How To Use Glide In A Sentence

  • The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.
  • Most pseudocheirids have a strongly prehensile tail (weakly so in the great glider and rock ringtail).
  • At twenty thousand meters, with the pods still traveling at a high velocity, parachutes billowed out from the same boxes that had contained the glider wings.
  • Ten of us broke the ice across the harbour with our feet and glided our boats out into the liquid waters beyond.
  • It's very matt but glides on easily. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Music leaked softly from the windows behind him, when he'd resumed his seat on the glider.
  • Other rules would account for glide insertion and consonant sharing.
  • Smoking and sputtering, the glider zoomed away, with the Green Goblin desperately trying to pull the webbing from his eyes. SPIDER-MAN®: THE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER-MAN
  • She glides to the podium, perfect in every way, from the toes of her green pearlized kid shoes, to the elegant full length Thai silk ceremonial vest, to the top of her jade tiara. Over herez… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he glided back to base with a dead engine and crash-landed near Folkstone.
  • He danced and glided, connecting with 100 punches and taking just three. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, his most effective weapons are his boomerangs, which he can use to take out distant enemies, break items, or glide from heights.
  • When we were content that Nicole had mastered her glide and looked fabulous executing it, we were left with one final detail before it was time for her big reveal.
  • However, after a little, the raft glided into open air and I saw before me a wide valley, whereinto the river fell with a noise like the rolling of thunder and a swiftness as the rushing of the wind. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Personal valets glide silently past, afternoon tea is served at exorbitant prices, and trinkets of the previous visitors are left in some of the rooms - Joseph Conrad, Somerset Maugham, Noël Coward.
  • Who would have thought in the age of grime and dubstep that ballroom dancing would glide back into vogue? Times, Sunday Times
  • Albatrosses, petrels, shags and shearwaters glide merrily around, all because of continental shelves and currents that slope and converge and form a giant feeding ground for these stars of the sea.
  • Leonardo's inventions - a parachute, hang-glider, tank, underwater diving suit and robot - are built and put to the test for the first time, 500 years after he designed them.
  • Gingerly, she lets the sharp end of the ice glide over his jaw.
  • Abruptly, he pushes forward on the joystick again and the glider drops.
  • A mission involving three gliders would explore the composition and stratigraphy of the walls of Valles Marineris in ways not possible for orbiters and landers.
  • This glides on easily and manages to keep lips looking conditioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hang-glider fabric would become clothing, come winter, for refugees who would be glad to have it. I Don’t Understand ?
  • Streamlining is important in gliders to reduce drag forces.
  • The first time a wandering albatross glides into view and regards the ship with its soft brown eyes is the stuff of dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whisper glided across the dark bay, having spied in the distance a tall building perched on the edge of a cliff.
  • The third airlift was a total disaster, with bundles dropping into enemy hands and planes and gliders crash-landing throughout the area.
  •  Hemmed in by its straightedge boundaries, shining moons and planets of dust would swirl and turn, or glide in, through, and out of the beam's dimensions like miniature ships. I didn't know Nostradamus played in McNamara's band (Novel - excerpt)
  • But the highlight is the skate park, which has ramps and bowls to glide across.
  • For the past five years, Jenkins, a mechanical engineer and amateur glider pilot, has built three crafts - on wheels, skates, and hydrofoils - equipped with rigid carbon-fiber sails.
  • Seeing the snake cast its old slough and glide forth renewed, he conceives, so in death man but sheds his fleshly exuvia, while the spirit emerges, regenerate. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Turning, we saw a spotted eagle ray descend the reef wall and glide over the plateau.
  • Her flexile body bends, her white feet glide.
  • I could barely walk in them, let alone gracefully glide over smooth ice.
  • The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.
  • The pilot cut the engine and glided in for a landing.
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • A glider pilot who's just won the right to work as an instructor, teaching others the beauty of unpowered flying.
  • You lean in the direction you want to go and your weight banks the glider that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • In downhill skiing, your whole foot is secured in a binding on the ski; in cross-country, your heel is free, making it easier to glide along the flats and uphill.
  • However, a quality, sharp set of scissor blades can glide through any pruning job making good clean cuts which in turn encourages good growth.
  • Slowly but surely the great ship glided into the water.
  • A moment later, the door opened and the butler glided into the room.
  • As a bonus, you also have the opportunity to build two other benches, including a rocking patio glider and a gazebo bench, at a special price.
  • A gastrotrich (meaning ‘hairy stomach’) uses myriad hairs over its head and belly to glide, wriggle, and squirm, looking for food.
  • He glided through the air and breezed past people. The Sun
  • Ascending a mountain on skis requires bindings with a heel release, and ‘skins’ made of mohair or nylon which let the skis glide, turn uphill and grip the snow.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor v2. 500 to v2. 501 English Patch Fixes - Fixed an issue where a glider shot down in mid-air would prevent the commonwealth faction from being 'annihilated' - Fixed an issue where the game could crash if a player was alt-tabbed during ... 2404 - PC Gaming
  • Here and there came a stream of warm light through an open door, and within, the Mongolians were gathered round the gambling-tables, playing fan-tan, or leaving the seductions of their favourite pastime, to glide soft-footed to the many cook-shops, where enticing-looking fowls and turkeys already cooked were awaiting purchasers. The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
  • I love staking the gliders into the wind and hanging the harness from the hang strap to balance it out - a dynamic stability, like flying.
  • He shows effortless charisma as he glides and even dances through the film.
  • Everyone exchanged bows; then her ladyship, overwhelming in bronze bombazine, regally glided away. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • The three of us watched a long water snake glide in a broad oval around the pond.
  • When it was time to file out the side-door into the courtway, she would linger at prayers, then slip out another door, and unseen glide up Chartres Street to Canal, and once there, mingle in the throng that filled the wide thoroughfare. The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories
  • Wet your brush before applying eyeshadow - it'll glide on like paint and give you a fantastic bold finish. The Sun
  • Or who just glided effortlessly through life with nary a hiccough, much less a contretemps? On David Remnick, Jack Cashill, and the authorship of “Dreams From My Father”
  • The missiles were in glide move, as the military people were hoping that the aliens couldn't see them if they weren't accelerating.
  • The glide and end-game maneuverability are achieved without the added weight, cost and complexity of a rocket motor.
  • It starts exhilaratingly, as you clamber up rockfaces and glide through a rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • He slipped over the ragged mat which formed the eaves, and the next moment, _crack, crack, crack_, he was hanging feet downwards, and then fell heavily in a cloud of dust bump upon the trampled earth, in company with a snake about six feet long, which began to glide rapidly away. Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
  • Gliding is in some senses a modified form of parachuting, in which lift forces are produced by an airfoil-type membrane, so most gliders could also be considered part-time parachuters.
  • I think a comfortable climb rate for a paraglider from a ground tows is 500 fpm.
  • Blair pressed herself closer to him, while her hands glided across the corded muscles between his shoulder blades before lifting his shirt over his head.
  • The vessel bucked and swerved as the upper atmosphere began to tug and grab at the smooth underside of the glider-car.
  • Smear on a little and your razor just glides over your skin, giving you a super-close, super-silky shave.
  • You miss people looking at you like you're insane when you're glide stepping to French class with your French book on your head so you don't bounce while you march.
  • In the adjacent cabinet, glide-out shelves provide pantry storage.
  • Try a flossing ribbon or tape coated with natural waxes like jojoba, beeswax or carnuba to help floss glide between teeth without harming gums.
  • Compared to hang gliders, sailplanes are mechanically complex, land very fast, are difficult to get into tight fields, spin easy, break easy, and are next to impossible to bail out of.
  • We must now clear the landing zone of a US glider from the Germans. Softpedia News - Global
  • At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider.
  • It seemed as if a sudden flash of anger went over him, like the flash that glides along the glutinous stem of the fraxinella, when you touch it with a candle; the next moment it had utterly vanished, and was forgotten as if it had never been. Malbone: an Oldport romance
  • All gliders and light aircraft have to recover satisfactorily with the standard method.
  • Allow the food to dispel your chills - the thick, soothing lobster bisque, the aromatic fennel soup, or a terrine of foie gras that glides down your throat like velvet across a smooth back.
  • He glides the details of passing time over the page while fixing the reader's eyes on the daily plane engine failures, empty suitcase encounters and shirt-drenching negotiations.
  • In practice the gliders became much like any other aeroplanes, except that they had no engines.
  • It starts exhilaratingly, as you clamber up rockfaces and glide through a rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, O idle water-wanderer, let your boat glide with the scarcely moving current, and gaze upon the leafy groves of the sub-aqueous wilderness lit up by the rays of the sun, and watch the fish moving singly or in shoals at various depths -- the bearded barbel, the spotted trout, the shimmering bream, and the bronzen tench. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • A pelican is principally a glider, he notes.
  • The flight was the smoothest hour and a half hop ever, and the landing, everyone commented, was a transparent glide from air to runway.
  • He is also a qualified glider pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glider coasted down onto the landing strip.
  • Nothing is too much trouble for the staff, as they glide effortlessly, never fuss or faff.
  • A careless daily inspection after rigging may easily leave the glider with one aileron or the elevator disconnected.
  • Their next step was to build and experiment with gliders , aircraft that fly on wind currents.
  • Beyond Mr Jefferson's high black hat, through those tangled dew-drops of flame, Mr Goosevort saw golden hair glide softly through the oasis of bodies gathered vaguely round the stage, Mr Umberto and Mrs. Jefferson laughed again together, and Mr Howle's mournful ululation could be heard adrift a lake of rabble... golden hair turning away and fluttering into the shadow of a winding stairway. Mr Goosevort
  • A glider is ready to take off from Argentina in a flight designed to surf mountain air currents to the edge of space. Times, Sunday Times
  • She flopped back down into the glider, setting it swinging wildly for a moment.
  • We were stopped in our tracks as wave after wave of fieldfares with a soft chirping twittering glided out of tall silver birch trees and on to patches of pasture.
  • The glider was soon lost sight of in the clouds.
  • And with this being said she glided over to her, and promptly unchained her and helped her up.
  • I think a better tug would be a fancily flapped ultralight or a very large yet lightweight hang glider trike.
  • In a gliding dive inclined at an angle to the horizontal the bird must keep the wings partly open to provide the lift needed to maintain a constant glide angle.
  • The wind gently buffets you and you can feel the currents you ride, as if the glider is a part of you, as if the wings were part of you. Jackson Hole
  • There are some fancy new flosses, like Glide or Colgate's Precision.
  • Although ornithologists have amassed vast recorded archives of glides, twitters, and warbles, little is known of the origin and function of avian musicianship.
  • Everyone exchanged bows; then her ladyship, overwhelming in bronze bombazine, regally glided away. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • I just kept the glider at less than 40 mph for the first six miles just to keep the needle at the best glide over the ground speed as I knew I was close to not making it.
  • He glides and goes; and still the dudgeon sticks from his left lapelle. The French Revolution
  • Portability as well as being able to be flown from hang gliding flight parks using hang glider tugs has been the criteria for design.
  • They are simple to use on flat and gentle terrain, but glide better on the steeps, which of course, will also take a little more practice.
  • The glider has a pressurized cabin to counteract the vacuum-like conditions of space.
  • There is nothing much worse than a bunch of hang glider pilots sitting around on a flyable day questioning the meaning of their lives.
  • The glider was in Dutch airspace.
  • Neither of the fundraisers have even put on a pair of skis or salopettes, but they intend to glide down the slopes with ease in the 26 mile event.
  • It also allows for more pattern contact to improve uphill grip without reducing glide.
  • These glide over a weak zone in the mantle known as the asthenosphere, and the relative motion between plates causes most large-scale tectonic structures.
  • Coming at last out of the glide, her long, leath-ery wings folded, then sprang open again with a snap. The Black Wing
  • She copped out when she was supposed to get into the hang glider
  • Nausicaa is set in a post-apocalyptic age, about 1000 years after the destruction of most of the natural environment; humans now live in small, oddly ruralized outposts scattered throughout the world, travelling from outpost to outpost on either large ostrich-like creatures I don't think they were actually ostriches, but that was what came to mind) or airships or gliders.) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
  • Sliding doors, which have one fixed panel and another that glides along top and bottom tracks, can be good choices for sunrooms as an entryway.
  • Another name glided into her petition --- it was that of the wounded Christian, whom fate had placed in the hands of bloodthirsty men, his avowed enemies. Ivanhoe
  • It did not have Powerglide automatic transmission.
  • On the bridge below, a car glided through the stop lights, striping the river yellow and black.
  • This cabrio doesn't try to be a tooth-rattling pseudo sports car, but prefers instead to glide around in genteel fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the weeks glided all too quickly away among the ichthyolites of Caithness and Cromarty, and the shells and lignites of Sutherland and Ross.
  • In an attempt to find dry land they shot off threads of silk into the wind and glided through the air, a phenomenon called ballooning. Times, Sunday Times
  • A note on glides, syllabicity and tone in Gurung.
  • They planned to paraglide from Long Mountain.
  • Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.
  • The bird glides on a loop of air, and lands with only the slightest scratch of talons. Times, Sunday Times
  • That many birds glide with some destabilizing anhedral (wings drooping slightly) suggests that the other stabilizing mechanisms available to them are more than adequate.
  • Unless you've a hang-glider, this means two accident-prone motorways. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • I was afraid that the glider would stall when I was close to the ground and spin in.
  • Is it possible to turn a paraglider pilot into an ATOS pilot in thirteen flights, and on their fourth solo?
  • At around 50,000 feet the spaceship will return to a glider-like configuration for the landing back at the spaceport.
  • She glides over to the black chair, and seems to perch on the edge, although the chair seems to be doing it's best to make her recline, and relax.
  • Burt Rutan and his team at Scaled Composites did it once again this morning, sending the rocket-propelled glider SpaceShipOne 63 miles above earth, into the nether regions of the atmosphere known as suborbital space. Plain Text: A Small Step For Private Space Travel
  • Nice to see the glider getting airtime.
  • He watched the car glide along, Sanderson sitting with a smile upon his face, one he always had while driving in the morning air in his beautiful car.
  • This was very nice for a couple of miles in the company of curlews that glided across the heather rippling out their fluty songs and black millipedes that processed north across the track.
  • Down the silvery cascade he glided and whirled away through the running water, frightening the minnows and miller's thumbs lying among the stones in the shallow places, and startling the crawfishes and little fresh water lobsters hidden under the hollow banks. The Magic Soap Bubble
  • I watched a few birds dive and glide.
  • The third airlift was a total disaster, with bundles dropping into enemy hands and planes and gliders crash-landing throughout the area.
  • My bed faces the river so as by perking up upon my haunches, and supporting my carcase with my elbows, without much wrying my neck, I can see the white sails glide by the bottom of the King's Bench walks as I lie in my bed. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • The aircraft then glided to a splashdown into the Pacific Ocean.
  • He is also a qualified glider pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • A large, black raven glided down and landed on the ground a few feet away.
  • Their ‘flight park’ consists of two contains that hold the trike and their gliders.
  • We pushed off from the shore and glided into the heart of the river - around us just the sound of the wind soughing in the reeds and the lapping of water against the hull.
  • I loosened my grip on the rail enough to begin a glumble down the stairs (glumble meaning a glide and a stumble all in one).
  • The sugar glider is one of a number of volplaning possums in Australia.
  • The hangar is already filling up with tugs and gliders.
  • He'll have mounts available and will help you work out the perfect setup for your glider and camera.
  • My skates glided over the ice as I did a few quick laps around the indoor ice rink.
  • Finally, all turned, slowly glided and pitched down, poising with uplifted wings momentarily before merging into the dusk.
  • Bake for one hour, or until a knife inserted into the centre of the potato glides through easily with no resistance. The Sun
  • It glides on easily and helps intensify your eye colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even these hang-gliders have to share their airspace.
  • The canoe glided through an opening not much more than twice its own width, and into a hidden backwater running parallel to the river.
  • My '74 sportster and' 60 Duo Glide, essentially had 90 degree foot pegs, that is, the knee was at a right angle, which, for me, on the sporty sucked, and on the Panhead was perfect. Undefined
  • Shaving creams are made up of oils and emollients that help glide the blade across the skin reducing pain and incidents of cutting.
  • The odd flying fox glided over the valley and owls hooted in the distance.
  • The missiles glided through the air crashing through the remaining soldiers.
  • It glided on to my skin quickly and easily and I just used cotton wool to remove it. The Sun
  • Then he turned the paraglider tightly, circling until the rapidly nearing roofs of Mayrhofen began to smear like wet paint across my sight.
  • I had big wheels on my glider and I rolled in on nicely manicured grass.
  • Swedish Internet discharge glided considerably that day about 30% , publisher of 5 phonic books sued a file to share service user.
  • The effects of the cocktail on overload, the level and vertical acceleration on flight path angle, sinking velocity and extra required propulsion were analyzed during the glide of the aircraft.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Takeoff finally began around 3: 00 P.M. with the towplanes and tethered gliders staggered on either side of the runway as far as you could see.
  • He stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door.
  • The approximant r can also be regarded as a glide.
  • The whole is brought together in the third part of the book, the novel, and as is often the case with me, a book suddenly glides effortlessly from a good read into a great one. 40 entries from September 2007
  • Slow-moving animals and those living in trees - animals such as koalas, possums, and gliders - were most at risk.
  • Danish wooden houses stand on promontories of moraine rubble, and blue icebergs glide slowly out to sea. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In one he glided to an airfield at night, and in the other he ran off the end of a runway into a field. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike a helicopter, the tiltrotor had a wing and could fly like an airplane, so in theory, if an Osprey lost both engines, it might glide to a safe landing with its rotors pointed forward rather than autorotate to the ground with the rotors pointed up. The Dream Machine
  • The film was taken by a camera mounted on a hang - glider.
  • The warm air glided over my skin. Christianity Today
  • Starting on Sunday in Las Vegas, the Nextel Cup season will finally glide into its natural rhythm.
  • With today's gliders you might need a drogue chute to land there.
  • She would show the glittering arch of her upper third, occasionally, and scrape it along behind the comblike row; sometimes a pinnacle stood straight up, like a statuette of ebony, against that glittering white shield, then seemed to glide out of it by its own volition and power, and become a dim specter, while the next pinnacle glided into its place and blotted the spotless disk with the black exclamation-point of its presence. A Tramp Abroad
  • But simulating a glider landing in a hostile environment wasn't easy.
  • You lean in the direction you want to go and your weight banks the glider that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sitting down, she glided her fingers across the piano keys.
  • The queerest ship that ever sailed is a yacht on wheels, a graceful land-going clipper, that glides over the pathless stretches of sun-blistered plain, and carries her plucky navigators to and from their gold mine in the desert. 2008 April
  • I wasn't very good at hang-gliding, I crashed my glider, cricked my neck.
  • So it might be worthwhile to revisit the process of re-entry and examine what happened a year ago as the unpowered, 100-ton glider returned to Earth from 200 miles up.
  • He watched the two birds glide away over the waves, an apprehensive glint in his eye.
  • Binoculars help reveal background stars in the twilit sky as Venus glides past the top of the ‘teapot’ of the constellation Sagittarius during the first third of the month.
  • The transport could also tow Waco CG - 4A gliders and was powered by two Pratt & Whitney R - 2800 radials.
  • He leapt again - at the window this time, barely making it shudder as the chair bounced off it at a crazy angle, ballooned out of his hands and almost struck Owen in the head as it glided across the corridor.
  • In that same over, he followed with a directed glide to the point boundary.
  • By interspersing glides, murres in the model were able to regulate their mean descent speed without altering muscle contraction speed or load.
  • The gondolieri were frequently hailed, at this early hour, by the market-people, as they glided by towards Venice, and the lagune soon displayed a gay scene of innumerable little barks, passing from terra-firma with provisions. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • She glided down the corridor neither her mind nor her feet really touching the ground.
  • Spend more of your gliding time flying straight in rising air and you'll raise your glide over the ground.
  • I just glide along while others struggle with their petty problems.
  • The speed of the glider is directly proportional to the speed of the wind.
  • Her thrashing solo builds into a tantrum, fists and feet thumping the floor, only for her colleagues to glide across the stage like the coolest of cats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speed of the glider is directly proportional to the speed of the wind.
  • The next morning Rastignac woke late and stayed in bed, giving himself up to one of those matutinal reveries in the course of which a young man glides like a sylph under many a silken, or cashmere, or cotton drapery. Study of a Woman
  • A bald eagle glides by en route to its evening roost on the branch of a cottonwood tree.
  • He is also a qualified glider pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have to assume engine shut-down at any time and be able to glide to a landing.
  • I love my new pen - it just glides across/over the paper.
  • His hand glided above the long arm-bones of the larger skeleton, a dark shadow fluttering like a large moth as it crossed the jackstraw pile of ribs. Dragonfly in Amber
  • We glide about in the shallow end. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies

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