How To Use Gigantic In A Sentence

  • _The Apollo of Rhodes_, usually called the colossus, was a gigantic bronze statue, 150 feet high, made by Charês, a pupil of Lysippus, and set up B.C. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • This is a gigantic behavior difference cued by one tiny and costless change in procedure.
  • And a gigantic cock salmon of around 44 lb was also landed in November during hatchery broodstock collection.
  • Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
  • Aaron Burr are largely reduced to an amusing but pointless conversation with four gigantic hoodlums from Baltimore who are asked to interpret the word "despicable," which triggered the Burr-Hamilton duel. The Full Feed from
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  • Its seamless curve swept across the canyon and imbedded itself in each side, a gigantic but somehow graceful intrusion.
  • In order to improve product craft, pandora denounce is gigantic endowment from Italy introduced the first set of gold in Asia electroforming machine equipment, the advanced production cheap pandora equipment, the pandora gold beads electroforming furnishing articles products on the market now, can solve the defect that furnishing articles hardness, surface hardness than traditional products increased more than three times.
  • The book's showbiz scenarios mock theatrical and film prototypes and stereotypes - the revolving cast and their scrimshank plaster-of-Paris mise-en-scene go round and round on the book's gigantic turntable, a shambolic revue, a whirlwind farce ... Comments for RealityStudio
  • How does he bring his indie ethos to something this gigantic? Times, Sunday Times
  • Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topog'raphy, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life-giving sunlight. Mid Flinx
  • Slumping forward onto the gigantic gadget, he mumbled, Good luck finding enough ice for hockey on this dustball. Reap the Whirlwind
  • So is the "Modified Citro ë n DS" 1993, in which the archetypal French car has been split lengthways into three parts, with the middle removed and the remaining two joined to make an even more aerodynamic object than the original — from some vantage-points it resembles a gigantic dart. Orozco Proves That Size Isn't Everything
  • And thus, money was saved on the editing budget and a gigantic media star was born in the process.
  • It was no omen, no gigantic prophecy that comes but once an age, but there was power that night.
  • The whole thing is just a gigantic illusion.
  • The gigantic columned hall of that temple was partially built during his reign.
  • In like manner the commander of Fort Casimir, when he found his martial spirit waxing too hot within him, would sally forth into the fields and lay about him most lustily with his sabre; decapitating cabbages by platoons; hewing down lofty sunflowers, which he termed gigantic Swedes; and if, perchance, he espied a colony of big-bellied pumpkins quietly basking in the sun, "Ah! caitiff Yankees!" would he roar, "have I caught ye at last? Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • Before I leave his house today I'm using every single slice of bologna in the refrigerator to draw a gigantic round smiley face on his clean sheets.
  • Volcanoes erupt under glaciers, causing gigantic floods that make the island a fearsomely dangerous place for human colonization.
  • And then, the writing on the wall flashing in gigantic neon letters, they tried an end-run -- appealing to the BC Supreme Court to enjoin Braidwood from finding any misconduct on their part. Archive 2009-06-01
  • I don't want to use the term 'overreach,' " Dunn told me, pausing for effect, "but the broad nature of the proposed regulations, both in terms of who they apply to, this gigantic universe of people, what they consider 'children's programming,' the unworkable, impracticable standards they use in their nutritional values - that's the issue. NPR Topics: News
  • What do you call a gigantic man-made disaster that is threatening to despoil the ecosystems and wreck the economies of the Gulf Coast? BP touts itself as 'green,' but faces PR disaster with 'BP oil spill'
  • Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest mass of water ever detected in the universe - a gigantic, 12-billion-year-old cloud harboring 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined. supermassive black hole called a quasar located 12 billion light-years from Earth. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Fields and hedgerows would be overrun by monstrous insects and gigantic, unstoppable weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Close to the main entrance is a gigantic bronze sculpture by Mexican artist Juan Soriano entitled La Paloma (The Dove). Tony Burton's Self-Guided Tours: The Sights of Monterrey
  • Of all the sea-robbers who sailed from their rocky dwelling-places by the fiords of Norway, none enjoyed higher renown than Rolf, called the ganger, or walker, as tradition relates, because his stature was so gigantic that, when clad in full armor, no horse could support his weight, and he therefore always fought on foot. Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
  • The combined shape resembles a gigantic set square. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Rugby union is one gigantic chain with one man's role integral to another. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's out to capture the gigantic and ephemeral movements of weather, seasons and daylight.
  • The European Union has become a gigantic political and economic magnet whose greatest strength is the attractive pull it exerts on its neighbors.
  • The Vieux Carre, you must know, is the old French heart of New Orleans, and one gigantic fleshpot fine houses and walks, excellent eating-places and gardens, brilliantly lit by night, with music and gaiety and colour everywhere, and every second establishment a knocking-shop. Isabelle
  • The road improvement scheme was a gigantic boondoggle.
  • In such countries, "the accumulation of capital has reached gigantic proportions. The Sociology of Modernization and Development
  • He opened an agricultural museum which included a gigantic pair of bellows, seven or eight feet tall.
  • Stripped to a pair of cotton trousers, with a dripping cutlass in one hand and a Colt's revolver in the other, an adventurer at the head of a bunch of dogs as desperate as himself fought his way across the reeking decks of a Chinese junk, to close in single combat with a gigantic one-eyed pirate who stood by the helm with a ring of dead men about him and a great two-handed sword upheaved .... The Cruise of the Jasper B.
  • Within a few years of having that gigantic show that’s actually been studied in sociology classes in universities for the impact it had on our culture—that show that was a training ground for people who learned enough to go on to massive careers—within a few years of that, I actually started to hear the word has-been whispered behind my back! Roseanne Archy
  • Daughtry cried, at sight of the whale flurrying the water with aimless, gigantic splashings. CHAPTER XV
  • We'll have your family crest gripped in the jaws of a gigantic fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Haley Barbour, who was in Yazoo City where his home is located, called the twister "gigantic" and said that "in places [it] seemed to be to be several miles wide. WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
  • For we offer, besides ourselves, a position that has not grown old under the weight of a gigantic, parasitic bureaucracy, a position untempered by the doctoral dissertations of a generation of Ph.D. s in social architecture, unattenuated by a thousand vulgar promises to a thousand different pressure groups, uncorroded by a cynical contempt for human freedom. Buckley Athwart History
  • [36] Fabulous birds of gigantic size, often known under the Indian term garuda, play an important part in the beliefs of the Peninsular Malays. A Study in Tinguian Folk-Lore
  • The parental love and encouragement have been nurturing a young tree, which will surely grow into a gigantic one in the future.
  • An ugly-looking industrial plant was coming up with gigantic chimneys spewing black smoke into the sky.
  • gigantic disappointment
  • Lots of people would sign up if they could grow a gigantic potato or a monstrous zucchini or a humungous tomato.
  • Gas is transported in gigantic tankers and stored in tanks so cold that they create permafrost around them.
  • Soon the wall shifted and moved to open to a gigantic laboratory.
  • That gigantic and soulless stone merely symbolizes the forces that Don Juan negated forever.
  • I could not but smile, at the same time that I was offended, to observe Sheridan in The Life of Swift [3], which he afterwards published, attempting, in the writhings of his resentment, to depreciate Johnson, by characterising him as 'A writer of gigantick fame in these days of little men; 'that very Johnson whom he once so highly admired and venerated. Life Of Johnson
  • The world is about to have unveiled for it, with much international trumpeting, a gigantic new translation of his complete letters. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has published over one hundred stories and poems in journals such as Gigantic, Gargoyle, Wigleaf, Annalemma, SmokeLong Quarterly, Necessary Fiction, Keyhole, and Everyday Genius. How to Write Engaging Work in a Land of Rules
  • On the opposite wall to my left hung a gigantic plasma screen displaying a frenzied montage of flitting text and graphics.
  • Great marble slabs clawed their way out of the earth, gigantic and marvellous, revelling in their beauty.
  • Eight fortified guard towers ringed the eight-sided central keep, lining its periphery like the spindly legs of a gigantic spider.
  • She recognized the deep windows, the faded tapestries of Abraham cutting Isaac's throat with a butcher's knife, and Jonah being shot into the very gateway of a castle where his family awaited him, from the mouth of a gigantic carp with goggle eyes, for the simple artist had found his whale's model in a stewpond. The Lady of Blossholme
  • We had a washout summer, followed by a winter that was so wet half the country was turned into a gigantic boating lake. The Sun
  • The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in 1966. Ultraman, a silver-suited masked hero, comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters.
  • The heights of Pindus towered above us; the castle of Yanina rose white and angular from the blue waters of the lake, and the immense masses of black vegetation which, viewed in the distance, gave the idea of lichens clinging to the rocks, were in reality gigantic fir-trees and myrtles. The Count of Monte Cristo
  • The road improvement scheme was a gigantic boondoggle.
  • The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerful serpent or other reptile with magical or spiritual qualities.
  • To the west were the red-coats of the Royal Marines, and from the Union Club to the embouchure of Whitehall swept the glittering, massive curve of the 1st Life Guards -- gigantic men mounted on gigantic chargers, steel-breastplated, steel-helmeted, steel-caparisoned, a great war-sword of steel ready to the hand of the powers that be. CORONATION DAY
  • You were not startled to see a gigantic piece of toast used as a billboard hyping up a new show on The Discovery Channel.
  • The lake acts as a gigantic solar panel, and a ring of mountains retains the heat.
  • When fully grown, its gigantic buttressed trunk, which stretches up to 10 meters in diameter, abruptly ends in the branches that bear digitate leaves.
  • With his travelling companions he stood on a hill looking down on the savannah stretching to the far horizon, gigantic herds of gazelle, antelope, gnu, zebra, and warthog grazing and moving forwards like slow rivers.
  • A huge volume of space that includes the Milky Way and super-clusters of galaxies is flowing towards a mysterious, gigantic unseen mass named mass astronomers have dubbed “The Great Attractor,” some 250 million light years from our Solar System. The ‘Great Attractor’: Exactly What is the Milky Way (and Neighbors) Speeding Towards at 14 Million Miles Per Hour? | Disinformation
  • The "Gigantic Overarching Question" --- what constitutes "human"/"humanity", and once we define it, how can/do we hierarchize ourselves --- didn't do it for me. REVIEW: Blade Runner (The Director's Cut)
  • I get confused between giant prawns, crayfish and langoustine, but these were gigantic.
  • Whenever you so much as mention the idea of an Obama presidency to one of them, they become almost aphasic with inchaoate fear -- it's like they believe that the day he's inaugurated a vast secret army of gigantic black men will be unleashed for a Satanic orgy of rape and pillage and murder directed particularly toward old white women. Poll: Obama Struggling With Older Women
  • But to the last he showed his magnanimity by honoring Cosmo Versál, and upon the latter's death he caused to be carved, high on the brow of the great mountain on which his voyage ended, in gigantic letters, cut deep in the living rock, and covered with shining, incorrodible levium, an inscription that will transmit his fame to the remotest posterity: The Second Deluge
  • To our disappointment," the scientists wrote last month in The Biological Bulletin, "we have not found any evidence that any of the blobs are the remains of gigantic octopods, or sea monsters of unknown species. Apocalyptic odds & ends
  • Over at the machinery section, farmers gazed longingly at some of the latest gigantic tractors.
  • For years they have been the elite of the fund management industry, enjoying colossal fees, gigantic homes and champagne lifestyles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
  • Our densely-crowded slums, the far too large percentage of unemployed, the gigantic revenues which are expended by all classes of society in intoxicating drink, the huge crowds which throng to the places of public amusement to watch our matches, simply because they have something on the event -- I say these are not satisfactory features in connection with British social life today. Modern British Liberalism and the Empire
  • While visiting the Auckland museum last month I was fascinated to see the replica of a gigantic bird called a moa, extinct since around 1500 A.D. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The gigantic hands of the clock watching over us up on the wall made me impatient.
  • Rugby union is one gigantic chain with one man's role integral to another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Individually spray-painted in pastel tints of blue, green, purple, pink, orange and yellow, they suggest rays of prismatic light as well as gigantic artificially flavored popsicles.
  • So they brought him rare sandsuckers, and blue - striped wrasse, and saury pike, and gigantic cuttle-fish, four feet long, to his heart's content. Biographies of Working Men
  • As he came closer he saw a gigantic wall of raging flame before him.
  • Its quartz hills are covered with trees and gigantic grasses; the buaze, a small forest-tree, grows abundantly; it is a species of polygala; its beautiful clusters of sweet-scented pinkish flowers perfume the air with a rich fragrance; its seeds produce a fine drying oil, and the bark of the smaller branches yields a fibre finer and stronger than flax; with which the natives make their nets for fishing. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • At first light, when alpenglow fires the high summits with radiance like the burn of a gigantic campfire, the dusty surface of the old snowpack glows with eerie luster.
  • It's a gigantic ball of fire which supposedly warms the Earth enough to make it habitable for life.
  • She finally spotted among the huge trees a gigantic oak with a large hollow at the base of its trunk that was just large enough for a little girl to go hide in and sleep.
  • The stores that sold cheap aluminum teakettles, Chinese notebooks, and plastic flowers were bursting with gigantic red Mylar bows and potted poinsettias. Day of Honey
  • We face a unipolar world and the gigantic hegemonism of our neighbors, who have always sought to destroy this Revolution and now feel more emboldened by the idea of asphyxiating it, giving it the final blow, because their minds cannot tolerate the existence of the Revolution and what it has meant for this hemisphere, in their backyard, which today they seek more than ever to secure. Fidel Castro Women's Congress Address
  • Of all the surprising things I was exposed to at the time, none was more striking and bizarre than the gigantic wall-mounted display on azhdarchid pterosaurs. Archive 2006-04-01
  • But Germany is now having to pay because others have recklessly amassed gigantic debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main stumbling block is the cost of installing the gigantic network of pipes needed to carry hot water from the central boiler to hundreds of homes.
  • In the desert there will remain some stones, a whole gigantic ruin slowly split and slaked by waters and wind, mastic trees, frost.
  • These figures correctly suggest that our economy is highly industrialized, characterized by gigantic business corporations in its manufacturing industries.
  • And that's the reason that this vehicle has this gigantic kind of backhoe arm that is in the days ahead. CNN Transcript May 25, 2008
  • Every living cell, even a single bacterial cell, can be thought of as a gigantic chemical factory.
  • They form the base of a gigantic pyramid of treason, stretching from the little gray house with green shutters to the towers of the Kremlin. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • I would love to lie flat on some grass while gigantic birds of prey flap and swoop over me, to feel the beat of the wind from their powerful wings.
  • Capital is conquering the world, making the earth a gigantic cesspool of exploitation.
  • Mira Sorvino stars in this dim-witted, dimly lit monster flick about gigantic cockroaches living in the New York subway system.
  • The rooms are gloriously furnished in beige and white, with gigantic, extremely comfortable beds. Queretaro: cultural mecca with colonial charm
  • Everybody has heard of Bigfoot, the gigantic ape-like creature that supposedly haunts the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
  • A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.
  • With socialism dead, the gigantic heist is now proposed as a sacred service of the newest religion: environmentalism. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Copenhagen as Income Redistribution
  • He still kept a greedy eye on the Orange Free State, and machinated for the union of the two States into a gigantic whole. South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
  • Dressed in bright red jumpsuits, these volunteers moved in a tight formation that looked like a gigantic snake, along the trails of Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook in Culver City. Edward Goldman: He Sold Us Sharks, Diamonds and Spots. Brooklyn Bridge Next?
  • When I was walking home, the moon was simply gigantic; it was a luminous, celestial pearl.
  • From this decastyle colonnade projected a tetrastyle portico, which introduced the people ascending from a flight of steps to a gigantic portal. The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • Dr. Mantell concludes that the islands of New Zealand were densely peopled at a period geologically recent, though historically remote, by tribes of gigantic brevi-pennate birds allied to the ostrich tribe, all, or almost all, of species and genera now extinct; and that, subsequently to the formation of the most ancient ornithic deposit, the sea-coast has been elevated from fifty to one hundred feet above its original level; hence the terraces of shingle and loam which now skirt the maritime districts. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • They have ruins of baths, a massive city gate, a Byzantine basilica, a 4th Century Agora, a 300 Meter Colonnaded street and a gigantic stadium for racing horses.
  • Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
  • Many interior scenes were shot here and, on a Harry Potter Tour, you can see the gigantic, ornate dining room that is the stunning inspiration for Hogwarts Hall.
  • On an occasion after having stopped for a "nooning," there loomed up suddenly in the northwest a black, ominous cloud, revolving swiftly and threateningly, as might the vapors from some gigantic cauldron; variegated in black, blue and green, bespangled with red streaks of lightning. Crossing the Plains, Days of '57 A Narrative of Early Emigrant Tavel to California by the Ox-team Method
  • The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism.
  • She looked at one of the frogs, a big homely one with a gigantic mouth and monstrous warts.
  • It's shot in a clunky retro-futurist style, and the director declares himself influenced by Fritz Lang, filling his screen with eerie, gigantic hardware shot in mouldy, decaying, soft-focus sepia.
  • The gigantic, colourful idols are made with straw and clay, starting with the making of straw figurines for the torso.
  • Keil do Amaral's scheme for a gigantic Palace of Justice in Lisbon was unbuilt, but for its soaring pylons.
  • If you could only see so far, just to one side of that same headland, across yon low dikey ground, you would catch sight of the isle of Narborough, the loftiest land of the cluster; no soil whatever; one seamed clinker from top to bottom; abounding in black caves like smithies; its metallic shore ringing under foot like plates of iron; its central volcanoes standing grouped like a gigantic chimney-stack. The Piazza Tales
  • Not only is there no evidence that a longer delay in allotting full driving privileges to new drivers will somehow make them “better drivers”, but it becomes a gigantic administrative cost burden to the government. Dumbing It Down For The Rest Of Us « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The Temple of Luxor is downtown, and nearby are the Colossi of Memnon, Karnak Temple, Hatshepsut's Temple, the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, and the Ramesseum, with the gigantic shattered statue of Ramses II that inspired Shelley to write "Ozymandias. Letter From Egypt
  • I looked up to see gigantic white pigeons in the treetops.
  • A gigantic oak had been felled by a recent storm & my 10-year-old son & I decided to spend the day together, me chain sawing the oak & splitting the wood, & my son piling it up in the wheelbarrow & hauling it back up to the deck.
  • An action that obeyed, was directed by, the incredibly gigantic, communistic will which, like the spirit of the hive, the soul of the formicary, animated every unit of them. The Metal Monster
  • What we need to do is to enclose the entire ground in a gigantic transparent plastic bubble.
  • The astonishing thing is that this parttime composer produced gigantic masterpieces encompassing whole worlds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, after weeks of walking, you will arrive at the foot of the mountains themselves – astonishing heights from which gigantic avalanches tumble earthwards in apparent slow motion, dwarfed by their surroundings. Motion Trek | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • As you make ready to enter, the direct-lift machine does not touch the ground; it poises motionless under its whirling rotor blades like a gigantic hummingbird.
  • This gas forms part of a gigantic system of hot gas and dark matter that defines the cosmic landscape.
  • In addition, he possessed of himself all the natural attributes of chiefship: the gigantic stature, the fearlessness, the pride; and the high hot temper that could brook no impudence nor insult, that could be neither bullied nor awed by any utmost magnificence of power that walked on two legs, and that could compel service of lesser humans, not by any ignoble purchase by bargaining, but by an unspoken but expected condescending of largesse. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • The oceans were reduced two in number; the larger by far was the enormous Panthalassa Ocean, roughly equivalent to the Pacific of today, while the smaller Tethys Ocean lay as a gigantic bight on the eastern side of Pangaea.
  • Looking back, I saw the other Martians advancing with gigantic strides down the riverbank from the direction of Chertsey. The War of The Worlds
  • The huge bell with its gigantic crack always awes visitors.
  • Small grass fields had given way to gigantic airfields with runways up to three miles long. Plane Speaking - a personal view of aviation history
  • It's very dramatic as the dragonfly larva has an extraordinary labial mask mounted underneath its face - like a gigantically extended lower lip with claws on the end which come whizzing out and grab the bloodworm.
  • If we suppose the case of the discovery of a skeleton of a Greenland whale in a fossil state, not a single cetaceous animal being known to exist, what naturalist would have ventured conjecture on the possibility of a carcass so gigantic being supported on the minute crustacea and mollusca living in the frozen seas of the extreme North? Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The Osages are so tall and robust as almost to warrant the application of the term gigantic: few of them appear to be under six feet, and many are above it. Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811
  • I believe (and have believed from the beginning of the affair) that the "clerical sexual abuse" scandal is a gigantic red herring ginned up by an unholy alliance of anticlericals, homosexual activists (tu quoque, perhaps!?), Modernist "Catholics" and media voyeurs. What planet...?
  • Just two seats, an engine and a gigantic price tag of £35,000.
  • What is in it for taxpayers who must pick up the tab for science's gigantic new toy? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was gigantic and made of black metal, a great column filled with gears, levers, and pulleys moving together in a chaotic clockwork melee.
  • In the midst of the Duke's cohort was the sacred gonfanon, and in front of it and of the whole line, rode a strange warrior of gigantic height. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 12
  • It would need a gigantic and vanishingly improbable leap across genetic hyperspace.
  • No ugly gigantic ramps will be needed to drive up to bus station level.
  • Justin Faulk (U.S. NTDP U-18) — Gets lost among all the gigantic redwoods on that U.S. blue line, but this "small" defenseman is exceptionally intelligent and mobile and knows how to play the game at both ends. It's Hall ... it's Seguin ... now it's Hall back in the lead!
  • The actors were somehow coaxed into performances that matched their gigantic surroundings.
  • Unusually thin mullions span the tall space, turning it into a gigantic glass jigsaw puzzle recomposing the view.
  • Following the regional tradition, the temple was built as a gigantic decastyle dipteral structure, with a cavernous porch extending - almost like an Egyptian hypostyle hall - five columns deep!
  • The most immediate agents of this gigantic scheme were the Normans, who had conquered Naples by the arm of the adventurer Robert Guiscard, and under the gonfanon of St. Peter. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 11
  • Of all the 9/11 pictures, none capture the nightmare quality of this day more than the sight of the falling buildings and their debris—that gigantic cloud of blackness rolling, it appears, in hellish pursuit of the crowds desperate to outrace it. A Dark Day's Enduring Life
  • The furnace that fuels Gum 19's luminosity is a gigantic, superhot star called V391 Velorum. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Of course, there was also a gigantic turret on top of the tower itself, sporting missile launchers, sonic emitters, lasers, and the like.
  • Something (I suspect a groundhog, or a deer, or a gigantic mutant rabbit) has started chewing on a couple of the pumpkins in the garden pumpkin patch.
  • A peculiar kind of earthwork has the outline of gigantic men or animals. A Brief History of the United States
  • I must admit it's not quite the full-on headfuck I'd hoped for, but it does make very splendid listening, especially as I now live on the seafront not too far from DMT and regularly have gigantic waves crashing outside my window. Don Bradshaw-Leather
  • Third, it is awoken to the idea that it can reannex the American southwest, which it used to hold, linguistically, culturally, ethnically and socially, not militarily by pushing all these people in there and creating a gigantic fifth column in America. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2006
  • The poet W. H. Auden derided “Lip-smacking Imps of mawk and hooey,” and the feminist author Germaine Greer in her 1970 Female Eunuch rescued equestrian interests of women from psychological leers with “The horse between a girl’s legs is supposed to be a gigantic penis. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The three gigantic, gleaming, copper bulb shapes that dominate the entrance hall of the Wiels Contemporary Art Centre in Brussels are not the latest Damien Hirst or Jeff Koons installation, though they possess a similar capacity to flabbergast. Art Brews in Brussels
  • All they lacked was a PowerPoint pie chart depicting third-quarter profit projections on the gigantic video screen behind them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get confused between giant prawns, crayfish and langoustine, but these were gigantic.
  • We are more surprised by finding such gigantic proportions in an animal called the megatherium, which ranks in an order now assuming much humbler forms -- the edentata -- to which the sloth, ant-eater, and armadillo belong. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • The lunar-like landscape of Mt. Batok to the left has symmetrical furrows resembling a gigantic orange squeezer.
  • The first witness turned his back to answer a call of nature the very instant I hooked a gigantic fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wild at Heart" is Lynch's punchiest, campiest and most violent movie, featuring Willem Dafoe's spectacularly shot-off head, a severed hand, lots of sex, vomit, dirty talk and a leitmotif of gigantic close-ups of matches igniting. David Lynch's New Peak
  • National Endowment for the Arts. Of course this arrangement is a gigantic subsidy for developers to use the least suitable land for their projects because the profit can be so large. What Is the State of U.S. Disaster-Preparedness? A Freakonomics Quorum - Freakonomics Blog -
  • This festival was the most important in Mexico, and took place at the temple or "teocalli," a gigantic, pyramid-like mass of stone, rising in terraces to a height of eighty-six feet above the city, and culminating in a small summit platform upon which the long procession of priests and victims could be seen from all parts of the city. Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
  • The astonishing thing is that this parttime composer produced gigantic masterpieces encompassing whole worlds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The veteran came leaping in, lashing out with his gigantic weapon, striking nothing.
  • I entered this gigantic granite jewel, which is as light in its effect as a bit of lace and is covered with towers, with slender belfries to which spiral staircases ascend.
  • The roots of the tree were gigantic and twisted about the garden creating a tangled maze.
  • It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes bright red tongue hung out, twitching.
  • Their balls had always been a hit with both the Four Hundred and the gossip-hungry press, so Mrs. Bradley-Martin rightly divined a gigantic ball held that winter would go over just as easily. The Bradley-Martin Ball | Edwardian Promenade
  • What started as a small bonfire has grown to the size of a gigantic tip.
  • And then we rounded a corner and there was a male ibex nibbling on a tuft of grass, throwing his horns back every now and then as if troubled by a gigantic and very heavy quiff.
  • The columns and wall at the extreme end of the peristyle were a mass of ruins, through the gigantic rents of which loomed a grassy hillock, its sides partially covered with clumps of furze. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Complete
  • Round this gigantic ball the road wound in spiral curves like the bore of a rifle till it got to the top, and then there was no descent on the other side, for the valley of the Upper Engadine is a mere strip of meadowland, with a chain of charming lakes, formed by the course of the Inn, running through the middle of it, and the mountain tops hemming it in on both sides, and its lowest level is five thousand feet above the sea. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • A metallic roar cuts through the stillness, and out of the murk further up the valley a gigantic shape rears, an uprooted sapling clutched in its metal talons.
  • I could have done without the attempts to make the movie a "real" spy movie --- I'm talking about all the things that get blown up and swallowed in gigantic fireballs and about the realistic violence of the fistfights. Lance Mannion:
  • Across Europe, gigantic music stores stuffed to the gunwales with American pop, rock and urban do a sideline in hipster books.
  • As I thought of all these things, them lofty towers riz up like gigantick skeleton fingers outstretched mockin'ly. Samantha at Coney Island and a Thousand Other Islands
  • Gigantic Blue Devils pivot Brian Zoubek, all 7-foot-1 of him, is averaging 10 rebound a game in the tournament and is the top offensive boardman in college basketball. Ottawa Sun
  • I have seen one nuclear blast shelter, at the bottom of a very steep escalator in a Pyongyang subway station, where three gigantic blast doors, each about two feet thick, are recessed into the wall.
  • In sharp contrast to the Flysch scenery, they stand as abrupt and gigantic erratics, which have been transported from the central zone of the Alps lying far to the south. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • He lands in - perhaps he lives there - an ancient and gigantic fig tree, and in the morning proves that your sighting was no product of a late night out, he having spattered the footpath below with great dollops of ordure.
  • Or whenMichael told Sam he was paying for lunch, and Sam said "you got it Mikey,I’m starving anyway," even though he’d just munched on a gigantic bagof chips and was holding a soda. 'Burn Notice' recap: The trouble with Carla |
  • The gigantic temples of antiquity could never have been constructed had the architects adhered to the notion that the distance of two diameters and a half, called the eustyle, for the intercolumniation was essential, for architraves could not have been procured.
  • The way people in finance tend to be compensated is with very large short-term cash bonuses for making decisions that could have gigantic losses seven years later. Erica Abeel: Will Inside Job Start a Popular Rebellion?
  • For years they have been the elite of the fund management industry, enjoying colossal fees, gigantic homes and champagne lifestyles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over there, they say, gigantic uncompetitive cartels have an incestuous relationship with government, leading to corruption at all levels.
  • In his Parisian workshop, the elegant Bartholdi and truly minuscule workers pose next to a gigantic foot or an ear, of which the actual-size mold is shown with the photos.
  • It has obviously done well, because this new space is gigantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animation is a genre that has taken gigantic strides in creativity and in the use of technology.
  • The Cyclopes, too, were gigantic, towering up like mighty mountain crags and devastating in their power.
  • We did see elephants and zebras, gigantic herds of Cape buffalo, and we saw…the sausage tree. Long Way Down
  • Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
  • If he longs to view web pages as he paddles down his pool, the gigantic screen at one end will allow him to do so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal – porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor. The Wrong Box
  • He unwittingly collides with the toughest star player on the opposing team and is knocked unconscious, along with his gigantic opponent.
  • A vague sound came to our ears, like the bubbling of a gigantic caldron a long way off, and Hartman said it was machine-guns and automatic rifles. Chapter 22: The Chicago Commune
  • To the west were the red-coats of the Royal Marines, and from the Union Club to the embouchure of Whitehall swept the glittering, massive curve of the 1st Life Guards -- gigantic men mounted on gigantic chargers, steel-breastplated, steel-helmeted, steel-caparisoned, a great war-sword of steel ready to the hand of the powers that be. CORONATION DAY
  • The hunt for a house has been a gigantic part of my life for the last year so I'm bound to feel as if there's something missing.
  • The astonishing thing is that this parttime composer produced gigantic masterpieces encompassing whole worlds. Times, Sunday Times

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