How To Use Glass eye In A Sentence
Pease, as done in paraffin, with creped hair and bright, shiny glass eyes.
Europe Revised
Madeline the admired, Madeline the indulged, Madeline, the beloved, Madeline of the thick raven hair, Madeline of the green glass eyes, the Asiatic eyes, creaseless.
Madeline the Admired
Incorporated into its elaborate frame are two miniature pairs of binoculars, a pince-nez and a bulbous, Cyclopean glass eye.
With a scarred face, glass eye (the pupil of his left eye in the shape of a U.S. Eagle), upswept moustache, slicked down hair, a top hat and that wicked smile, Day-Lewis is memorable.
Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.
Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.
It may well be stereoscopic, and record with two spaced glass eyes, for striking improvements in stereoscopic technique are just around the corner.
As We May Think
There were plenty of other people who lived lives just as eccentric as these: Monsieur Jules, the Roumanian, who had a glass eye and would not admit it, Furex the Liniousin stonemason, Roucolle the miserhe died before my time, thoughold Laurent the rag-merchant, who used to copy his signature from a slip of paper he carried in his pocket.
Down and Out in Paris and London
Your discovery of a glass eye in the fold of your sofa is a lucky omen.
Horoscope for the week of January 6, 2008
Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.