
How To Use Glaring In A Sentence

  • But if not, remember, her behavior may seem glaring to you, but may be inconsequential and unapparent to others.
  • He gathered himself up with as much dignity as he could muster before glaring at me.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.
  • Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
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  • It was a strip of gaudy landscaping in front of a strip mall in glaring bright daylight.
  • The frustrating part for the Scots is that the Czechs, while occasionally slick in attack, appeared glaringly vulnerable in defence. Strikerless Scotland's negative approach is punished by Czechs
  • But their growth spurt across the pond has been hindered by a glaringly obvious gap in their motorcycle range. The Sun
  • The book's most glaring omission is the lack of an index.
  • We strive hard to build a just society, but we ignore a glaring source of inequality.
  • When derided for mounting a pair of Government "bluchers," tied over bare feet, with bits of glaring tassel-string from his camel-saddle, he quoted the proverb, "Whoso liveth with a people forty days becomes of them. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • The door slammed, and Fiona shot up, staring at a glaring Mark.
  • The visibility was more than a hundred plus, with the white sand bottom reflecting the glaring sun.
  • The numbers, and my own outgoings, point to a glaring class divide and not one likely to become any less pronounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the studio David Gower, Mike Atherton and Ian Botham lurked around an unusually small cardboard coffee table looking oddly bleached-out, a sense of ghostliness accentuated by the ever-present World Cup logo with its backdrop of faceless, baying cartoon figures set against a glaring firestorm of a sky, like a Soviet-era depiction of some future cricketing apocalypse. India's future is so bright they gotta wear shades | Barney Ronay
  • That was until someone rapped on her door and her eyes open, the sun glaring into the window like a cop with a flashlight going to a car full of drunken teens.
  • Lit by the blue of the Mars lights and the glaring white of minicams, the scene looked artificial, but the rocks and bottles flying past me were all too real.
  • Perhaps it's his glaring vanity - it is surely disingenuous for a man in his sixties to sport such a pompadour and pretend that he doesn't want it noticed.
  • The meeting, inside the antiseptic, glaring cell, was totally bizarre in Richard Pendlebury's view. THE SCAR
  • The most glaring is to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. Think Progress » Lobbyists For Foreign Corporations Begin Fight To Ensure Foreign Money Can Influence American Elections
  • Yet she blames her education for the glaring gaps in her knowledge. The Sun
  • I rationalized it to be a surgeon's light - glaring at me and allowing dozens of general practitioners swoop in like birds of prey.
  • Glaring at the milk carton Mercy threw the soaked towel of milk into the green tin wastebasket.
  • After all, a glaring double standard has been a hallmark of our nation's drug policy for decades.
  • There was enough of difference to catch the eye and not enough of glaringness to offend it. The Story of Ab A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man
  • We scan the garden, but don't see the glaring gaps and lack of pizzazz. Times, Sunday Times
  • Immediately, Zach's eyes locked with mine in a glaring stare.
  • There was a dark colored flash and a few seconds later the wolf stood there, his tail bristled and red eyes glaring.
  • It was at that exact moment that a set of security lamps decided to kick in and bathe me in their glaring beams of light.
  • Underneath the kind of baldfaced clock you see in train stations were two run-down pay phones; there was something sad about the glaring outdatedness of them. The Guardian World News
  • Agrarian funds, regional funds and other pots of Brussels' money served to smooth over the most glaring social distortions.
  • His most glaring error was a simple finish into an empty net from four yards that he contrived to miss. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be churlish to note the disparity between Spark's fastidious energy and the pedestrianism of this book, were the disparity not so glaring.
  • In the next lane a huge cargo-hauler swerved to compensate, and as I pulled the control to slow I saw its operator, hands in the air, glaring at me through the perspex side-window. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Then the mule said to him glaringly: " Will you complain now about my feed doubling yours?
  • The feet were constantly caught and entangled in the long grass, that was parched in the scorching sun; the eyes were dazzled on all sides by the glaring metallic glitter on the young reddish leaves of the trees; on all sides were the variegated blue clusters of vetch, the golden cups of bloodwort, and the half-lilac, half-yellow blossoms of the heart's-ease. A Sportsman's Sketches Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume I
  • The ground scrunched unnaturally beneath his feet; the landscape disappeared from glaring brightness into shadows.
  • My mouth opened and snapped shut again, and I pursed my lips, glaring at him through narrow eyes.
  • On another day I counted 19 cars with fog lights glaring in otherwise good driving conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Epicureans, not being able to shut their eyes against this glaring difficulty, that strikes at the very foundation of their whole system, have, for a last shift, invented what Lucretius calls clinamen -- by which is meant a motion somewhat declining or bending from the straight line, and which gives atoms the occasion to meet and encounter. The Existence of God
  • There was no need for me to look up to find every single pair of hungry wolf eyes glaring at me, fangs bared and growling.
  • You HATE the book, or the first sentence has glaring grammatical errors, or the whole point of the book is obtuse and lost in clunky prose. UPDATES - and Clowns With Big Signs...and stuff.
  • The glaring white light washed over him and past him. A Plague of Angels
  • At the end of it, he will be thrust into a glaring spotlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside the gaps stand glaring contradictions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Frankly, I find the minutia of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life changing events that shape our lives.
  • The government had made serious proposals during 1988 about reforming the graduate assignment system because of its glaring inefficiencies.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • Another the glaring. of jo feet broad leads from the front of Much of this Teems appertaining to the houfe, and lies between two groves parade, and therefore I ain glad to leave of tall lime trees, planted in feveral e - it to dcfcribc the reft, which is all for qual ranks upon a carpet of grafs; the conveniency. The Beauties of All Magazines Selected for ...
  • Dann's voice startles me, the lights glaring on, painfully.
  • Glaring, eyes fixed upon the stitching of her blue cotton star quilt, she continued with sit-ups. THE BINGO PALACE
  • Only two more scores were to be had in the remaining 30 minutes, as all life fizzled out beneath a haze of rain and the glaring floodlights.
  • Despite of course the glaring fact that Rorschach is the ultimate moral relativist. Movie Review: Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Today one can easily gibe at the show's glaring seams and stitches.
  • And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring "x 5 pr. G. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • Usually, American male videos involve either gangstas driving around slowly in a pimped-out car glaring at pensioners, or a boy looking sad in the rain with his shirt off.
  • Then he snapped his fingers, and the moujik came padding out of the dimness of the wood; he was heeled and ready as well, his eyes glaring above his furze of beard. Fiancée
  • The reason for the glaring disparity in sex ratio is female foeticide, which is rampant in society. The Hindu - Front Page
  • She might be keen on all that, but many women in their 60s may be thanking God that all that stuff is over, they need never be fagged with it again, and they certainly don't want to be glaring at Sigourney, or anyone else, being "sexually active" all over the big screen. Sexually active women in their 60s? Spare me | Michele Hanson
  • The childlike behaviour of the crowd may or may not have explained the glaring lack of interest in Pakistan's brilliant batting in the afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stood glaring at me with a face like a door-knocker. Watershed
  • In spite of glaring evidence to the contrary, you blame yourself. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • But to point out the faults of this composition would be absurd indeed, for they are innumerable and glaring, and the deuce is in it, if Mr. Beddoes does not wonder at himself and his play, before he is three-and-twenty. Review
  • It was covered with inscriptions from top to base, in vivid white and blue, save where a vast and glaring kinematograph transparency presented a realistic New Testament scene, and where a vast festoon of black to show that the popular religion followed the popular politics, hung across the lettering Graham had already become familiar with the phonotype writing and these inscriptions arrested him, being to his sense for the most part almost incredible blasphemy. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • I'm forejudged, it, seems," he made answer haughtily, tossing his fair locks, his blue eyes glaring upon his judges. Mistress Wilding
  • They also note the program's glaring failure in combating foreclosures. After 2 turbulent years, officials assess TARP
  • Now, America sees all the more glaringly your integrity faults … and once you're out of the nomination race and the courts can once again prosecute you … we'll see it even further. Vilsack says it's over
  • There was the vulture, a magnificent image of the bird, the fierce eyes glaring and the yellow beak hooked and spread wide, with each feather ointed. The Seventh Scroll
  • I guess I was glaring death stares at them because they stopped.
  • No. This is the most glaring omission: even the shonkiest netbook lets you have music playing or IM open at the same time as you surf or work. Crave at CNET UK
  • All in all, the opportunities are glaring and obvious - and greater minds than mine will no doubt be working on the details.
  • She slowly stood, rubbing her bruised ribs and glaring at the man.
  • Meringue hair, glaring cosmetic faces, piranha smiles, jewels that wink like semaphore signals. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • With a yelp of pain, he started hopping on one foot, glaring and cursing at the tree, which stood calmly and impassively before him.
  • I can just envision the future debate when that ineffectuality becomes more glaringly apparent: "We'll have to authorize an additional $23 Billion to add barbed wire to the top of the fence [or any other favorite fence enhancement], because folks are climbing over [or tunneling under, or going around, da, da, da] it! See One-Man, One-Vote Questioned on National TV, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She said that she had only highlighted 'the most glaring' errors and infelicities. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then a lank, grey-bearded man, perspiring copiously in a noble passion of self-help, blind to all earthly things save that glaring, bait, thrust between them in a cataclysmal rush towards that alluring “x 5 pr. G.” When the Sleeper Wakes
  • I spent most of the time glaring at the chattiest of the monkeys, which likely made me very popular. Eco-Respect
  • Alex ground her teeth and sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat there glaring at him in the dark.
  • it was glaringly obvious
  • Otherwise, the graphics are smooth and free of annoying graphical glitches like glaring aliasing or slowdown.
  • His were the most glaring errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • But first a glaring error on the opening page must be corrected. The Times Literary Supplement
  • These measures follow widespread allegations of corruption in the planning process, as well as glaring conflicts of interest among council staff.
  • But the reality is that women face a multitude of problems when deciding if and when to have a family, despite the prospect of a childless future glaring at them from newspaper headlines.
  • The failure of animal breeders to produce a strain that can bias the gender of its offspring is glaring.
  • It is vital, expensive, and technically complex, and in addition, there is a glaring mismatch between need and ability to pay.
  • The father was blinded by rage and had nothing but a stare that was glaring with hate for what he believed had happened.
  • She blinked her eyes open a few times, giving them time to adjust to the harsh, glaring light presented before her.
  • He had judged her without question, but could attribute fortitude and resolution to Matilda despite the Empress's glaring faults.
  • She looked back at her brother who was glaring deadly at the man, he picked up the fire stoker and pointed it at the man, ‘Hurt her, and I will kill you.’
  • But for each little detail neatly answered within the film's overly expository dialogue, there are five glaring questions that go unanswered.
  • But their growth spurt across the pond has been hindered by a glaringly obvious gap in their motorcycle range. The Sun
  • But now that he could look at her properly, he could see two coal-black eyes, glaring furiously at his own green ones.
  • Even more glaring is that in these same studies, Insignia POPS was found to have executed in less than 20% of the stores we surveyed. Archive 2009-10-01
  • A horror of any kind was no sooner past than it was straightway forgotten, and the facetious animal would advance with arched back and glaring eyes in defiance of an incursive hen, or twirl in mad hopeless career after its own miserable tail! Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines
  • The glaring sun has at last curved above the frosted pines fringing the small city of Whitehorse.
  • But the splendor of wit cannot outdazzle the calm daylight, which always shows every individual man in balance with his age, and able to work out his own salvation from all the follies of that, and no such glaring contrasts or severalties in that or this. Uncollected Prose
  • In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.
  • Few would argue that rarely do prospective champions have one such glaring weakness. Times, Sunday Times
  • His comeback story is remarkable, but his checkered injury history and "averageness" as a closer make this the one glaring liability on the Rays. MVN
  • Its massive irony is that the magically maudlin piano refrain and chronically depressed vocal that gives this song all the power, soul and verve that are so glaringly missing from the rest of the album.
  • The other notable element is the glaring age disparity between the five central characters and the actors playing them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Costa Rica might have scored twice before Brazil had mustered the first of their many shots; the Central Americans went on to hit the woodwork twice and miss a series of glaring chances.
  • As far as the eye could range forward were columns of steam in the air, misshapen lumps of lime, mist-like preadamite monsters, still pools of turquoise-blue stretches of blue corn-flowers, a river that coiled on itself twenty times, pointed bowlders of strange colors, and ridges of glaring, staring white. American Notes
  • He was glaring daggers at his friends who didn't seem to notice what he was doing.
  • You and the governor seem dedicated to pandering to those empty buckets, but trust that such inauthenticity can be glaringly transparent to the American people. Andy Kutler: Three Men and a Country
  • A combination of refined sensibility and urban ignorance of nature prevented them from discerning certain glaring facts that betrayed his caprid origin. Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation
  • One of Orwell’s strongest themes, regularly revisited, is this claim and its incompatibility with the facts – most glaringly, with the years of Japanese aggression against China. Orwell’s BBC Broadcasts: Colonial Discourse and the Rhetoric of Propaganda
  • They first unsettle our obedience by discovering what they call the iniquity of our governors; and indeed it is not difficult for those who look with a malignant eye on their conduct to perceive such errors, or, if you will, vices, as an artful and censorious temper may dress up into glaring enormities, especially if it deals in those exaggerations which people, who give up their understandings to the views of a party, call true representations. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Michelle was glaring at me… I had no idea why she was mad at me.
  • No poolside glamour, just soaking shirts, glaring sunshine and a sense of space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report contained some glaring errors.
  • One glaring problem was the 40 minutes of form-filling required to open a chequing account. Globe and Mail
  • The glaring white light washed over him and past him. A Plague of Angels
  • Some of the clues were glaringly obvious .
  • PARENTS blasted a teacher for sending pupils motivational cards containing a glaring spelling error. The Sun
  • He tries ever so hard to play down the significance of this glaring omission from an otherwise impeccable CV but he doth protest too much, methinks.
  • The perception was that I had certain glaring deficits as a reporter, chief being that I could write a pretty feature but was a washout with hard news. A Conversation with Anna Quindlen about Rise and Shine
  • The collections of college and university art museums are sometimes motley assortments of works of art donated by alumni to their alma mater - uneven collections with glaring gaps.
  • This was the glaring omission from not one but two local government bills announced on Wednesday.
  • A familiar letter sprang out at him, each word quickened by its glaring garb of type. The Touchstone
  • The whole "trial" was unworth of the name – it was a device whereby Mrs. Brailsford and I should be separated from the others and treated with more respect, I having been the only one to do a glaring act and an, apparently, harmful or greatly risky one. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • What was even worse for me was that I'd forgotten my sunglasses the night before, so I'm driving with a killer headache and the sun was glaring at me!
  • This is a glaring example of why troops feel this country is not supporting them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hydrolley promoters overstate the cost for catenaries, and ignore the glaring problems that face fuel cell vehicles - waste. Back on Track, Grid Powered, and Gas Free
  • The "ouija" lies as coolly and confidently as it tells the truth; in fact, it is dogmatically positive that its statements are correct in every case, even when they are glaringly incorrect at the very time they are written. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • A quick look at the Club's website highlights a glaring omission.
  • PARENTS blasted a teacher for sending pupils motivational cards containing a glaring spelling error. The Sun
  • a glaring error
  • She showed him photographs of two big canning factories, glaring in the sun. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The only glaring problem is that all the connectors like Firewire, line-out and USB drives are located on the rear right of the iMac.
  • He also had to hold his hands up afterwards to a glaring miss late in the game.
  • They claim the children are disturbing their privacy by glaring into their homes and using the road as a cycle track.
  • He told a glaringly different story.
  • Yes," replied Dexie, "they are rather dear, _dear shad_," and she looked intently at her plate, well knowing how Plaisted was glaring at her. Miss Dexie A Romance of the Provinces
  • I don't know how many times during the day she yowled to be let out to test it, give it a thump and come back in, glaring at me.
  • I never much liked it; I was always unsettled by its glaring untruthfulness.
  • Suddenly she became conscious that the glaring light from the window was shaded, and that the wind seemed to be blowing freshly over her. What Katy Did
  • The one glaring weakness is at fly-half. Times, Sunday Times
  • The abstraction of most of the visuals neatly sidesteps the often glaringly obvious lack of ideas in more figurative work at the same time as it mirrors the nature of the music it accompanies.
  • On the other hand, there are too many lapses on the Government's part, if not deliberate mistakes, glaring errors and wanton blunders.
  • Unable to give a sarcastic comment, she settled with glaring at him.
  • The sun was shining behind him and glaring into her eyes but Dara couldn't tear her eyes away from him.
  • But we doubted whether that would be enough to offset his one glaring weakness. The Sun
  • Neither side has a monopoly on either good ideas or glaring contradictions.
  • She laced her tennis shoes, all the while glaring at Roger.
  • Yet she blames her education for the glaring gaps in her knowledge. The Sun
  • The problem lies not in what was stated but in a glaring omission that cuts right to the heart of the pro-choice/pro-life propaganda war.
  • Placed in a wilderness of dark mountains, the scene is relieved by a flood of glaring light that holds the figures in a tableau of awful impact.
  • Ali began the minuet in time to the music, catching Andrew - who was still glaring at the Duke - by surprise.
  • Each one glaring reflected light from the chilly flourescent fixtures scattered everywhere above our heads. Something Wrong
  • The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.
  • The three girlfriends are chiefly excuses for Bobby's shilly-shallying, so we get glaring patches of clashing color revolving around a colorless blob.
  • The glaring contradiction posed by the obviously symmetrical carbon dioxide concentrations in both hemispheres while the anthropogenic loading is primarily in the North. Hansen: Obama has only four years to save the world - NASA Watch
  • Despite a revived interest in Scottish identity in recent years, the teaching of Scottish history is patchy and tokenistic with glaring gaps spanning hundreds of years.
  • The only glaring complaint that can honestly be made about the disc itself is the lack of an anamorphic video transfer.
  • Clay pointed an accusing finger at Hunter who spun around to stare at the three glaring boys.
  • The agenda is interesting, but with glaring holes where the problems of the world are.
  • It was the only building with glaringly bright light shining though the spaces between the bricks of the building.
  • The numbers, and my own outgoings, point to a glaring class divide and not one likely to become any less pronounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frost himself spends most of the episode glaring, snarling and snapping. Times, Sunday Times
  • For seven days he had ridden enshrouded deep within his cloak, his face wrapped in bandages, as they rode under the glaring light of the sun.
  • The one glaring weakness is at fly-half. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dorothy used the word "irregular" in the titles of three of her poems, but "Irregular Verses" bears the most glaring metrical aberrance of the three: the moment in line 43, the only line of heptameter in the poem: "Though in our riper years we each pursued a different way. 'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
  • Riley clenched his teeth together, glaring hatefully at the girl.
  • Yet she blames her education for the glaring gaps in her knowledge. The Sun
  • The man wheeled around to face her, glaring coldly.
  • Placed in a wilderness of dark mountains, the scene is relieved by a flood of glaring light that holds the figures in a tableau of awful impact.
  • Shanghai is, at first sight, a city of glaring neon lights , frenetic pace and sky - scrapers.
  • Instead it is going to be seen as a glaring miss and a blot on his copybook, which is sad for him. Latest Barclays Premier League News
  • Green's presence is arresting, to be sure, although her chief contribution comes in the form of seductive, baleful, or haunted glaring, which makes her a perfect complement for Bloom's Balian.
  • Once the laugh escaped me, I noticed Toni glaring at me, and I tried not to laugh again.
  • The question of why there are such glaring regional variations prompts numerous theories. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drive and drive in the glaring sunshine until the car runs out of gas. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • The arcading is a nineteenth-century imitation of Norman work; the pavement is glaringly modern. Bell's Cathedrals: Wimbourne Minster and Christchurch Priory A Short History of Their Foundation and a Description of Their Buildings
  • I had never caught a sea trout before and it was a glaring omission from my personal best lists!
  • The records generated under the court order produced a comprehensive encyclopedia of why discipline in the police department is "fundamentally ineffective" - the corroborating of falsehoods among officers, the impotence of civilian oversight, the cursoriness of IAD investigations and investigators 'complicity in not connecting glaring discrepancies. The Clog
  • For those who bridle at the glaring omissions the reason is simply that I have restricted myself to restaurants or gastropubs that I have visited within the last year.
  • When I first came to Japan they were the cheap night out, with bright, glaring strip lights, loud music, easy point-at-the-picture menus, big spaces for a dozen gaijin to sit around and complain about work and big, cheap beers.
  • Hockey very rarely has a glaring officiating error, and the calls made are almost always supported by replay.
  • People struggling with the credit crunch will not sympathise over the pitch being slow and the lights glaring. The Sun
  • Let's face it, most of them came here to escape the low quality of life and the glaring risks.
  • The only inconsistency is the glaring, gaping one between his actions and his campaign rhetoric. So much for those ‘Free Tibet’ bumper stickers. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The fragility of the neo-colonial state becomes glaring and it cannot be counted on as an instrument of control and reform.
  • Full of jagged darks, glaring lights and Joan gun-toting in furs, this movie is the pinnacle of what the kids are calling ‘lady-noir’.
  • But the pigeons of London are squat and swollen and angry, glaring at you with the squat reluctance to move that I’ve only seen in overfed housecats; screw you, buddy, they say silently, I’ve got a place here. Impressions From A 56-Hour Sojourn: In No Particular Order
  • I woke to the sun glaring in my face, the bright light blinding me.
  • She just happens to be the most recent and glaring example of this new commercial culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the bunching up of students in large droves of 30s, and the glaring psychedelic light sequences that alternated with a lot of pitch-dark moments, they did a good job.
  • It's not just the obvious and glaring ego. Times, Sunday Times
  • Share your thought with the class - if, ha ha, it will bear up to the glaring light of day.
  • Anyone who has tried to explain a convoluted opera plot to another is glaringly aware of difficulties that may arise.
  • It's another glaring example of what I have called The Illusion of Free Markets and the paradox of "neoliberal penality": the purported liberalization of the economy here, the privatization of city services goes hand-in-hand with massive policing. Outlawing dissent: Rahm Emanuel's new regime | Bernard Harcourt
  • I woke rather refreshed with the sun glaring brightly in my eyes.
  • Grasping the solidified handle in a tight two-handed grip, she held her weapon in front of herself, glaring at her opponent in unveiled defiance.
  • He makes his body's tortured movements perversely vigorous, strenuously dragging his twisted leg, glaring fiercely, and speaking fast with a hard edge.
  • Germany is well prepared in its strategic oil reserves, and there are no glaring factors that would force a drawdown of reserves, barring a global catastrophe.
  • There is a limit to which the bravery and sacrifice of our soldiers and airmen may overcome the glaring deficiencies of this Government. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day was the climax of a burning fortnight, of heat, draught, and dust, of baked, cracked, dewless land, and oily breezeless seas, of glaring days, passing through fierce fiery sunsets into stifling nights. The Hawaiian Archipelago

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