How To Use Glacial period In A Sentence
The earliest postglacial period in Japan, characterized by hunter-gatherer communities, conventionally divided into six main periods between 10000 and 300 BC.
This is exactly what we see going on during the great physical changes which are accomplished over large areas in Central Asia, owing to the desiccation which is going on there since the glacial period.
Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution
During the early 1970s, most climate experts came to agree that interglacial periods tended to end more abruptly than had been supposed.
Periods of loess deposition are found to correlate with glacial periods when loess profiles are compared to palaeoclimatic evidence from deep-sea cores.
None of the streams draining upland areas of the Southeast were glaciated during Pleistocene ice ages or inundated by Cretaceous seas during interglacial periods.

I cannot believe that the Isthmus of Panama has been open since the commencement of the glacial period; for, notwithstanding the fishes, so few shells, crustaceans, and, according to Agassiz, not one echinoderm is common to the sides.
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
The average extinction probability in the preglacial period is significantly lower than that for both the glacial and preglacial periods.
This is the time of the most recent interglacial period.
Times, Sunday Times
The abrasive forces of the ice at the bottoms of glaciers may destroy all epilithic (rock-attached) lichen vegetation, but lichens once established are able to survive long periods of snow cover, and even glacial periods [121].
General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
The millennial-scale asynchrony of Antarctic and Greenland climate records during the last glacial period implies that the global climate system acts as a bipolar see-saw driven by either high-latitudinal and/or near-equatorial sea-surface perturbations.
The current interglacial period has lasted about 10,000 years.
Times, Sunday Times
Previous declines into glacial periods took place relatively slowly, over roughly thousands of years.
Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
Soils were formed from a sandy glacial outwash during the end of the last glacial period and are low in organic matter, nitrogen, clay, and water-holding capacity.
The warm interstadial periods are evident in the Greenland data and are followed by a return to the very cold glacial period.
The beetles were dated to two past interglacial periods when the climate was similar to the present day.
Times, Sunday Times
During glacial periods and the short-term interglacial wet cycles in the late Pleistocene 10,000-20,000 years ago or later, Tulare Lake overflowed, and the resultant connections between the San Joaquin and Kern Rivers provided opportunities for trout to gain access to the Kern.
Trout and Salmon of North America
But the cause of the remarkable change of climate during those late Tertiary and post-Tertiary times known as the glacial period is still without a completely satisfactory explanation.
The Naturalist in Nicaragua
Over the last half-million years or so, warm interglacial periods have been much shorter than the cold glaciations, lasting on average only 10,000 years.
And even the glacial periods themselves are divided into colder phases and temperate interstadials.
Over the past million years, it has been as warm as this or warmer for less than 10% of the time, during 11 brief episodes known as interglacial periods.
Are We Holding a New Ice Age at Bay?
Temperatures were gradually cooling over the period, but the Neanderthals had survived many glacial periods before.
Times, Sunday Times
The distribution of life in the rivers and lakes of Brazil, the immense number of species and their local circumscription, as distinct faunae in definite areas of the same water-basin, amazed him; while the character of the soil and other geological features confirmed him in his preconceived belief that the glacial period could not have been less than cosmic in its influence.
Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
It is the longest interglacial period in the past 250,000 years.
Times, Sunday Times
During the last glacial period, Lake Missoula filled and burst through its ice dam some 40 times or more, scouring eastern Washington to create what is called the channeled scablands.
Trout and Salmon of North America
A geologist told me awhile ago that this tor is a remnant of the glacial period.
Janey Canuck in the West
A loss of genetic variation could also have resulted from the shift in climate as Earth entered the so-called interglacial period, a boon for many animals, but not for the giant tuskers, the study said. - latest science and technology news stories
Preceding and separating the cold glacial periods were three main interglacials (Cromerian, Hoxnian, and Ipswichian) when the climate was rather warmer.
This period, which is part of the late Quaternary Period, extends from the present back to the last glacial maximum (LGM), encompassing the Holocene, or postglacial period, that spans approximately the last 11,400 years.
Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
These glaciers advanced during the four ice ages (glacial periods) and retreated during the three interglacials.
In the early phase of the postglacial period (Holocene), 8000 to 6000 years ago, mollusks with affinities for ice-free waters were common in Spitsbergen and along the east coast of Greenland.
Variability in hydrographic properties and currents in the Arctic
A recent study compiled evidence from various parts of the world concerning sea levels during an interglacial period about four hundred thousand years ago.
Mortillet or cognisance of his views, he suggested in 1859 that the lake-basins were not of pre-glacial date, but had been scooped out by ice during the glacial period, the excavation having for the most part been effected in Miocene sandstone, provincially called, on account of its softness, "molasse.
The Antiquity of Man
During interglacial periods the steep, unstable U-shaped valley sides are subject to mass movements such as rock falls and large rock avalanches.
It is possible that the death was due to more natural causes, such as the change of climate which attended the decline of the Glacial period, or to the attacks of some insect enemy like the tsetze fly of South Africa, which occasionally brings destruction to cattle in that part of the world.
Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization
Wild goats are tolerant of considerable extremes of temperature and would most likely have been a source of food for most of the post-glacial period.
Their study by others led to the discovery of multiple glaciations, separated by interglacial periods.
Important findings were the significance of permafrost in greatly reducing recharge during cold climates, and the development of increased transmissivity of the Chalk aquifer in the post-glacial period.