[ US /ˈdʒɪst/ ]
[ UK /d‍ʒˈɪst/ ]
  1. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
    the gist of the prosecutor's argument
    the nub of the story
    the heart and soul of the Republican Party
  2. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
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How To Use gist In A Sentence

  • Imagine an anthropologist visiting a remote tribal village to study its inhabitants.
  • Economists say the ecosystem is basically healthy; ecologists worry it may, be on the verge of being irreparably damaged.
  • According to noted plant ecologist Andre Clewell, this vegetative mix is normally found on the coast - more than 15 miles away.
  • These constricted unmyelinated regions are called nodes of Ran-vier (rahn-vee-ay), after the French histologist Louis Antoine The Human Brain
  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • Church of Constantinople was still strong, as is shown by the great work of S. Theodore of the S.udium, famous as a hymn-writer, a liturgiologist, and a defender of the faith. The Church and the Barbarians Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003
  • We registered, writing our names and place of residence, and checked for family members.
  • Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering. Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
  • In the postwar years, we have seen some tendencies bypass Stalinism and register important achievements.
  • High-level synthesis is also called behavioral synthesis, the main task of which is to translate the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL (Register Transfer Level).
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