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Global Positioning System

  1. a navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver

How To Use Global Positioning System In A Sentence

  • The Lockheed Martin GMLRS rocket has a GPS (global positioning system) and inertial guidance package and small canards on the rocket nose to enhance accuracy.
  • A global positioning system would improve the rockets 'accuracy to contain bomblets to target areas. - Cluster bombs kill in Iraq, even after shooting ends
  • Connie Adams testified at an earlier hearing in Kenosha County Circuit Court that Seidler stalked her relentlessly for months with the aid of a global positioning system device that police later found planted under the hood of her car. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » GPS Stalker Busted
  • There were no cartographers, no global positioning system, apart from the tramp of human feet in solemn perambulations.
  • Now, Global Positioning Systems and satellite navigation are more accurate and widely available.
  • The submarine's electronic support measures system and Global Positioning System sensors are also installed on the optronic mast.
  • With a global positioning system, thermal weapon sights and other gadgets, a soldier can immediately identify friends and enemies and see where his shots will hit.
  • And the other thing we have are our joint direct attack munition, which is a global positioning system -- a satellite system -- that provides accurate positioning to the weapon so we can drop in all weather conditions without actually seeing the ground. CNN Transcript Oct 8, 2001
  • This is done using different methods: in high-density areas videography is used, whereas in remote areas, a global positioning system is used.
  • There were no cartographers, no global positioning system, apart from the tramp of human feet in solemn perambulations.
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