
[ UK /ɡlˈænz/ ]
  1. a small rounded structure; especially that at the end of the penis or clitoris
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How To Use glans In A Sentence

  • Object:To study the chemical constituents in the green peel of Juglans Mandshurica.
  • The bunchy top or witches'-broom caused by a virus, that is serious on the Japanese walnut, _Juglans Sieboldiana_, does not appear to be so virulent on butternut. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950
  • I believe, however, that this voluptuous acme is, at any rate in children, much less common than the equable voluptuous sensation which can be aroused by all kinds of manipulations and stimulations of the peripheral genital organs, and more especially of the glans, the penis, the clitoris, and the labia minora. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • In southern Arizona, these flies exclusively use Arizona walnut, Juglans major, as a host plant, emerging between July and September from puparia in the soil.
  • The medical name for redness and soreness of the glans is balanitis.
  • The bunchy top or witches'-broom caused by a virus, that is serious on the Japanese walnut, _Juglans Sieboldiana_, does not appear to be so virulent on butternut. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950
  • Clearly, capable confident, can-do people are what Kruglanski dislikes and babyish, helpless people are his ideal.
  • Krafft-Ebing in excluding from the category of sexual paradoxy those cases in which sexual excitement is caused solely by peripheral inflammatory stimuli, balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis), threadworms, and the like. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • His practice is in accordance with the belief that young children can be relieved by the simpler methods, such as dilatation; but he also observes that when a child has reached eight or ten years of age, and has never been able to expose the glans, contraction is almost certain to be present, and circumcision must be performed. History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance
  • At the end of the glans is a small slit or opening, which is where semen and urine exit the body through the urethra.
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