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How To Use Giveaway In A Sentence

  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • But the lowish ceilings are a giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your members card will entitle you to a range of special discounted prices, prizes and giveaways.
  • Their makers hope the phones will become popular promotional giveaways, like phone cards emblazoned with corporate logos.
  • Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin. The Sun
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  • At a giveaway price, it went to a development company who created what is now the Broadgate centre, a fairly ghastly set of offices with a few shops thrown in.
  • There's a giveaway with our magazine next month-a free CD!
  • I'm doing tons of free giveaways to celebrate my blog's 5th year anniversary.
  • If both of those giveaways aren't available, you can look for clues in the general information. Times, Sunday Times
  • One big reason that the Court can give corporations such massive giveaways is because their work is buried in complex doctrines and legalese. Wonk Room » The Biggest Supreme Court Case You’ve Never Heard Of
  • When you spot what looks like a giveaway price - check. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deeper gold is often a dead giveaway of an oak-aged chardonnay. Globe and Mail
  • Watch out all this week for more giveaways from all your favourite stores. The Sun
  • Of course, the coffee ring on the bottom is his de facto Seal of Office and a dead giveaway, but the grammar and lack of punctuation nail the lid firmly down.
  • Sometimes the title is, or should be, a dead giveaway.
  • He traced the history of free products from Jell-O's giveaway of billions of free recipe books starting in the '20s to today's free e-mail programs and beyond.
  • Because of the way these were unearthed by accident with other posters, they can be offered at the giveaway price of only $15.
  • Lafferty's red herring usage of her favorite "paraphilia" or sexual deviation instead of sexual orientation or gender identity is a dead giveaway that she is attempting to feed off her readers 'fear and confusion. Bil Browning: TVC's Andrea Lafferty: A zombie queen in pastel
  • There was also scepticism at the preelection giveaways that started to trickle out at party conference time. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no big tax raids and no big tax giveaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • THIS week's giveaway from yours truly is an absolute belter. The Sun
  • A total of 143 tickets were sold at the near-giveaway prices, United spokesman Chris Brathwaite confirmed Thursday.
  • I entered in giveaways at several different blogs. Best Book of 2009 « Beatrice Writes
  • He wasn't running to fat yet, which was a good thing, and there was no grey in his moustache, which was always a dead giveaway.
  • Surely scowling is the big giveaway to your opponent that they are getting the better of exchanges and you are getting rattled. The Sun
  • The source of that class was the corrupt decision to sell off the state's assets (above all in energy and minerals) at giveaway prices and without open competition, in return for huge kickbacks.
  • The tilde over the letter o is a dead giveaway as the other languages don't have it.
  • Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin. The Sun
  • Everything old has to go to make way for new stock and many more books, for adults and children have been added to the sale at giveaway prices.
  • I realised I'd just seen a really big clue - one helluva giveaway - so I reckon I know whodunnit.
  • The first giveaway is a package of six ball point pens.
  • Bashing Claire McCaskill for wanting to trim the giveaways is a little misleading. Matthew Yglesias » A Flawed Stimulus is Better than No Stimulus
  • The giveaways are the concrete beams and the ubiquitous air conditioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • A second and even clearer giveaway feature is the appearance of small-font superscripts in words like 117th.
  • He was initially against giveaway ticket prices.
  • There are little moments of giveaway nerves. The Sun
  • He has already won hearts and minds for his work with the homeless, ticket giveaways and replacing replica shirts when he changed his number. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are little moments of giveaway nerves. The Sun
  • With specks of gravy on his tie and the heavy smell of garlic, his dinner is a dead giveaway.
  • Charter forests are already being condemned by environmental organizations as a giveaway to rapacious loggers who want to fell national forests.
  • Surely scowling is the big giveaway to your opponent that they are getting the better of exchanges and you are getting rattled. The Sun
  • Rather than plastic money boxes, giveaway biros or vouchers for DVDs, the Bradford-based mortgage lender decided that something with four wheels might prove a little more persuasive.
  • And dusty, unread books are a giveaway that some academics' offices are just dead space. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's partly because the party's candidates have come across as vacillating on military issues and lenient on social concerns like crime and federal ‘giveaways’ to the poor.
  • Everything should have been at a giveaway price. The Sun
  • The most striking ones are connected with the illegal giveaway of some public parks and gardens, he said.
  • Check Perks daily, there are great competitions and giveaways all week. The Sun
  • He just thinks nobody will notice, even though it's a dead giveaway.
  • I guess the main difference is that Paula's word slurring resembled a drunk Dog The Bounty Hunter, which should have been a dead giveaway that she was deep in Percocet Paradise.
  • A dead giveaway are the fake addresses of such senders.
  • Giveaways and in-store advertising will guarantee saturation coverage for the movie across the States.
  • With the influx of giveaway papers hitting city streets, Sydney's Lord Mayor plans to introduce a new policy regulating the distribution of newspapers and magazines.
  • As part of the promotion a Morris Oil team travelled around the region demonstrating the zippy Citroen Xsara and inviting people to sign up for the giveaway.
  • On the other hand, during the colonial era the authorities would try to sell the unclaimed possessions of deceased contract workers and found that there were no buyers, even at giveaway prices.
  • The football fans at the Super Bowl this month will find an unusual giveaway tucked under their seat cushions.
  • Unlike other home-giveaways where contestants are required to write lengthy and subjective essays, The Perfect Place Contest requires players to earn the highest score on a skill-based, puzzle-based online game, similar to the word jumble games in the newspaper. Press Release
  • This week's free events include a performance of jazzed-up Bjork songs, a blog party with tasty giveaways and the start of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Free and easy events
  • World Series MVP Hideki Matsui as well as left fielder Johnny Damon became giveaway agents Monday as well as 37-year-old left-hander Andy Pettitte additionally is eligible for file. Archive 2009-11-01
  • It's a dead giveaway - we know you didn't write it.
  • The steaming milk in a glass was a dead giveaway.
  • The real giveaway is the female's hidden pouch, albeit backward opening, for rearing its young.
  • However, these figures have been influenced by a spate of free CDs and other giveaways which have kept sales up.
  • That probably doesn't mean shattered windows and office occupations, but more likely petitions and free food giveaways like one held last March.
  • Check Perks daily, there are great competitions and giveaways all week. The Sun
  • Twin exhaust tailpipes, one at either side of the car, are the only giveaway that a 3.0 litre V6 engine lies under the bonnet.
  • With specks of gravy on his tie and the heavy smell of garlic, his dinner is a dead giveaway.
  • Though not giveaway cheap, prices are generally less expensive than in the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most blatant examples was the great nineteenth-century giveaway of huge chunks of public land to a handful of railroad barons in the name of patriotic progress and “opening up the country.” Bird Cloud
  • Immediately, the giveaway signs of serious sickness were flashing.
  • The only giveaways, apart from the badges, were slightly flared wheel arches, wide alloy wheels shod with special high-grip radial tyres and a single large-bore exhaust pipe.
  • And you can be on it with our giveaway of two FREE adult tickets per household. The Sun
  • When it comes to who stays and who goes, only your name and your accent are giveaways.
  • And you can be on it with our giveaway of two FREE adult tickets per household. The Sun
  • So there will be no deficit funded giveaways today. Times, Sunday Times
  • The swimming pools were a dead giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • She pretended she wasn't excited but the expression on her face was a dead giveaway.
  • Everything should have been at a giveaway price. The Sun
  • We are here to help with another fantastic ticket giveaway. The Sun
  • The giveaways are the touch hole, the patina, and the crude crown on the one on the left.
  • 2002 was an excellent vintage in Germany, and this is an outstanding young Riesling at a giveaway price.
  • Sporting and cultural events are beacons for promotional giveaways by newspapers.
  • It's a giveaway paper, to be published by a joint venture of four government-linked corporations (GLCs).
  • The big giveaway: there is no swearing in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • And all this talk of "sunsetting after five years" and "justifying" new giveaways ... you know, this is all lame weak nonaction. PubliCola Guest Op-Ed: The Good Thing About This Year’s Budget Crisis « PubliCola
  • Prices were near giveaway and around $750 got the buyer a trainer of his choice.
  • The sale is meant to be an opportunity for it to offload items like used basketballs that may just be slightly cracked, old t-shirts and past varsity giveaway items.
  • And you can be on it with our giveaway of two FREE adult tickets per household. The Sun
  • This ensures that purchasing decisions are based on product efficacy and not in any way tied to free giveaways.
  • But to pay for the small giveaways, he also hiked a stealth tax on insurance policy holders and ripped up salary sacrifice tax perks for company employees. The Sun
  • ScoreKeeper here fresh out of the intrinsic field subtractor to bring you a Dr. Manhattan-sized giveaway that is sure to percolate the ears of WATCHMEN (2009) fans on Earth and on Mars … hmm, apparently I'm glowing a handsome shade of blue. Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
  • A new giveaway tabloid newspaper has hit the streets of Sydney.
  • He has already won hearts and minds for his work with the homeless, ticket giveaways and replacing replica shirts when he changed his number. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the dead giveaway on almost any of these fraudulent emails is not the painstakingly simulated appearance or the sophisticated coding, but the grammar!
  • The head is reputedly a Gorgon 's; the snakes I regard as the giveaway. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Moreover, cutting off the circulation to any part of the body and leaving (hopefully) temporary indentations to the skin is another dead giveaway. Jason Kitchen: When Pondering Life's Greatest Questions, Look no Further Than Yahoo!
  • The deadline for both giveaways is tomorrow, so enter now! GIVEAWAY REMINDER: Alien Trespass and Voyage to The Bottom of the Sea Goodies
  • I must admit I haven't heard of 'Things Fall Apart' and I'll try and get a copy unless you're giving away a copy in 'TEV's Giveaways'. THINGS CONTINUE TO FALL APART
  • HERE'S a great giveaway that could prove you are not to blame if you have a crash. The Sun
  • Just sign up, put your name inand I'm proof that you can actually win a giveaway with no obligation nopurchases necessary," Johnson said. India Press Release
  • He warned people not to expect a pre-election giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • The microfloral print dresses and skirts and nautical-striped tops went extra-fast, but anyone who missed out on the giveaway can always pick up Ronson product at Penney's. Daily Fashion Show Pictures
  • There are many giveaway signs to getting old. Times, Sunday Times
  • I watched her eyes - they were a dead giveaway to her emotions.
  • The absence of remorse and the continuation of abuse are dead giveaways that the person is a bully.
  • So there will be no deficit funded giveaways today. Times, Sunday Times
  • THIS week 's giveaway from yours truly is an absolute belter. The Sun
  • Center Peter Forsberg made it 2-0, taking advantage of a rare Ray Bourque giveaway in the defensive zone.
  • This card has silver foiled gift design giving cooler and hippier holiday greetings Cards come with silver lined ecru envelopes Inside verse reads Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a happy new year in blue ink Please call our sales representatives for FREE change of inside verse and other ink colors available Trade Show Custom Pocket Planner Bristol Day Timer as Trade Show Giveaway Promotional Pocket Planner Bristol Day Timer. Undefined
  • MediaGuardian. verdict: Total circulation boosted by the launch of the UK edition of Wired, which only hit its 50,000 target circulation with the help of a 10,000 free giveaway. Magazine ABCs, first half of 2010: the report card
  • Another dead giveaway, Brian, is that the humourless munter types were all wearing their Solo Lucky Undies. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now I owe Doc Yobbo two bucks.
  • Nor was it a frivolous pre-election giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enticing title is a dead giveaway about the presentist orientation.
  • Kennedy freestyled with him and everyone was treated to free food and a record giveaway.
  • Good posture and sure footing are dead giveaways that you come from money.
  • Even without such giveaway settings, the Canadian accent and humour still would exude unmistakeably from a huge proportion of playwriting.
  • Then there's promotional albums and giveaways the labels give to wholesalers, retailers, radio and the press.
  • They also aim to fill their planes as near as possible to capacity, even if it means selling tickets at seemingly giveaway prices.
  • There were no big tax raids and no big tax giveaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Check Perks daily, there are great competitions and giveaways all week. The Sun
  • Unglazed ceramic versions were huge sellers in the 1910s, and by the '30s, lower-quality kewpies were popular giveaways at carnivals and festivals.
  • Gabby waited a long time before answering, and only did once Justin's breathing grew slow and steady, a dead giveaway that he was sleeping.
  • The final giveaway in the countdown is a much coveted ARC of Karen Chance's Curse the Dawn, the fourth book in her Cassandra Palmer series. Angels' Blood Countdown: Karen Chance - Curse the Dawn ARC
  • The giveaways are the concrete beams and the ubiquitous air conditioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some level of mucking around, pork barreling, and special interest giveaways is all but inevitable. Matthew Yglesias » 80 Votes?
  • Now and then these old tomes are overpriced, but on occasion you can find fantastic books for giveaway prices.
  • The giveaways are the concrete beams and the ubiquitous air conditioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The swimming pools were a dead giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big giveaway should have been the loopily fancy incentive to Mr. Zell himself (a 15-year option to buy 40% of the firm for $500 million) for presiding over an LBO so risky to the company and so friendly to Chandler. Zell's Hell
  • Otherwise, you would always be selling your goods at giveaway prices far below your total production costs.
  • The head is reputedly a Gorgon 's; the snakes I regard as the giveaway. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • But that means there's still that giveaway jerkiness of movement.
  • ‘Well, the steam is a dead giveaway,’ came Arthur's dry reply.
  • Giveaways to paying friends to shopping trips to mysterious donations to individuals are all part of the wild spending of aldermanic slush funds. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The furniture shop's offering three-piece suites at giveaway prices.
  • If both of those giveaways aren't available, you can look for clues in the general information. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the ABC's internal local radio awards, the gong for best promotion went to a giveaway of a free trip to France.
  • Giveaway products included copies of food and wind magazines; gourmet pasta; and fresh-ground coffee from the ‘southernmost coffee roasters in America’.
  • Anonymous said ... great giveaways congrats ot allt he winners Contests all drawn & Redraw Notice
  • They've identified 12 books for London to give particular prominence to - on posters, in campaigns and on giveaway bookmarks.
  • I was after their giveaway 70s CD which turned out to be OK for a freebie.
  • The big giveaway: there is no swearing in it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, in addition to prohibiting noneducational giveaways and restaurant meals, the updated code states that drug companies shouldn't pay for meals at CME events, though it says "modest meals or receptions" at meetings with industry-funded consultants "may be appropriate. Drug Group Sets Marketing Code
  • But to pay for the small giveaways, he also hiked a stealth tax on insurance policy holders and ripped up salary sacrifice tax perks for company employees. The Sun
  • The basic tee is renowned for its relentless work in the promotional trenches as a giveaway item.
  • The shadow cast by the giraffe is a giveaway, he says. Boing Boing
  • That pie top cutter is so nice - thanks for the giveaway! Apples & Leaves Pie Top Cutter and a Giveaway! | Baking Bites
  • He has already won hearts and minds for his work with the homeless, ticket giveaways and replacing replica shirts when he changed his number. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just use your card while playing slots, table games or keno and swipe your card at any promotions kiosk when you are done playing and you will receive entries into the giveaway.
  • Thanks for the giveaway … that apron is super cute. Flirty Aprons’ Frosted Cupcake Apron, reviewed - and a giveaway! | Baking Bites
  • WE'VE dug up another fantastic toy giveaway for you. The Sun
  • The customized malware payload is innocuous looking, low profile, and usually avoids typical malware giveaways. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Internet, The Fourth Amendment, and Technology Neutrality: A Response to Horowitz
  • The furniture shop's offering three-piece suites at giveaway prices.
  • Laughter like a strange hybrid of belly laugh and chuckle, a belly chuckle, perhaps, is a bit of a giveaway.
  • The Budget shouldn't be a giveaway, but must be ‘broadly neutral’ to keep the economy ticking along.
  • Many Jewish businesses had to be sold at giveaway prices in the countryside because they had become illegal, and many Jewish settlers were turned out of their homes.
  • When it counts, there is nothing is more agonising than cheap giveaways and mistaken back-heel passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep an eye out for our free ticket giveaways and special two-for-one offers. The Sun
  • Many ideas for promotional giveaways have been born at trade shows, which are geared toward the minor leagues.
  • The bloggiversary giveaway extravaganza is shutting down the day after Christmas, so be sure to get your entries in to paperfruitcontest at gmail dot com before midnight Mountain Time on Dec. 26th! Last reminder « paper fruit
  • A real giveaway to the true nature of comedians is the complex mixture of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine they need to perform.
  • THIS week 's giveaway from yours truly is an absolute belter. The Sun
  • Though not giveaway cheap, prices are generally less expensive than in the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • The competition is free to enter and there will be other promotions and giveaways over the next few weeks.
  • And, in addition to the amnesty giveaway, there's also Bush's totalization agreement with Mexico. IL-06: Obama Slams Roskam In Duckworth Immigration Ad
  • Cartoons, giveaways, and promotional products are analyzed in how they attempt to get teenagers to smoke.
  • Though not giveaway cheap, prices are generally less expensive than in the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • THIS week 's giveaway from yours truly is an absolute belter. The Sun
  • Traders set up stalls at major venues, openly hawking illegally acquired wares and at giveaway prices.
  • There were no big tax raids and no big tax giveaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • It did not use the boosts of low inflation and lower debt interest to fund giveaways. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are many giveaway signs to getting old. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contents of the giveaway goody bags were largely related to estrogen replacement.
  • But the new campaign is in parts economical with factual information - even if the giveaway answers are buried elsewhere in the pamphlet.
  • Watch out all this week for more giveaways from all your favourite stores. The Sun
  • To say more would be a giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those last images of him in 1993 before his enforced retirement with his bloated face and blotched, spotty, wretched complexion, a giveaway sign of the soon to be irretrievably poisoned liver, were sad indeed.
  • How many times have you seen car giveaways or contests promoting a free trip to an exotic location and wondered who the winners were?
  • WE'VE dug up another fantastic toy giveaway for you. The Sun
  • With specks of gravy on his tie and the heavy smell of garlic, his dinner is a dead giveaway.
  • Only his hands were a giveaway, smooth and uncalloused by hard work. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • It is fairly clear that the budget will not have a big fiscal giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new virus makes its way into computers through an email attachment and is less obvious than previous viruses due to a lack of giveaway signs.
  • Plus, there's a promotional giveaway on Friday.
  • Of course, the "Borat" part was a giveaway, as was the semi-discreet entourage "ten men, dressed to blend in with jeans, T-shirts, and nondescript backpacks or briefcases with camouflaged cameras"And while we're talking about Ali G... Archive 2005-07-01
  • As a thank you to our readers we have some great competitions and giveaways lined up.
  • They also have a 2.5million giveaway on all new and used cars. The Sun
  • And since that "1 hour before landing" is a dead giveaway, we should impose the last-hour restrictions throughout the entire flight. Do new post-pantsbomber TSA security directives kill inflight WiFi? (UPDATED) Boing Boing
  • Visitors at the store could also register for a $2,500 shopping spree and other in-store giveaways.
  • I've been sent interview questions galore from a number of othe blogs and have been coordinating all sorts of contests and giveaways. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The hotels you stay in, the cafes you frequent and the shopping strip you trawl - all dead giveaways I'm afraid.
  • When a bug has fed it emits a sickly sweet smell to attract hungry relatives: a giveaway sign of infestation.
  • The giveaways are the white beard, ruddy cheeks and pet cat draped round his neck like a fur stole.
  • Keep an eye out for our free ticket giveaways and special two-for-one offers. The Sun
  • HERE'S a great giveaway that could prove you are not to blame if you have a crash. The Sun
  • It's a pity, too, that your favourite Sunday newspaper can't quite stretch to a giveaway cassette.
  • All Australian accents are regional, and the elongated diphthong, particularly the ‘ooo’, is the immediate giveaway for New South Welshpersons.
  • So there will be no deficit funded giveaways today. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are many giveaway signs to getting old. Times, Sunday Times
  • My jacket doesn't say where it was made, but the label's Chinese characters are a dead giveaway.
  • But to pay for the small giveaways, he also hiked a stealth tax on insurance policy holders and ripped up salary sacrifice tax perks for company employees. The Sun

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