How To Use Glen canyon dam In A Sentence
In 1963, the Bureau closed the gates of Glen Canyon Dam.
The disruption in the canyon began with completion of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963.
The stunning landscapes of Colorado provide a back drop for the Glen Canyon dam, which is build on the Colorado River in Arizona.
- Average daily out fl ow from Glen Canyon Dam (Lake concentrations in the hypolimnia of the 2 different types of Powell), 1991-2006.
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His naivety recalled that of the builders of Aswan and Glen Canyon dams.
John Thompson: Creating Educational Monocultures
In 1963, the Bureau closed the gates of Glen Canyon Dam.
About 27 million acre-feet of water (8.5 trillion gallons, to be somewhat more precise), backed up behind 580-foot Glen Canyon Dam.
Along with the Glen Canyon Institute, the Club wants to decommission Glen Canyon Dam and drain the Lake Powell reservoir, eventually restoring 180 miles of river upstream.