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How To Use Give rise In A Sentence

  • Unlike the phrenologists of the 19th century, DeYoung's team doesn't presume to know whether differences in the size of a brain region give rise to unique personality characteristics, or whether our personality differences cause our brains to develop in unique ways - say, that when we practice random acts of kindness, our "agreeableness" center grows larger, or that a lifetime of social isolation might cause a region associated with The Columbian stories: Columns
  • These methods give rise to well resolved spectra of the protein but do not provide information about noncovalent lipid binding interactions.
  • The medial stripe, nearest the midline, which becomes the ventral region of the neural tube, gives rise to motor neurons, whereas the lateral stripes give rise to interneurons and sensory neurons.
  • When in a position allowing of direct examination, the contused portion of the nerve sometimes developed a palpable fusiform thickening, manipulation of which might give rise to formication in the area of distribution -- a favourable prognostic sign. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Varieties of these give rise to further names, such as bettong or potoroo, but even among Australians these are hardly household words. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
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  • As you mentioned, I was there for a week and San Miguel is a bit hilly, like some other communities and having “stood” in other large and small cities as well as Ajijic for 3 weeks, pedestrian friendly cities do give rise to some other best experiences. Page 2
  • The haploid tetraspores erminate and give rise to haploid gametophytic plants.
  • Quartz is colourless when pure but minute amounts of impurities or lattice imperfections give rise to varieties such as amethyst, cairngorm, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.
  • If another mutation allows this ensemble of cheats to grow, it could give rise to what is called an adenoma. SuperCooperators
  • It is these cells which will later give rise, by further cell division, to eggs or sperm.
  • The circumstances of modern life can give rise to the false belief that a culture full of electronics and multitasking imperatives creates the disorder.
  • The privatization of an undertaking may also give rise to questions concerning state aid, depending upon the terms of the privatization.
  • Other forms of movement tracking can give rise to collective file sharing.
  • When well advanced, the tubercular or nodular masses give rise to great deformity; the face, a favorite locality, becomes more or less leonine in appearance (_leontiasis_). Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Egg quality was also assessed in terms of the probability that an egg would give rise to a fledged chick.
  • Such a cyst may rupture on the surface, usually as a result of superadded infection, and give rise to a _thyreo-glossal_ or _median fistula of the neck_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Generally you are dealing with unforeseen circumstances that could give rise to a loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does, in my argument or my submission, give rise to a proper application for an order nisi for mandamus.
  • Genital surgery as young children that was not personally consented to often causes compromised genital sensation and inability to orgasm, and functional damage can give rise to feelings of loss of body ownership.
  • Now, that may give rise to a claim in debt or it may not, depending on the state of the loan account because there were other credits in the loan account.
  • Before I proceed to show how from the prosodical unities, the moved and the quiescent letter, first the metrical elements, then the feet and lastly the metres are built up, it will be necessary to obviate a few misunderstandings, to which our mode of transliterating Arabic into the Roman character might give rise. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A conceptual framework for understanding how polygenes give rise to discrete phenotypic variation is the threshold model.
  • Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure.
  • Viruses can give rise to two different types of phenomena: transformation and lytic infection.
  • This can give rise to substantial queries over the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.
  • Since it self-seeds, just a few plants will eventually give rise to a nice drift.
  • Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure.
  • Finally, acceptance of GE's interpretation would give rise to an inconsistency between Alberta and Ontario statutory registration procedures and potentially create a renvoi.
  • In Java and the Moluccas, giant burrs on the stem give rise to finely figured gnarl wood (also called wavy or curly wood). Chapter 8
  • This certain interval will give rise to the eerie phantasmatic ir-reality of the Sanatorium as a result of the contamination and rapid decomposition of time. Celebrated Animators The Quay Brothers Return with a New Feature | /Film
  • # -- _Secondary syphilitic_ manifestations in the form of congestion of the mucous membrane, mucous patches, or condylomata, are occasionally met with, and give rise to a huskiness of the voice. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Stalk lengths shredded in the transverse direction of the leafstalk do not give rise to any problems and need not be removed.
  • The technocracy's acquisition of power via the state and the progression of exaggerated secularization have combined to give rise to a number of social phenomena which have themselves become social determinants.
  • The essential defining characteristic of this relation is its capacity to give rise to pleonasm.
  • In effect, sudden temperature changes, which give rise to sudden changes of humidity in the environment, cause deformation of the mushrooms from the time they are carpophores.
  • Sentences containing multiple quantifiers are known to give rise to several interpretations.
  • constitutional variation in function, as well as in structure, can give rise to what he termed 'chemical malformations' -- alcaptonuria, cystinuria, pentosuria, etc. ArchivesBlogs
  • On the other hand, wholegrains (such as brown rice, oats, wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta), tend to give rise to more tempered amounts of insulin.
  • Allowing players to voice their grievances will simply give rise to an atmosphere of poisonous recrimination. Times, Sunday Times
  • Social desires, expectations, and pressures give rise to laws, and standards of ethics do likewise.
  • In this way they give rise to the symptoms which we meet in hysteria and psychasthenia -- fears, phobias, obsessions, and tics, like stammering. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • When the interspinous and muscular attachments alone are torn, the effects are confined to the site of these structures, but when the ligamenta flava are involved, blood may be extravasated and infiltrate the space between the dura and the bone and give rise to symptoms of pressure on the cord. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Examples of important proenzymes include pepsinogen, trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen, which give rise to the proteolytic digestive enzymes.
  • To proceed without doing so would give rise to conflicts of interest which could impede the proper performance of his duties.
  • It is "a fact that forcible expiratory efforts in violent coughing or vomiting, and especially in sneezing, sometimes give rise to ruptures of the little (external) vessels" of the eye. 17 With respect to the internal vessels, Dr. Gunning has lately recorded a case of exophthalmos in consequence of whooping-cough, which in his opinion depended on the rupture of the deeper vessels; and another analogous case has been recorded. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • The Tribunal is specially constituted to make such decisions and they did not give rise to a question of law.
  • They would also give rise to a smaller Schwarzschild mass parameter, and hence greater curvature on the horizon.
  • Second, Irdial's editing may have been sufficient ‘selection and arrangement’ to give rise to a copyright in the whole track, preventing wholesale verbatim copying.
  • Two sets of tiny electroactive "pacing cells" give rise to the heart's normal rhythm by stimulating other cells to contract in certain sequences. The Speculist: Pace Yourself
  • Infinite combinations of all these colours is possible, which can give rise to qualities such as contrast, brightness, shallowness, etc.
  • However, for L-amino acids such as Asp or Asn, interactions between the side-chain carbonyl group with the carbonyl of the main-chain peptide bond can give rise to relative stabilisation of a conformation with a positive φ angle Box plots for the substitution scores by the class of secondary structure. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In particular, the speaker expressed fears that the redeliberation of the disputed bills could give rise to the tricky question as to whether other bills approved in the same manner should be retroactively restudied.
  • If not cut for food, the shoots that give rise to the spears each year eventually become the ferns of the asparagus plant.
  • Society does not, of course, always recognize or accept that individual needs give rise to social problems. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • Liver qi stagnation will give rise to stuffiness and fullness of the chest, unhappy feelings, hypochondriasis, or even mental depression.
  • The inquiry and the subsequent report will give rise to yet another political squabble, and we have more than enough of those already. Times, Sunday Times
  • These letters, when exchanged, give rise to a permuted alphabet, and this permuted alphabet takes its technical name from the first two couples of letters, _a_ and Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • But, especially where the identity of the relevant comparator is a matter of dispute, this sequential analysis may give rise to needless problems.
  • Some patients are hypersensitive to quinine and even small doses may give rise to cinchonism.
  • Society does not, of course, always recognize or accept that individual needs give rise to social problems. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • Four changes occur in iron, which give rise to forms known as alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
  • Their cumulative effect would give rise to the microwave background radiation.
  • Therefore, these cells are referred to as pluripotent, that is, they can give rise to many types of cells but not a whole organism. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.
  • The pi orbitals give rise to benzene's diamagnetism.
  • He saw it as only natural that the Argentine crisis would give rise to a controversy over the pros and cons of the currency board arrangement.
  • These precursor cells give rise to all of the mature oligodendrocytes that make myelin throughout life.
  • All Interrupt Requests (IRQs) issued by I/O devices give rise to maskable interrupts.
  • The adjudicator's decision, although not finally determinative, may give rise to an immediate payment obligation.
  • Physical propinquity, propinquity in time and space, with relationship to disasters having a physical cause but resulting in nervous shock, to use that expression, may well - well, I would assume, does give rise to a relationship.
  • It is no less important to ensure that costlier fuel does not give rise to an excessive inflationary spiral as regards the prices of other goods and services.
  • They are in harmony with the perfect will of God and give rise to changed lives and changed communities.
  • Tax amnesties inevitably give rise to resentment on the part of most law-abiding citizens.
  • Many of these metabolic disorders give rise to multisystem diseases that require the expertise of a diverse array of specialists. Biochemical Genetics-Metabolic Disease
  • As collagen undergoes maturation and contraction, local forces give rise to further distension of air spaces.
  • For one thing, the free-moving electrons, with which we are concerned in cathode rays and in some types of Becquerel rays, give rise to many interesting problems. Hendrik A. Lorentz - Nobel Lecture
  • The vesico-urethral portion absorbs the ends of the Wolffian ducts and the associated ends of the renal diverticula, and these give rise to the trigone of the bladder and part of the prostatic urethra. XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
  • One can see features of the system that might be important, the variable valency of cobalt and the possibility of changes within the corrin nucleus, the fact that the cobalt to carbon bond readily breaks to give rise to free radicals 21. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • This scenario would probably give rise to gradual increases in geothermal gradient.
  • In one of David Attenborough's 'The Private Life Of Plants' episodes, he talks on similar fallen trunks that eventually give rise to a row of other daughter 'trees' growing out of the main trunk; these eventually grow adventitious roots and become independent. An undead tree
  • Moments of pleasantness elicit a desire for more, moments of unpleasantness give rise to aversion, and moments of neutrality are opportunities to fall asleep.
  • So food that is contaminated prior to processing can give rise to liability under the Act, once processed, whereas the same contaminated food sold to consumers unprocessed is not within the Act.
  • To provide guidance on the type of situation that could give rise to an undue preference in the new media environment, the Commission offers the example of a new media broadcasting undertaking engaged in programming distribution that acquires content from an affiliated programming undertaking either to the exclusion of non-affiliated programming undertakings or on more favourable terms or conditions than those applicable to non-affiliated programming undertakings. CRTC: hands off the Net
  • Did living so long in a masculine-dominated household help give rise to your blogging persona, which is far more 'ballsy' than most female bloggers? Mother-in-Law in the White House.
  • The death of any kinsman or woman from any cause might give rise to the hope of their spirit being reincarnated.
  • This can give rise to the mistaken belief that cocaine is not an addictive drug.
  • Society does not, of course, always recognize or accept that individual needs give rise to social problems. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • But it is not so readily digestible as butter is; is more liable to give rise to the butyric acid fermentations in the stomach; is not nearly so appetizing; and its sale as, and under the name of, _butter_ is a fraud which the law rightly forbids and punishes. A Handbook of Health
  • The stronger stimulus will give rise to increased levels of the messenger molecule cAMP and thereby protein kinase A. Physiology or Medicine for 2000 - Press Release
  • The inquiry and the subsequent report will give rise to yet another political squabble, and we have more than enough of those already. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term distinguishes the cells from hematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to blood cells, and which are found in bone marrow. Featured News and Stories
  • A snap of cold and wet weather will give rise to pneumonia in calves so stay vigilant.
  • He might feel shock or surprise or perhaps amusement, and I did not want my gift to give rise to any of these thoughts in him.
  • But in an era of supersize burgers and fries that we can purchase without leaving our cars, our innate ‘thriftiness’ can give rise to gluttony and sloth.
  • But the real purveyors of violence are deeply wedded to the very conditions that give rise to these forms of struggle.
  • Tight clothes that rub against acne aggravated skin tend to disrupt the area even more and give rise to new pimples by spreading the oil and bacteria.
  • The sharp-witted reader will have seen the subtle problems this can give rise to.
  • Whether the matters complained of are imputable to the country and give rise to State responsibility are thus questions which fall to be determined by the Court at the merits phase.
  • Four changes occur in iron, which give rise to forms known as alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
  • Computations reveal that viscoelasticity alone does not give rise to a small, satellite bead between two much larger main beads but that inertia is required for its formation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Four changes occur in iron, which give rise to forms known as alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
  • That means that parents who are doing IVF could conceivably agree to have a cell removed from their morula, which could then give rise to a line of stem cells, while the morula developed into an embryo ready for implanting.
  • Also, attaching documents may give rise to the release of information not intended, hence the importance of vetting attachments.
  • In other situations the publication of suspicions may unreasonably give rise to public disquiet and speculation.
  • The great Victorian railway termini of London give rise to lines that snake out across the city atop stolid red-brick viaducts.
  • Consider the hypothetical random disturbances shown in Fig. 11 which give rise to fairly realistic variations in real output.
  • However, if the subject is part of nature there would seem to be no way of explaining how a nature which we can only know as deterministic can give rise to a subject which seems to transcend determinism in its knowing and in its ethical doings. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
  • The very growing conditions that make grape growing on Long Island challenging can also at times give rise to Botrytis cinerea, the mold responsible for perhaps the world's best dessert wines -- Sauternes. LENNDEVOURS:
  • It has been known for some time that smoking can give rise to acrylamide in human red cells that forms adducts with haemoglobin.
  • How do physical processes in the brain give rise to the subjective life the conscious mind?
  • However, it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published.
  • Many closed trials which give rise to concern are those of a military or revolutionary nature when political crimes are discussed.
  • If a hotel receptionist double-books a room does this give rise to criminal liability?
  • The researchers show that HIV can target haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) from the bone marrow before they give rise to white blood cells. Scientific American
  • Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.
  • So many things concurred to give rise to the problem.
  • Each adult female worm, thin but more than 1/2 metre in length, produces millions of microfilariae (microscopic larvae) that migrate throughout the body and give rise to a variety of symptoms: serious visual impairment, including blindness; rashes, lesions, intense itching and depigmentation of the skin; lymphadenitis, which results in hanging groins and elephantiasis of the genitals; and general debilitation. Chapter 2
  • If the energy is not efficiently used, the spins of the electrons in the excited state can rephase and give rise to a lower energy excited state: the chlorophyll triplet state.
  • Pirate radio was about to be superannuated by the BBC shake-up that would give rise to Radio One.
  • Changes in money supply set in motion new dynamics that give rise to changes in demands for goods and to changes in their relative prices.
  • He reestablished the Polish language in the schools and churches of Posen, that is of Prussian-Poland, nominated a Polish ecclesiastic to the archbishopric of that province, and conferred so many court dignities, government offices, and decorations upon the compatriots of the fair Jenny, as to give rise to the remark that the best road to imperial preferment at Berlin was to add the Polish and feminine termination of “ska” to one's name. The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
  • Building on previous observations, a group of scientists in the Department of Gerd Jürgens at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, together with scientists in Belgium, described the necessity of combining increased cell cycle activity and auxin, which is one of the major plant hormones, to give rise to an increase in root branching. - latest science and technology news stories
  • It might well retard job creation, should it give rise to inflationary expectations or, worse, imply that, having suffered the slings and arrows of popular and political contempt as we went about doing what we did to save the financial system, we have now been compromised and become a pliant accomplice to Congress's and the executive branch's fiscal misfeasance. Notable & Quotable
  • This decoherence, however, signals the irreducible inaccessibility of the efficacious processes that give rise to the body or the text through certain nonclassical configurations of material or phenomenal effects. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • In the honeybee each ommatidium contains six green photoreceptors, which give rise to the short visual fibres. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The accumulation of many observations of this kind where left, but not right, focal damage destroys the comprehension, as well as the expression, of language helped to give rise over the years to the so-called classic view in neurology of a dominant or major, left, language hemisphere and a subordinate, or minor, nonlanguage hemisphere. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • Some animals also show great ability to regenerate: small fragments of animals such as starfish, planarians, and Hydra can give rise to a whole animal.
  • Allowing players to voice their grievances will simply give rise to an atmosphere of poisonous recrimination. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advertisements addressed to the general public and relied upon by the plaintiff may give rise to an express or implied warranty so as to form the basis of a products liability action.
  • The fact that a matter might or might not give rise to a claim under federal jurisdiction does not constitute it as a claim.
  • The diverse oceanographic conditions that occur in the park give rise to a similarly diverse array of species assemblages.
  • On the other hand, the inferior mesenteric may give rise to the middle colic or to an accessory right hepatic, ‘accessory’ renal artery, or a common artery for both umbilical arteries when it arises from its usual position from the aorta.
  • It greatly opens the pores of the skin (estimated to be twenty miles in length), and through this extensive channel depurating the system of effete matters, which, if retained by reason of non-performance of its functions, would give rise to disease of one kind or another. The Warm Springs, Madison County, Western North Carolina. Howerton & Klein, Proprietors. Hot, Warm, Tepid and Cold Baths
  • The miracidia will then penetrate prosobranch snails, Elimia symmetrica, where they will transform first into mother sporocysts, which will give rise to daughter sporocysts via polyembryony.
  • It is possible to isolate a multipotent stem cell from neural crest that can give rise to neurons, glia, and smooth muscle.
  • Malignant peripheral nerve tumors that arise from major nerves typically give rise to a striking constellation of sensory and motor symptoms, including projected pain, paresthesias, and weakness.
  • It isn't only new blocks of multi-storey apartments that give rise to legal issues.
  • There are many moulds which under certain conditions give rise to this torula condition, to a substance which is not distinguishable from yeast, and which has the same properties as yeast — that is to say, which is able to decompose sugar in the curious way that we shall consider by-and-by. Essays
  • The muscles of the hand are subdivided into three groups: (1) those of the thumb, which occupy the radial side and produce the thenar eminence; (2) those of the little finger, which occupy the ulnar side and give rise to the hypothenar eminence; (3) those in the middle of the palm and between the metacarpal bones. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
  • They give rise to clones of mutant cells showing up as mosaic spots on the eyes or the wings, respectively.
  • For example, it is unclear how these superficial peritoneal lesions would give rise to infertility, especially if they were distant from the fimbria of the tubes or ovaries.
  • Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing the highway.
  • Society does not, of course, always recognize or accept that individual needs give rise to social problems. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • It's funny how a chance encounter, a few words of enthusiasm, and the afterglow of a successful trip can give rise to unrestrained optimism.
  • As is well known, viruses are contagia which give rise to a large number of the best known illnesses in man, animals and plants, e.g. smallpox, infantile paralysis, influenza, foot-and-mouth disease, mosaic disease (on tobacco plants), etc. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1946 - Presentation Speech
  • For example, brain and hematopoietic stem cells give rise only to neural tissue and blood cells, respectively.
  • So it looks as though internalist justifications are like irritatingly persistent children in that they give rise to an unending regress of reasons for reasons.
  • Malignant peripheral nerve tumors that arise from major nerves typically give rise to a striking constellation of sensory and motor symptoms, including projected pain, paresthesias, and weakness.
  • This pyorrhoea alveolaris, as it is called, constitutes a very great danger to the patient's health, the purulent discharge teems with poisonous micro-organisms, which being constantly swallowed are apt to give rise to septic disease in various organs. Youth and Sex
  • This matrix becomes fibrillated, and in it islets of calcification make their appearance, and coalescing give rise to a continuous layer of calcified material which covers each cusp and constitutes the first layer of dentin. XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
  • The fiber bundles that make up plantaris give rise to a flat, short, fusiform belly and are united to a narrow tendon that extends along the medial edge of the calcaneal tendon to the posterior surface of the calcaneus where it attaches.
  • A failure to carry out necessary work would give rise to liability.
  • It is a collection of 1,270 alphanumerical charts which, after several rounds of deciphering, give rise to many old writings in different languages.
  • These notions when confronted with Jahangir's own interest in, possession and treatment of elephants give rise to a particular manifestation of the ideologies of barbarism and civilization.
  • Yet far from being too depressed, the upbeat rhythms and musical arrangements give rise to an uplifting single that boasts a terrific chorus in a style reminiscent of Jeff Buckley and that type of songwriter.
  • Scientists theorize that methane rains from Titan's sky, creating surface methane or ethane lakes, which may give rise to clouds, similar to the water cycle on Earth.
  • Capital availability is scarce and may give rise Co greater pressures to demonstrate results from investments in ReD.
  • Just as the yolk cells of the frog form the ventral wall of the intestine, so nuclei appear along the upper side of the yolk of the fowl, where some protoplasm still exists, and give rise to the ventral hypoblastic cells. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Any lack of precision in the contract could give rise to a dispute.
  • Thus, as an arya, when we validly cognized a “result, which is not yet happening” when focusing on our “presently-happening five aggregate factors,” we would also be validly cognizing: the karmic tendency for this result, its “temporarily not-giving-rise to its result,” its “ability to give rise to this result, which is not yet happening,” the “not-yet-happening of this result,” the absence of the “presently-happening result” of this karmic tendency. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • If you think that competing appetitive attitudes could give rise to a strict case of standard akrasia, you should recall how Socrates would have to explain these cases of psychological conflict in order to avoid multiplying his divisions in the soul. Plato's Ethics and Politics in The Republic
  • The defendant says such damage does not give rise to a compensable loss of the plaintiff in this action.
  • Draconian provisions which alter the principles and foundation of our legal system may serve in the long run to undermine that system and give rise to perfidies not initially contemplated.
  • Moreover, the same etiologic factor may give rise to a great diversity of eruptions.
  • It is to be here remarked that fecal matters are sometimes retained in the sacculi or pouches of the colon, and may give rise to the circumstances referred to, whilst a passage exists along the centre of the canal that shall permit a daily evacuation to occur. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Martin Evans had worked with mouse embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, which although they came from tumors could give rise to almost any cell type. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Press Release
  • It might be that a freewheeling attitude in our small patch in the garden, where anything goes and where survival of the fittest is allowed to operate naturally will in turn naturally give rise to the kind of vibrant scene that we all desire. December 2007
  • In such cases, the traditions of earlier ages, or of some higher and more educated caste which has been destroyed, may give rise to the notion of degeneracy from a primaeval state of superior intelligence, or of science supernaturally communicated. The Antiquity of Man
  • Under the doctrine of breach of statutory duty some regulatory codes may give rise to civil liability when breached.
  • Later, the tadpole larva will undergo metamorphosis to give rise to the adult frog; the tail regresses and the limbs form.
  • Then comes reconstruction, reorganization, a getting acquainted with the new order of things, and the new duties and experiences to which it will give rise; then will be discoveries of new truths, and new applications of old; old errors and superstitions have been renounced, and facts and principles which have long lain in abeyance, smothered under a weight of neglect and unappreciation, will start into fresh magnitude. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The research will analyse the changing structure of leadership and the conditions which give rise to political stability and instability.
  • If the irradiation is too strong, however, it may give rise to tissue damage, but this may to some extent be prevented by pigmentation of the skin as in the negro or in those much exposed to the sun. Niels Ryberg Finsen - Biography
  • From a psychological perspective, this research seems to indicate that past success may give rise to convergent thinking in groups.
  • This gas may give rise to malodour, although it is not considered harmful in the concentrations being released.
  • In most observed cases religious conversion did not give rise to a particular ‘capitalist spirit’ or economic success.
  • The various combinations and recombinations of these elements, moreover, give rise to several orders of movement within the art, and the images owe much of their dynamism to an intricate play of form at the hands of the engraver.
  • Braudel, p. 368, distinguishes four possible handlers in a bill's life course, the purchaser, the drawer, the bearer, and the drawee who would accept the bill (or not, which might give rise to protests or a lawsuit). Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Society does not, of course, always recognize or accept that individual needs give rise to social problems. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • In colonial hydroids, the individual polyps, or zooids, are differentiated for different functions: gastrozooids feed, dactylozoids capture prey, and gonozooids give rise to medusoids with gametes.
  • The colonizationist hoped, by offering to the free Negro an attractive home in Africa, to induce conscientious masters everywhere to liberate their slaves, and to give rise to a growing popular sentiment condemning slavery, which would in time result in its extinction. History of Liberia Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science
  • The essential defining characteristic of this relation is its capacity to give rise to pleonasm.
  • Any lack of precision in the contract could give rise to a dispute.
  • The lateral femoral circumflex may give rise to an obturator.
  • Understanding how the activities of individual colony members give rise to these colony patterns is a key question in insect sociobiology.
  • However, it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published.
  • His generalisation that two of the germ-layers give rise exclusively or almost exclusively to one kind of tissue excited great interest at the time, and gave the direction to histogenetic research for quite a number of years, though in the end it turned out to be insufficiently founded. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • A polished surface will appear when coated as a polished surface, and a mat surface as a mat surface; moreover, any local irregularity, such as a speck of a foreign metal, will give rise to an ugly spot in the nickelling bath. On Laboratory Arts
  • This is not meant to suggest that mortgages over realty are unimportant, or do not give rise to legal problems.
  • Choices made within these relationships, he argued, may give rise to the financial dependence of one partner on the other.
  • But since the Theory requires that for any group of entities with a common property, there is a Form to explain the commonality, it appears that the theory does indeed give rise to the vicious regress.
  • The somites, now positioned on either side of the neural tube, give rise to the vertebrae and ribs, to the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and also contribute to the dermis of the skin.
  • These powerful or 'pluripotent' master cells give rise to all the 200 or more specialised cell types in the body. Times, Sunday Times
  • Examples of important proenzymes include pepsinogen, trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen, which give rise to the proteolytic digestive enzymes.
  • The words I have emphasised give rise to two issues of interpretation on which the parties are fundamentally divided.
  • The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.
  • As the osteogenetic fibers grow out to the periphery they continue to calcify, and give rise to fresh bone spicules. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • Pirate radio was about to be superannuated by the BBC shake-up that would give rise to Radio One.
  • Two of the postulated structures contain the chromophoric system C = C – C = C – C = O which should therefore give rise to a characteristic absorption spectrum. Science
  • Within this inner space, the plan of "beginning and end." moving waves between stellar and tangular hyperbolae of fields about centrifugal actions of the surround - interstellar matter. a star cluster, solar system or 15 The then newly formed stars ing light forms give rise to the be - a n d planets contain a core center 20 The grasp of certain laws of planet are created/establishing an ginnings of the galactic form. which is interpenetrated by an the universe is facilitated if we interconnecting force of universal 12 These pyramidal light forms elongated primary cone within a have a distinct picture, of the invis - gravitation a n d the operations of contain the basic codes of the ma - shorter secondary cone operating in ible operations before us. waves pervading nature. terial cycles of creation, and pro - pairs, creating a bipolarity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows

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