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How To Use Global warming In A Sentence

  • Wait for governments to take effective action on global warming and you could fry or drown first.
  • As we have seen with global warming cultism and recent revelations of data fraud, the “mainstream” can be artificially created. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Hayek Belong in High School Economics Classes?
  • Now this remote region in northwest Siberia is under threat from global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
  • And, with global warming only getting worse, with us fighting wars over oil, etc., they should be stepping up production of greener vehicles, not making bigger SUVs and the hated Hummers.
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  • The keyword of * global warming* is the * global*! Opinion 250: News
  • Climate change threatens Emerald Isle with water shortage. A new report by the Irish American Climate Project says that global warming may cause Ireland's "rich, green scenery" to "fade to brown.
  • The general secretary opened the congress on global warming.
  • Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet. Mel Averner - NASA Watch
  • How these systems may respond to the rapid and major global warming predicted over the coming century is uncertain but largely dependent on whether coral-algal symbioses can adjust to decadal rather than millennial rates of climate change.
  • We cannot tell if global warming is occurring as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • The thing that really grates, though, is the po-faced sermonising on global warming and heavy-handed attempts to make Serious Points about Serious Issues.
  • A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth. Stromata Blog:
  • My best guess is that it is a desperate attempt to head off the Superstorms, floods and droughts of global warming.
  • The report also highlights the worrying impact global warming will have on the safety of millions of passengers.
  • Perhaps that seemed more plausible than global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its first priority is to identify where permafrost is present and where mudslides and rockfalls are likely as it melts under the effect of global warming.
  • Most people get their news about global warming second-hand, but for those who want to keep their own finger on the pulse of the planet, two Web sites merit special interest.
  • Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
  • Another way to prevent global warming is by replacing the candescent bulbs in homes with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
  • Energy and Global Warming News for 11/12/09: Germany to help develop Moroccan solar-thermal energy projects; Clinton calls Copenhagen "steppingstone"; Military's growing thirst for oil is costing lives - report The Seattle activists 'coming of age in Cophenhagen will be very disobedient Climate Progress
  • Global warming can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and human induced. Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
  • Al Gore wins a Nobel Prize for projecting global warming, and gets called a wanna-be for his efforts. Enowning
  • * It's easier to prove a global warming trend than "changing the climate" since the latter is a convoluted concept. About: Blinded by Science
  • They have been fed a grass known as Brachiaria as well as experimental hybrids that could dramatically cut agriculture's contribution to global warming. Special Grass for Livestock Could Cut Greenhouse Gases
  • The background is the super-exposed town of Shishmaref in Western Alaska, where global warming and the thawing permafrost are collapsing towns in on themselves.
  • Either that or global warming has been replaced by global freezing in infernally hot places. Sound Politics: State "Supervision" Fails Again - Another Dead Cop
  • Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
  • In order to adapt, we will have to work together to create community-based collectives, which will prove increasingly easy to do since, owing to the lack of multinationals, global expansion has decreased to the point of not only preserving the last of the cultivatable land but creating more of it -- after all, global warming is no longer an issue and the environment is thriving. Thomas Stern: A Kick in the Career: Bailout, Bailout, Who's Got the Bailout?
  • Mixed with pollution from the growing number of heavy industries in northern China, the particles create photochemical smogs in Korea, Japan, and toxic winds that blow across the Pacific to the west coast of the United States, adding the problem of “global dimming” to that of global warming.5 When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • I have never heard them. boris johnson's wife sikh - For which this blog appears at number 11 how to make the people who does't belive global warming are happening believe there is global warming - For which this blog appears at number 3, although I can spell unlike the querier edexcel 2008 maths gcse exam - For which this blog appears at number 6 Archive 2008-05-01
  • We all know that carbon emissions are contributing to global warming and ecocide.
  • A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming, climate scientists warned yesterday.
  • Talk of global warming will fill the balmy air of Hawaii this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhaust gases that these cars produce are very harmful to the environment, causing a variety of ecological problems such as ozone depletion and global warming.
  • ‘The signal we see in the snow pack and snowmelt is like what is projected from climate models just due to global warming, without any ocean oscillation,’ he said.
  • He described global warming as "an environmental time bomb ticking away".
  • The seminar is intended to educate them on climatic change and global warming.
  • Instead, we must persist in the quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized world.
  • I am, in short, thankful for private-property markets that are the main driving force behind these and many other anti-pollutants -- a force so powerful that we today enjoy the incredible luxury of being able to worry, should we so choose, about very distant and very speculative forms of environmental problems such as species loss and global warming. Earth Day -some cogent counterpoints to the standard green koolaid
  • Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
  • Global warming erodes coastlines, spreads pests and water-borne diseases and produces more erratic weather patterns.
  • Look, I know the Conservatives are busy pretending they believe in anthropogenic global warming to appeal to the centre-left, but spare me. 2008 August 13 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The global warming postulate is based almost entirely on models, and today's models are deliberately biased to support global warming. Trust the Experts: A Reasonable, Defeasible Presumption, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • HFCs were originally introduced as an ozone-friendly alternative to CFCs; however, they are now recognized as a powerful greenhouse gas, with as much as 4,000 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide.
  • This might have generated enough debris to block out sunlight and trigger an ice age, enough sulfuric acid to acidify the oceans, and/or enough carbon dioxide to cause global warming by a greenhouse effect.
  • The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears. Hold the Mayo
  • Seals are being pressed into service as mobile marine laboratories, with scientists gluing instruments to their backs in an attempt to find out more about global warming.
  • Do you think the general public appreciates and fully understands the threats that global warming pose?
  • The findings correlate with analysis last year by the National Wildlife Federation that found ragweed growth rates and pollen counts increased with global warming.
  • The use of the concept of 'denialism' as a cudgel with which to beat anybody who questions global warming has become familiar.
  • In the future, after global warming has made cities the only safe places to live, large sections of the world are closed to disenfranchised people who have to live in deserts.
  • Cars sitting undriven aren't causing global warming. New Cars Starting To Pile Up As A Result Of Economic Downturn
  • One of the great appeals of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in certain sectors is the fact that what it takes to fight the imagined threat (reduced trade, reduced economic growth, government controls on the economy, populist hammering of energy companies, micro-controls on individual decision-making) are exactly the things the socialists wanted to do before their schtick became tired. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference
  • It's a tremendous challenge to the realist novel, and at the same time, one of its greatest opportunities ever -- this dislocation into simulacra and statistics, a phantasmagoric world of global warming PowerPoints and Big Brother reality shows. Anis Shivani: Why American Reviewers Disliked Ian McEwan's "Solar": And What That Says About the Cultural Establishment
  • The area acts as a "magnifier" for global warming, Zheng Guoguang, head of China Meteorological Administration, said at a meeting in Lhasa last spring. British Blogs
  • These astonishingly well-preserved bones belong to an entirely new species of human ancestor who lived nearly two million years ago - and may have bridged the gap between ocean acidification, which is dubbed the 'evil twin of global warming', caused by a rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), threatens the world's oceans. - Articles related to '10 most wanted' plants inspected for clues to climate change
  • Still, you can leave feeling safe the disappearance of the polar ice isn't global warming at all but those pesky dancing penguins. The Sun
  • Its benefit to the needy abroad is like throwing an ice cube into the Atlantic to stop global warming. The Sun
  • But global warming — long-term, diffuse — remains a far more difficult threat to perceive than the lone terrorist or the rogue state.
  • Other contenders in the 2009 Pikes Peak Regional Science Fair examined harmful radiation from kitchen appliances, the effects of global warming on plant life and something called bacteriostatic properties of Pinguicula vulgaris. :
  • In conditions similar to those encountered in burning domestic waste, thermolysis of Teflon produces halogenated organic acids, which act as greenhouse gases and may promote global warming.
  • With mounting evidence of global warming the last thing this planet needs is cheaper petrol.
  • Global warming will cause the seas to rise, engulfing islands and flooding coastal areas.
  • In fact, a new administration could enforce new global warming regulations with common sense, focusing on large emitters of greenhouse gases to achieve reasonable reductions while spurring trillions of dollars worth of economic growth and green-collar jobs. Wonk Room » EPA Sends Greenhouse Endangerment Finding To White House
  • She calls on us to be more mindful consumers, but she notes that: ...individual actions alone are unlikely to bring about change on the scale that is now required -- whether the task is stopping the plasticization of our oceans, protecting our children from endocrine disrupters, or curbing the carbon emissions that fuel global warming. Kerry Trueman: You May Not Be Into Plastic, But Plastic Is Way Into You
  • We live in a world where scientists are increasingly shouted down and whose observations are increasingly dismissed by those with barely a modicum of scientific knowledge; witness how mroe people listen to RUSH FRIGGIN LIMBAUGH about global warming than a qualified planetologist or climatologist. Bones
  • Yet it takes a fictional account of a spurious global warming scenario on celluloid to get Joe Soap talking about it.
  • Going on about Polish parties that think poovery is wrong (how dare they) or some Czech bloke who thinks global warming is a load of bollocks (sounds a sensible person to me) and some Danish MEP who thinks Islam is bent on World Domination. LABOUR MELTDOWN SPECIAL
  • If you bought cherries from a store that were grown in your area, but you had to travel 10 miles one way to get to the store and didn't do anything on the way, they'd actually have the same carbon footprint as if you ate cherries that were flown in," says Laura Stec, co-author of Cool Cuisine: Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming. Eating can be energy-efficient, too
  • However, it has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.
  • Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn'treally happening.
  • Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
  • FRANKFURT — Two German merchant ships have traversed the fabled Northeast Passage after global warming and melting ice opened a route from South Korea along ... Jennifer Schwab: Renewable Energy -- Not in My Backyard!
  • However, it cautions that this is offset by replacing them with hydrofluorocarbons, which can contribute to global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Global warming and better practices in the vineyard and the winery have transformed the Loire. Times, Sunday Times
  • So global warming is just a natural occurrence when you believe all the hogwash in the Christian Bible or hell, in the Book of the Moron Mormons, or hell, in the name one of those holy books, they all say the same thing: the world will end one day because it will burn up, as George Gamov explained in his book The Death of the Sun, because right before the Sun goes dark, it expands to a tremendous heat, so hot it finallys blows to all Hell and the heat emitted by the blow up will certainly "scorch" the earth, as predicted by the Christian bible--you even heard of "the scorched earth" policy? This World Is NOW HELL
  • Global warming and its consequences are almost certainly the result of our profligate fossil-fuel consumption, and it is already happening.
  • In the final analysis, we should hope that fear of global warming will subside.
  • But we also have nuclear weapons and global warming, which could end our civilisation tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
  • And for all of you who think Matthew C is a rigorously rational-minded fellow, on his blog he praises a man for making the following statement: "... the evidence for catastrophic global warming in the near future is far, far less compelling than the evidence for telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and even life after death. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He thinks global warming is real and should be combatted with a cap-and-trade policy, for example, though he succeeded in making up some rationalization for opposing Waxman-Markey. Matthew Yglesias » Coleman & Holtz-Eakin on the Need for the American Action Network
  • Does “weatherboarding” mean people are being tortured by global warming? pseudonymous in nc says: Matthew Yglesias » Inhofe Kinda Sorta Admits Waterboarding is Torture
  • So according to D, if you want to slow down global warming, you should trade in your Prius for a gas guzzler. Matthew Yglesias » Earnings Dropping, Energy Prices Rising
  • It was changed by the effects of catastrophic global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.
  • He tried to get interested in a newsmagazine show about global warming. VAPOR TRAIL
  • Studies have shown global warming makes nursing periods longer. The Sun
  • However he does acknowledge that global warming is looming as a significant threat to the reef.
  • Ofcourse by taxing hard working americans more so that obama can pass his healthcare agenda and raising electic and energy rates so the nuts that believe in global warming, like al gore who will make millions off of cap and trade will be happy. CNN Poll: Americans say country still in recession
  • The vigor of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is thought to be vulnerable to global warming.
  • Global warming could devastate lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands throughout the United States.
  • If the predictions are correct residents can expect pollution levels to triple, vegetation to be destroyed and global warming to speed up.
  • Perhaps it is true that you lack knowledge about the physics, chemistry, meteorology, paleontology, dendrology, dendroclimatology, climatology and biology underlying the claims of global warming. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Have Admitted Throwing Away Much of the Raw Temperature Data on Which Their Predictions of Global Warming Are Based”
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed's article very unconvincing.
  • The queen of anti-intellectuals has spoken, without even knowing that the recent hacked emails of scientists does nothing to controvert the evidence that global warming is real. tim nyc Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • Dan Becker is director of the Washington-based Safe Climate Campaign, which advocates strong measures to fight global warming. Dan Becker and James Gerstenzang: Poison at the Tea Party
  • In the story, the science of global warming is referred to as "indisputable" - "except that it is highly disputed, so it must be disputable. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Global warming’ is the term applied to increasing average global temperature, popularly associated with the enhanced greenhouse effect.
  • Now we know what those scientists on the payroll or getting speaking gigs from the big oil companies motivation is, but you the ONLY argument you geniuses has is that Al Gore is inventing Global warming because he hates the big oil companies. Think Progress » Gore on Climate Skeptics: Some People Are Still Debating ‘Whether The Moon Landing Was Staged’
  • It would not normally be worth reporting except that it is a small example of how difficult it can be these days for the ordinary scientist to question the official beliefs of the apparatchiks of global warming.
  • But the greatest impact has come through global warming, with successive editions of the atlas showing shrinking ice fields and evaporating lakes.
  • In the age of global warming such megacities are increasingly vulnerable to catastrophes. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Either you believe global warming is the worst problem mankind has ever faced and that cutting carbon is the only solution, or you are an antiscientific ignoramus who probably thinks the Earth is flat. U-Turn On Global Warming? Hardly.
  • Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown.
  • It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.
  • In response to Ms. David's new book about global warming, for example, the Science & Public Policy Institute, a nonprofit in Washington that takes aim at what it calls fallacies about global warming, issued a press release saying the book "is intentionally designed to propagandize unsuspecting schoolchildren who don't have enough knowledge to know what is being done to them. Inconvenient Youths
  • At first, it was difficult to recognize geographic features — the planet was reflected backward, and a century of polar meltage due to global warming had altered familiar coastlines — but Chip was able to help me identify places I had once known. A King of Infinite Space
  • We are all beginning to experience global warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
  • These four were just one vote away in Massachusetts v. EPA from blocking judicial review of the legality of EPA's failure to regulate greenhouse gases on the ground that global warming does not cause "particularized" injury. Legal Theory Blog
  • January 26th, 2010 SHIMLA - Call it the effect of global warming, deforestation or rise in pollution, the Queen of Hills, as Shimla was fondly called by the British, is totally devoid of snow cover in this peak winter month of January. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • That is if we are not first wiped out by global warming or a meteorite strike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many scientists believe that the recent increase in hurricane frequency and intensity is due to global warming, which has raised sea temperatures.
  • The programme also saw global warming as fuelling an anticapitalist environmentalism that was delaying the industrialised improvement of developing countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • But global warming — long-term, diffuse — remains a far more difficult threat to perceive than the lone terrorist or the rogue state.
  • Threatened by erosion, desertification, overgrazing and global warming, cedar forests in the Moroccan Middle Atlas Mountains are going through a hard time.
  • The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
  • It's true that model predictions of Global Warming are inexact to put it mildly, and that numerous scientists are undecisive regarding future temperature levels, but there are facts which are proven: - On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The issue of rising sea levels, global warming and other natural disasters, such as tsunamis, are issues being faced by all low-lying nations and islands, and aren't specific only to Hulhumale. We Built It and They Are Coming, If Slowly
  • Given what we have learned here about the global warming stuff, I have been curious if there was anything to any of the other stuff – so thank you for a frothless response. New Holland and Webster Paper « Climate Audit
  • McCain said he was a long way off from endorsing any particular candidate, and demurred when asked to critique a handful of recent statements made by Texas Governor Rick Perry, in which he suggested global warming was a hoax and accused Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke of taking what he described as "treasonous" economic actions. Breaking News: CBS News
  • She said the West Siberian Lowland indeed falls within a hot spot but added that whether thawing peatlands will accelerate global warming remains an open question.
  • Rebecca, Bush hasn't "belittled" evidence of global warming at all. Egg meets the sidewalk
  • Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
  • The room was without air conditioning (global warming ) and it all felt rather surreal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the 3 mainstream satellite teams, the study appears to generate a decadal global warming trend of around 0.1°C, almost identical to the 3 mainstream satellite data sets.
  • Rumor has it he's caught the scent of a new tax wafting its way up from New Zealand where they tax flatulent sheep, supposedly a contributor to ‘global warming.’
  • Yes, the Governor is steadfastly pro-choice. And he just signed an anti-global warming bill that he had been waffling on.
  • Never mind that her eagerness to hunt animals, oppose the preservation of polar bears, deny the threat of global warming, and endorse a sport as violent as ice hockey all connote the opposite of self-transcendency. Aimee Liu: Why the Political is Personal(ity)
  • Re 94 - AGW vs NGW - the term anthropogenic global warming merely implies it is caused by humans, and says nothing of whether humans are natural or not. RealClimate
  • Last year the United States, alone among the nations of the world, rejected the Kyoto global warming accords, a plan for an international criminal court of justice, and a treaty strengthening protections against biowarfare.
  • Even if we were definite on the causes of global warming and agreed on a cure it could take centuries to reverse.
  • The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
  • Existing models of global warming have not taken this into account, according to Cox.
  • But, if there were not a single molecule more of atmospherically destructive gases emitted by humanity, and there were not a single human alive today, global warming would continue to increase for several hundred years more, based on what we've already done beforehand over the last 150 years records have been accurately kept, concurrent with the industrial revolution, _and_ due to natural trends caused by terrestrial sources and cycles, such as vulcanism, solar weather, and other interdependent natural causes in combination with what humanity has done. Posthuman Blues
  • Leetmaa suggested they may reflect a fundamentally hotter climate caused by global warming.
  • We have heard the dire predictions of global warming. Christianity Today
  • It was always fanciful to think that wind and solar farms could stop global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Global warming is generally accepted to be a non-natural phenomenon.
  • Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown.
  • Not that anyone has troubled to bother with the tedious business of actually legislating these new ‘crimes’ into law, rather the ‘criminals’ are tried and, of course, found guilty by the media at the instance of the Global Warming Carbonari. More Unspeakable Green Crimes
  • Will getting motorists to drive more slowly on the motorway really help reduce global warming?
  • He spoke of the neopagan emptiness behind the global warming craze. From Michael Jackson to indulgences, Dr. Peters is the man!
  • Global warming is merely an aspect of biodiversity loss, a contributory cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • FPGAs france free space optics free-piston engine free-piston linear alternator freitas ftl fuel cells fullerenes funding fusion future future weapons futurist futurists gadgets gbit/s gbps gdp gecko gene sequencing gene synthesis gene therapy general fusion genescient genomics geoengineering geothermal germany gigaflop gigapixel global warming glycerol nucleic acid Next Big Future
  • The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
  • In any event, all their many reports and assessments have concluded that climate change they no longer like to use the term "global warming" is due primarily to excessive emissions or CO2 and that significant amounts of these emissions are being trapped in our atmosphere, hence our need to reduce these emissions. Top headlines
  • Hence, if an action "appreciably" contributes to the GHG emissions believed to cause global warming, "that action could then be found to jeopardize a listed species. Planet Gore
  • Some of the chemicals - including caustic hydrogen fluoride and deadly arsine gas - are toxic, and the fossil fuel consumed contributes to global warming, says Williams.
  • Global warming, they have been telling us for years, will prove to be man's undoing, man creating his own doomsday.
  • SEPTEMBER - With the Bushite army advancing on Washington, unemployment at 150\% (many people lost two jobs), global warming turning Mother Earth into one big cuchifrito, and the Supreme Court still dead - locked over whether Osama or Obama is the legitimate U.S. president, the yarmulke-wearing President-elect opted to call off the rest of 2009 and fled to his home state of Hawaii which no one has been able to locate for months. CounterPunch
  • Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.
  • There are so many experts who reject the notion of man-made global warming and the historical claims about carbon dioxide they are too numerous to list here. Liberty and Tyranny
  • Gee sugarman, I guess you missed it when the scientists during the Bush Adminstration were "muzzled" when they went anywhere near stating "global warming". MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
  • Ethiopia faces devastating famine, millions in other parts of the world have no drinking water and global warming is forgotten or denied.
  • Global warming could devastate lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands throughout the United States.
  • The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
  • But in Congress, there are Republicans, some of whom are very skeptical of what they call alarmism on the issue of global warming, and they are going to be holding Al Gore's feet to the fire when he faces their questions today. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2007
  • The Global Warming scientists at Mars-Vulcan observed that, in electrical circuits, amperage is bad. Archive 2007-02-01
  • O I think global warming is undoubtedly real and a serious problem, but I think it has been 'overplayed' by the press, politicians and some organisations.such as Archive 2009-10-01
  • Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.
  • Here on the equator (S'pore is one degree north of the equator), the effects of global warming won't be nearly as severe as they will be, insha'allah, in the US or Europe. Americans Confronted With Warm Winters
  • The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption.
  • The rubbish rots and gives off gases like methane which is potentially explosive as well as adding to global warming.
  • Here's a a great big steaming pile of angst that I fear the Democrats will inflict on the whole of the United States: What Draconian measures will they pass to bring this country into complience with the bogus global warming dictates from the Euroweenies? Sound Politics: Schumer: Dems Can Ride Middle-Class "Angst" Into White House
  • Russia's vast permafrost areas may shrink by a third by the middle of the century due to global warming, endangering infrastructure in the Arctic zone, an emergencies ministry official said Friday.
  • The report "Experience-based and description-based perceptions of long-term risk: why global warming does not scare us" outlines three primary parameters as the main reasons that climate change continues to be an 'ignorable' problem for the general public, despite its scientific status: Erik Rasmussen: The World Needs a New Language
  • Global warming is merely an aspect of biodiversity loss, a contributory cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Lindzen claims global warming proponents ultimately want to see a 60 to 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gasses from the 1990 levels. Sound Politics: Scenes from Wallingford
  • To be really honest, we benefit from global warming because we don't have to chaptalize our wines any more," said Jacky Martinon, a winemaker in Burgundy, referring to a process of injecting sugar into wine. Undefined
  • Global warming will definitely affect the future of every person on the Earth directly and to a non-trivial extent.
  • I wonder if Barack Obama has a backup plan - a "jettison" option, if you will - on any references he may make to "global warming" during his inaugural speech - just in case wind chills are hovering around zero on January 20th. Latest Articles
  • That way we may avoid the con-sequences of too-hasty action: global warming, unforeseen pollution, imbalances of supply and demand.
  • The New York Times reports that the record cold of 2009 is due to natural variations and even warned skeptics of man-made global warming not to be "buoyed" by the brutal cold. Jennifer Marohasy
  • Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
  • Last night I didn’t sleep for a solid eight hours. No, it melted a little. Damn global warming. Jarod Kintz 
  • Nowhere is this more pronounced than in the discussion on global warming.
  • The seminar is intended to educate them on climatic change and global warming.
  • There will be displays on acid rain, the ozone layer and global warming.
  • My colleague Peter Barnes has proposed in his book, Who Owns The Sky?, a solution to global warming based on the reality that the sky is a commons and therefore belongs to all of us.
  • It has been criticised by environmentalists for funding groups that challenge the validity of global warming research. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canada's ex-foreign affairs minister has come out swinging on behalf of climate-change skeptics and assailed what he describes as alarmism over global warming. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • They claim that their report is the first to outline the impact of global warming on snow and ice-covered regions.
  • But the costs of global warming could vastly outweigh the modest cost of even quite vigorous action.
  • Although these concerns are legitimate, they are easily dismissed as Nimbyism from people who care little about global warming.
  • Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), another global warming whopper (17,000 times more powerful than CO2), is used in the manufacturing of thin-film PV panels. Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: How Green Are Solar Panels?
  • And though "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" makes for a usually-wise platitude, Voltaire wasn't dealing with the exorbitance of American health care or the ecological cataclysm of global warming. Obama's Agenda: Hope, Change and Lobby-Centricity
  • Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
  • Unless the north-west monsoon fails (something global warming modellers don't predict), that water supply is going to remain abundant and reliable.
  • Global warming requires an ethical framework that classifies hitherto innocent actions as deadly.
  • There is little evidence for a connection between solar activity (as inferred from trends in galactic cosmic rays) and recent global warming. Think Progress » Murtha on Rove: ‘He’s Sitting in His Air-Conditioned Office on His Big, Fat Backside, Saying Stay the Course’
  • As temperatures rose ten degrees, global warming ran riot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Weather Channel's most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of man-made catastrophic global warming. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • Think Progress » McCain Backs Down To Hannity: ‘I Never Quite Understood’ Global Warming Think Progress » McCain Backs Down To Hannity: ‘I Never Quite Understood’ Global Warming
  • The coastal areas of Asia face future challenges: cyclones and their attendant surges will take an increasing toll as global warming disturbs weather systems.
  • Although many sceptics of global warming have melted away in recent years, some eminent ones remain.
  • Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.

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