How To Use Glade In A Sentence
They kept to the brush and trees, and invariably the man halted and peered out before crossing a dry glade or naked stretch of upland pasturage.
Newspapers papers of Bangladesh were running through hand composed printing press technology then upgraded by lino and photocompose technology and offset printing press.
ICT and Media in Bangladesh
Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper in order to stop a dognapper, or something like that.
Archive 2010-03-04
The Bonded Liberation Front estimates that there are 25m bonded children in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
The founder of the Bangladeshi micro-lending institution the Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, has resigned as its head after a row with the government.

A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
Bangladeshi water engineers say that Indian barrages, canals, reservoirs and irrigation schemes are slowly strangling the country and are stopping its development.
Valleys and sweet plains, waterfalls and rivers, glades where lovers would have walked and confluences where towns could have been built, the lovely island had all these accouter-ments, these alluring invitations to civilization.
Attorneys for Laura Schubert Pearson filed an appeal before the court late last year arguing that the Texas Supreme Court was wrong in tossing out her case against the Pleasant Glade Assembly of God in Colleyville.
U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear Texas exorcism case
Victims of lathyrism, "crawlers", are numerous among the poor in Ethiopia, India, Bangladesh and Nepal where the affliction remains a present threat.
The Full Feed from
We found some, but not the great swathes that we had hoped for, although we were rewarded by plenty of patches of bluebells, drifts of wood anemones, a glade with masses of milkmaids and lots of primroses, cowslips and violas and bugle.
Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
He is the only new cap in the team which plays Bangladesh in the opening Test of a two-Test series at Buffalo Park tomorrow.
The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.
Nearby is Everglades National Park, which can be explored by canoe, hiking, biking or in an airboat.
Bangladesh was part of India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was controlled by India which was a part of the British Commonwealth with a British Minister (called a protectorate).
Think Progress » Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaedaâ€
On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet: --
East of Paris Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne
India's Brahmaputra river, known in China as the Yarlung Tsangpo, is a lifeline that provides irrigation and hydroelectric power for several Indian states and Bangladesh.
Indian Satellites Confirm China Not Diverting River
many madrasas in Bangladesh are supported with money from Saudi Arabia
I've done a power slide in an airboat on the Florida Everglades.
Here, its application is intended to provide the information necessary to define maximum, allowable levels of mercury in Everglades food webs.
The Bangladeshi left-handers, who had posted their country's previous best opening stand against England in the first innings, quickly demonstrated that was merely a 'sighter' as the tourists raced to 189 for two in only 43 overs off a chastened home attack.
And live alone in the bee - loud glade.
It reads a GLADE user interface description and instantiates its corresponding objects.
Nightjars are coming out at dusk in woodland glades.
Times, Sunday Times
India is now reckoned to be home to about 10 million Bangladeshis.
Linguistically most of Pakistan's languages are spoken in other parts of the South Asian subcontinent -- Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu and before the separation of Bangladesh, Bengali.
Aparna Pande: Is Pakistan Part of South Asia? Yes!
In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars.
He introduced her to Jamil Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi businessman working on behalf of orphans and destitute young girls in the country's interior villages.
Since the two test victories over Bangladesh there's been a something of a brouhaha in cricket circles about the validity of their presence in Test cricket.
Others awaited Richard II on the battlements of Chester Castle, or in a glade of Sandiway Forest.
After examining her, doctors diagnosed arsenic poisoning and said it was caused by drinking contaminated water in her native village on the India-Bangladesh border since childhood.
Digital Bangladesh is an Idea that includes the IT use for management, administration and governance to ensure transparency, accountability and answerability at all levels of society and state.
Digital Bangladesh and ICT development
(Soundbite of song "Everglade") Mr. HEGARTY: (Singing) Of everglade.
Antony And The Johnsons: Nature Songs
The brothers came to Manchester from Bangladesh in 1971 to run a family grocery business.
It is pretty to see the footprints of these small shrewmice, on the surface of the fresh fallen snow in the deep forest-glades.
Lady Mary and her Nurse
Herds of deer roam in the open glades; droves of pigs are found in the forest somewhat similar to those of England; and a bird, the ynambu guazu, as large as a pheasant; while quails are seen in flocks in the esteros, -- with snipe, wild pigeons, and other birds.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
Bharti is 32%-owned by Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. and has operations in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and several African nations.
Bharti Airtel Net Falls 28%
Thus, it appears that this species also may be nearly endemic to cedar glades of the southeastern United States.
We just got an anonymous tip that Google's been 'hacked' - sure enough, visitors of the company's Bangladesh search site
She found herself lying on her back, cushioned by a patch of moss in a forest glade.
Bangladesh is keen to purchase Thai products for both domestic consumption and re-export to third countries.
The following day the ground rose up beneath us, and the fir trees thinned to larches, and there was more Sun and open glades with grass for our horses to graze upon.
One tree can fetch 300 Bangladeshi taka in a country where many families survive on just 100 taka a day.
Historians speculate about the outlaw's links to these works in stone but perhaps the real answers still lie hidden in those dark forest glades in the middle of Sherwood.
A cyclone in Bangladesh during 1991 caused 150,000 deaths.
Over 160 years in the making, Trebah now contains glades of subtropical ferns, towering bamboo and magnificent specimen trees, as well as rhododendrons and magnolias in spring.
Wildlife biologists say the troublesome invaders — dumped in the Everglades by pet owners who no longer want them — have become a pest and pose a significant threat to endangered species like the wood stork and Key Largo woodrat.
Pythons Invading Florida Everglades | Impact Lab
After some distance the trail rose sharply, and ended in a grassy glade atop a knoll.
I follow the trail back down through the forest, past glades of ferns glistening with the mist of slow-running falls on their way back to the ocean.
Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh have now all recently switched to lead-free petrol (after different phase-ins in the three countries), thereby reducing lead levels substantially in the atmosphere.
The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunlight, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see.
Bangladesh borders on the Bay of Bengal in the south; on the Indian states of West Bengal in the west and north, Assam and Meghalaya in the northeast, and Tripura and Mizoram in the east; and on Myanmar in the southeast.
There was something, too, of the frost-work's evanescent spiritual quality in the scene -- as though at any moment, with a puff of the balmy summer wind, the radiant glade, the hovering figure, the filagreed silver of the entire setting would melt into the accustomed stern and menacing forest of the northland, with its wolves, and its wild deer, and the voices of its sterner calling.
The Blazed Trail
They were in a forest glade outside the town walls, and were nearing the banks of a river.
Bangladesh has emerged as one of the biggest recipients.
Times, Sunday Times
At this time of year she may be just South, along the glades that skirt the woods.
About 250,000 people a year now visit the forest to enjoy its shady woods and sunny glades - and recreation outstrips tree felling as the forest's main source of income.
costlier" than what Bangladesh gets from elsewhere, a newspaper Sunday claimed.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Bangladesh later separated from Pakistan and East Timor which at the time was a Portuguese colony but is now an independent country.
The contrast between Tagore's commanding presence in Bengali literature and culture, and his near-total eclipse in the rest of the world, is perhaps less interesting than the distinction between the view of Tagore as a deeply relevant and many-sided contemporary thinker in Bangladesh and
Tagore and His India
Some 100,000 psyllids have been released at sites around south Florida to help the melaleuca leaf weevil, Oxyops vitiosa, combat the invasive tree, which has been taking over 14 to 15 acres of the Everglades each day.
Here, a path leads through a hay meadow to a children's glade with great womb-like basketwork swings.
Beyond this presently is a little glade, the loveliest in Sussex; in spring it is patterned with primroses, and windflowers shake their fragile bells and show their silver stars above them.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
It is a food label sleight-of-hand that Bruce Silverglade of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit advocacy group, calls a "rip-off" for consumers.
Nutrition buzzwords make hay out of grains of truth
Nasser, for example, or Ben Bella in Alegeria, or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Bangladesh (or, Qaddafi in Libya, to use a slightly whackier example).
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
It has smaller fraternities of brothers living among the poorest of the poor in Bangladesh, Calcutta and Brazil, but the center of the community is Taize.
I could go on a rant about how sugar subsidies cause American consumers to pay triple the market price for sugar, just to get the privilege of ruining the Everglades.
Of course the shrubbery was to be the jungle, and the lawn under the cedar a forest glade, and then we began to collect the things.
The Wouldbegoods
Nii võiski Bangladeshi uduses talvehommikus juba tund enne valimisjaoskonna avamist näha inimesi kõndimas.
Tatsutahime Diary Entry
Sugar growers use huge amounts of phosphorus-based fertilizer, most of which runs off into the Everglades and promotes the growth of exotic cattails in place of the native sawgrass.
The area of transition from freshwater glades to saltwater mangrove swamps is a highly productive zone that nurses great numbers of commercially valuable crustacea.
Everglades National Park, United States
I wonder how many restaurants he went in to order ‘something as cool as a green glade, refreshing as a spring breeze’ before he lucked upon a place that not only had one of those, but also the patience to listen to him.
The archdruid needed to know the extent of the threat to the Moonglade.
Every touring cricket team, Bangladesh apart, therefore faces immediate and real danger unlike the dangers associated with tours to most other places in the world; war zones excepted of course.
Joined by my daughter, who teaches middle school in Naples 'eastern suburbs, we spent the first few days leafleting the endless grid of streets that cover what had been, for thousands of years, slash pine forest and everglade waterways.
Richard Appelbaum: Election Day Audacity in Immokalee, Fla.
And last year the government reduced the quota of Bangladeshi workers it would allow into the country by 25 per cent.
So now, all you lucky people whose names I ordered worked into a rather longish piece of boilerplate latin vocative verse can now share in the tranquil blessings of soft breezes in forested glades, mostly free of singing shrapnel and the deep digestive grunt of artillery.
Archive 2007-06-01
Hello all of my bangladeshi service provider i need long term captcha team. - New Projects
He brought his copy with him as he carried bowls of sliced bread, bearberries, rowan-berries, and scrubbed pignut tubers out to the fledgling's glade.
Following his slow start to the season, Strauss was then given the opportunity of extra practice, ahead of the Bangladesh series, when he went to the school nets to face some bowling from the pupils.
The rate of inflation in Bangladesh has galloped forward from under 2 in 2001 to above 6 in the recent year.
In Bangladesh, settlement of populations in high risk areas such as floodplains and river deltas increases vulnerability.
The French Exit the glade of theoric ornithic hermetica
The OLM Blog
The bhoona dishes that are mentioned in the article are another Bangladeshi specialty.
(2002-06) had "scuttled" the probe and had destroyed evidence, United News of Bangladesh (UNB) news agency reported.
The Times of India
This year it added one new trail, a black diamond tight glade.
Deeper in the dark glade, there are bones, countless bones, scraps of flesh and skin, cloth, and bodies.
An English speaker more verbose than profound, her husband waxes nostalgically about Bangladesh, to where he vows to return.
Monica moved from Bangladesh to Bolton when she was just three and a half years old and her parents still live in the south of the town.
The lands at Balgaddy are owned by Everglade Properties, a subsidiary of Treasury Holdings.
“Music for you makes sense,” Fancy was saying, longing for a heat rash or sunstroke so that she would have a reason not to go to Cherry Glade.
Slice Of Cherry
The Bangladeshi Navy has a number of former British warships in its fleet, according to Jane's Fighting Ships.
The Brahmaputra River, one of the great rivers of the world, pours down from Tibet, in a steep declivity, into Assam, down toward Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal.
A sister group called Andolan organizes women from Bangladesh.
There is a particularly traumatic reference point for Bangladesh.
Times, Sunday Times
My parents immigrated to the United States from Bangladesh and gave birth to me soon after.
Others awaited Richard II on the battlements of Chester Castle, or in a glade of Sandiway Forest.
Their switch-flipping is a conscious expression of defiance to the idea that we should reduce the emission of GHGs into the atmosphere, and save Bangladeshis by doing so.
Matthew Yglesias » Human Achievement Hour
When the precipitation rate increases in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, floods inundate southern China and Bangladesh and drought hits some of the remotest Indian villages.
Bangladesh Army marched towards BDR head quarter to stop the mutinying soldier.
Tanks Move in to Quell Bangladesh Mutiny
AFP/Getty Images Another dead body was found by fire fighters in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Friday. 12 people have been confirmed dead in the rain-triggered landslide in Chittagong.
Asia in Pictures
Only here and there were thickets, easily avoided, while he encountered winding, park-like glades where the cattle had pastured in the days before war had run them off.
There are broad boulevard pistes, delightful glade runs and routes through trees where room for manoeuvre becomes progressively tighter.
Oldham's Bangladeshi community enjoyed traditional music of a different kind as Scottish bagpipes entertained crowds in Westwood.
Bangladesh is suffering from diversion of Ganges River water and increased salinization.
Brian Fagan: John Wesley Powell Was Right
Continuing our route we crossed some park-like glades, with scattered forest trees, and fringed by the graceful shrubbery, the _macchia_, common to both the islands of Corsica and Sardinia.
Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
The Post sent her to Bangladesh to report on the cholera epidemic.
In media that portray women largely as victims or pin-ups, we desperately need stories of ordinary Bangladeshi women who have beaten the odds.
In infant mortality, Bangladesh has a similar advantage: it is fifty per thousand in India and forty-one in Bangladesh.
As the sun went down, the pillared forest aisles stretching westward filled first with golden haze, then glowed with a light redder than Phthiotan wine poured from the burning beaker of the sun; and only the mournful cooing of doves broke the solemn silence as the pine organ whispered its low coranach for the dead day; and the cool shadow of coming night crept, purple-mantled, velvet-sandaled, down the forest glades.
St. Elmo. A Novel.
We found some, but not the great swathes that we had hoped for, although we were rewarded by plenty of patches of bluebells, drifts of wood anemones, a glade with masses of milkmaids and lots of primroses, cowslips and violas and bugle.
After he had moved on to other news, Ara hitched her rucksack higher on her back, prepared to go to her glade.
One aspect of the problem is that playing Bangladesh regularly is inflating the statistics of players from other teams who play them a lot, and devaluing the importance of test matches.
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Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Having burnt round a track and powered through a forest, we get lost - amid the grassy glades of Surrey.
Bangladesh dropped three catches during this phase, and needed their pace rather than spin bowlers to peg things back.
Times, Sunday Times
A Midsummer Night's Dream will transport you to an enchanted world of fairies in elfin glades, love and romance in rural Tuscany.
The cool avenues and glades of sun-dappled green were gone, stolen by the seasons, repainted by nature's hand into a landscape of golds and yellows and siennas and reds.
Known as Ilish in Bengali, it is undoubtedly the king of fish in both Indian state of Bengal and the country of Bangladesh (which was a part of undivided, pre-independence India).
Archive 2005-09-01
Australia will now play the winner of tomorrow's second semi-final between Scotland and Bangladesh.
Bangladesh's batsmen, despite avoiding the follow-on, were always on the back foot this morning.
I had a French neighbour, a Bangladeshi plumber, a Pakistani laundryman, a Goan class teacher, and a Swiss-American benchmate in school.
Behind this eminence, but detached from it, arose a higher hill, partly covered with copsewood, partly opening into glades of pasture, where the cattle strayed, finding, at this season of the year, a scanty sustenance among the spring heads and marshy places, where the fresh grass began first to arise.
The Fair Maid of Perth
I am from Bangladesh and learning to read in English, give true I wrote the following sentence: “The round trip airfare from madison, wis.”
Matthew Yglesias » Optimism Inversion
Bangladesh becomes nearly uninhabitable because of a rising sea level, which contaminates the inland water supplies.
October 21st, 2009 / Posted by fp julia / Permalink the story is really moving…jamie hewlett, the artist behind gorillaz who rock, recently traveled to bangladesh with oxfam and visited the island of char atra, where climate change has caused flooding that is affecting the daily life of the people who live there.
Under water colors | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog
Muted sunlight filtered through the trees into a small glade on the other side of the stream, and dust particles caught in the soft sunbeams sparkled as they floated downward.
The Government of Bangladesh has now set its own target of universal basic sanitation.
Times, Sunday Times
ABC Asia Pacific television began broadcasting in December and already has a footprint extending from Bangladesh in the west, Korea in the north and as far east as the Cook Islands.
And lo, as it reached the middle of the glade, the dogs that followed the stag overtook it and brought it down.
The Mabinogion
Bangladesh is often held up as an example of an Islamic country where the usual savageries do not hold sway.
We should not absolve Islam of the crimes committed in its name
What I really want is a Tibor Everglades fly reel for bonefishing.
More On Budget Tackle
England put a lot of time into selecting their various tour squads this week but they may still have missed a trick by not including Yorkshire captain Anthony McGrath in the Test party for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
His room at the Chelsea looked as though the mad hand of a god had transposed it into an everglade sarcophagus.
Ballardian » “Driven by Anger”: An Interview with Michael Butterworth (the Savoy interviews, part 1)
Assam is open to foreigners but some areas are riddled with bandits, while the ‘no man's land’ between unneighbourly India and Bangladesh is patrolled by bored but trigger-happy armies.
Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Khaleda Zia†™ s son Tarique Rahaman was not only one of the most powerful politicians in Bangladesh during the BNP regime, he was considered the ISI "pointman" for carrying out anti-India activities from the country†™ s easternmost part.
The Times of India
Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
They include Thai Airways International, Singapore's Silk Air, Malaysian Airline System, Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Indian Airlines and Air China.
It is suggested that Indian traders may be allowed to move only up to the nearest Bangladesh trading point where the Indian traders can transact business.
Our tent was pitched in a little glade, which was but a few yards across, and carpeted thickly with the red kinnikinic berries, in their season beloved of bears, and from the leaves of which bush the Indians make a substitute for tobacco.
The Big-Horn Sheep
Glades of beech and conifers provide deep cover.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Your great indoors (plenty of marble, golden teak and a ripping sound system) open out to even greater domains of palmy glades and views of floating islands.
A small house stood in the middle of the glade, a brook burbling next to it.
The glade was a little world in itself, with visitors and tenants, comedy and tragedy, sounds and silences.
Edge of the Jungle
Given this, decisions about public funding for Everglades restoration will proceed with limited economic information.
He chooses to attend another party and delights in her as she shows up in sexy lingerie of a red symposium of sultry bangladesh happenstance of wear.
For now, the alligators in the Florida Everglades are holding their ground against the invading snakes.
Ho hev eit fagert lægje, denne borgi, og lufti lyar seg og gjer seg smeiki aat vaare glade sansar.
An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway
We have seen how a $100 loan through IFAD's micro-credit program enabled an impoverished woman in Bangladesh to open a fish-farm, expand into poultry farming and send her children for higher education.
Ambassador Ertharin Cousin: Hunger at Thanksgiving
Density, productivity and biomass of raptorial birds of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh.
Sundarbans, Bangladesh
A loss against India will mean the champions are out of the championship and their final league match against Bangladesh will be only of academic interest.
To stand in a glade in the Catskills is to realize what a deeply troubling trade-off that is.
WHELP WANTED - Jack's ex partner, Harry McGlade, must catch a very stupid dognapper.
Archive 2006-01-20
All Rights Reserved to Tooth & Nail Records Lyrics: on a cold December, just before dawn as the sun said "hello" to the sky the mantis prayed while the lamellicorn tumbled and rolled in a threadbare tie the holland lops in the Callicoon glades indignantly thumped their feet and hopped away when they cut their noses on the sharp-tipped blades (since the grass doesn't mind in the least) the heat pad waiting in the chicken-wire hutch where the does from the netherlands stay but that dry alfalfa don't taste like much and we're tired of the timothy hay - Business News
Since 1992 Bangladesh has refused to grant the Rohingyas refugee status.
Expressing his optimism about the piloting, he added, Once this piloting is done, if the Government of Bangladesh allocates adequate budgets in the coming years, we could gradually cover the entire country, and all persons with disabilities could be brought under the national database.
Bangladesh surveys disabled people to build a country-wide database
Military appointments, as well as bureaucratic and judicial appointments, have been made on political considerations by the two parties run by the two dynasties – Sheikh Hasina's Awami League (AL), inherited from her father, and Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), inherited from her husband (readers will recall how the Pakistan People's Party was 'willed' to her husband by Benazir Bhutto).
The Dual Dictatorship
Picking a path as they went on Jack and his companions pushed into the deep everglade, the lush undergrowth sometimes quite impeding their progress, and making their advance very slow.
The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island
Hall, cot, tree, tower, glade, mead, waste or woodland, are seen, passed, left behind, and vanish as in a dream.
Zimbabwe won the third one-day international in succession against Bangladesh yesterday for a 3-0 whitewash in the series.
Some of the world's poorest, most vulnerable and least able to adapt are being worst affected, with small island states such as Kiribati and the Maldives and low-lying developing countries like Bangladesh already on the 'frontlines'.
Bianca Jagger: Now Is the Time to Move Beyond Petroleum
It's hard to envision this urban blight blossoming into a sylvan glade, but that's Pueblo's $8.8 million plan.
Bangladeshi dialects
The premier said her own safety was also at risk, describing as "condemnable" last week's mutiny by paramilitary troops of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) border guards who killed more than 50 senior army personnel.
The most important activities of the last period were the training courses focused on fighting the analphabetic youth in Zimbabwe and course for young single mothers in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh also showed that they have learned in other areas, notably how to play the short ball.
Then he saw the maiden come along the forest glade by the margent of the stream, her basket filled and over-flowing with flowers.
The Coming of Cuculain
Bangladesh now has a population of about 110 million.
Teachers in Bangladesh often resort to physical punishment, such as caning and slapping, to discipline pupils despite a 1995 government order banning it.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Although in Act II, the Sylphs either sparkled like diamonds in their sunny glade or incandesced in the funerary moonlight, in Act I, the Sylph shined like the Evening Star - only in twilight.
In the end the margin of victory was comfortable enough, but for the departing Bangladeshis, it was very much their day.
There is a particularly traumatic reference point for Bangladesh.
Times, Sunday Times
Paths made from mosaic pebbles and broken paving stones will wind through forest glades, leading the visitor to secret places and moonlit grottoes.
What gave direction and purpose to this movement was a chain of events linked to the liberation of Bangladesh.
According to The Telegraph, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is pushing ahead with plans to allow players to wear non-white 'pyjama' kits in the inaugural floodlit Test against Bangladesh at Lord's next year.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
The crowd, which is multiracial, ranges from white men with shaved heads to Bangladeshis with gold-capped teeth.
The only strange thing was a queer kind of mound, in a glade by the bank of a stream.
Something's gone wrong with his wrists and hands after six days of poling a canoe through the Shark River Slough, in Everglades National Park.
Once, as he strayed deep in the wood, he came upon a wide glade or laund, with two green hillocks in the middle thereof.
King Arthur's Knights The Tales Re-told for Boys & Girls
This scenario is the equivalent of what's happening in the Everglades today because of the invasion of the exotic, or nonindigenous, Australian melaleuca trees.
Diversity Disappears In Florida
She sits down flat and firmly on the pin placed purposely for her displeasure on the bench in the wooded glade.
But why does Bangladesh specialize in hats rather than, say, bed - sheets?
The party seeks to establish Islamic Shariah laws in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation governed by liberal secular laws.
UNTIL 1994 US ships were sent to breakers in countries like India, Bangladesh and China to be decommissioned.
Known as lathyrism, the condition occurs mainly in Nepal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and India, where grasspea is a human and animal dietary staple.
I mean, this so-called globalized economy, you know, there's this export of American jobs wholesale to China and Indonesia and Bangladesh, and now we hear the president and we hear leaders of the Congress say, well, you can't get Americans to do these jobs, so we need to import cheap labor.
CNN Transcript Apr 6, 2006
This is particularly important in low-lying countries such as Bangladesh, where a one-metre rise in sea level would inundate half of the country's rice land with saltwater.
I heard the runnel with delight; I looked round me for some-thing beautiful and unexpected; but the still black pine-trees, the hollow glade, the munching ass, remained unchanged in figure.
It was a lawn of sweet close turf in the center of the matted brake, of clean firm earth from which no shameful growth sprouted, and near the middle of the glade was a stump of a felled yew-tree, left untrimmed by the woodman.
The Hill of Dreams
After almost a month of sultry weather most places of Bangladesh were showered with moderate rainfalls in the last couple of days.
It is pretty to see the footprints of these small shrewmice on the surface of the fresh fallen snow in the deep forest glades.
In the Forest Or, pictures of life and scenery in the woods of Canada
In about a mile is a small clearing in a glade of woods by a small clear stream.
I have met King recently and talked to him," said Saleh, 63, a balding bespectacled immigrant from Bangladesh.
Long Island Muslims fear their congressman's hearings could flame Islamophobia
As Simon strolled pensively through a little silvan glade, surrounded on either side with tall forest trees, mixed with underwood, a white doe broke from the thicket, closely pursued by two deer greyhounds, one of which griped her haunch, the other her throat, and pulled her down within half a furlong of the glover, who was something startled at the suddenness of the incident.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Butcher is famed for recreating, in vivid tonality and detail, the threatened Florida Everglades wilderness swamps, with their dense foliage and moss-draped cypress trees.
I had carried Nat forth into the glade before the hut, where the sun might fall on him temperately, after a torrid day -- torrid, that is to say, on the heights, but in our hollow, pight about with the trees, the air had clung heavily.
Sir John Constantine Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
Neither are the Bangladeshi authorities likely to receive a warning after there was no play in bright sunshine for more than two days of their team's recent test against the West Indies in Chittagong because the drainage system was insufficient to cope with overnight storms.
'Bad' Pitches Make for Cracking Cricket
I wonder if US response in Bangladesh is somehow related to Bush administration concern about Pakistan's boilover and a consequent desire to appear to care about the people and events of the region.
Your Right Hand Thief
The culture of Bangladesh is a composite culture, with a history and heritage of more than 2500 years old and over centuries has assimilated influences of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Islam.