How To Use Glance In A Sentence

  • In a few quick glances he absorbed the entire rolling farmland: green stonework mortared by tree windbreaks.
  • She sipped from her glass and glanced sideways at me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The films he made look simple at first glance, yet already invite a more complicated response.
  • A glance of recognition passed between them.
  • She risked a glance back over her shoulder.
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  • Ariela glanced at Bull, to check if it was all right with him to spill information.
  • An affectionate arm around the shoulders, a warm and reassuring hug, a gentle touch upon the arm, even just an understanding glance, are enough to drive away the blues and kindle hope in a heart beset with workaday cares.
  • Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.
  • He glanced over at Tara, scribbling notes at a nearby desk filched from the Library of Congress. Rogue Oracle
  • Rachel hit the volleyball back over the net, and glanced up only to see Jade leaning against the post, a silver knife in her hand.
  • She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner.
  • The dashboard shows alerts and errors at a glance.
  • She spoke in a high but not unmusical note, very quickly, and with timid glances to either side of her collocutor. Eve's Ransom
  • A glance at any probate casebook will demonstrate how often solicitous distant relatives, keen to do fetching and carrying as well as to sort out troublesome financial affairs, show up in the declining years of lonely old people.
  • He considers the mode of assorting the cards in each hand; often counting trump by trump, and honor by honor, through the glances bestowed by their holders upon each. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • People passed by without a glance in her direction.
  • Steven glanced at me, his eyes once again twinkling.
  • At first glance, that mightn't seem very favourable as many top players like to take a break after a major championship.
  • At first glance, it's a cleaning rod with a rubber tip and a funny-looking patch.
  • With one quick glance he can tell when you're at the end of your rope but with his gentle smile and soft caring words he can always help restore your hope.
  • Just then Edward handed Doctor Instow a goodly rasher of broiled ham, upon which was a perfectly poached egg; and directly after the man came round behind Jack, and quietly placed before him, with a whisper of warning that the plate was very hot, another rasher of ham, and at the first sight of it the lad began to shrink, but at the second glance, consequent upon a brave desire not to show his repugnance, he saw that it was a different kind of rasher to the doctor's, and that there was no egg. Jack at Sea All Work and no Play made him a Dull Boy
  • Seigi saw Drew glance at him sharply, putting two and two together, but the bowman pretended he hadn't seen the look, and continued to watch Lillandra.
  • I glanced quickly to the wall of the giant diagram of the male anatomy and I was reminded that the urethra is a miniscule tube through which I had always peed. Sleepwalk With Me
  • Before you turn the page, wondering why I've chosen such a dreadful piece of sugary sentimentalism for this week's painting, give Greuze's grieving girl a second glance.
  • Music has always had a tendency to glance back over its shoulder at the past, but the last few years has seen an unabashed spate of revivalism, from 60s garage rock posturing to the soi-disant Electro Clash phenomenon.
  • The girl cast another glance behind, took a deep breath and stepped forward.
  • They have only to glance over their shoulder and they see a mighty lineage stretching back. Times, Sunday Times
  • _a priori_ almost impossible that the inhabitants of Wenus had never heard of Pozzuoli -- would guard me from the jellifying Mash-Glance of the The War of the Wenuses
  • It was an oddly sly glance, as though suddenly he were a different person -- or rather I was seeing the obverse of his personality. HIGH STAND
  • When he got to the third computer, Mrs Boatwright and I exchanged an anxious little glance.
  • When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.
  • When he glanced back at the corner, jaw setting, she laid her hand on his arm.
  • He fixed her with a mildly reproving glance which diluted quickly into a fond grin.
  • He kept throwing glances at the river with ears flat against his skull.
  • At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
  • However, the libidinous cad may find many pleasures in the licentious glance along the pew.
  • Jahn glanced at his chopsticks, bento lunch, and then gave him an exasperated look.
  • They emerged from the lane to the shore at the same moment, and Marche glanced about for the expected bayman. Blue-Bird Weather
  • He sensed more than heard the scuffle of trainer shoes on concrete behind him and threw a casual glance over his shoulder.
  • He could tell at a glance what was wrong.
  • The playful flirtation vanished from the dark woman's face in a flash and she straightened suddenly, firing a steel - cold glance my way.
  • Almost out of reflex she glanced up at the hospital, wondering if it was possible that was where the mysterious looker stood, watching her movements.
  • If you walk into a comic shop then all you will probably see at a glance is the men-in-tights-power-fantasies. Kicking The Dog
  • I glanced over to where he was looking and saw a creature like a tiger, but with tabby coloring instead of the traditional black and orange stripes.
  • In running the same course of action is likely to do little more than raise a few curious glances from fellow competitors.
  • The odd question took Rezo by surprise, but he put a hand under his chin and glanced toward the ceiling as he searched his memory.
  • I tend to glance at the opening of dense, little paragraphed entries. Washington Post Again Hits Edwards For $400 Haircut -- In LEDE Of Story
  • She gave her daughter a reproachful glance.
  • The Milton MOO is a first glance at what is possible in immersive textuality. Living Inside the Poem: MOOs and Blake's Milton
  • The woman strode past him with a disdainful sneer and entering the temple, glanced about.
  • At first glance, Ryan's drawings look like half-finished sketches, with faint pencil marks still visible in the finished picture.
  • She gave him a queer sidelong glance, and it seemed that her voice suddenly became too light, too careless.
  • But the ball glanced off the top of the wall and quickly was retrieved.
  • He glanced in her direction and his eyebrows arched in surprise when he saw her.
  • ‘We take credit cards,’ chirped the tall curly brunette - the weaker of the two - who was quickly silenced by a withering glance.
  • But the soldier, who, with proper military observance, continued to have his eye and attention fixed on the Emperor, as the prince whom he was bound to answer or to serve, saw none of the hints, which Achilles at length suffered to become so broad, that Zosimus and the Protospathaire exchanged expressive glances, as calling on each other to notice the by-play of the leader of the Varangians. Count Robert of Paris
  • Suddenly a bang on the door was heard; Emilee and Lilly shot their glances onto the door, but it was only a bat.
  • Even then, her silent beauty had received admiring appraisals and envious glances.
  • She had seen glances hot with wine and lust, claspings of hands, loosened cyclas, and more lascivious reclinings. The Lion's Brood
  • The sword glanced off the shield and did not damage it.
  • When she felt uncomfortable, Claire would glance down at her birthmark on the dorsal area of her left wrist.
  • I glance out of the window and through a late-afternoon haze look down on a sea that is the light blue of a blackbird's egg, its texture that of ruffled taffeta.
  • He gave her a sidelong glance.
  • A closer glance told me it was Angelo.
  • One glance at those staring eyes was enough to confirm that this was a man burning with missionary zeal.
  • She shook her head, giving the dragon a meaningful glance.
  • Mary glanced up; a tall, gangling woman was standing by the horse litter that held the sleeping Charley. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • Another showed the contemptible hypocrisy of the man, whose lustful glances at other women, as he walks with his wife, changes to anger as another man targets his wife.
  • She felt her toes curl, but couldn't help giving him a sharp glance.
  • The other day I glanced at the latest of these potted guides, which informed me that ‘childhood is a recurring theme in Scottish literature’.
  • He was very young, not more than twenty-three or four, as indeed one could see at a glance.
  • She strummed for a while, glanced at Betsy with a teasing smile and began to sing. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • -- But then they are not charged for seeing the lamps; there is no charge for walking round the walks; there is no charge for looking at the cosmoramic pictures; there is no charge for casting a glance at the orchestra; there is no charge for staring at the other people; there is no charge for bowing or talking to an acquaintance, if you meet one -- all these are gratis; and if you neither eat nor drink, there is no charge for witnessing those who do mangle the long-murdered honours of the coop, and gulp down the most renovating of liquors, be they hale or stout, vite vine, red port, or rack punch. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 321, July 5, 1828
  • Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.
  • She cast back a worried glance. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • A last ray of burning rusty light glanced off the monkey bars, where Wyatt remembered playing, himself as a kid.
  • Stepping out of bed in my white full length nightie I glance down at my attire.
  • At first glance, it was a curiously cold moment, uncharacteristic of such a popular and outgoing figure.
  • I made a face, and glanced back towards the heroics in bay two. NIGHT SISTERS
  • A bullet glanced from a rock before them, and singing shrilly, rose low over their heads on its second flight. THE SUNLANDERS
  • The kids glanced up at me, and some started erasing their marks.
  • In the vestibule, I sneaked a glance out the window onto the porch. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • Kim depends so much on wordless communication and meaningful interplay of glances.
  • Her smile turned into a feral grin as she glanced at her wrist computer.
  • A glance up the hatchway showed the giant that the arms he had planned to seize were defended by ten firelocks, and that, behind the open doors of the partition which ran abaft the mizenmast, the remainder of the detachment stood to their arms. For the term of his natural life
  • Rojas nodded, but his crepey lids fluttered as he glanced away. Black Magic
  • George paused, and glanced significantly in my direction.
  • Hugh glanced at the child on her mother's lap.
  • A glance at some of the Court's business cases this term demonstrate the important role it can play in protecting business from improvident regulation. Business Could Use A Friend
  • The girl's face was thrown into relief for the first time, and he glanced down.
  • The first turned deathly pale and shot a quick glance at the other.
  • He glanced briefly about him before continuing along the scattered fringe of trees that girdled it.
  • After popping the hood your eyes quickly glance over a very functional engine bay.
  • At first glance there seemed to be nothing on the mussel beds, but closer inspection revealed a few Curlews, and about 100 Golden Plovers.
  • “Si seulement on avait une autre botte de paille,” sighed Father Théodore, and with another critical glance at Holland, “une plus grande.” The Mistaken Wife
  • Don Alfredo shakes my hand unenthusiastically and looks at me with an arching glance. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • I expect we're way off the track," says I; "but I'd like to have you take a careless glance at the giddy old party over under the kummel sign in the corner; the one facin 'this way -- there. Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
  • She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.
  • Taking a furtive glance around for his father, Joe considered his next move.
  • They all shared glances of astonishment, and sprinted around the back to loop behind the last supply ship.
  • But everything of that kind was brought abruptly to an end by a loud discordant blowing of horns and the hollow _tub, tub, tub_ of a number of rude drums; at which sounds the crowd around us broke up at once and retired, our little Hebe casting back at us more than one glance strongly indicative, as it seemed to me, of compassion. The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
  • Last week, your mild mannered reporter was walking through Knightsbridge, and he glanced in an easterly direction.
  • She couldn't resist a sidelong glance at him.
  • The driver set off without a backward glance and the conductor began issuing tickets.
  • He could tell at a glance what is wrong with a bike.
  • Then a thick, terrific blast pierced through the shield and glanced off the ship, blistering the hull and raking a starboard section open.
  • His eyes continually glanced from the girl sitting opposite him to a notebook that lay on his knees.
  • Rachel gave herself a last glance in the mirror before she left for the party.
  • As Silveria spoke he sent a meaningful glance in Ramano's direction.
  • She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
  • Tom acknowledged her presence by a brief glance.
  • Elentia glanced down at her own underfed waist.
  • He glanced back at Vincent, who was puffing and wheezing from the walk down the tunnel under the burden of ammunition, weapons and the oppressive heat of his coat.
  • Second Daughter - in - law and Third Daughter - in - law exchanged glances, simultaneously wiping the genial expressions from their faces.
  • He sketched a glance at my plan and accepted it.
  • I glanced up in time to see Madi looking at me, but she darted her eyes away quickly.
  • Then, suddenly, a jolt of shock went coursing through her as she glanced beyond the double doors, toward the gates of the school.
  • She glanced up at the sky studded with the millions of tiny points of light not seen from the city and marveled, as always, at the vastness.
  • She only glanced at the paper
  • Casey glanced at me now and shot me a lopsided, sheepish grin.
  • The protesters, who are taking it in turns to sit under an umbrella beside the statue of Winston Churchill, had been attracting no more than a passing glance.
  • Reluctantly, he pulled away from her and glanced into her misty eyes.
  • Beyond sentimentality and self-indulgence, these backward glances at a naïve landscape awaken - or reawaken - the conservationist within us.
  • I saw the glance that fell, scarcely touching, on my plain plaid frock. Daisy
  • Every now and again, he saw her glance toward the bathroom, where Omar was taking a shower.
  • She glanced over at Logan who was sitting on the bed staring out the window deep in thought.
  • Envious glances were cast at Anne.
  • I glanced over my shoulder and he nodded toward the bank and I saw it was moving the wrong way.
  • On second glance it becomes clear how undated these images are.
  • Consequently, that child may be studying with a teacher who has given only a cursory glance at these spiraled curriculum guides.
  • As we speak we are still in the midst of a kind of folktale maelstrom, so you’ll forgive me if my initial sideways glance at “Letters from Rapunzel,” appeared to produce just more of the same. Review of the Day: Letters from Rapunzel
  • He glanced at the sandglass that he had turned over just moments ago and then thoughtfully back to the Masterharper. Dragon's Fire
  • It was a ragged, unkempt pony, pitifully poor and very footsore, at first sight, an absolute "moke"; but a second glance showed colossal round ribs, square hips, and a great length of rein, the rest hidden beneath a wealth of loose hair. Three Elephant Power and Other Stories
  • Even a cursory glance is enough to show that Picasso had several changes of mind while he was working on the canvas.
  • She grimaced, then glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one else was listening. Uprising
  • In many ways it besot him like orphic sound to a musician, or the tenebrisms of artists (Carvaggios like himself); but nonetheless he continued to project blame at the bearded anathema beneath him, and he still glanced down periodically at the floor hoping to find the putative agents of the odor, evidence to bolster his bilious conclusions, being in full denial of himself. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • She glanced along the road to see if he was coming.
  • He threw one last glance in the direction she had gone before yelling ‘Come and get me, you worms!’
  • It's true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.
  • Miss Vernon, as she gave a glance after him; it is hard that persons of birth and rank and estate should be subjected to the official impertinence of such a paltry pickthank as that, merely for believing as the whole world believed not much above a hundred years ago --- for certainly our Catholic Faith has the advantage of antiquity at least. '' Rob Roy
  • Irene glanced backwards and saw that there was no man there.
  • I glanced longingly at the bright green bottle of Mountain Dew.
  • A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes.
  • The team shot quizzical glances at their new addition but made no move to get rid of him.
  • He gave us a cursory glance, then lumbered off in pursuit of a female. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naomi smiled and the blonde bombshell snootily followed her, without giving a backward glance.
  • Casting one last almost venomous glance back over her shoulder at him, she headed back toward her dorm room.
  • Young yet, barely thirty-six, eminently handsome, magnificently strong, almost bursting with a splendid virility, his free trail-stride, never learned on pavements, and his black eyes, hinting of great spaces and unwearied with the close perspective of the city dwellers, drew many a curious and wayward feminine glance. Chapter I
  • She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.
  • He eats appreciatively after the manner of a _bon vivant; _ he uses his napkin gently and frequently; he glances blandly at the surroundings; watching him, you would suppose the viands were the choicest of the season, exquisitely prepared, while, in reality, they are poor and unsubstantial stuff, the refuse, perhaps, of better restaurants. Fifth Avenue
  • I returned to my room, took off my shoes and headed towards my bed, casting a sideways glance at the small pile of wrapped presents at the foot of my bed.
  • She snuck a glance in the direction of the bar but Nathan was busy ordering their drinks.
  • The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer.
  • The briefest of glances in her direction found her to be still looking at me, still silent.
  • The Countryman debuts some tasteful updates to the styling language—the strake at the front fender, the turned-down corners of the of the grille—but at a glance, the Countryman looks like a Mini Cooper S that was Xeroxed at 130%. What Part of 'Mini' Did You Not Grasp, BMW?
  • The gaudy tanagers, that cannot be tamed -- the noisy lories, the resplendent trogons, the toucans with their huge clumsy bills, and the tiny bee-birds (the _trochili_ and _colibri_) -- all glance through the sunny vistas. The Rifle Rangers
  • Then he, too, turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage, slamming the door.
  • He took a glance over the notes.
  • She turned to find herself faced once again with the disapproving glance of William.
  • She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner.
  • If they don't, start throwing meaningful glances toward the door.
  • For anyone familiar with an American casino, the first glance inside the Grand Lisboa or even the Sands Macao is startling. Macau’s Big Gamble
  • Realising that he wasn't getting any money from me, he began to glance away, and fastened his eyes on a wallet that a gentleman who passed us had in his hand.
  • They need only take a cursory glance at history to find an answer. Times, Sunday Times
  • I glanced at my digital clock radio on my nightstand and decided I had a little over five hours to get ready before we had to leave.
  • One of them glanced scowlingly at Floyd, as he passed the lad, evidently associating his wounds with the presence of the prisoner. The Boy Ranchers Among the Indians or, Trailing the Yaquis
  • We watched it until it was beyond sight, yet Da - haun still glanced from time to time in its wake. Three Against The Witch World
  • Duissane threw him the briefest of wide-glances; her expression stilled the words in his mouth. Trullion: Alastor 2262
  • She observed that my eyes were upon her, and in an act of instinctive maidenliness she bore her hand to her throat to draw the draperies together and screen the beauties of her neck from my unwarranted glance, as though her daily gown did not reveal as much and more of them. Bardelys the Magnificent; being an account of the strange wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, marquis of Bardelys...
  • At first glance, one might expect a study of the deposition books of the consistory court of the diocese of Canterbury and the marriage-related provisions of wills from five sample parishes to be essentially a work of consolidation.
  • He cast a furtive glance around the square and, seeing that his admirer had not yet gone away, bent over his boot again.
  • He's handing the stewardess his boarding pass and he takes one last glance around the seating area.
  • At first quick glance, the image appears to present a pretty nondescript, rusty-colored flatland dotted with rocks.
  • Josh shot a sidewise glance at Cecilia for a hint; she just shrugged it off and kept her mega-watt smile on her face.
  • They have learnt, through much experience, that we can literally tell at a glance (though usually over a glass of vin rouge) if what they are about to start taking will help or harm them.
  • In this time of war and destruction, a fearful thought, a threatening glance, were common and yet they still played with a weak mind or a feeble soul.
  • He glanced swiftly around him like one half afraid, and Gertie saw he looked palish, as if he had been sick or some time indoors. The Dollmaker
  • Second glance, however, showed him that it was not fabric, but some kind of ether. EVERVILLE
  • Pierre at first failed to distinguish anything, but, when he was installed at the little table -- a garden-table which had been brought indoors for the occasion, and on which there was scarcely room for two covers -- he felt quite upset, almost sick, in fact, at the sight presented by the _table d'hote_, which his glance now enfiladed from end to end. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • She knew that my glance was upon her; for herself, she looked at the broad lilies that grew at her feet, and listened to the melody that seemed to bubble from a thousand throats with interfluent sound upon the night. Dark Ways
  • Thus comes it that we take a final glance through two childish prison-houses, in far-separate Russian cities, wherein a youth and a maiden lie nightly dreaming the same dreams: one of them a spirit already bonded to the service of mind under the whip of circumstance: destined to storm rocky heights, from which hard-won eminences he shall command great views of sweeping plains and far-off mountain ranges; the other a pretty chrysalis on the eve of her change into a butterfly of butterflies; who is, nevertheless, to attempt flights overhigh and overfar for her frail wings; venturing to unfriendly lands whence she must return with frayed and tired pinions and a bruised and bleeding little soul. The Genius
  • His mother squeaked with excitement as she glanced back to look at her son.
  • At first glance, the level of information presented to us monthly appears comprehensive.
  • She gave a sharp glance in the direction of the oak, and the now discrowned girl was quickly at her side. The Forest of Vazon A Guernsey Legend of the Eighth Century
  • His eyelashes flickered into life as he looked up again a shy, delicate glance, like a cornered deer.
  • His glance touched their faces lightly as he smiled, a blond ephebe. Ulysses
  • He glanced at his wristwatch, and decided it was time to move.
  • I glanced at her ensemble, which consisted of a long patchwork skirt and a long swishy sort of top.
  • The ball glanced on a bounce off the foot of a spectator and back down toward the fairway.
  • Ryan glanced at me and smiled, the dimple in his cheek visible.
  • Rolling the baler twine in a neat hank, he glanced towards the shore. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • took a flying glance at the book
  • It also means that I can see what tools I have at a glance, reducing the chance that I'll wind up with a monkey wrench I don't need.
  • I glance in the wing mirror of the car and check how I look, I'm so nervous and my hands are shaking as I push my fringe away from my eyes.
  • Like young Washington, Mr. Bhaer ` couldn't tell a lie ', so he gave the somewhat vague reply that he believed they did some - times, in a tone that made Mr. March put down his clothesbrush, glance at Jo's retiring face, and then sink into his chair, look - ing as if the ` precocious chick' had put an idea into his head that was both sweet and sour. Little Women
  • I took my cue to go, and left without a backward glance or wave.
  • I saw the peltast who had not spoken glance at the other as if to say he means it, and then at the crowd. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • A quiet burp escaping her throat for the second time in as many minutes, Wendy placed a paw over her mouth and glanced up at him.
  • There is a marked return to double-breasted coats, discretion at first glance giving way to luxurious linings of mink and chinchilla.

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