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How To Use Glandular In A Sentence

  • Druses were common throughout the mesophyll tissues, and peltate, glandular trichomes were present on both epidermises.
  • The female urine markers consist of more than 100 compounds, a much more complex mixture than the male glandular scents, which are mainly fatty acids and aromatics.
  • I had been sick with glandular fever, so I was playing as a libero, which is a position I don't usually play, so it wouldn't be as physical and I wouldn't burn out," she said. Wimmera Mail Times - Front Page
  • Dr.B. is of the opinion that it owes its value to three qualities combined: an acrid, an emetic, and a deobstruent property -- the latter acting on the glandular system. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • The density of peltate glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface of a fully developed leaf is typically about 1600 per cm.
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  • Tularemia can present in ulceroglandular, glandular, oculoglandular, oropharyngeal, typhoidal, or pneumonic forms.
  • All 8 previously reported cases and the present case showed a variable degree of glandular atrophy.
  • The anterior part contains the submaxillary gland, superficial to which is the anterior facial vein, while imbedded in the gland is the external maxillary artery and its glandular branches; beneath the gland, on the surface of the Mylohyoideus, are the submental artery and the mylohyoid artery and nerve. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 3. The Triangles of the Neck
  • When they do happen, they are similar to other viral infections such as glandular fever.
  • We found no evidence of malignancy, but dysplastic changes were present in the glandular cells.
  • The pauciflorous capitulum consists of outer female florets with short ligules, inner hermaphrodite florets without a pappus, and five outer involucral bracts, up to 2 cm long, possessing long-stalked glandular hairs.
  • We postulate that underlying microscopic inflammation may predispose to glandular tubular occlusion and the retention of mucous secretions resulting in cystic dilation and ultimately a JRP. Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • For example, it would be interesting to determine if smegma, a glandular discharge that collects under the foreskin and lubricates the glans, has spermicidal properties.
  • There is evidence that it can follow a viral infection, such as glandular fever. The trouble with ME
  • I had sinus surgery, totaled my car, and was told I have fibromyalgia and a glandular disease. THE STAPLE STREET GANG: MANDY AND THE PURPLE SPOTTED HANKY
  • Cystadenoma adenoma tissue as a result of glandular secretions of siltation, glandular cavity gradually integrating into the expansion and size of cysts, hence the name.
  • Glandular enlargements not of scirrhous character, and excrescent growths not poisonous, may often be reduced, and perhaps sometimes cured, under the positive pole. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • It differs from it, however, by being twice pinnate below, and from the typical spinulose fern by its glandular indusium; but from the intermediate variety it is more difficult to separate it, as that also has indusiate glands. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • HIV may manifest as a glandular fever-like illness with seroconversion.
  • Diagram of the four secondary germinal layers, transverse section through the metazoic embryo: Figure 1.74 of an annelid, Figure 1.75 of a vermalian. a primitive gut, dd ventral glandular layer, df ventral fibre-layer, hm skin-fibre-layer, hs skin-sense-layer, u beginning of the rudimentary kidneys, n beginning of the nerve-plates.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • This includes those of the parasympathetic nervous system in the heart, glandular tissue, and smooth muscle.
  • The glandular epithelium resembles that seen in apocrine sweat glands.
  • These glandular tissues contain cells that make and secrete milk.
  • Like most labiates, thyme is an aromatic plant with glandular trichomes on the leaves and floral parts contain monoterpenoid essential oils.
  • I mean, what if a fat kid is fat because he's got some kind of glandular disorder? Idiot-milk Diary Entry
  • He has got glandular fever and may be out for a while yet - so get well soon Marc from all of us.
  • During sexual activity, the sperm travels from the epididymis to the vas deferens with other glandular secretions.
  • -- Enormous glandular ovarian cystoma (Bodenstein). Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Further studies are needed to more clearly define the association between oral contraceptives and glandular lesions.
  • He has got glandular fever and may be out for a while yet.
  • That, it transpired, was glandular fever, and Federer was affected by it not only while losing to Murray in the first round here, but possibly even while he was ­losing his Wimbledon title and No1 ranking. Sport news, comment and results |
  • This paper deals with the morphology, anatomy, histochemistry and biochemistry of the glandular hairs of S. jorullensis.
  • Microscopically, the tumor is characterized by glandular or ductal structures with variable organization.
  • She was diagnosed with liver damage almost a year ago, and has also suffered from extreme tiredness and a series of illnesses including chicken pox, tonsillitis, flu and glandular fever.
  • Spainy planted herself in the doorway, looking for all the world like a tumble-dried hyena with a glandular problem and bone to pick. We got a dad-gummed Houdini here ...
  • In the resection specimen, irregular zones of fibrosis and a dilatation of the glandular excretory duct system were grossly evident.
  • Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.
  • On the other hand, the body-cavity, quite distinct from the gut and closed externally, has nothing to do with digestion; it encloses the gut itself and its glandular appendages, and also contains the sexual products and a certain amount of blood or lymph, a fluid that is transuded through the ventral wall. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Fistulas may arise from wounds of glandular organs or their ducts, and thus we have the so-called mammary or lacrimal fistulas. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The diagnosis is made when elements of squamous or glandular differentiation cannot be proven.
  • Benign lumps can be caused by cysts (sacs of fluid which build up in the breast tissue) or fibroadenomas (solid growths made up of fibrous and glandular tissue).
  • The second component is composed of spindle cell proliferation with accentuation in a periglandular cuff pattern and may contain homologous or heterologous elements.
  • But she suffered a setback when a bout of glandular fever looked like bringing her season to an abrupt halt.
  • In some varieties of the orange, called by the French "bigarades cornues," the thalamus of the flower, which is usually short, and terminated by a glandular ring-like disc, is prolonged into a little stalk or gynophore, bearing a ring of supernumerary carpels. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Long hairs are situated on veins and glandular trichomes occur both on the leaf surface and veins.
  • The prostate specimen showed glandular and stromal hyperplasia.
  • This author advances the idea of the glandular system as an integral whole, the glands forming a unity which might be termed the generative system. The Pivot of Civilization
  • Typical cuboidal prostatic glandular epithelium lined most of the glands.
  • This virus causes glandular fever and is also associated with a human cancer called Burkitt's lymphoma.
  • At first, glandular fever is sometimes wrongly diagnosed, for example as a bacterial throat infection or tonsillitis.
  • Fronds eight to twelve inches high, lanceolate, bipinnatifid, finely glandular-puberulent. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • Gonadotrophin could regulate the expression and activation of STAT3 in the luminal and glandular epithelium.
  • The area covered by gross injury was expressed as a percentage of the area of the glandular mucosa of the rat stomach.
  • Moreover, the composition of exudates produced by glandular trichomes may change with leaf age.
  • Quantra® volumetric assessment tool is a break-through technology designed to estimate volumes in the breast and calculate the volumetric fraction of fibroglandular tissue. Hologic Encourages Health Professionals to Get the Facts About Women's Imaging at RSNA 2010 - Yahoo! Finance
  • A decrease in breast density, or the proportion of fibroglandular tissue depicted on the mammogram image, over a number of years is associated with decreased risk of breast cancer, researchers from the Mayo Clinic campus in Minnesota report at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 101st Annual Meeting - latest science and technology news stories
  • A person with glandular fever is most infectious when they have a fever (high temperature).
  • Decreased breast density over time means decreased breast cancer risk WASHINGTON - A decrease in breast density, depicted via the proportion of fibroglandular tissue on the mammogram image, over time indicates a decreased risk of breast cancer, according to a study. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The movements of their adapted fluids in the various vessels of the body are carried forwards by the actions of those vessels in consequence of two kinds of stimulus, one of which may be compared to a pleasurable sensation or desire inducing the vessel to seize, and, as it were, to swallow the particles thus selected from the blood; as is done by the mouths of the various glands, veins, and other absorbents, which may be called glandular appetency. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • One glandular structure reminiscent of a mammary lobule was identified in the deep dermis adjacent to the tumor.
  • See the section on glandular extracts for more information. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • As those lymphatic vessels consist generally of a long neck or mouth, which drinks up its appropriated fluid, and of a conglobate gland, in which this fluid undergoes some change, it happens, that sometimes the mouth of the lymphatic, and sometimes the belly or glandular part of it, becomes totally or partially paralytic. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The cercal armature of the Burmjapyx type (Silvestri, 1930; sensu Paclt, 1957) together with the characteristics of the glandular organs of the first urosternite set it apart from the known Japygidae. Archive 2007-01-01
  • See the section on glandular extracts for more information. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Moreover, the composition of exudates produced by glandular trichomes may change with leaf age.
  • The only mucosal protective drug being used, says Murray, is sucralfate (Carafate), and it is only effective for the glandular lining of the stomach and the duodenum, where ulcers and lesions are less likely to occur. News
  • The peduncles are typically subglabrous to hispidulose or glandular, nigrescent; bracteoles caducous.
  • It is applied to the tunica vasculosa over the glandular substance of the testis, and, at its posterior border, is reflected into the interior of the gland, forming an incomplete vertical septum, called the mediastinum testis (corpus Highmori). XI. Splanchnology. 3c. The Male Genital Organs
  • Forrester wasn't sure that he liked being referred to as a glandular mess. Pagan Passions
  • Most labiates have glandular trichomes that emerge from the epidermal surface of their leaves, stems and reproductive structures.
  • The apical layer of glandular head cells was characterized by leucoplasts and calcium oxalate crystals.
  • Most of the epithelia were glandular, forming ductal and tubular structures, with some multinucleated giant cells.
  • Glandular fever is an infectious illness that causes swelling of the lymph nodes.
  • On my return from a walk I brought in a good big bunch of glandular ledum and boiled it in the teapot. Travels in Alaska
  • Pathological findings also show polyglandular involvement including thyroid gland.
  • The cauliflower - like appearance is due to the elongated glandular structures covered by dysplastic epithelium.
  • Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.
  • It began as a kind of glandular fever, complicated by chest pains and exhaustion, that attacked him in May 1985. Spirituality and Suffering « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The 27-year-old will miss the first grand slam event of 2012, as he struggles to conquer mononucleosis - the virus also known as glandular fever that causes loss of appetite, fatigue and fever. | Top Stories
  • The large mint family, which includes other common herbs like thyme and basil, is characterized by glandular hairs on stems and leaves that contain aromatic oils. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Sections of the fragment showed a glandular proliferation consisting of tubular structures of different sizes separated by spindle stromal elements.
  • In general appearance the musang resembles the civet, and it has in some species a sub-caudal glandular fold which contains a secretion, but without the musky odour of civet. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Other common head and neck cancers occur in soft tissues of the neck, which are primarily glandular such as thyroid gland and salivary gland.
  • Quantra tool uses details of the x-ray imaging chain to quantify fibroglandular tissue in the breast. Hologic Encourages Health Professionals to Get the Facts About Women's Imaging at RSNA 2010 - Yahoo! Finance
  • (GWM), nonprotein sulfhydryls (NP‑SH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were also measured in the glandular stomach of rats following ethanol administration. - latest science and technology news stories
  • R.: Biochemical and histochemical lo - calization of monoterpene biosynthesis in the glandular trichomes of spearmint (Mentha spicata). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In all organs, CPT accumulation was detected in epidermal idioblasts, in some glandular trichomes, and in groups of idioblast cells localized in parenchyma tissues. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Glandular secretion is stimulated with no alteration in plasma exudation.
  • Fibrocystic = a catchall term for noncancerous lumps of fibroglandular breast tissue; may be used to describe different types of lumps OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • A benign epithelial tumor having a glandular origin and structure.
  • The glandular trichomes were peltate glands, consisting of medullar and cortical cells, which differed structurally.
  • This paper deals with the morphology, anatomy, histochemistry and biochemistry of the glandular hairs of S. jorullensis.
  • The peculiar odoriferous substance, secreted in two glandular sacs near the root of the tail, is "castoreum," more generally known as The Life of Kit Carson Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Indian Agent and Colonel U.S.A.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is lanceolate-linear, pointed, flat, rigid, the margin is very minutely serrulate, glandular and occasionally also with fine long hairs; the upper surface is somewhat rough, the lower smooth and both with fine long scattered hairs or glabrous. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Small residual ducts and islands of intact salivary gland acini predominantly composed of serous-type glandular epithelium were present.
  • Many multicellular trichomes are glandular, developing a terminal gland which may secrete a variety of compounds, such as alkaloids to deter or poison predators.
  • A bigger worry are memory - boosting supplements that contain raw cow brains and glandular concentrates.
  • Others produce glandular secretions known to repel adult ants.
  • We found no evidence of malignancy, but dysplastic changes were present in the glandular cells.
  • Rodenstein portrays the appearance of a patient of forty-five after death from an enormous glandular ovarian cystoma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Rodenstein 15.46 portrays (Fig. 266) the appearance of a patient of forty-five after death from an enormous glandular ovarian cystoma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The leaves are 10-25 cm long, pinnate, with 5-9 leaflets, each leaflet up to 8 cm long, with a serrated margin; both the stem and leaves are densely glandular-hairy. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The prostate is a glandular, fibromuscular organ that lies at the base of the bladder and surrounds the urethra.
  • Areas of glandular and squamous differentiation can be present.
  • Marked regression of the glandular tissue occurs when nursing ceases.
  • Branches are capillary, stiff and spreading, horizontally verticillate or subverticillate, the lowest whorl consisting of five to sixteen or seventeen branches and the others from three to nine, shining, swollen at the point of insertion and provided with a glandular scar a little above the point of insertion; branchlets are very close, appressed to the rachis of the branch never drooping or spreading, each bearing two to five spikelets. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Normal endocervical epithelium usually expressed cyclin D1, although staining was typically focal, and there was increased immunoreactivity in reactive and metaplastic glandular cells including tubo-endometrioid metaplasia. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • A bigger worry are memory - boosting supplements that contain raw cow brains and glandular concentrates.
  • In light of the cyst recurrence and the glandular tumor in the spleen, a distal pancreatectomy was performed.
  • Homeopathically, I decided to use glandular remedies to stimulate her ovaries to ovulate.
  • But they said it was just tonsillitis or glandular fever and they sent us home.
  • The _spikelets_ are about 1/16 inch long, ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate dark or pale green, sometimes purplish, solitary or two to four on long slender pedicels, drooping, never appressed, and with glandular streaks. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Mullein is a great herb for the endocrine glandular system especially the thyroid.
  • Thousands of them had to be drained of their glandular mucus to make one single purple toga.
  • Despite these difficulties with lesion identification, researchers have found several characteristic features that can help in locating glandular lesions during colposcopy.
  • Leaves were exstipulate, coriaceous, and hypostomatous, and typically had wavy, glandular margins.
  • I found the chapter on glandular lesions of the uterine cervix to be clear and useful.
  • The glandular epithelium secretes a mucoid fluid rich in glycogen.
  • Some of these supplements, called glandulars, contain bovine brain, pituitary, pineal gland, and spinal cord, all organs where infectious prions may concentrate.
  • A person with glandular fever is most infectious when they have a fever (high temperature).
  • The exo-carp is coriaceous, thin, and dull, with glandular dots. Themesocarp is fleshy, whitish turning to yellow at maturity, with a granulose texture and astringent taste.
  • Some of these supplements, called glandulars, contain bovine brain, pituitary, pineal gland, and spinal cord, all organs where infectious prions may concentrate.
  • Morphological characters including the glandular indumentum and cream flower colour suggest that A. ambiguum is close to A. graniticum.
  • She had suffered from glandular fever, migraine and scoliosis (curvature of the spine), and thought she had a brain tumour.
  • The _inflorescence_ is a pyramidal panicle 1-1/2 to 4 inches long, erect on a terete glabrous peduncle 1-1/2 to 6 inches long, the main rachis is slender, erect, striate, glabrous and has glandular streaks just above the insertion of the branches of the lowest verticil. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Eyesight bad to be wearing the right glasses, so as to avoid commonly used in Caecus, glandular secretions have been gradually opening blocked.
  • This glandular decline interferes with calcium metabolism and may produce the condition of hypocalcemic tetany. Meditation as Medicine
  • Volkow stresses that obesity seems to be a significantly more complex disorder than drug abuse because many unrelated factors, such as glandular problems, lack of exercise, or a genetic predisposition to storing fat, can lead to weight gain. Mind Hacks: Addicted to food?
  • The true origin of the glandular neoplasms of the external ear canal is controversial.
  • Glandular trichomes can be found as unicellular, multicellular, and stalked structures.
  • The mosaic patterns, punctation and leukoplakia that are associated with squamous lesions are generally not seen with glandular lesions.
  • In addition, while the overall dose of a screening mammography is low, (` 300mrem), the dose to younger women is significantly higher (` 800 to 1000 mrem) since their glandular tissue absorbs more x-rays requiring greater exposures to achieve acceptable images. Jae Son: The Future Of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Is Touch
  • The adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the investigated leaves of Styrian oil pumpkin showed numerous glandular trichomes and bristle hairs.
  • Normal and hyperplastic glandular epithelium present in the biopsies was counted as an internal control.
  • The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate.
  • When Sophie fell poorly with glandular fever and then chronic fatigue syndrome her home computer provided a lifeline to the outside world.
  • In some areas, the glandular epithelium showed squamous and transitional cell metaplasia.
  • Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.
  • The leaf of the butterwort bears glandular hairs, and its margins curve inwards when excited by contact of various bodies, especially living insects, and, at the same time, these are caught in the viscid secretion of the glands, and their juices absorbed by the plant. Life of Charles Darwin
  • We here at The Atlantic grapple with all sorts of problems: matters glandular and jugular, animals crepuscular, extractions tonsillar, Mormons tabernacular, the politics of Simón Bolívar, diseases vascular, the arthritis of Renoir, Freddie Mercury in Zanzibar, my lost Wanderjahr, and polishing the samovar. What’s Your Problem?
  • If you are premenopausal, the doctor may say that the lump is just fibrocystic, a word that has unfortunately become a catchall term for non-cancerous lumps of fibroglandular tissue in younger women. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • In hypertrophie gastritis, there is usually considerable chronic inflammation and glandular atrophy.
  • Nectar is secreted by glandular trichomes distributed over the internal surface of the corolla.
  • Both squamous and glandular cancers can arise in the cervix.
  • Branches are capillary, stiff and spreading, horizontally verticillate or subverticillate, the lowest whorl consisting of five to sixteen or seventeen branches and the others from three to nine, shining, swollen at the point of insertion and provided with a glandular scar a little above the point of insertion; branchlets are very close, appressed to the rachis of the branch never drooping or spreading, each bearing two to five spikelets. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Tonsils are glandular tissue located on both sides of the throat.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate or linear, tapering to a fine point, glabrous, flaccid, margins finely serrulate and glandular, base rounded, varying in length from 1/2 to 10 inches and in breadth 3/16 to A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.
  • glandular malfunctions
  • This virus causes glandular fever and is also associated with a human cancer called Burkitt's lymphoma.
  • I had glandular fever and spent that year feeling rotten.
  • Clinical manifestations of tularemia can be divided into various syndromes, including ulceroglandular (the most common), oculoglandular, oropharyngeal/gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, and typhoidal tularemia.
  • No king touched so much for the king's evil, that class of unpleasant glandular and scrofulous disorders that kings were reputed to be able to cure.
  • Histologically, the tumor showed glandular and solid architecture.
  • The true origin of the glandular neoplasms of the external ear canal is controversial.
  • To this species may perhaps be referred Cassia linearis of Cunningham MS., discovered by him in 1817, but which appears to differ in having a single prominent gland about the middle of its phyllodium: Bentham's plant being entirely eglandular. Expedition into Central Australia
  • Barrett's mucosa was reported if glandular mucosa was present in a biopsy sample from the oesophagus.
  • The caruncula lachrymalis is a small glandular body situated at the internal commissure of each eye. The Dog
  • This disease presentation may also result from a hematogenous spread or as a complication of both the ulceroglandular and the typhoidal form.

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