
[ US /ˈɡɫɪtʃ/ ]
[ UK /ɡlˈɪt‍ʃ/ ]
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
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How To Use glitch In A Sentence

  • Thursday's trading glitch -- in which the Dow Jones industrial average plummeted over 500 points in five minutes -- was not the first time U.S. markets have hiccuped, nor will it be the last. How The Dow's Dramatic Plunge Could Have Been Prevented
  • And I should loathe for us to founder on so capricious and arbitrary a matter as a technical glitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had a fantastic morning of special projects and a movie... with one small glitch between the project and the movie* everyone has been in a great mood, having fun and well behaved if kids are happy they behave -- did you all know that? Hip Hip Hooray and Sniff Sniff
  • Speaking of email glitches, one nearly kiboshed the lovely blurb Ken did for SECOND SHOT. Hero Worship
  • A real-time scope offers the advantage of capturing and measuring transient phenomena like an occasional glitch in a fast clock.
  • The store blamed a computer glitch. The Sun
  • Day in and day out, the global flow of goods routinely adapts to all kinds of glitches and setbacks.
  • Brooklyn artist Nicolas Touron , 40 years old, said he is willing to cut the program some slack, calling the out-of-state trips a "glitch," typical of an endeavor just getting under way. Local Compost, via Delaware
  • This market has a unique requirement - it cannot tolerate a disruption in the data flow or the picture you're viewing on the screen will glitch.
  • If you think Miller, Smith and Applewhite were unbalanced, how about the ridiculous apocalyptical predictions of doom in 1999 in the approach of the 21st century, when computer glitches were supposed to throw mankind into chaos? Jeff Schweitzer: The End Is Not Nigh: Take a Deep Breath and Move On
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