How To Use Giro In A Sentence
Contador, who won the 2007 Tour and the 2008 Spanish Vuelta and Giro d'Italia, is also aiming to win in Paris this year.
Armstrong, Contador team up in Castilla Leon race
Bringing what little money he had saved after sending Serafina her giros postales, he would burst into the familiar cantinas on Santa Fe Street and buy beer for his old acquaintances.
But now Girobank are offering free banking to clubs and voluntary organisations as long as the account stays in credit.
She did finally get sent a giro for the first two weeks of her pension, last week.
Highly endangered endemics include the Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow), whose nesting sites are currently restricted to a few outlying islets, and the Bermuda skink (Eumeces longirostris).
Bermuda subtropical conifer forests
To the west lie the Bordeaux lowlands and the Gironde Estuary, to the south the plains of Languedoc, and to the east the Rhône valley.
The four-course "giro" menu deal $35 weekdays, $40 weekends is an affordable way to take the measure of Brandt-Lee's progress as a chef.
Phillies Zone
The retired RAF wing commander, who flew Little Nellie in the 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice, set the world speed record in 2002 when his autogiro reached 129.1 mph.
Zanini, Italy: Suspended six months by ICF on June 8, 2002, for possession of insulin syringe at 2001 Giro d'Italia. - Tour to test early and often
But his autogiro was too fast for their antiquated ships and they lost him.
"Thia of the Drylands" by Harl Vincent, part 5
Since then, Wilford had built a gyroplane, a machine similar to an Autogiro, based on a design he had bought during a visit to Germany in the 1920s.
The Dream Machine
Lo giro interamente the San Francisco, una delle pi belle citt del mondo!!!
Archive 2009-11-01
First, it will be recalled that errors made by customers when completing blank bank giro credit forms led to unacceptable delays in payments being made.
If their giros are one day late they can't afford to buy nappies for their kids.
The bank giro credit, which is delivered to the drawee bank and not to the payee, is payable as soon as the drawee, viz. the originator's bank, can make payment.
No work for them as well giros are their due recompense off the fascist state for going to drug raves important demo's against Israel and the EVIL Airlines or something.
Labour voters No.2 - The eco loon.
Capitol, climbing out of his autogiro after a quick game of golf, see this link.
Boing Boing
The software must also take account of different payment methods, allowing people to be paid by cheque, cash or giro.
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR); 1st edition (March 21, 2006), Hardcover, 144 pages
This region is split by the Gironde river, in the south-west of France.
Far vedere e dare ad intendere ... non costa niente, si rompono le scatole un po in giro a terzi (e non a se stessi) e si fa una bella figura a poco prezzo "convincendo" la stampa di regime a pompare in bello le proprie "azioni preventive" ... ma fare le cose sul serio, come perseguire quelli che mettono in commercio il software contraffatto lasciando liberi gli innocenti ... aaaahhh quello ci vuole troppo, troppe risorse, troppo tempo e non si può fare come da sempre qui in itlaia a scaricabarile "pensaci tu!
The Pirate Bay - Blog
The service is there as an emergency resource for people who are struggling to make ends meet perhaps because an unexpected bill has turned up or a giro has been delayed.
I would dearly love to spend the time on the 20% of decent, honest, genuine victims but I really dont have the time due to having to trace knacker Ned to update him on how the investigation into his complaint of “theft of giro” is coming along.
How “Police Performance” Fraud Works. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Illustration by Arthur Giron Books to Set You Free 'The Year of the Hare' is only the most Finnish, and perhaps most antically Zen-ish, of a shelf-load of books that tell us to find and live by our own ideas of contentment.
The Road Into the Open
Add the girolles and cook for 2 minutes.
The Dordogne and the Garonne flow north westward, meeting to form the great expanse of the Gironde estuary.
A Back-Label Approach
To make the dressing, carefully pour off the oily part of the girolle cooking liquid into a bowl, leaving the watery liquid behind in the pan.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Gordon Ramsay suggests chestnut mushrooms, Simon and Lindsey, and James Martin flat black mushrooms, Delia a mixture of dried porcini, soaked before use, and chestnut, and Madelene a veritable melange of oyster, chestnut, shitake and girolles.
How to cook perfect beef wellington
Also in contrast to certain shoe designs, Giro wanted a neutral platform, free of any built-in varus or valgus wedge or cant.
Tech Feature – Giro launches full line of cycling shoes
Olive admitted asking his brother to cash it for him, said Miss Abel, and he knew he was not entitled to cash both giros and he should have returned the original.
There was once a time when her uncle, Father Girolamo, could not even utter the name of Medici without choking on his own bile, so abhorrent was the legacy of that family to him and his ancestors.
The Poet Prince
Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus).
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
Rose enjoyed women's baseball in Giroux in her younger days, and later she took up curling, especially enjoying bonspiels.
Charlotte approached him and told him she had news from Normandy of the factionary Girondins who had escaped to Caen.
Archive 2007-12-16
There is also a Menu Gourmand featuring onion ice cream with balsamic vinegar, and roasted Bresse pigeon with girolles and baby onion.
I denounce the liberticide Brissot, the Girondist faction, the villainous committee of twenty-one in the National Assembly.
The French Revolution - Volume 3
Many locals were woken well before their giros arrived.
The Sun
My mission is to make one of his signature dishes - a cappuccino of haricots blancs with sauteed girolles and grated truffle - and get an insight into the bad-boy of British haute cuisine.
`Only a true philatelist could sympathize with Hector Giroux, eh?
You can use wild mushrooms such as cep or girolle.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the only locality in the country for striped buttonquail Turnix sylvatica, bristled grass warbler Chaetornis striatus andslender-billed babbler Turdoides longirostris.
Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
My autogiro is over here and we can be in my apartment in no time at all.
"Thia of the Drylands" by Harl Vincent, part 1
In the United Kingdom the customer's only sources for verification are, usually, the counterfoils in his cheque-book, receipts produced by point-of-sale terminals after use of his debit card, and giro forms.
This was perfectly cooked medium rare, the earthy girolles working well with the breadth of truffle and quality meat.
The waiter announced with the stunned air of a man imparting news of a bereavement that due to a problem with supplies, the girolle mushrooms on the menu were in fact morels.
In 1530, the physician and poet Girolamo Fracastoro christened the disease in his classically inspired poem "Syphilis."
Perched on a promontory of chalk cliffs overlooking an Atlantic estuary, the tiny fortified fishing village of Talmont-sur-Gironde, around 450 kilometers southwest of Paris, commands a site sufficiently dramatic to impress the most jaded sightseer.
Visiting Charm-Guaranteed French Villages
His variation on the traditional bowl of rice that concludes a kaiseki ryori sequence is an exquisite chahan Chinese fried rice, with thin slivers of girolle mushrooms.
Exploring Sushi on the Seine
Where is now the enthusiastic Gironde, where the volcanic mountain, the fiery, and eloquent Mirabeau, the wily Brissot, the atheistic Lequinios, the remorseless Marat, the bloody St. Just, and the chief of the deplumed and fallen legions of equality?
The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
Tyler Farrar wins Giro d'Italia's second stage in sprint finish - USATODAY. com
Tyler Farrar wins Giro d'Italia's second stage in sprint finish
You can use wild mushrooms such as cep or girolle.
Times, Sunday Times
Audiit, in giro (Audit ingyre) sedis/Quid psallant cum citharoedis/Quater seni proceres:
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
Through the fumes of a certain number of bottles and various glasses of various liquors, Giroudeau pointed out to Philippe a plump and agile little ballet-girl whom he called Florentine, whose good graces and affection, together with the box, belonged to him as the representative of an all-powerful journal.
The Two Brothers
Money has been credited to your account by bank giro.
Schools clothing grant giro, my medical card, fishing rods, my son's snooker cue all stolen.
Effondrer, to thrash a man, to give him what for; otolondrer, to annoy or to "spur" him; cambrioler, doing anything in a room; aubert, money; Gironde, a beauty (the name of a river of Languedoc); fouillousse, a pocket -- a "cly" -- are all French of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Mr. Wender asked Ms. Wasserman to let him know if she ever spotted an investment opportunity, and not long afterward she enlisted him to help rescue the foundering negotiant firm of Camille Giroud, with whom she'd worked for years.
In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
The game is up for him, then, as even though he captures Vincent, who has been dressed as The Shadow, he reckons without The Shadow's autogiro, and explosive entrance through his window many floors up, to effect a rescue.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Death Tower - Maxwell Grant
It is easy for families to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives.
If you pay on a normal credit bill and write a cheque or pay by giro, you can save up to a maximum of 13 per cent if you change to direct debit.
Quand ils me les eurent couppez, disoit-elle, ils me les voulurent faire manger; mais ie les mis sur mon giron, et leur dis qu'ils me tuassent s'ils vouloient, que ie ne leur pouuois obeir.
The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
This region is split by the Gironde river, in the south-west of France.
With fried girolle mushrooms on top it was an ode to autumn.
Times, Sunday Times
While the chicken is cooling, heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the girolle mushrooms for 1 minute.
Times, Sunday Times
The most moderate party, consisting of those who would sustain the throne, but limit its powers by a free constitution, retaining many of the institutions and customs which antiquity had rendered venerable, was called the _Girondist party_.
Madame Roland, Makers of History
This was for various eubacteria such as Escherichia Giron et al.
Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
Here, in this small, unpretentious rural backwater on the right bank of Bordeaux's Gironde river, was where those who favoured silky, supple clarets bought their wine.
No rolled loin of lamb with grain mustard, crisp pancetta and girolle mushrooms for me, then.
He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro.
Tyler Farrar wins Giro d'Italia's second stage in sprint finish
Tyler Farrar wins Giro d'Italia's second stage in sprint finish
There will be no further costs as long as the bank is part of the giro network.
MILAN (AP) Spanish rider Pedro Horillo Munoz was awoken from a 24-hour coma Sunday after tumbling off the side of the road during a high-speed descent at the Giro d'Italia.
Horillo Munoz woken from coma after 8th stage crash
Four of his nephews and their aggrandizement were the particular objects of his attentions, and two of these -- as we have already said -- Piero and Girolamo Riario, were universally recognized to be his sons.
The Life of Cesare Borgia
My favourite wild mushrooms are ceps and chanterelles or girolles.
Why bothey to push about a sackbarrow when giros and daytime TV beckons?
The Coconuts Of London
Also in contrast to certain shoe designs, Giro wanted a neutral platform, free of any built-in varus or valgus wedge or cant.
Tech Feature – Giro launches full line of cycling shoes
In a second conference in the evening, under the same precautions, Giron agreed to remove his soldiers from the city, to give up eight of the most mutinous of his soldiers to the magistrates, and even to make compearance in person before the court to answer for his conduct during the mutiny.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 05 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
But now Girobank are offering free banking to clubs and voluntary organisations as long as the account stays in credit.
In the last five years the Post Office has lost a third of its Girobank transactions and a quarter of National Savings and telephone bill payments.
“Monsier Girou is what we might call an avant-garde astronomer,” he said.
The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
Hang around the JSA car park gates at dawn hoping that you'll be picked for a "giro" award?
If ever there was a government out of touch, then New Labour is it.
Giro organizers announced Tuesday that they want this year's race to be the most controlled event in cycling history, with 520 total tests planned up from the 340 blood tests and 141 urine exams last year.
Liquigas defending Pellizotti against charges of doping
Angela invites me to spend a day at the Connaught where I am allowed to gut partridges, prep beef and veal fillets and trim girolles.
Yes | No | Report from robert giron wrote 3 years 50 weeks ago
The Lead Sled--America's Shame?
He latterly lived in a flat in Irvine, supported by social services, but went missing in 1997, taking with him only his passport and leaving £3,000 in giro cheques.
Á menos que los giros vengan acompañados de los conocimientos y facturas comerciales y consulares (invoices and consular invoices) no los recogeremos.
Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)
Best of all there is a half cylinder of roasted beef bone, with its rich, savoury cargo of jellied marrow, dressed with snails, crisped pancetta, girolles, meaty jus and a brightly acidic parsley salad.
Best UK Restaurant 2010: The Kitchin, Edinburgh
GRACE: Well, on the other hand, to Jennifer Johnson, PIO with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation -- Jennifer, when a guy is in full shackle, which is not all that typical -- I mean, normally, a guy ` s either in handcuffs or handcuffs legirons.
CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2005
Moving on, I'm also pleased to report that, while my Universal Sports Giro d'Italia blog has concluded along with the Giro itself spoiler alert: Basso won, I have been hornswoggled into "curating" yet another extracurricular blogular undertaking.
Back in the Saddle: The Unwatched Pot Boils Over
If you pay on a normal credit bill and write a cheque or pay by giro, you can save up to a maximum of 13 per cent if you change to direct debit.
When a man lives in, a woman's independence - her own name on the weekly giro - is automatically surrendered.
[...] in giro per la rete ho trovato il blog di Lorelle che fornisce una serie di trucchi per poter applicare i tag technorati sui nostri blog senza dover [...]
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The name syphilis comes from a poem written by the physician Girolamo Fracastoro in 1530, about a shepherd named Syphilus who offended the god Apollo and was punished with the world's first case of the pox.
Archive 2003-01-01
Olá amigo, sugiro passar as notícias de forma integral com citação da fonte, sem perdas de informação que gere um malentendimento do que foi passado.
Playful Parasites
CHIAVENNA, Italy (AP) Edvald Boasson Hagen of Norway won the seventh stage of the Giro d'Italia on Friday, beating four other riders in a sprint finish on a rain-slicked road.
Boasson Hagen takes stage win; Di Luca keeps Giro lead
Signorino, domani faremo uno giro," called the cabman, with engaging certainty.
A Room with a View
• Le salmis de pieuvre au girofle Mauritius de Stelio Perombelon, chef des Cons servent et du Pullman ak
Christmas in September
After admiring the car at a vehicle auction site in Elkridge, Giron, 21, whipped out his phone, leaned in close to the cherry-red exterior and snapped pictures of his face next to the Ferrari logo.
Feds reap $1 million from Md. auction of vehicles seized in Brown wire fraud
Wayne & co do so 24/7, and just keep picking up the giros.
Less widely broadcast was the bumper season for c è pe and girolle mushrooms throughout Europe, with wholesale prices going as low as € 15 a kilo.
Foraging in the New Forest
His daily Ś 35 lunch menu is extraordinarily good value, with superb sweetbreads and girolle mushrooms, risotto with mussels and saffron, plus a luscious chocolate pudding with strawberries.
Better, Cheaper French Cuisine
The Waitangiroto River is the only place where kotuku breed in New Zealand, although they are also present in Australia.
Westland temperate forests
Saturday's stage is a 109. 7-mile (176.5 kilometer) ride along three hard climbs from Andorra-la-Vieille in Andorra to Saint-Girons, in France.
Feillu, Nocentini excel as Armstrong slips to third in Tour
Girona proper is steeped in the history of its medieval old city, a cobbled labyrinth of narrow alleys and watchtowers separated from the city's modern business district by the smooth-flowing Onyar River.
And when the Mexicans came to him, asking his help in sending their giros postales back to their families, he felt a positive bond of affection for them.
The money was transferred by giro.
My dining companion and I elected to begin with foie gras ballottine with truffled cauliflower and white peach soup, and rump of veal with pickled girolles, green leaf salad, tomato and tarragon dressing.
An earthy casserole of pumpkin and courgette, frilly girolle mushrooms, chestnuts and pillowy clouds of curd was so delightfully autumnal that it seemed entirely fitting when the candle flame ignited my napkin, producing a small bonfire on the table.
Evening Standard - Home
Oh, I'll see your Blackberry and raise you an autogiro.
Boing Boing
But the problem arises only where an amount is credited to a wrong account as a result of an error in decoding or of the insertion of inaccurate details in the bank giro credit.
Slice the mushrooms thinly, but tear the girolles, chanterelles and blewits in half.
Foodbeam » 2005 » August
No rolled loin of lamb with grain mustard, crisp pancetta and girolle mushrooms for me, then.
Rilassatevi con un giro in bicicletta fra il verde degli alberi.
No Fat Clips!!! : Orba Squara – Gravel
Firstly for Michelin stars, of which The Ledbury posseses two for its well-heeled fayre the likes of shoulder of Pyrenean milk-fed lamb, saddle of Sika deer baked in Douglas fir, and lasagne of rabbit with girolle purée.
Evening Standard - Home
Deeply trendy, urban cuisine features the likes of rack of lamb with caramelised endives and steamed halibut with girolles, spring leeks, white wine and cream.
He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro.
In 2002, long before Goldman Sachs Conspiracy Theory became a major interdisciplinary body of knowledge, a group of American investors led by Joe Wender and his wife, Ann Colgin, bought Camille Giroud, a small but venerable Burgundian negotiant.
In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
Leipheimer understands the arrangement is a quid pro quo for the Giro d'Italia, which Armstrong is scheduled to race in for the first time in May with Astana.
Leipheimer wins time trial, Armstrong 14th in California
After the Bee, Rick Toms, 14, of Tempe, Ariz., who stumbled on "girolle" (a kind of mushroom), lambasted the trash talkers he claimed threw him off his "game.
The Sportsman's Daily: Trash Talking Contestants Roil 82nd Annual Spelling Bee
Garzelli, Italy: Tested positive for probenecid at 2002 Giro d'Italia, expelled from race and removed as winner of two stages. - Tour to test early and often
During the war a tiny number of helicopters and autogiros were employed, sometimes actually seeing action, though success was sporadic at best.
Optical fiber giro with piezoelectric ceramic phase modulator can improve checkout sensitivity and range of measurement.
My favourite wild mushrooms are ceps and chanterelles or girolles.
Tiberio then caused the said loggia, which is the one facing the meadows, to be painted by Girolamo Sermoneta; which finished, the rest of the rooms were entrusted in part to Luzio Romano, and finally the halls and other important apartments were finished partly by Perino with his own hand, and partly by others after his cartoons.
Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi
Many locals were woken well before their giros arrived.
The Sun
Iisn't that what us lower orders spend our giros on?
Coalition to propose automatic charity donations at cash machines
You can use wild mushrooms such as cep or girolle.
Times, Sunday Times
(Bangkok) Co. A beautifully refreshing Darjeeling and sapodilla sorbert prepared by chef Denis Lartigue of Conrad Bangkok was followed by the main course, slow roast fillet of wagyu beef with ragout of girolle mushrooms. : Breaking News
I love wild mushrooms and in particular, chanterelles (or girolles in French).
Girouard notes that the denim looks like a yarn-dyed product when it is garment dyed.
Wouter Weylandt, a 26-year-old Belgian cyclist, died Monday from injuries sustained in a crash during the third stage of the Giro d'Italia, near the town of Rapallo in northern Italy.
Crash Kills Cyclist at Giro d'Italia
He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro: £52.10.
Among these are Chauna chavarria, Cairina moschata, Sarkidiornis melanotos, Dendrocygna autumnalis, Dendrocygna bicolor, and important fishes such as Brycon moorei, Ichthyoelephas longirostris, Prochilodus reticulatus, Petenia krausii, and Tarpon atlanticus.
Sinú Valley dry forests
Tyler Farrar wins Giro d'Italia's second stage in sprint finish cycling | Comment | Recommend
Cycling News, Reports & Coverage
We relished our razor clams ( "spoots" in Scottish dialect) from Arisaig, cooked with the Spanish touch of chorizo; hand-dived Orkney scallops; roasted bone marrow with Devon snails and generously scattered Perthshire girolles; an unrecognizable circle of boned and rolled pig's head accompanied by roasted langoustine from Anstruther and a crunchy salad of shredded pig's ear; and the brilliantly conceived disk of foie-gras-cum-haggis, neeps and tatties.
From Ships to Michelin Stars
a single gold tremissis from the Girona mint struck in the name of King Witiza, between
A Corner of Tenth-Century Europe
The clerk who wrote your giro by hand has long been replaced by a machine paying money into your account.
My wife drove him back to Girona where the vet was waiting for her call.
Apart from the sandy heaths of the Landes, to the south of the Gironde, it was a fertile region whose warm, damp climate favoured great agricultural diversity.
Angela invites me to spend a day at the Connaught where I am allowed to gut partridges, prep beef and veal fillets and trim girolles.
There was a very cute pumpkin and girolle soup.
An egg is poached in a sort of creamy girolles mushroom soup, and served in a cocktail glass.
They plan to dole out our information like giros to jihadists in Bradford, they must be joking.
NO to ID Cards.
Everything was food and I had my calendar and my own secret maps; I knew where the morels would be, the girolles, or the petit gris.
Tender, succulent and with its subtle flavour enhanced by girolles and foie gras, it was served just as it should be.
For example at the Giro delle Valli Cuneesi, I took the lead on the first day and the whole team rode to defend it and then to try and help me get it back after I cracked with a 'kay' to go on the toughest stage.
For example, the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve was established in 1957 to protect the kotuku nesting area and the 30 km2 Saltwater Ecological Area protects one of New Zealand's largest unmodified estuaries and the surrounding swamp forest.
Westland temperate forests
No, you don't understand, I had to wait for the post office to open so I could cash my giro and buy these boots," said the young hopeful, pulling the box out of his bag.
Harry Redknapp can turn into one of the masters of the European stage | Paul Hayward
Excited by the prospect, visionaries from the competing rotary wing tribes—Autogiro, helicopter, and convertiplane—gathered to debate how it should be spent.
The Dream Machine
Money has been credited to your account by bank giro.
During the event, test pilot James G. Ray—the same James G. Ray who later envisioned a convertiplane in every garage—landed an Autogiro on the White House lawn and took off in it again.
The Dream Machine
The only difference was that she did not send Tranquilino any giros postales, for she had no idea where he was, but Brumbaugh showed her how to save her money at the bank, which she did.
Bermuda’s isolation led to the evolution of many endemic species, including the endangered Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow), the Bermuda skink (Eumeces longirostris), and many endemic invertebrates.
Lo que uno quiso decir está todavía rondando, nos encariñamos con ciertos giros.
Veruscio Diary Entry
Jean Girodet has no doubt: écrivain n.m. Pas de forme pour le féminin.
Mousse - French Word-A-Day
SAN MARTINO DI CASTROZZA, Italy (AP) Danilo Di Luca won the fourth stage of the Giro d'Italia in a sprint finish Tuesday and dedicated the victory to his native Abruzzo region as it recovers from a deadly earthquake early last month.
Di Luca wins 4th stage of Giro, Armstrong dropped to sixth
Girondin, the librarian Chemin Dupontés, which gave rise to this cult; Valentine Hauy, instructor of the blind and former Terrorist, and the physiocrat, Dupont de Nemours, collaborated with him.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
It changes monthly and features dishes such as roast monkfish with girolles and baby leeks, and grilled free-range pork chops with bubble-and-squeak and roast carrots.
They came to power in 1791, and the popular mob uprising of 31 May-2 June 1793 led to their ouster from the Convention, the ascension of the Jacobins, and the trial and subsequent execution of prominent Girondins, including Brissot, in late October 1793.
Basso looked very good in the Giro and has improved against the clock since last year.
The mesophilic herbaceous undestory layer includes Anisantha sterilis, Elytrigia repens, Mentha longifolia, Cousinia umbrosa, Anthriscus longirostris, Physocaulis nodosus, and sometimes endemic wild onion Allium paradoxum.
Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
The conservatory opened into a library, and from the library you reach the antechamber, thus completing the 'giro' of one of the prettiest houses in St. Petersburg.
John Lothrop Motley, A Memoir — Complete
Solanas was thrilled by her status as a soon-to-be-published writer, but it wasn't long before she began obsessing about the seemingly restrictive legal boilerplate of Girodias's contract.
Petacchi already served a racing ban for elevated levels of salbutamol from the 2007 Giro d’Italia.
Green jersey winner Alessandro Petacchi to skip Tour de France presentation
Among the endemic birds associated with mangroves are the Cuban Green Woodpecker Xiphidiopicus percussus, the Jamaican tody Todus todus, and endemic subspecies of the mangrove warbler Dendroica petechia gundlachi, and the clapper rail Rallus longirostris caribaeus.
Greater Antilles mangroves
I've never seen Girogio behave in such an awkward , sneaky manner.
With the Girondists, the last bulwark against the inbreaking tyranny fell.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
My favourite wild mushrooms are ceps and chanterelles or girolles.
The new system is aimed at encouraging more people to get their benefits paid directly into a bank or building society instead of the old method, which involved cashing a docket out of an order book or a giro cheque at the post office.
The mesophilic herbaceous undestory layer includes Anisantha sterilis, Elytrigia repens, Mentha longifolia, Cousinia umbrosa, Anthriscus longirostris, Physocaulis nodosus, and sometimes endemic wild onion Allium paradoxum.
Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe
Italy: Found guilty of possessing insulin syringe at 2001 Giro d'Italia. - Tour to test early and often
Amelia Earhart, he said, once stopped here to refuel during a solo transcontinental autogiro flight.
The Fiddler in the Subway
With a bit of luck they WON’T come back from Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan and will be obliterated by a land mine and save the country a fortune in methadone scripts, giros and paying for their keep at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. on February 23, 2007 at 8: 24 pm | Reply gilbo
Community Engagement « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
We added another dimension by rolling out brioche mix like a piece of shortcrust and adding some wonderful girolle mushrooms and then rolling it up like a swiss roll.
A puppy, illegally imported from Morocco last month, is reported to have bitten at least nine people in the Gironde, Dordogne and Garonne regions of France before it died.
Wild mushrooms, such as chanterelles or girolles, taste delicious cooked with egg.
MILAN (AP) U.S. rider Christian Vande Velde was slated to undergo surgery on his injured shoulder in Antwerp on Tuesday after crashing in the Giro d'Italia.
Vande Velde to undergo surgery after Giro crash
She didn't know how she would manage until her next giro.
The Oratorian Fathers gave the family a choice of two painters for the Visitation, Girolamo Muziano and Barocci.
The Visitation
an autogiro is supported in flight by unpowered rotating wings