How To Use Gild In A Sentence
According to what I read in a couple of dictionaries, "gild" means to decorate the outside of something, usually unnecessarily.
Untwisted Vortex
Ingundis; and Leovigild, whose two sons, Hermenegild and Recared, were the issue of a former marriage.] [Footnote 128: Iracundiae furore succensa, adprehensam per comam capitis puellam in terram conlidit, et diu calcibus verberatam, ac sanguins cruentatam, jussit exspoliari, et piscinae immergi.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
If you are a Nature subscriber, or willing to pay the weregild, my short story "Annie Webber" is live there today.
Anonymous moves into the real world, calling for flash-crowd style protests on February 10th.
It felt like a gilded cage.
Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber.

There seemed to my perverted sense a certain poetic justice about the fact that money, gained honestly but prosaically, in groceries or gas, should go to regild an ancient blazon or prop up the crumbling walls of some stately palace abroad.
Worldly Ways and Byways
Ramses handed the ornate gilded wine list back to the maître d '.
The organic materials in grounds, gilding, paint films, and varnishes become embrittled with age and can no longer flex to accommodate movement in the support.
He's made some bad ones, to be sure - he was notably burned by telecom companies during the dotcom bust - but over the course of a few decades of investing, Gilder has become known as a prescient technophile. News
This embossed, etched, and gilded steel close helmet is attributed to German armourer Kolman Helmschmid.
Would This 16th Century Helmet Terrify a Jousting Opponent?
Cooke gilded that story for days, insisting on its veracity and refusing to tell the police where the boy lived.
And internet users have been quick to point out the difference between his own gilded existence and that of those in the struggling steel town.
The Sun
While whole milk is the standard prescription for hot chocolate, the idea of gilding the lily with something a little richer is an undeniably attractive one.
How to make perfect hot chocolate
The gilded silver pinhead, styled in the image of a bird of prey, is one of a handful of examples discovered in Britain and will go on display in London.
The true doctors are those in general practice, outside the gilded edifices.
Times, Sunday Times
She gripped a fancy mat which covered an ornate table by her side, and dragged a begilded vase on to the floor without even noticing it.
The Box with Broken Seals
The collection ended on a high note with a sequence of little black sack dresses with gilded metallic trim.
Twentieth-century totalitarian art did not just gild the cage; it helped to build it.
Masters of the Dark Arts
After the castings were attached, the entire frame was gilded in antique gold.
His skill in applying color and gilding is remarkable, considering that the twenty-year-old had not completed a normal term of apprenticeship.
Finally 100 grams of whiting, dry and sifted, are mixed with 5 grams of pulverised supertartrate of potass; this new powder is dissolved in a portion of the above described liquid, in sufficient quantity to form a paste of the proper consistency to be spread with a pencil on the article or part to be gilded.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
There are some other branches of Norse paganism though where there is more study and includes an autotheist element the Odhianism of the Rune Gild is a good example.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Considering a Candidate’s Religion:
He dutifully screamed, exposing the braces gilding his teeth.
The piano, decrepit on its legs, though made of good wood painted black and gilded, was dirty, defaced, and scratched; and its keys, worn like the teeth of old horses, were yellowed with the fuliginous colors of the pipe.
A Daughter of Eve
Dressed in a beige, linen Ermenegildo Zegna suit, he was every bit the suave, debonair businessman.
For some time there was a conflict of jurisdiction between the bishop's reeves and the interests of the Gild Merchant.
These works are particularly beautiful, and are decorated with gilding as well as famille verte and fencai enamel glazes.
On October 8, 1865, in the Great Synagogue in London, she married Isaac Magnin, born in Assen, Holland, in 1842, a carver and gilder.
Mary Ann Cohen: Magnin.
It is the age of omber, of sonnets to Chloe's false ringlets, of odes to red heels and epics to lap dogs, of tinseled struttings in gilded drawing-rooms.
Journeys to Bagdad
Most were gilded, although painted faux-marble frames are also found.
West of Eden is an unusual take on life in the gilded cage.
Times, Sunday Times
The morning sun gilds the sky.
Cathy Gildiner -- the nag from the other side of the lake,
Gildiner's Gospel
An ancient Russian icon in nielloed silver and one of these Christs in carved wood, executed in the seventeenth century by Bogard de Nancy, in an antique frame of gilded wood backed with velvet, were the only things that slightly relieved the banality of the decoration.
The chair, with its handsome gilding, is covered in a crimson silk damask that is similar to the original.
He was gazing idly at the baroque Italian candelabra in the painted dome above his head and reflecting how much more jolly it would have been if the posturing Loves and gilded amoretti had been replaced by lifelike models of the Board of Directors, when a subdued feminine voice in his ear startled him to attention.
Sweet Danger
Even supposing the ‘weregild’ claim of Isildur, I think that the value of the life of a great King would not be worth more than the deed to Barad-dur, which was destroyed in the war of the Last Alliance, so the next best thing would be something like the Ring of the Witch-King.
Lord of the Rings as Property Law : Law is Cool
I saw him run after a gilded butterfly: and when he caught it, he let it go again; and after it again; and over and over he comes, and again; catched it again; or whether his fall enraged him, or how ’twas, he did so set his teeth and tear it; O, I warrant it, how he mammocked it!
The Tragedy of Coriolanus
Questionless, there was many a serviceable brick wasted in Nineveh because finicky persons must needs be deleting here and there a phrase in favor of its cuneatic synonym; and it is not improbable that when the outworn sun expires in clinkers its final ray will gild such zealots tinkering with their "style.
The Certain Hour
George Gilder observed more than five years ago, "In a world of dumb terminals and telephones, networks had to be smart.
If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded.
The voice is always in evidence, of course, but it's in public that it becomes shaped, like a piece of music, and one almost consciously listens for all the gilded glissandoes, the curlicues of wit, the velvet pauses.
But King hid a secret from his Gilded Age cohorts and prominent family in Newport: for thirteen years he lived a double lifeas the celebrated white explorer, geologist, and writer Clarence King and as a black Pullman porter and steelworker named James Todd.
Passing Strange: Summary and book reviews of Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss.
It is easy to see the superrich as different, with gilded and unattainable lives.
Times, Sunday Times
A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
The dragon, gliding across its vast emptiness, was a mere gilded fly in a banqueting hall.
St. Gildas, in the twelfth century, had Abelard for superior, who, on his appointment, made over to Eloise the celebrated abbey he had founded at Nogent, near Troyes, which he called the Paraclete or Comforter, because he there found comfort and refreshment after his troubles, but his peace soon ended on his arrival in Brittany.
Brittany & Its Byways
Much of the ceiling is fretwork, and fresco par-excellence, in gilded gold.
Gilded Finish Gilding is a process of overlaying a base metal with a very thin layer of gold.
The rooms are filled with frou-frou frills, flowery saucers used as ashtrays, china figurines and over-gilded frames.
The sun lanced through the overcast veil of blizzard-clouds and snow-squalls and gilded the twin vessels in shining gold.
Highlighted items are the paintwork gilding to the capitals in the entrance hall and dentil frieze details in the dining room.
The gilded wooden carvings around the windows had turned brown, but now they gleam.
In the old days a young chef with ambitions to write their own menu would have raised £1.5m to launch something gilded and marbled and sconced.
Restaurant review: Pitt Cue Co
The cult image of Artemis was brought out from the inner sanctum and, gilded and white, shone brilliantly in the morning sun.
Dynamite By Louis Adamic (1931) Louis Adamic 's "Dynamite" was — and remains — the only popular overview of the violent clashes that accompanied the flourishing of American industry from the Gilded Age through the New Deal.
Terror in America From Another Era
If so, the major Latin-American directors are not gilded wetbacks, fleeing home in search of the Yankee dollar.
Fourteen columns of colored marble sustain a domed ceiling of gilded cedar, with an exterior deambulatory under a tunnel-vaulting also roofed with cedar.
In Morocco
The butler suavely tries to inform her; the housekeeper removed the white crotcheted scarfs and things from the gilded chairs, and I am sure Mrs. Denning had a heartache about their loss; but she saw that they had also vanished from
The Man Between, an International Romance
Ninety percent of the store's offerings are gilded in 22 to 23 karats or 12 - karat white gold, according to Carroll.
The ceremony of the gilded man supposedly ended in the late 15th century when El Dorado and his subjects were conquered by another tribe.
As the Vincennes factory was originally set up to rival the products of Meissen, the gilding around the front cartouche is still in the Meissen style with its bat wings, trellis, and stiff peaks.
The June light, now approaching the middle hours of the day, and radiant with sunshine, fell in long golden shafts across the body of the choir and into the ranks of the brothers and obedientiaries opposite, gilding half a face here and throwing its other half into exaggerated shade, there causing dazzled eyes in a blanched face to blink away the brightness.
The Rose Rent
A critical taste might have objected that the plush curtains which shaded the windows were too heavy for summer; that the begilded wallpaper "swore" a little at its own dado and frieze, as well as deadened the effect of the pictures which hung against it; and that the drapery of lace and velvet which veiled the fireplace made a fire inconvenient and almost impossible, however cold the weather might be.
A Little Country Girl
_ Black, with gilded tomentum, which forms two bands on the thorax, and one on each side of the pectus; abdomen with three gilded tomentose bands, the third subapical, first segment ferruginous beneath; legs tawny, femora at the base and coxæ black; wings blackish-brown, dark cinereous hindward; halteres tawny.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
It was late when we arrived at Cocoyotla, but we did not go to rest without visiting the beautiful chapel, which we had omitted to do on our last visit; it is very rich in gilding and ornaments, very large and in good taste.
Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
But the original paint and gilding are deteriorating and a replacement roof over the chapel has sagged and is resting on the mediaeval ceiling.
Sidonie was an 'etagere' covered with childish toys, petty, trivial knickknacks, microscopic fans, dolls 'tea-sets, gilded shoes, little shepherds and shepherdesses facing one another, exchanging cold, gleaming, porcelain glances.
The French Immortals Series — Complete
We have also experimented with gilding with silver leaf, and plating in copper and nickel baths, then oxidizing the finish to achieve a rich patina.
Elzevir Terence, printed in red letters, and a curious Birman book, whose pages consisted of thin leaves of ivory, gilded at the edges; and here too were black rhyta from Chiusi, and a cylix from Vulci, and one of those quaint Peruvian jars, which was so constructed that, when filled with water, the air escaped in sounds that resembled that of the song or cry of the animal represented on the vase or jar.
St. Elmo
I have to warn you, if you persist in one-word answers, I'll gild your home with chrome mannequins and heavy-metal rock posters.
DAVID W. BLIGHT is the director of Yale University's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition and a professor of American history.
The scabbard occasionally had sheets of silver or gilded bronze applied to it to protect the mouth of the scabbard and the chape.
Gilding the lily of what is basically a romantic comedy, the director falls a little short of his best mark.
Water gilding allows the object to be burnished to achieve a polished, shining surface.
The actor has more adoring acolytes than any gilded idol in Achilles' day.
And now he showed me pieces of armour, that is, a vizored headpiece or armet, with cuirass, backplates, pauldrons and vambraces, all very richly gilded, the which it seemed he had chosen for my defence.
Martin Conisby's Vengeance
For the celestial groundsman's final touch, early daffodils are starting to gild the verges with a hint of yellow by Buttermere and Bassenthwaite.
Country diary: Lake District
Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
The porcelain handles, which curve to enclose florets, are gilded to imitate gilt bronze.
A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed.
Temple of the Winds
Without its gilded splendour and cheap bars, some peers might want to call it a day anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
Some continental examples were of copper alloy, of golden sheen when newly cast, while others were actually gilded.
Times, Sunday Times
The world "gild" is what the word "guild" is based on, which is usually an association formed for the protection or support of its members.
Untwisted Vortex
The most promising ingress appeared to be across the blockade of a robust and much-begilded young man, who was occupying the familiar position of an "end-seat hog," and displaying the full glories of the Hochwaldian dress uniform.
The Unspeakable Perk
Irrawaddy, which is the main river of Burmah; and the first you see of the town is the Shway Dagohn Pagoda, the gilded cone above the trees.
The Belted Seas
The figurehead was a bull, with a flower on his brow and gilded horns.
The King Must Die
Her godmother scooped out the inside, leaving nothing but the rind; she then struck it with her wand, and the pumpion instantly became a fine coach gilded all over with gold.
Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories A Book for Bairns and Big Folk
One of his most autobiographical works, it follows a gilded couple torn apart by wealth and mental instability.
Times, Sunday Times
The moment was caught in the leader's debate on Monday night when Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny did not gild the lilly and told an audience of close to one million watching that they would all have to share the pain.
Niall O'Dowd: Suddenly in Irish Election, an Historic Outcome on the Cards
Almost everything was gilded in gold, and the room seemed to sparkle.
The dome restoration was made possible by two private gifts that funded all of the gold leaf used in the gilding as well as other parts of the restoration.
Gold foil is used for decorative gilding coatings in, for example books, church furniture, steeples and statues.
The butler suavely tries to inform her; the housekeeper removed the white crotcheted scarfs and things from the gilded chairs, and I am sure Mrs. Denning had a heartache about their loss; but she saw that they had also vanished from Dora's parlor, so she took the hint, and accepted the lesson.
The Man Between: An International Romance
He stepped off the high-heeled cothurnus, and came down into common life; he held out his great hearty arms, and embraced us all; he had a bow for all women; a kiss for all children; a shake of the hand for all men, high or low; he showed us Heavens sun shining every day on quiet homes; not gilded palace roofs only, or court processions, or heroic warriors fighting for princesses and pitched battles.
On Charity and Humor
The project, from the cutting of a thick strip of solid silver bullion to the final gilding, took almost five months to complete.
One way of gilding gingerbread was to paint it with egg white when hot and dab on the gold.
Fat gilded cupids sprawled abandonedly above the cupboards, tooting horns, waving their draperies, and generally looking as though they had been imbibing some of the more alcoholic wares of the shop.
Dragonfly in Amber
The altar, intricately carved in limewood, painted and gilded, represents the Dormition of the Virgin, and took its creator 12 years to make.
The massive and elaborately gilded furniture and furnishings of the late baroque were so entrenched in Italy, that rococo took longer to establish itself there than in France, southern Germany or even England.
Armies of gilded statuettes of saintly figures adorned little notches in the chiselled stone walls and framed iconographic pictures hung from any spaces which weren't already occupied.
The organ from "Saint-Roch, Paris IV" 2009 is shown in a 60-by-50-inch print that does justice to its grandeur, the steel pipes, the gilded putto with a viol, the bas-relief angel playing a bagpipe on one side of the supporting balcony and the angel with a keyboard on the other side, and the ornate clock keeping time high on top of it all.
Where Man Has His Place
A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber.
There are also ritual lamps, and a charming gilded swing with push-rods to lull the deity into a kindly tolerance of human failings.
In Venice — as in Tuscany — painting came to perfection after the heroic period; and the arts have been truly described as the gilded bark which covered the cankered trunk of a luxuriant tree. '
Explaining Titian's Egg Seller
A fire burning low in the grate was the sole light of the apartment; its beams flashed mockingly on the somewhat showy Versaillese furniture and gilding here, in style as unlike that of the structural parts of the building as it was possible to be, and probably introduced by
The Woodlanders
The Egyptian military standard was generally surmounted by the figure of a lion in gilded bronze, the lion being sometimes surmounted by a fan-shaped ornament.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
Desperation abounds, especially among the young and those beyond the gilded circle of the Parisian elites.
gilded icons
Gildersleeve and Lodge also point out that the Romans sometimes took the accusative of the Greek word to be the stem.
Good though the matching of crumbly, flaking croissant with hot sticky apples and cold, slightly soured cream is, you may want to gild the lily.
Past the gilded harp and the bamboo chairs awaiting arrangement, we march upstairs to the East Room, where the patina of history these are the famous portraits of George and Martha Washington, these are the iconic nineteenth-century chandeliers has been freshened for the evening with flowers for the tables and arrangements of cacti for the mantles, with the Clinton china and vermeil flatware and tiny gilded eagle place card holders sans cards.
Mayhill Fowler: A Citizen Journalist Covers an Obama State Dinner [PHOTOS]
Gilding may also be ornamented by various types of relief decoration.
These mostly 20-somethings are a million miles away from gilded superclubbers and heroin chic.
The photographs also record, albeit subtly, the wear that evidences the many people who have gathered together under these gilded ceilings.
A whirling flash of sapphire suddenly rotated --- in a delirious foxtrot --- with Doc's own dizzy nimbus of gilded amber.
The main arguments for a date sometime after the mid-nineteenth century are those relating to electro-gilding, blow torch brazing and the metallurgical analyses.
As many as goe out to warfare doe prouide all things of their owne cost: they fight not on foote, but altogether on horsebacke: their armour is a coate of maile, and a helmet: the coate of maile without is gilded, or els adorned with silke, although it pertaine to a common soldier: they haue a great pride in shewing their wealth: they vse bowes, and arrowes, as the
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The Outsides of their Pots were Gilded with the Titles of Preservatives, Cordials, and Panpharmacons.
She diarised en route, ‘I am tired of the gilded chaff of single life and my being craves for more substantial food of married life - even though it be rye bread.’
It's a small oil on board in a gilded, original frame.
Times, Sunday Times
Before his gilded galiot ran naked vine-wreathed corybants,
Ballad of Reading Gaol
Because he squirmed in protest as she tried to remove his gilded, gemmed gauntlets, she had to leave them on.
Gilden's subsequent career as a photojournalist is a one-sided conversation with his flawed dad.
East of Eden
Gold leaf used in gilding is made in much the same way.
The Rococo style, characterized by lavish ornamentation, organic forms and the use of gilding, grew to its height in 18th century France.
He wears a gilded crown and carries a gilded mace.
And then as regarded fashion, it might perhaps not be beyond the power of a Mrs. Proudie to regild the word with a newly burnished gilding.
Framley Parsonage
In course of time men got tired of the continual slaughter produced by this arrangement, and there sprang up a system according to which the murderer might offer to the kinsmen a sum of money known as weregild, or the value of a man, and if this money was accepted, then peace was made and all thought of vengeance was at an end.
A Student's History of England, v. 1 (of 3) From the earliest times to the Death of King Edward VII
The facade, with its richly gilded crest on the front window and French doors, has been carefully restored.
Beechworth's Victorian Architecture
She painted and stencilled, and stippled and sponged and gilded until the house became a jewel.
Times, Sunday Times
She came bravely enough to the showy entrance way, with the polished and begilded lobby, set with framed pictures out of the current attraction, leading up to the quiet box-office, but she could get no further.
Sister Carrie
In the sprint it was Van Gilder taking the win handily in front of Miller.
Powers and Van Gilder shine at Great Brewers Gran Prix of Gloucester
She knew that they were talking about that old trouble, and Nahum Beals's voice of high wrath made her shrink; but, after all, she was removed from it all that night into a little prospective paradise of her own, which, as is the case in childhood, seemed to overgild her own future and all the troubles of the world.
The Portion of Labor
Not that we should assume that the three classes, as separately listed in 1411, necessarily represent the lines of division of opinion, and that this was a demarcation between between Merchant Gild and craft gilds.
Now, naked, simmering with annoyance, the deepening light gilding him, he was no less imposing.
He set his goblet on the table between them, fingers lingering to absently trace the gilding.
ROBERT GILDEA, Oxford University's fearsomely erudite professor of modern history, has chosen a large canvas—and a wonderful title.
It's bow was adorned by a woman's figure crafted by San Francisco sculpture Monica Maduro and it's inside was described as opulent, with gilded frames and velvet trim.
Merced Sun-Star: front
And in the United States, it was the Gilded Age that saw the new industrial economy engulf the entire continent.
G has only the sound of g in give, get: gil ‘star’, in Gildor, Gilraen, Osgiliath, begins as in English gild.
The Lord of the Rings
The autumn sun gilded the lake.
In well-nigh every town one or more of these "gilds" were established, delighting the people with their quaint pageantry and elaborate ritual, and forming centres of light and culture throughout the land.
History of Holland
As Parisian chair makers began adopting Tillard's designs, the frames of both caned and Louis XV bergère chairs were at times gilded or painted.
The king rideth on a triumphant cart or wagon all gilded, which is drawen by 16. goodly horses: and this cart is very high with a goodly canopy ouer it, behind the cart goe 20. of his
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The sky in the east gleams like burnished brass gilding the wavelets on Phoenix Bay.
Gold and silver medals must be made of 92.5 percent pure silver; the gold medal must be gilded with at least six grams of gold.
The text on the invitations is die-stamped; the invitation's edges are beveled and gilded.
Details on the royal wedding guest list, sort of
They crept out of the city under the oppressive darkness, and were on the slave roads once more by the time the sun burned through the dry clouds and gilded the plains.
The plaques recording connections with famous residents are usually blue but this one was gilded to reflect the star's love of bling.
Needless to say, the ormolu retains its original gilding, and the Blue John body is richly hued and striated.
It was like a step-by-step gilding demonstration straight from a Renaissance painting.
The inventory of 1700 describes 'its wooden frame gilded with unburnished gold'.
All the frames in the Simoni collection were found in near-perfect condition; none were ever regilded, restored or altered.
Its two golden domes and four golden minarets had been last regilded in the 1870s.
Sudun then went in, clothed himself in gilded armour, girt on a saw-like sword, and came out holding a shining club in his hand.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
All this madness yet proceeds from ourselves, the main engine which batters us is from others, we are merely passive in this business: from a company of parasites and flatterers, that with immoderate praise, and bombast epithets, glossing titles, false eulogiums, so bedaub and applaud, gild over many a silly and undeserving man, that they clap him quite out of his wits.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The corridors and halls may be lined with gilded mirrors and priceless art, but under the antique tables lie plastic toys and remote-controlled cars.
Times, Sunday Times
Not just the stunning performances of our gilded athletes.
The Sun
By the middle of the eighteenth century, glass-makers in Britain were decorating glass by various techniques including engraving, cutting, gilding, and enameling.
There rode ships from France, England, Holland, China and Japan, while innumerable boats and gilded barges rowed by sixty men plied to and fro.
There were also a lovely gilded desk, soft comfortable chairs and loungers that invited a person to grab a book and read for the whole day.
He noted that the permanent workforce at Coalbrookdale included artists, modellers, carvers, pattern-makers, moulders, finishers, painters, gilders and decorators.
Revitalizing the craft Painter says a renaissance in carving, finishing and gilding has occured in the past 10 or 15 years.
Some people add a little brandy to the recipe but I feel this is gilding the lily.
Worldbuilding: The ambiguity in the term "worldbuilding" resides in the fact that it was coined for the craft of creating ordinate realities in the manner of Tolkien's highly methodical "subcreation," largely a matter of blocking, bolstering, gilding and bumphing, but has come to be applied not just to worldscapes generated by worldblazing but to any sufficiently foreign and/or complex fictive milieu, even to milieus that are largely mimetic.
Archive 2009-12-01
She had, lately, almost come to this point with Gildas, but had checked herself in time.
Carve the names and gild them.
Kenneth Branagh preens himself amusingly as buttery fop, explorer and new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart; Jason Isaacs is disdain personified as the villainous Lucius Malfoy.
Sue Denson recalled how much energy he put into restoring the frame of the huge Chippendale mirror and Alan Higgin remembered Roald teaching him how to regild it.
All the colors were bright, and brightest of all were the small gilded dollhouse things at the corners of streets.
He noted that the permanent workforce at Coalbrookdale included artists, modellers, carvers, pattern-makers, moulders, finishers, painters, gilders and decorators.
The skills he acquired from Arthur would later become apparent, particularly in his gilding on glass.
I profess myself a fanatical purist, but with a hearty contempt for the speech-gilders who affect purism without any thorough, or even pedagogic knowledge of the engendure, growth, and affinities of the noble language about whose
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
The lavish wedding celebrations of the period were marked by extravagant gifts, such as maiolica decorated with narratives or portraits; rare Venetian glassware; rings (including one of the earliest known diamond wedding rings) and other jewelry; delicate gilded boxes; and vividly painted cassoni, or bridal chests, which would be filled with costly linens and clothing.
Gilded Hawke is a variegated curly ivy with grey-green central colouring and gold margins.
Head with gilded pubescence, cinereous behind and beneath; antennæ tawny, second joint above towards the tip and third joint piceous; thorax slightly covered with gilded tomentum; pectus with cinereous tomentum; abdomen with gilded tomentum towards the tip; legs tawny, femora mostly black, tibiæ with black stripes; wings cinereous, dark-brown about the costa, veinlet which bisects the subapical areolet incomplete, as it is also in the following species; halteres tawny.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
As Father Gasquet says in his _Parish Life in Medieval England_, of the universality of these "gilds" in this country: "Every account of a medieval parish must necessarily include some description of the work of fraternities and guilds ....
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
This opens on to a bright restaurant with gilded mirrors and ceiling lights with fittings shaped like oak leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
The golden light gilded the sea.
* The term “Vandal,” he said, “best describes the roving, independent, free-and-easy character of that class of traveling Americans who are not elaborately educated, cultivated, and refined—and gilded and filagreed with the ineffable graces of the first society.”
Mark Twain
Late though it was, a dim light from the great East window fell in broad slabs of purple and green shadow across the grey; everything was indistinct; only the white marble of the Reredos was like a figured sheet hanging from wall to wall, and the gilded trumpets of the angels on the choir-screen stood out dimly like spider pattern.
The Cathedral
The choir takes their places in the lofted stalls, some thirty feet above the floor of the sanctuary, giving them a distant, angelic quality that complements the gilded sword-and-trumpet-bearing cherubim scattered throughout the room.
American Grace
A gilded silver twopence might well pass for a gold half-crown to the unwary.
They came to it rather quickly, the largest building in the village that was covered in jewels and gilded with gold.
“American Nervousness” incentennial ofChina’s Open Door treaty withculture ofeducation inin 1870Gilded Age avarice inlecture circuit inliterature ofnewspapers inpsychic loneliness ofracism inreligion inscience vogue insophistication ofin Spanish-American Warsports inUnited States Gazette
Mark Twain
By this means, when the heavens are filled with clouds, when the earth swims in rain, and all nature wears a lowering countenance, I withdraw myself from these uncomfortable scenes, into the visionary worlds of art; where I meet with shining landscapes, gilded triumphs, beautiful faces, and all those other objects that fill the mind with gay ideas, and disperse that gloominess which is apt to hang upon it in those dark disconsolate seasons.
Essays and Tales
And you, child, are marrying a kinsman of that abominable Duc de Raguse in order to regild our family escutcheon.
The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
Old nobles regarded them as jumped-up - although they were eager enough to ‘regild the arms' with their daughters' dowries.
Tawny filemot gilding the valleys, each seam and rut a scroll or arabesque, and all the year pouring out her heart's blood to flush the maples, the great impurpled granites warm with the sunshine they have drunk all summer!
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 28, February, 1860
Although mass produced, these clocks were finely if not heavily gilded, and some wear should be expected if the gilding is claimed as original.
What gilded theatre or country pile can beat that number?
Times, Sunday Times
If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded.
As we sauntered forward I noticed all about lesser circles where the yellow-girted ones were drawing delighted laughter from good-tempered crowds by tricks of sleight-of-hand, and posturing, or tossing gilded cups and balls as though they were catering, as indeed they were, for outgrown children.
Gulliver of Mars
A fantastic gilded bronze bibelot featuring three sirens astride an elephant once stood on a mosaic plinth with three tiny yet accurate models of the Greek temples at Paestum.
An exquisite embroidered bed hanging and cover of silk and silver wire, known as a "Lit à la Duchesse" and acquired by the Getty in 1979 but never before displayed, makes its debut amid a surfeit of gilded framed paintings and articles related to the morning toilette, the ritual of dressing, coiffing and applying cosmetics that was often a surprisingly public affair for women in polite society.
With All the Time in the World
White marble, walls of terra-cotta, roofs of glazed golden tiles, and woodwork finished with vermillion paint, lacquer and gilding unite to create an effect of outstanding beauty.
The flame from the candle on the tallboy gilded the muscles of his back, then he turned and picked up the candlestick.
Another will yearn for the poetic glamour, gilding realistic truth, of Giorgione; for the intensely pathetic interpretation of Lorenzo Lotto, with its unique combination of the strongest subjective and objective elements, the one serving to poetise and accentuate the other.
The Earlier Work of Titian
Armies of gilded statuettes of saintly figures adorned little notches in the chiselled stone walls and framed iconographic pictures hung from any spaces which weren't already occupied.