How To Use Give it a try In A Sentence
You never know what you can achieve if you don't give it a try and I don't want to limit my horizons.
This is going to be difficult to do without sounding heartless, but I'll give it a try.
Even if the idea seems strange, give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain.
Still, men who want something other than sabre-rattling should maybe give it a try.
Comic novels I « Tales from the Reading Room
It was getting excellent reviews there, so I decided to give it a try.
Julia Mar 8 useful tip, i tried in the mircowave before but realize now that the oven would be much better - also like the toast idea and will give it a try. phil and teds Mar 10
Can I refresh stale cookies? | Baking Bites
I don't think I'll be any good at tennis, but I'll give it a try.
I fail to see why you won't even give it a try.
As you look at the photos, make a pretend gun with your fingers, tuck your fleshy roscoe under your arm and give it a try.
You don't even have a shot at making something good if you don't sit down and give it a try.
I thought that you could just give it a try and that if you didn't like it you were free to revert to your former habits.
On the other hand, I strongly recommend anyone interested to give it a try.
I'm probably too new at legal academia to have a very good answer to this question, but I thought I would give it a try.
If you're based in the UK and missed this series first time round I strongly urge you to give it a try.
We all suffer from NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome, our natural reaction to someone else's ides is "why it won't work" vs. "let's give it a try!
I really hope you'll give it a try when the tutorial is done.
Lipstick Making - Day One
I just bought all the ingredients for this cake, and I’m going to give it a try….the only problem I’m going to have, is I’m taking it to a BBQ tomorrow afternoon, and I guess I won’t be ablet to put that whipped cream on until I get there to whip it up…I hate doing anything in their kitchen…I don’t know them all that well, but oh well, hopefully, it’ll be WORTH IT!
Double chocolate torte | smitten kitchen
At the time Lisa had no idea what judo was, but thought Aaron sounded cute and decided to give it a try.
Hi ! I just brewed this Tieh-Kwan-Yin , please give it a try .
They bullied their way into my apartment, uploaded the game onto my computer and demanded that I give it a try.
If yes, definitely give it a try, but don't think only in terms of accomplishing anything.
I didn't even know if asking her was a good idea or not, but I'll give it a try and see what happens.
And so, before returning to college for my junior year, I ventured up the cliff to give it a try.
So if you are a budding entrepreneur with a nose for a good idea and think that you could capture the essence of, say, Leeds or Solihull in a bottle, now might be the time to give it a try.
The author agrees to give it a try - and at first it seems to be just what she needed.
There is no known lethal dose in laboratory animals so why not give it a try?
It takes only a long click on the application icon then selecting / deselecting the run-in compatibility mode icon to give it a try.
It was kind of scary because the school was bigger and nosier than my old one and located in a pretty bad neighborhood (some boarded-up buildings nearby could have been home for crackheads), but I was willing to give it a try.
Good article about growing up on the meaner streets of my hometown, Savannah
Once they give it a try they normally wonder why they did not take the plunge sooner.
The Sun
If it has attractive art and nice looking parts I'm much more inclined to give it a try.
Lily smiles weakly and says we should give it a try.
Times, Sunday Times
They supposedly attract minnows, which then would bring in gamefish, so ... give it a try ant tell me what happens.
Do you think a light is effective in catching more crappies at night, or is it a gimmick?
I came in a little late for the pork chop dish he was making, but I saw enough to want to give it a try.
If you fancy yourself a bit of an improv or would like to give it a try there will be a theatre sports workshop just for you!
That may prompt some not obviously qualified optimists to give it a try.
Times, Sunday Times
So we though we would give it a try and much to our surprise from the very first time that we tried to grow these blood vessels it worked.
If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.
He owed several thousand pounds and when he was told by friends that he could get a living in Spain he decided to give it a try.