globalization is its recency.
  • If they want to get their message across, antiglobalization forces must unite and search for leaders currently lost in the sea of a violent, amorphous mob.
  • The challenge for economic geographers is to engage globalization on the ground by socializing these abstract mechanisms.
  • Clinton offered no new measures to restore confidence in globalization and open trade.
  • It was certainly true that the globalization consensus seemed firmest in places where the international political and business elite gathered, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos. Zero-Sum Future
  • Artists are a not-negligible factor in the globalization of culture that is, solipsistically, such a big theme in contemporary art.
  • Today, many Canadians outside of your industrialist and financier circles are suffering again from globalization.
  • During the last quarter century, partly as a result of economic globalization, there has been a growing gap between rich and poor. Sociology
  • The process of globalization has certainly been amongst the most significant developments of the past few decades.
  • We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
  • Actually, the decrease is also harmful if capital is mobile internationally, as it is today under globalization.
  • He would have to engage young people, address issues of ecclesial organization, commit himself to ecumenism, and confront the challenges of globalization.
  • Material geographies facilitate the construction and mobilization of spatial metaphors that, in turn, legitimize globalization tendencies.
  • However, one can appreciate the importance of globalization without slipping into such globalism.
  • Globalization is not a phenomenon of the last decade - trade flows, human migration and the interpenetration of cultures are as old as human experience.
  • Central to many of the protests against it is a trilogy of discontents about the idea of capitalism, the process of globalization, and the behavior of corporations.
  • Prabhat Patnaik equates globalization with imperia... Who questions the proposal and on what grounds?
  • In fact, globalization is often not part of the detailed analysis of the case studies given as examples.
  • But marketization and globalization were not neutral, and as China grew closer to the West economically, it found itself under growing pressure to abide by international political norms.
  • Globalization socially and culturally at very practical levels relativizes national identities and loosens the links between the individual self and nation.
  • Globalization simply means freedom of movement for goods and people, and it is hard to be violently hostile to that.
  • The project thus straddled the financial crash of 2008, and now concludes amid rising economic nationalism and anti-globalization sentiment. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This example reorients our understanding of the cosmopolitan breadth of modernism, the cross-cultural complexity of postcolonialism, and the growing globalization of twentieth-century literature written in English.
  • In Davos, 3,000 CEOs of the world's biggest companies, political leaders, leading academics, assorted opinion-makers, media and hangers-on gathered for the great globalization kaffeeklatsch known as the World Economic Forum.
  • Globalization increases the demand for natural resources in remote and undeveloped regions.
  • Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle
  • In fact, several influential commentators offer a contrary assessment that links globalization to new forms of cultural expression.
  • Chevènement thinks that the borders of the nation-state can serve as a rampart against globalization.
  • What is different today is the pace at which globalization is occurring, and the degree of global interdependence that is the result. Sociology
  • In the age of globalization, capital flows brought in by a firm currency can be more important than the increased trade afforded by a softer one.
  • But the course of economic globalization and the change of transregional investable development make this tendency seriously, and make tax jurisdiction of resource land weakened.
  • Prodi is too much politician, provincial and elitist to be taken seriously and Bhagwati is -- paradoxically -- evangelical and boring as he defends globalization. David E.
  • The anti-globalization movement is attracting new adherents to its principles.
  • He explained about the process of adapting to globalization and how we should administer our human resources in the modern world.
  • They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.
  • At first sight, the emergence of the EU as a regional grouping seems to be in contradiction with the direction and thrust of globalization.
  • They persuasively argue that in all the generalized and sometimes highfalutin talk about globalization, the central role that women play in the massive migrations that define and sustain the new economy has been ignored.
  • How is our sense of place affected by evidences of globalization?
  • The best thing that ever happened to our company was the Internet and the globalization that resulted from it.
  • The picture he draws is not one of corporations denationalized by economic integration and states whose powers have been eroded, as in much current writing on globalization.
  • The incessant spread of globalization is killing the very qualities of distinctiveness and diversity of our differing cultures that make this world such a special place to live in.
  • The evidence from both economic and social indicators suggests that globalization, far from being a force for immiserization, has rather been a source of improvement for the people residing in the poorer countries of the world.
  • Political globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of political interrelations across the globe.
  • Globalization really exists objectively, but the objectivity is inseparable from the ideological strategy of neoliberalism.
  • First, the impact of economic globalization on job loss and income decline has already been emphasized. Sociology
  • It is difficult even to take seriously the proposition that, whether because of globalization or otherwise, the governments of industrialized countries are hurting for tax revenue.
  • Muegge held his tongue as Good Old Harry publicly pontificated on the wisdom of ag globalization, integration and concentration.
  • Gill suggests that ‘globalization is dialectical, not unilinear, promoting opposing tendencies: integration and fragmentation, universalism and particularism, homogenisation and differentiation’.
  • The missing link in Kay's polemical acknowledgment of the importance of geography in globalization, however, is what constitutes this importance.
  • Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
  • They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.
  • Yet despite what the majority of Americans believe and want their leaders and elected officials promote another agenda called internationalism or globalization. "My Fellow Prisoners"
  • How might this alternative conception of social facts guide a critical and praxeological theory of globalization? Critical Theory
  • The incentive of central banks to protect the interest of creditors has been increased by the globalization of the financial markets.
  • Many economic liberals have an optimistic view of economic globalization.
  • In the age of globalization it is an economic backwater.
  • Freeman explored the interconnected ‘dialectics of globalization/localization, production/consumption, and gender/class’ through the everyday lives of pink-collar informatics operators in Barbados.
  • They know they are in globalization's gunsights.
  • Packed with dense texts combining facts about globalization and war with anagrams and doggerel, the book tours an allegorical carnival studded with nightmarish rides and sideshow freaks.
  • The proposal raises the question of whether government aid is required for workers affected by globalization, and whether this aid should come from the EU: 1. Uncompetitive workers: Globalization has accelerated the pace of economic change and delocalization in the EU. EU's Weak Means To Combat Globalization
  • It was a vague mandate, and that is why the main thing such confabs are known for now is what they occasion on the outside: anti-globalization protests, such as the vicious ones at the world trade conference in Seattle in 1999. Shanghai the G-20 with a shadow
  • Economic globalization, like most social processes, has both positive and negative impacts. Sociology
  • These are all plausible objections to globalization as the defining element in contemporary order.
  • On the one hand, African cultures reflect and participate in the worldwide accentuation of inequalities, as well as the globalization of desires and the creation of a young people's market in (mostly American) consumer products.
  • What the group is fighting against is the unquestioning nature in which we accept the hegemonic forces of globalization and the consequent homogenization of culture.
  • The practices of exclusive other-worldly salvation religions did not disappear with modernity, despite early Enlightenment imperatives, and have not disappeared so far despite recent globalization.
  • Historicism of this kind would make a Marxist proud, and is perhaps why so many former Trots become evangelists of Technology and Globalization: the certainty and simplicity of telelogical narratives hold a strong appeal.
  • Yet there is a new movement astir in the world, against the inherent violence of globalization, corporate rule and fundamentalism, that reminds us strongly of the early 1960s.
  • Lax regulation may have been the lever that pushed the world into the present financial crisis, but the fulcrum was the twin excesses of over-financialization and over-globalization, according to UC Berkeley economist Ashok Bardhan. YaleGlobal Online
  • And, once again, traditionalists are reacting against globalization just as vehemently, if not more so, as they did against modernity.
  • Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.
  • Globalization and the Crisis in the Western Slipper (... just the word itself - "slipper" - is a downer) 52 entries from February 2007
  • In this part of the book the question of the extent to which organizations are involved in a process of globalization is considered.
  • The more recent phase of integration has occurred against the backdrop of globalization.
  • Critics of globalization argue that it marginalizes the majority while exacting too high a toll on the environment.
  • The paper will shoot a light on globalization in arbitral procedure by analyzing the law which govern the proceedings, the seat of arbitration and the specific proceedings in arbitration.
  • Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.
  • What is different today is the pace at which globalization is occurring, and the degree of global interdependence that is the result. Sociology
  • Globalization reinforces nonpolarity in two fundamental ways. Molecularization: The open marketplace of influence « BuzzMachine
  • Analyst Adrian Salbuchi from Argentina, proposes a Model that helps to understand the dynamics of what is currently taking place in the world, which he defines as the overlapping and increasingly violent process that marks the end of Globalization and the birth of World - Financial News
  • I usually give Citgo a pass because most of the company's profits wind up on the hands of the Venezuelan government, headed by the socialist, Castro-loving, anti-globalization, and virulently anti-American Hugo Chavez. Oil is Oil, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Last year's adoption by the International Labour Organization of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization is just one recent example of the UN system's commitment to social justice.
  • ; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Should the globalization of \'free trade\' be called Clintonomics, or Boomernomics? ' OpEdNews - Diary: Have we suffered from Clintonomics or Boomernomics?
  • The town, so long the site of pilgrimage, now hosts the forces of globalization: a thin-crust Italian pizzeria; a Starbucks in the half-timbered cottage adjoining the great arch. The Velvet Reformation
  • In an environment characterized by globalization, the developed countries are urged to foster stable and sustainable financial policies to avoid exchange rate misalignments and volatility among major currencies.
  • Rising international trade flows are a primary component of globalization.
  • And so Basrans toil in the blazing heat of the Arabian Gulf, waiting for fate, kismet, providence, grace - or perhaps the more earthly mechanism of globalization - to inspire them to reclaim their former greatness.
  • Rather it is because they are marginalized participants in the process of economic globalization.
  • In order to adapt to the development of globalization, human society needs a system of rules and organizational structure.
  • At present, the coercive power of economic globalization is unmatched by the moral power of political globalization. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • Our task is surely not to overthrow globalization, but to capture and use it as a vehicle for humanity's first global democratic revolution.
  • One-sided sketches of globalization that celebrate its prosperity unforgivably trivialize the poverty and hardship of the vast majority of the world's people.
  • Crusades, war against Russia, Serbia and others are the effect, the culprit is the ideology of globalization which has adopted the worst of communism, NS and capitalism. hardtruth Tell Obama: Dump Gates « Blog
  • The inevitability of globalization was evident even to the demonstrators who scuffled with armed Swiss national police units in seeking to disrupt the proceedings.
  • This is illustrative of the adverse impact of the anti-globalization demonstrations.
  • Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
  • Historicism of this kind would make a Marxist proud, and is perhaps why so many former Trots become evangelists of Technology and Globalization: the certainty and simplicity of telelogical narratives hold a strong appeal.
  • To this he adds what he calls unusual circumstances, including "the fruits and tailwinds of globalization, billions of people added to the labor supply, new factories and productivity coming from places it had never come from before. Don't Monetize the Debt
  • One of the main reasons for the growing demand for global governance is the increasing globalization of business activity.
  • But most of the literature on globalization continues to be androcentric, ignoring the centrality of women to the economic restructuring of the years since the mid-1970s.
  • They have written vicious screeds against anti-globalization demonstrators and unionists.
  • In fact, globalists who deviate from the official portrayal of globalization as benefiting everyone must bear the consequences of their criticism.
  • With the globalization of market and economy, the management philosophy based on individual enterprise can't win the competition any more.
  • This entire book has been concerned in large part with the impact of globalization on social change. Sociology
  • Part of the backwash, or blowback as the CIA calls it, of globalization is that cultures and regions around the world have rediscovered their own cultural resources.
  • Rather it is something linked with the process of capitalist globalization.
  • In that sense, globalization has indeed created a huge spiritual vacuum.
  • Nor does it unproblematically endorse modernity and globalization which, via colonialism, postcolonial dependence, and transnational capitalist encompassment, have fuelled the grim conditions now widely noted.
  • In a world where totalitarianism is all too present, globalization fosters democracy.
  • Globalization of economies means interaction between them on a much higher scale.
  • Although there are many reasons for such acts of violence, they are in part the result of globalization. Sociology
  • If contextualization was a catchword in theological circles of the 1970s, globalization became a new emphasis in the 1980s.
  • At the elite private or public high schools they attend, and even more at their colleges and universities, they are propagandized about the evils of capitalism and globalization, and the virtues of environmentalism and pacifism.
  • This is partly due to the effects of economic globalization. Sociology
  • Economic globalization provides one powerful example that will concern us throughout this book. Sociology
  • The Boot Camp will provide a comprehensive overview of the topics that legal executives must consider when evaluating the globalization of legal operations and legal process outsourcing ( "LPO"). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
  • Although he is very much a nationalist, and finds himself close to the antiglobalization movement, he does not espouse an autarkic turn-back-the-clock, close-down-the-border solution.
  • As people apply the term protectionism as it pertains to outsourcing and the destruction of our Middle-class was and has been a "conspiracy" to transfer the wealth of the nation to the elites and "corpracy" that now appear to rule our nation; the impact of this globalization is now threatening the very existence of our entire social structure and the outsourcing still continues unabated. Free Trade Is A Misnomer; So-Called Protectionism Is A Matter of Self Survival
  • His inversion and subversion of these multivalent emblems of consumer culture reinforce the anti-consumer message he delivers in our era of late capitalism and globalization.
  • Globalization means that the disparate parts of the world are coming closer together.
  • The rich will not be able to continue to reap the profits of their investment in globalization if they do not seriously address the issues of poverty on a world scale.
  • The conference, he says, was meant to be a first step toward creating formal networks of collaboration for a binational movement to fight the injustices brought about by corporate globalization.
  • Further, it has been suggested that the globalization of the world economy is making interventionist policies less meaningful.
  • Campaign consulting is simply another business sector experiencing globalization, a sector in which entrepreneurs and innovators can expand, compete and succeed.
  • Stephen Lewis used his unmatched vocabulary and stirring oratorical style to take globalization to task.
  • What Matt said in his last statement contains some good points but a lot of folks still miss the point about globalization.
  • But you can look at pianos as an object lesson in how globalization, for all its benefits, homogenizes manufacturing. Key indicators
  • In what ways does globalization foster the spread of illness and disease? Sociology
  • All honest men can see the obvious truth that globalization is a terrible thing, and only a capitalist hireling would deny it.
  • But there is another form of globalization which operates on different values.
  • The claim that the protestors offer no alternative to globalization is as false as the other claims.
  • When growth is robust and times are good, the arguments made against globalization are non-economic: it deteriorates labor and environmental standards in other countries and leads to cultural homogenization.
  • Patriarchy, sexism, heterosexism and globalization are all root causes of this particular form of exploitation.
  • Neither the existence nor even the scale of contemporary globalization of trade is at all novel.
  • Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.
  • They thus sought to understand the impact of industrialization, urbanization, and globalization on the social world. Sociology
  • Documented evidence is now available to show that there is a correlation between the growth of the forces of globalization, and what has come to be known as the feminization of poverty, worldwide.
  • This alternative to capitalist globalization, of course, sounds very utopian.
  • Finally, this overly economistic representation of globalization detracts from the multidimensional character of the phenomenon.
  • They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.
  • It should not come as a shock that in an era of economic globalization, diversity makes business sense.
  • In the American media mind, we've made anti-globalization out to be a granola sort of thing, thanks to the Seattle protests.
  • The benefits of the globalization of investment have not come without a price. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Granted, hard-core globalization critics were skeptical from the start because the Compact lacked a rigorous system for monitoring corporate behavior and punishing laggards.
  • Helpful in this regard are the intersectional approaches to identity taken by much work in the fields of race and ethnicity studies, postcolonialism, and globalization studies.
  • While it is significant as a response to globalization, increased co-operation, is not necessarily indicative of integration.
  • Although there are many reasons for such acts of violence, they are in part the result of globalization. Sociology
  • Both glasnost and perestroika appeared to be sweeping the whole of Eastern Europe in the direction of global capitalism, or at least towards an opening to the practices of capitalist globalization.
  • He pledged the government would take ‘an active role in globalization,’ acknowledging that China, one of the world's most trade-dependent countries, cannot return to the days of economic autarchy.
  • We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
  • Along with the economic globalization deepens, many countries and regions have taken part more actively in the international labor division system.
  • The United States is aiming at world leadership and is using the objective globalization processes with which it correlates the trend towards a unipolar world and a corresponding military strategy.
  • Globalization studies is emerging as a new field that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
  • There is just no way for these movements to be anti-globalization. Outlook India
  • They have used globalization of the economy to bust unions, to keep wages low, to keep benefits low, and that's had an impact on a lot of workers.
  • This book is intended to serve both as an introduction to the study of globalization and as a more detailed statement of the transnational practices approach to globalization.
  • Apparent inattention to globalization-driven tax problems so far may be largely attributed to their relative unimportance by comparison with other public and foreign policy challenges.
  • Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
  • CHICAGO - If you tend to pack on a few pounds over the holidays, blame it on globalization.
  • The Globalization Commission was co-chaired by the Tanzanian president along with the president of Finland.
  • The anti-globalization left, which abhors property rights of any kind, loathes patents, and quickly found a weak spot in the case of health.
  • Capital accumulates explicit expression to be dilate, it is the inherent power of economic globalization.
  • The current pace of cultural change and seemingly irresistible forces of globalization present distinctive challenges to the future of Anglicanism.
  • To the extent that globalization constrains states or renders their policies ineffective it has the effect, many would argue, of undermining democracy.
  • Globalization activists face hard choices now as they contemplate the future of the movement.
  • If the Tea Party protests are starting to attract other fringe movements to their protests, that simply sounds like a right-wing analog to the anti-war/anti-globalization/etc movements I mentioned earlier. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • By far the funkiest group of all at the march were the anti-globalization protestors and anarchists, who were accompanied by a hopping good percussion band.
  • Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.
  • To adapt to the rapid development of medicine and law and the impact of globalization of crime, it is necessary to reinforce the forensic pathology postgraduate general competence.
  • The opposite side of globalization, localization, is also impacting us. Where we are: a reflection on the current status of reaching the unreached
  • Nor the anti-globalization zealots who like to riot at trade conferences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • The lead in historical work on globalization is taken by specialists in international relations spiced by imaginative mavericks from fields like the history of science and even psychohistory.
  • And even though English is the ultimate in bastard languages already, we don't like it so much when cultural globalization works in the opposite direction.
  • The strategic initiative will include a two-stage approach to move to the full globalization of the market for top-level domains.
  • English degree construction plays an irreplaceable role in the process of reviving northeast old industrial base, which is the inevitable result of the globalization.
  • But the arsenal of restrictive tools available to states to retain capital inside their borders has also been weakened by globalization.
  • There are various theories of globalization, some of which emphasize its economic aspects while others focus on its cultural dimensions.
  • In what ways does globalization foster the spread of illness and disease? Sociology
  • More and more nations understand that this is the basic dynamic of globalization.
  • The benefits of the globalization of investment have not come without a price. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • His anti-totalitarian views chime closely with the small-scale, communitarian, decentralized politics of the anti-globalization movement. Globe and Mail
  • In opposition to globalization, these groups counterpose an idealized notion of an earlier period of American capitalism when the national market and national state played a more dominant role in economic life.

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