How To Use gitano In A Sentence
- The gitano, talking of Juan, put his finger to his head.
- The gitano asked me a stiff price but did not swindle me.
- The Gitanos sing, clap and dance for themselves.
- Even groups such as the Gitanos or Romnichals, despite having lost most of their original language, still maintain a strong sense of ethnic identity and exclusiveness.
- Indeed the passionate singing, dancing, and playing of flamenco, which is an authentic form of expression in the gitano community, remains an exotic flavor for the rest of Spain. Modiba: From Spain's Storied South, Diverging Voices
- The gitano gave me a good lunch, of which I ate and drank sparingly.
- The musical art of flamenco has its genesis in the culture of the Gitano, and eventually emerged as a thriving part of Spanish culture today.
- The gitano offered me almonds and a few figs.
- As a society within a society, the Gitanos of Spain have maintained their art as a connection to an unwritten past and a way to share it with others.
- Residents from the rest of the district oppose both drug users and Gitano drug dealers.