How To Use Glanders In A Sentence
Residents of the area, which New Englanders refer to as Down East, are accustomed to rough weather, but it most often comes in the winter when nor'easters howl along the coast. Headlines
Despite the unfamiliarity to the town, Virginia already began to understand that Port Royal was a developed trading town rather than a metropolis such as London, prone to scallywags and dirt, but also housing the finest of Englanders.
The parents, reserved New Englanders, have neither the time nor the inclination to pamper crybabies.
The Germans used anthrax and glanders against the horses and mules of the US Army and its Allies in World War I.
Thousands of New Englanders had made the trip to Toronto, many of them arriving early and lining up four deep from behind the first base dugout to the right field foul pole.
New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's
Aspiration of the abscesses grew B. mallei, the cause of glanders.
We were told that we were boss-eyed Little Englanders. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
She used to say she and Rose Kennedy had much in common; both were iron-backboned New Englanders with nine children, then she'd laugh and go back to washing the laundry.
Christopher Burgess: Grandparents Day -- Celebrate Your Grandchildren Online, Safely!
Technical information, and that quickness of apprehension which New Englanders call smartness, are not so valuable to a human being as sensibility to the beautiful, and a spontaneous appreciation of the divine influences which fill the realms of vision and of sound, and the world of action and, feeling.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
A closely related pathogen, namely B. mallei is an obligatory zoonotic parasite causing glanders, but it seems to have virtually disappeared from domesticated animals and humans, decades ago.
Malaria profoundly affected public health in the southern tidewater region, and it was a primary reason colonists in the Chesapeake Bay region lived shorter lives than did New Englanders.
An extensive network of German agents in the United States injected horses, mules, and cattle with glanders and anthrax at the stockyards just before the animals' departure to the European theater.
Not only had the slaveholders perpetrated the preponderance of atrocities, and with impunity at that, but they had begun to boast that northerners and New Englanders were congenitally soft and altogether lacking in "chivalric" and soldierly qualities.
The Man Who Ended Slavery
For many New Englanders, capital punishment relates more to the era of witches being hanged than to the current day.
The curse remains such a potent influence on the lives of New Englanders that they will go to extraordinary lengths to try to lift it.
Maybe Hanson is taking aim at the American isolationist Right, but the argument he takes on has considerable purchase on the little Englanders the British Left have become morphed into recently.
(_Synonyms: _ Farcy; Glanders.) #What is equinia, or glanders?
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
The slaveholders ... had begun to boast that northerners and New Englanders were congenitally soft and altogether lacking in "chivalric" and soldierly qualities.
John Brown in The Atlantic
Being proud and genteel New Englanders, the salon-goers covered up their patricide with flattery, duly noting Edwards's considerable intellect and pious reputation.
In the first world war attempts were made to infect horses with glanders, and throughout history invading armies have poisoned wells and other water sources.
During the past few months the city papers have referred to St. Vincent as the leprosy town, Hallock was referred to as the pauper district; we have been advertised as the refuge of tramps and quarantined on account of glanders*; but last of all and worst of all Bro, W-- --- has commenced pelting us with poetry, and SUCH poetry!
"...Leprosy Town..."
Yes! gentlemen, "addressing the attentive cowboys," I can cure anything that touches the ground -- biped, quadruped, or centipede -- glanders, botts, greased hoofs, heaves, blind staggers, it makes no odds.
Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery
New Englanders despised New Yorkers who reciprocated the sentiment, and neither felt much affinity for the patrician Virginians or the farmers of the Carolinas and Georgia.
Work was in progress, too, on other agents like brucellosis and glanders as well as on chemicals against plants, classified at the time as a form of biological, not chemical, warfare.
In some cases of acute glanders the formation of nodules may so irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and cause such a profuse discharge of mucopurulent or purulent matter that the specific character of the original discharge is entirely masked.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
New Englanders are supposedly tight - lipped.
Colonial New Englanders were also familiar with such floral motifs through imported calicoes and palampores (block-printed and painted cotton bedcovers) imported from India.
Don't go giving me some kinda awful cow disease like anthrax or glanders or aftosa....
"She gave a loose, flinging shrug that tersely conveyed disbelief, fury and sadness. It was an editorial in itself."
New Englanders saved weaving drafts written on the back of old letters, handmade dye books, and yarn reels carved in some farmer's dooryard.
Specific infectious forms of lymphangitis are seen in glanders and in strangles; infectious types of this disturbance are found in many instances where, initially, a localized or circumscribed infection has occurred -- the contagium having been introduced by way of an injury.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
During the 1780s, community cornhuskings, barn raisings, logrollings, and quilting bees symbolized the overall cooperation among rural New Englanders.
Farcy:a chronic form of glanDers that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels.
At any rate, the good, sober New Englanders went back home and sent him $300,000 more, which set him entirely "dippy," in local phrase.
The Gold Brick and the Gold Mine: Fake Mining Schemes that Steal the People's Savings
Despite the unfamiliarity to the town, Virginia already began to understand that Port Royal was a developed trading town rather than a metropolis such as London, prone to scallywags and dirt, but also housing the finest of Englanders.
Now, every once in a while, one of these New Englanders that owns the earth, especially that little stone portion called Plymouth Rock, which we never begrudged them, gets up at a great dinner and reads a fine speech and talks about civil and religious liberty which the Puritan came over to cause to flourish.
Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z