glass over

  1. become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance
    Her eyes glaze over when she is bored
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How To Use glass over In A Sentence

  • One should pass the magnifying glass over to science; the eyes are sufficient to appreciate the beauties of the landscape.
  • The dim light of dawn played lightly on the morning dew which had gathered on the window glass over night.
  • With a stealthy leap, Percival broke through the window, shattering pieces of glass over the floor in front of the window, and on the roof right outside it.
  • -- those little dots of brightness, with now and then a wider, longer splash of radiance, which she told him meant "forevermore"; or, if it were very long and curved, as when she waved the glass over her head, it meant a laugh, and "here's hoping. The Lookout Man
  • After breakfast he dusted the glass over these portraits himself with a cloth, and brushed the oil painting of his wife with a plumate kept suspended from a small brass hook by the side of the heavy gold frame. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • Soon after we met, Slater was in the papers again after his wife allegedly broke a glass over his head during a violent spat.
  • Strain into a large highball glass over crushed ice, garnish with an amarelle cherry, and serve. 13 Tropical Drinks
  • One should pass the magnifying glass over to science; the eyes are sufficient to appreciate the beauties of the landscape.
  • One should pass the magnifying glass over to science; the eyes are sufficient to appreciate the beauties of the landscape.
  • The skin is fibreglass over a thin layer of plywood, which is itself supported by a skeleton of thicker ply, stiffened by a steel structure.
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