How To Use Gilman In A Sentence
- The Yellow Wallpaper is the masterpiece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a wellknown American feminist pioneer and writer.
- The rise in alveolar and blood CO2 tensions produces at the kidneys, as shown by the work of Pitts47 and of Gilman48, a retention of bicarbonate, thus further raising blood and tissue CO2 levels, though of course relieving in part the uncompensated gaseous acidosis. Dickinson W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
- It is not surprising, then, that by the late-19th century, three-quarters of women were "out of health" and represented the single largest market for therapeutic services, allowing doctors like Silas Weir Mitchell, the rest-cure physician who has been identified as the antihero of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper, to earn $60,000 a year in the The Young Turks
- As Gilman points out, in a short story this would be the moment where she'd realize that the idol of her dreams was in fact a lewd creep.
- We have not seen any good crystals of bornite from Gilman.
- Gilman's heroine, Dana, is a 38-year-old New York artist in a slough of depression which intensifies when her latest exhibition bombs.
- Gilman pyrites typically have associated minerals, particularly flattened siderite rhombohedra and marmatite.
- Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman, also recipient of the World Peace Prize Top Honor Prize, is a distinguished statesman who served as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee for a long period of time.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist literature.
- Can't even dodge into a telephone booth and warn Gilman - if I could reach him.