
  1. make glamorous and attractive
    This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room!
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How To Use glamourize In A Sentence

  • Endless films - I have to say particularly some American ones - seem to glamourize war.
  • Levin said that, while much of the public objection was likely caused by apprehension over the expected "Hollywood-ization" of the topic, Greengrass and the studio had made no attempt to make the film "glossed," "user friendly" or "glamourized. Melissa Lafsky: Tribeca Panel Series: Actor, Producer, Family Member on "United 93"
  • He talks at length about uniting and leading the black community, then expounds and glamourizes violence in philosophy, style, attitude and music.
  • Ordinary people are acting out a rampant yearning to be glamourized and mythologized by eagerly submitting to reality TV's 24/7 camera surveillance.
  • It didn't diminish or glamourize the subject at all.
  • Well, the people who make a big deal about it have never seen it firsthand, it's still glamourized in their heads.
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