
  1. a legendary Sumerian king who was the hero of an epic collection of mythic stories
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How To Use Gilgamesh In A Sentence

  • The close association of Enkidu and Gilgamesh which becomes one of the striking features in the combination of the tales of these two heroes naturally recalls the "Heavenly Twins" _motif_, which has been so fully and so suggestively treated by Professor J. Rendell Harris in his _Cult of the Heavenly Twins_, (London, 1906). An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
  • After putting the smackdown on a monster in the forest, the ancient Babylonian hero Gilgamesh took a trip to the world of the dead.
  • The world in which Gilgamesh lives before Enkidu is the world of the me, the world shaped by craftsman Enki, god of clay, inventor of the wedge-shaped imprints of cuneiform, and the mathematics and writing that those marks graved into the world, inventor of irrigation, delineating territory into fields with the inscriptions of trenches. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Gilgamesh is so energetic he "would not leave young girls alone" and "would not leave any son alone for his father," according to Dalley's translation. Book Review: Gilgamesh the King
  • Gilgamesh is introduced as a builder of walls, which is to say, a builder of civilisation as the enclosed domain of formal, definitional structures -- the outer temple, the inner temple, the city walls. Archive 2007-03-01
  • In concluding this study of the two recently discovered tablets of the old Babylonian version of the Gilgamesh Epic which has brought us several steps further in the interpretation and in our understanding of the method of composition of the most notable literary production of ancient Babylonia, it will be proper to consider the _literary_ relationship of the old Babylonian to the Assyrian version. An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
  • Soon, no doubt, there will be cites in Latin and Greek, maybe even a quotation from Gilgamesh.
  • This Epic of Gilgamesh was discovered in 1853 during excavations in the ruins of Nineveh, together with over twenty thousand other clay tablets from the library of King Assurbanipal 668–626 BC. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Gilgamesh is a collection of poems engraved in cuneiform script on clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia (today's Middle East).
  • And how we define “substantiality” is flexible enough that we can happily describe a new translation of Gilgamesh into English as “original” even though it is striving, one would hope, to be as faithful an adaptation of its source as possible. Creative Control - Part 4
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