
How To Use Gifted In A Sentence

  • Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback? We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • EXPLORE the future with one of my gifted psychics or astrologers any day from 9am to midnight. The Sun
  • Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, and their gifted sister Anne Bronte came from a large family of Irish origin.
  • But faculty and many of the most gifted students began to drift else-where.
  • A misfield by Arnold at extra cover gifted Mongia two more as events took on a certain air of inevitability.
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  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • Despite a shy and diffident manner,(Sentence dictionary) Davison was a hard-working and gifted teacher of endless patience.
  • She is as gifted as sedulous.
  • In some non-Western cultures, schizophrenic delusions single out the person as spiritually gifted.
  • He thought me a gifted teacher and had placed many opportunities my way.
  • He is a born leader, who welded a collection of gifted individualists into a real team.
  • Emperor Akbar had built the dargah and gifted 200 bighas of land for meeting its expenses.
  • I had one girl who was gifted, another couple who are learning disabled and another who is a second-language learner.
  • Childcare used to be thought of as a job for kind and patient people rather than the academically gifted. Times, Sunday Times
  • I attended with some positive anticipation, because the Poulenc Concerto, along with the Camille Saint-Sa'ns Symphony No. 3 avec orgue (with organ), have always seemed highly imaginative examples of gifted composers managing to craft beautiful and meaningful, even reflective statements for the mighty and potentially overpowering instrument. Undefined
  • Pianist Kenny Werner, bassist Greg Cohen and drummer Joey Baron,are incredibly gifted jazz improvisers who are no less brilliant as klezmer musicians.
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and had many fine stories and yarns which he could embellish with style.
  • The physically awkward but intellectually gifted nebbish was foregrounded in film and television by Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, and Richard Dreyfuss, and later by Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, and Larry David. A Renegade History of the United States
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • John was an able mechanic who had a fine knowledge of engines and machinery and was gifted with his hands.
  • In the opening "distich" Mr. Dutt makes the claim to be the first Asiatic poet to write in English, and if that is true this insignificant work becomes the seed of which the full flower is the gifted Rabindra, son of A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
  • At Sardhana, gifted to them by Shah Alam II, they established a multicultural court where the Begum ruled for 50 years after her husband's death.
  • A balance of storming multilinear playing suggestive of Keith Jarrett, romantic ballads and fluent improvisation, it's another acceleration in a fast-lane career that shifted from gifted student status to rising star almost overnight. This week's new live music
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further, had he won, he intended to use the 200 000 leva prize money to endow a church and scholarships for gifted children.
  • Some states stick with the label "gifted" whereas others use more broad and expansive definitions including "gifted and talent" or "high ability students. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Who Is Currently Identified as Gifted in the United States?
  • Everybody is trying hard to get this gifted young sportsman right. The Sun
  • General Pathology a very active laboratory, with international contacts, and was especially gifted in stimulating his students and foreign guests, including the Norwegian histologist and explorer Fridtjof Life and Discoveries of Camillo Golgi
  • Nearly 10 percent of all students were identified as gifted, compared to 8. 4 percent of the work-inhibited population.
  • For one thing, both artists and athletes are usually pegged at a young age as gifted or talented.
  • Not surprisingly, Chloe is a gifted musician, studying piano, guitar and recorder, as well as being an accomplished singer.
  • The organisation which is gifted with intelligence shows it by arranging its actions on a certain plan ....
  • He was a gifted draughtsman, watercolorist and landscape artist.
  • Bradley Johnson's miskick in the six-yard box gifted Bendtner an opportunity at the near post, but the forward saw his flick touched across the face of goal by Ruddy. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He was a uniquely gifted teacher.
  • Nigeria also has preschools, special education, adult education, and classes for the gifted and talented.
  • Gloria is an exceptionally gifted singer.
  • The former point of view is a tough sell, even for a writer as gifted as McMurtry.
  • Peg was gifted with her hands and made numerous vestments for the clergy through her association with the Apostolic Workers.
  • The outstanding results they continue to produce would seem to confirm the validity of the first assumption that they are naturally gifted.
  • Both gifted swordsmen, and both left-handed, uncle and nephew were putting on a skilled display-a show made more impressive by the fact that they were fighting in accordance with the most exacting rules of French dueling, but using neither the rapier-like smallsword that formed part of a gentleman's costume, nor the saber of a soldier. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Let us imagine him to be gifted with the powers of the fabled basilisk, "to monarchise, be feared, and kill with looks. Thoughts on Man: His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries
  • Musically gifted, she played several instruments in high school, and encouraged her own family to sing.
  • She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Vassar College, a Master of Arts degree in teaching gifted students from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Rebecca Walker: Love is Blind
  • Many of today's trainers use similar training methods and ride with the same style of equipment as used by those gifted vaqueros.
  • Christopher is mathematically gifted, but socially incapable, finding the simplest emotional empathy unfathomable.
  • Gifted with a superb voice, she became the Opera's leading soprano.
  • Gifted professional golfers have a duty to the game just as tournament administrators have a duty to defend the integrity of sport.
  • Apart from squandering the resources of a prodigiously gifted cast, the film's greatest shortcoming must be its inability to generate the merest scintilla of dramatic tension around its central narrative thread.
  • Their helpers are gifted with amazing powers of patience.
  • Born in Melbourne to socialist parents, he dropped out of education, despite being an avid reader and gifted writer.
  • Both are exceedingly gifted individuals with enviable human qualities; both were once cherished friends to me; and both, I think, use rage and spite to palliate their unhealed wounds. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Imagine, apparently conclusive evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, that a very few gifted individuals are genuinely clairvoyant.
  • She was a distinguished oceanographer, and a gifted painter into the bargain.
  • It is a clever, playful piece of extratextual fun from a gifted and generous entertainer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that many another highly gifted player has not found captaincy easy tended to be overlooked.
  • Yet the world champion is so unpredictably gifted that one on-song display could easily enable her to sweep aside the opposition.
  • Nor will any one of the rulers in the Churches, however highly gifted he may be in point of eloquence, teach doctrines different from these (for no one is greater than the Master); nor, on the other hand, will he who is deficient in power of expression inflict injury on the tradition. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • A unique jewel studded crown was gifted so that Lord Sundareswarar could be decked with it during the daily pujas.
  • As the camera the cinematographer is the gifted Andrew Reed moves around the table from one to the other, the warm light brightens their faces, pulling them out of the dark and toward shared discovery. NYT > Home Page
  • The teenager is gifted with a strong visual imagination that he longs to put on film.
  • YOU can have a personal and totally confidential one-to-one reading with the very best astrologers and gifted psychics. The Sun
  • She was a gifted athlete who was on the verge, they say, of wearing the national colours in a second sport.
  • Here, she again proves herself a gifted critic and biographer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your gifted son may be eligible for a scholarship rather than a bursary dependent on parental income. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is the great - great - granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney , a very gifted , very famous Seer.
  • As she retires the feature -- consigning all those shoes and bikinis and chocolate boxes to the comics closet forever -- Guisewite classily gifted employees at Andrews McMeel/Universal UClick with her original art, fellow creator Bill Amend said. 'CATHY'S' FAREWELL: Video pays tribute as Guisewite ends her strip's 34-year run Sunday
  • Even at school, Liz had always been a very gifted painter.
  • You can teach somebody and school them to be an actor but to be a very good actor you must have stage presence and Des has been gifted with that.
  • At the age of 14 his parents gifted him a computer.
  • He had a son, Tom Watson Jr., who was as strong-willed and gifted as the father.
  • Sixteen songs, and not a clunker amongst them, really is an embarrassment of riches and will surely bring this gifted singer songwriter the audience he deserves.
  • She counts among the most gifted of the current generation of composers.
  • My son is considered very bright and a gifted linguist by the school. Times, Sunday Times
  • He quotes abundantly from Scripture, medieval mystics and gifted contemporary writers.
  • Strutt may be able to deflea a cat with lemon water, but a gifted self-promoter she is not. Top stories from Times Online
  • I asked them if they supposed a nation of people ever existed, who, with a free vote in every man's hand, would elect that a single family and its descendants should reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies, to the exclusion of all other families -- including the voter's; and would also elect that a certain hundred families should be raised to dizzy summits of rank, and clothed on with offensive transmissible glories and privileges to the exclusion of the rest of the nation's families -- _including his own_. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 3.
  • Faced with this situation, Smithson felt that the task of the artist was to cultivate a thoroughgoing acedia: ‘The artist should be an actor who refuses to act’ and ‘Immobility and inertia are what many of the most gifted artists prefer.’
  • And he was gifted with that peculiar power which enables a man to have the last word in every encounter, -- a power which we are apt to call repartee, which is in truth the readiness which comes from continual practice. The Duke's Children
  • Life is gifted to us not just to work, but to work in order to realize life's purpose. Work is not an end in itself, but a means to realize the end purpose of life. RVM 
  • a gifted painter but an indifferent actor
  • It is a chance for the gifted ones to display their natural talents.
  • He is a highly gifted young singer, who combines a beautiful voice with unusual musical sensitivity.
  • On the stage, Mrs Siddons senior and Mr John Kemble were remarkable for the solemn deliberation of their manner, both in declamation and action, and yet they were splendidly gifted in power.
  • Plato sees democracy as imposing stifling bureaucracy on gifted individuals.
  • First, let me say that Otto Rehhagel has demonstrated the true worth of a genuinely gifted coach.
  • Their helpers are gifted with amazing powers of patience.
  • Well-meaning pedants may wonder why so gifted a verbal prestidigitator as Mr. Ives has resorted so often to imperfect rhymes, each one of which diminishes the hectic glitter of the play's verbal surface by a tiny but measurable increment. Flying Couplets and Canapés
  • Elites always detest gifted and nimble outsiders.
  • Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
  • Though this tale of reincarnation and a love that crossed generations starred the peerless Barbara Harris, as a psychically gifted young woman with a past life just waiting to leap out of her, it was generally agreed that the 1965 production was overdressed, overplotted and more or less out of its mind. NYT > Home Page
  • The protagonist is a Carmelite nun who is gifted with visions and who writes inspiring poetry about them.
  • But as a gifted trainer and conductor of choirs, he devoted most effort to the medium of choral music, which he regarded as his natural territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at the same time another pressure is being applied to the least gifted children from working-class homes.
  • They are also gifted with prophecy, and help those who are involved in the prophecies.
  • Their style is perfect for their players because they are so technically gifted and are the best at what they do. The Sun
  • In a flashback, we see the progress of their relationship - he, a gifted violinist; she, a pianist from an aristocratic family.
  • They were greeted by staff playing all manner of musical instruments from tambourines to recorders and the less musically gifted banging pots and pans.
  • A gifted conversationalist, he made himself at home in any company.
  • Many children with verbal processing difficulty go on to be-come gifted interpreters of literature or become erudite in philosophy or social sciences.
  • I do not claim to be gifted - it's just something you either possess or you don't.
  • As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
  • The one-time gifted student kept his hands in his pockets as he listened to the brief proceedings.
  • They gifted their opponents a goal.
  • And, even among the 2% of children who are naturally ‘gifted’, there's little evidence hothousing does any good.
  • It will be found that grand style arises in poetry when a noble nature, poetically gifted, treats with simplicity or severity a serious subject.
  • She was an extremely gifted poet.
  • Peers often hold back and may refer to the gifted person in derogatory terms.
  • He was gifted with a great sense of humour, and it was unsuspected by those who did not know him really well because of his austere appearance.
  • Javier is a gifted tango guitarist and singer from Spain.
  • And each of whom, in my humble opinion, is gifted and talented in real and measurable and endurable ways. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Jemini (no longer suffixed by the tag ‘The Gifted One’, although he has more claim than most of his contemporaries) lets us know the deal early on in this album.
  • That means meeting the needs of the exceptionally gifted as well as those of the physically handicapped and socially deprived.
  • she regifted that ugly scarf she received from her aunt
  • I've decided I'm neither a naturally gifted nor organised bottomer of a house. 42 entries from November 2007
  • He was also a gifted music scholar, composer and pianist - a talent now beyond him due to his illness.
  • Throw in a culture that celebrates, or at least does not condemn, yobbery and violence plus the decline of manual labour and lack of outlets for youngsters who are not academically gifted, and you have quite a toxic mix. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The second was entirely due to the confidence and ability of the gifted Italian striker.
  • So many gifted young players. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not gifted with Promethean foresight, and emotional involvement makes one a poor judge. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Children born of these unions were often gifted in the art of healing and became famed physicians.
  • She was a gifted musician, her speciality was the traditional tin whistle.
  • Gaga is a deeply gifted thinker, writer, and student of style who, in her first column for V magazine, wrote: I can look at almost any hemline, silhouette, beadwork, or heel architecture and tell you very precisely who designed it first, what French painter they stole it Susannah Gora: Lady Gaga: Born This Way... And That Way... And That Way...
  • "She gives out the material and shows teachers how to work with it, she is a gifted motivator."
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • A supremely gifted player with a magical touch, he combined charm and nastiness in almost equal measure.
  • It was the supreme anthem of renunciation, of scorn, of derision at the pretensions of the ungifted and the insensitive.
  • As well as being an accomplished craftswoman, she was a gifted pianist.
  • This council has a clear commitment to the education of gifted and talented pupils.
  • She is exceptionally gifted, and possesses strong telepathic and telekinetic powers, which saved the day on many occasions.
  • Rennie is a gifted lyricist, and the songs are full of great lines and images.
  • She was a distinguished oceanographer, and a gifted painter into the bargain.
  • Gifted a high-performance vehicle, he retrofitted it into a tank. Globe and Mail
  • The fact that this most coveted world record has been held by left-handers for the last 47 years fuels the decade old theory that left-handers, as a rule, are more gifted than the orthodox right-handers.
  • Such remarks , though, hardly begin to explain that prodigiously gifted author Henry James.
  • She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
  • Until recently, however, the gifted Welshman was a relative unknown in these parts.
  • Even the most gifted editor would have problems turning much of the obligatory information into riveting reading.
  • Neither parliament nor the law was open, though these provided both soaring fame and a practical anchor for similarly gifted men.
  • The humans will look, talk and act as regular humans, but will be gifted with superhuman abilities.
  • An entrance exam guides students into one of four academic tracks, ranging from highly gifted to remedial.
  • The "knowns" -- the gifted Galt MacDermott, the ingenious British designer John Bury, the not yet knighted Peter Hall, couldn't have had better pedigrees for approaching a piece of such ambition: there was a space ship that sailed over the orchestra; trampolines cratered into the stage to bounce us like 'low gravity' might, and a massive rocket tail would blast us all off at the show's end in quadraphonic sound. Melanie Chartoff: Spine-tingling"Spiderman"--for All the Wrong Reasons
  • They were the ultimate female role models: highly unusual, gifted, respected women.
  • Decorative serving platters also make great presents for the culinarily gifted.
  • As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.
  • Gifted with an incredible voice, and a great sense and ability to sing, Bhanu has sung a number of devotional songs written by saints such as Kabir, Brahmanand and Guru - Articles related to 5 held with AK-47, ammo in Amritsar
  • His duplicity would have been fatal in anyone less gifted. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was. a gifted man, but had a propensity for falling into bad associations.
  • With rich munificence, as we often say, in a most blinkard, bespectacled, logic-chopping generation, Nature has gifted this man with an eye. The French Revolution
  • Gifted children often achieve language competency at an earlier age than their chronological age-mates.
  • The Internet Evangelism Day team emphasizes that web evangelism is for anyone, not just the technically gifted. Archive 2008-04-01
  • London (CNN) -- Rousing speeches by gifted orators such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were crucial to the struggle for civil rights in America.
  • Civil Service keeper Dermot Kelly gifted Fulford the opening goal when he completely miskicked a 30-yard back pass but his team responded in style.
  • She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
  • Surely it's the more technically-gifted Agger in the libero role rather than Carragher? The day Liverpool played Carlo Ancelotti at his own game – and won | Richard Williams
  • Of critical importance is that the studio continues to attract gifted animators.
  • Apparently, there were rumors that the two of them got engaged in the presence of a maulvi on February 6th at Saif's residence and that he's also gifted a car to Kareena. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf posits that a hypothetical, gifted sister of Shakespeare, wishing to write but prevented from a broad education by limited reading and restricted interaction in the world of ideas, would have been laughed at and ultimately would have been driven to despair. Interview with Susan Vreeland
  • She was gifted with a white face and large soft eyes — even beyond the common measure of a cow — short little horns, that she would scarcely think of pushing even at a dog (unless he made mouths at her infant), a flat broad nose ever genial to be rubbed, and a delicate fringe of finely pointed yellow hairs around her pleasant nostrils and above her clovery lips. Springhaven
  • He is highly gifted at using his voice and finding the rhythms and cadences of a character's speech like few others. Christianity Today
  • she was very gifted
  • How is it fair that this fabulous kid - straight A's, a natural leader by example, athletically gifted, kind, articulate, soft-hearted - is in such a sucky system?
  • A naturally gifted sportswoman, she became a proficient sculler, horsewoman, and mountaineer, and even mastered billiards.
  • He is deceptively fast and so technically gifted. The Sun
  • Patience wasn't a virtue you were gifted with, was it?
  • Flexibility within the classroom, the hallmark of the gifted teacher, must find a place in far more of our schools.
  • Lender smiled, and it was the indulgent look of a master being asked something obvious by a gifted but untutored apprentice. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Sometimes, gifted children are disruptive in classrooms because they refuse to do exercises they consider to be busywork.
  • It is a gifted novelist, indeed, who can make ordinary events come alive, and who can interest the reader in ordinary, even dull, characters.
  • Boxing’s two most gifted and stylish performers, in their prime the antithesis of the brute fighter, ended up indistinguishable from the broken-down old pugs they were sure they’d never become.
  • Reaching five times the median tenure in office may be the result of unusual circumstances more than gifted leadership.
  • After having a mooch around whilst chatting to a mixture of students who were on the course, it became clear that although being a gifted artist is helpful, the thought and understanding behind their work was most important.
  • He was an open-hearted artist who became an early advocate and performer of songs by gifted songwriters such as Bob Dylan, Tim Hardin, and Kris Kristofferson.
  • • Brian Simpson Obituary, 2 February was indeed a gifted raconteur. Letters: Nukes in safe hands
  • But the new clientele is quite a bit younger: 3 - and 4-year-olds whose parents hope that a little assistance — costing upward of $1,000 for several sessions — will help them win coveted spots in the city’s gifted and talented public kindergarten classes. K-12 w/ Higher Ed Implications
  • His music teacher told her he was the most naturally gifted musician he had taught. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell today declared Condoleezza Rice will bring what he called gifted leadership to the State Department. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2005
  • The president hailed as the most gifted communicator since Ronald Reagan has suffered chiefly from the inability to tell a convincing story. Barack Obama's down but not out
  • Only a gifted leader, one who led by example and who understood the Texan makeup, could mold such mulish freemen into a cohesive team.
  • intellectually gifted children
  • He ranks as one of the most gifted artists of all time.
  • The program is headed by an expert in teaching gifted and talented children.
  • Howard attracted many gifted people who have subsequently attained leadership roles in the Salvation Army.
  • He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.
  • So in short then excuse the puna supremely gifted womanising piano player who was always planning schemes to make that extra buck. Strange but True case of the lifelong gambler Chico Marx | Obsessed With Film
  • He was gifted when it came to matters relating to the soil and livestock and his instinctive knowledge was always put to good use.
  • There a positive correlation transactional leadership and learning adjustment for gifted students.
  • Ellington's band was a launching pad for many gifted jazz musicians.
  • Sharp featured, with a Cockney accent and a biting wit, Mr Bowles was a gifted teacher.
  • There is no way that even the scientifically and clinically very gifted Nurse Nadine can perform a behind-the-chair abortion, with a cocktail unmbrella or otherwise, on the "gent" involved. Debunking Dorries: She Makes Own Bunk and Lies In It
  • He was extremely gifted in crafting metals and his skills were much needed.
  • The quarterback is the Herschel Walker of his generation, gifted beyond measure, with skills that astonish and results that disappoint.
  • Iverson, 25, is one of the game's biggest draws because he's one of its most gifted artists.
  • There a positive correlation transactional leadership and learning adjustment for gifted students.
  • This accustomed visitor would seem a gifted vocalist, but for the inevitable comparison between his thinner note and the gushing melodies of the lordlier bird. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • He is academically gifted.
  • None of them said that they were naturally gifted. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was gifted with a great eye and a quick pair of feet.
  • She was gifted with her hands and had a special talent for knitting and embroidery.
  • Those who really know what originality is are not long the slave of the power of imitation: it is the gifted assimilator that suffers most under the spell of mastery. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets

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