
How To Use Gizzard In A Sentence

  • One variable may be the population of the sturgeon's primary winter food, the gizzard shard, which is down this year, he said. The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines
  • This parasite may encyst in the wall of the gizzard. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Contents of the gizzards were separated into otoliths and squid beaks.
  • It has been suggested that herbivorous dinosaurs swallowed large stones that collected in a birdlike gizzard grinding the poorly masticated herbage.
  • My mom breaded and deep-fried the gizzards, hearts, and livers. Chicken Gizzards
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  • One of the avian characteristics of the emus is that they also eat small stones (called gastroliths or gizzard stones).
  • Master Splinter says it needs another coat, or he'll tear my gizzards out.
  • Gizzard: a pouch-like structure between the crop and chylific ventricle furnished with chitinous teeth or plates, in which the food is prepared for the digestive juices by grinding or merely sifting = cardia. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It is in the region of the umbilicus, _u_, and the extreme caudal end of the stomach which has been called the gizzard, _gz_. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • Significant effects of gizzard shad access likely occurred due to the additional surface area provided for periphyton by the mesh netting.
  • Certainly for a parson the gent is a very quick hitter; but he wrote very square; said he hoped I would allow for the surprise and the agitation of an innocent man; sent me two guineas, too, and said he would make it twenty but he was poor as well as unfortunate; that letter has stuck in my gizzard ever since; can't see the color of felony in it. Foul Play
  • The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
  • Just a day before salvation comes, a burly, angry con assaults Nick and sticks his shiv into Nick's gizzard.
  • the gizzards macerates the food in the digestive system
  • Digestion begins when food passes down an elastic, tube-like structure called the gizzard (a sack filled with sand and small rocks that with muscular contractions grinds the food with the digestive juices). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Extant archosaurs, crocodilians and birds, employ a two-part stomach with a thin-walled, enzyme-producing anterior, the proventriculus, followed by a thick-walled muscular gizzard.
  • You may make a gravy of the giblets, that is the neck, pinions, liver, heart and gizzard, stewed in a little water, thickened with butter rolled in flour, and seasoned with pepper and salt. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches
  • The proventriculus and gizzard are small, and the lower esophagus is sacculated, which delays passage of particles into the lower gut where additional fermentation occurs in the paired ceca.
  • Remove the wing tips and reserve with the neck and gizzard for a stock.
  • Like pangolins, aardvarks have a long, protrusile tongue and a gizzard-like stomach.
  • Foregut: extends from the mouth to the end of gizzard; its epithelium being formed from the ectodermal invagination known as the stomodaeum. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Giblets are the edible internal parts of a fowl, including the gizzard, heart, liver, and neck.
  • The duodenum, _d_, makes a U-shaped bend at the side of the stomach, and then, in the region of the caudal edge of the gizzard, _gz_, dips suddenly ventrad and caudad towards the umbilical cord, _u_, where it apparently ends blindly, though this appearance is probably due to an artifact in the embryo from which the reconstruction was made. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • We manipulated sediment access and fish size during two mesocosm experiments to determine how these factors could alter the effects of gizzard shad on phytoplankton.
  • I'm going to tear out his gizzard and feed it to my cat.
  • Unfortunately for us Midtown Lunch’ers, yakitori is an after work thing, and the soft bone, heart, and gizzard on a stick are all not available until after 5: 30 pm (when the restaurant opens). The Most Offal Lunches Midtown has to offer… | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Chickens need grit in their gizzards to grind up the food they eat so they can get the most nutrition out of it.
  • Their digestion is also aided by a muscular gizzard containing stones to help break down food
  • Total digestive tract mass was the summed masses of the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, and large intestine.
  • Grit is used by many birds to help them grind their food in their gizzards.
  • The stomach which receives it, and which is called the gizzard, is quite a different sort of thing from a useless membrane, thin and delicate like ours. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • Feeling that ordinary language is insufficient to convey his _courteous_ and _chivalrous_ sentiments, he ransacks natural history in search of a sublime metaphor: his triumphant success he records in this beautifully expressed sentence -- "The dilating power of the anaconda and the gizzard of the cassowary are the highest objects of his ambition. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • The blind end of the large intestine, cephalad to the opening of the small intestine, projects forward, dorsal to the gizzard, as a sort of caecum, _ce_, though this structure is generally stated to be wanting in the crocodilia, and is not seen in the next stage. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • According to Waverly Root, true fettuccine alla romana is fettuccine with a tomato sauce combined with chicken giblets (heart, liver and gizzard of the bird).
  • The CEO of Redfin, the large venture-backed real estate company, describes what he calls "gizzard squeezers" who work for investment banks and are supposed to tell you when it's a good time to raise money. NPR Topics: News
  • Birds, whom nature has deprived of teeth, have a strong muscular stomach, called the gizzard, which serves the purposes of teeth, and they even take into the stomach small pieces of grit, to assist in grinding to a powder the grain that they have swallowed. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • To compensate, internal organs such as the gizzard, gonads, and intestine may shrink.
  • One part of my stomach is called a gizzard and its duty is to grind and crush my food so that it may be digested. Burgess Bird Book for Children
  • In Florida, the diet was comprised mainly of fishes, with gizzard shad, bullhead catfish, and small bluegill particularly common.
  • Place the pigeon breasts, heart, gizzards, and legs in the yogurt and refrigerate overnight.
  • You vill not leave here -- mein cracious, no! You vill shdop und get all die ostridge you gan, und shend dem out effery day to big oop zom shdones, und den you vill dig oop der earth vor die pirts to vind more shdones, und when dey haf shvallowed all dey gan, you und der bube here vill kill dem, und empty die gizzards into die powls of water to vash dem. Diamond Dyke The Lone Farm on the Veldt - Story of South African Adventure
  • Total digestive tract mass was the summed masses of the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, and large intestine.
  • What is gnawing at my gizzard?
  • There is always found in their gizzard (as well as in that of the males) a brown stone, the size of a hen's egg; it is slightly tuberculated (raboteuse), flat on one side, and rounded on the other, very heavy and very hard. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 575, November 10, 1832
  • Like pangolins, aardvarks have a long, protrusile tongue and a gizzard-like stomach.
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • Dorsal to the gizzard the section cuts the so-called caecum, _ce_, Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • Herbivorous fishes posses specialized organs, such as extended guts, pharyngeal mills and gizzards, that allow them to exploit various reef plants and algae.
  • In Acton Lake, our study site, and many other systems, gizzard shad feed almost exclusively on organic detritus as adults.
  • The digestive tract was removed from each specimen and dissected it into the upper digestive tract, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, liver, and pancreas.
  • We conducted two mesocosm experiments to determine the effects of sediment feeding by gizzard shad and fish size on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics.
  • Will I vom when I touch the gizzard?
  • They have been known, like other members of this group, to swallow grit to help grind coarse food in their gizzards.
  • If swallowed, the substance rapidly breaks down in the swan's gizzard, and passes out with no harm done.
  • Two fish in the gizzard shad-access treatment (two different enclosures) died 8 days following the introduction of fish.
  • Mammals differ because they expect their teeth to do the work of a gizzard or large, muscular gut.
  • Its powerful bill enabled it to break, and its capacious, stone-supplied gizzard to digest, the hardest shells and kernels; and thus a kind of frugivorous vulture, it cleared away the decaying vegetable matter. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 440 Volume 17, New Series, June 5, 1852
  • They draw out guts, pull livers, cut wings and gizzards, pop thigh bones.
  • Small crustaceans and young molluscs make up the bulk of their diet, along with algal cells, which are ground up in the muscular gizzard at the beginning of the gut.
  • However, the ratio of sandeels to gadids found in the Shag gizzards did not change over time, suggesting that diets and rates of otilith loss in gizzards were not noticeably different over the month.
  • It usually contains pebbles and seems to be used for ‘chewing’ in much the same way as a bird's gizzard.
  • The presence of gastroliths (gizzard stones) in the rib cages of some specimens shows that this view is correct.
  • Historical reports were anecdotal, based on collection of a limited number of individual birds and generating a simple list of food items found in gizzards.
  • Due to their soft food diet, lorikeets have a weak ventricular muscle or gizzard, which is usually used for grinding seeds by other birds.
  • Unfortunately, the time that a hard piece of gravel or grit spends in the gizzard can be quite variable: sometimes a few days, sometimes a few months.
  • Grain is stored in their crops and ground by the grit in their gizzard.
  • In Florida, the diet was comprised mainly of fishes, with gizzard shad, bullhead catfish, and small bluegill particularly common.
  • Place the gizzards in a small saucepan and cover them with water. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ingesta from the proventriculus and gizzard were preserved in 75% alcohol and examined under a dissecting scope.
  • Grain is stored in their crops and ground by the grit in their gizzard.
  • A layer of the "peritoneal" membrane extends from the posterior edge of the muscular expansion which lies between the shell-muscles and from the upper wall of the dilatation of the vena cava, and passes upwards and backwards like a diaphragm to the under surfaces of the gizzard and liver. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • As there were no crushing teeth in the mouth, vegetation must have been swallowed and then crushed in a gizzard similar to that found in many birds.
  • After stuffing our gizzards with mini pavs, scones with jam and whipped cream and brandy snap baskets filled with berries and ice cream we're all finding it easier to roll ourselves around the house.
  • I washed it down with his Dad's home made wine - it may wipe out my gizzard in the process, but I felt sure it would kill my tastebuds too, and as far as I was concerned, that's all that mattered.
  • You may often see the Turkeys, Pheasants, Peacocks, and other birds of this Hen-family, scratching up the gravel; and you know, I daresay, that grain-eating birds have a little mill inside them called a gizzard, which grinds their food for them. Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation
  • We then shared an assortment of three first courses - fried gizzards (who could resist), the chef's coleslaw with pineapple and hot chicken tamales.
  • Herbivorous, granivorous and insectivorous birds have a highly specialized, muscular gizzard with an inner lining of hard cuticle.
  • Very often the giblets, that is, the liver, heart, and gizzard of chicken, are used in making gravy. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
  • Bruch said one variable may be the population of the sturgeon's primary winter food, the gizzard shard, which is down this year. The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines
  • Like pangolins, aardvarks have a long, protrusile tongue and a gizzard-like stomach.
  • Just a day before salvation comes, a burly, angry con assaults Nick and sticks his shiv into Nick's gizzard.

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