How To Use Gift-wrap In A Sentence
Carrying unlikely-looking, gift-wrapped parcels on their heads, the ‘porters’ file past us - their bustiness shown off to perfection.
The third game has six gift-wrapped boxes.
The Sun
Would you like that gift-wrapped, sir?
You can buy gift-wrapped boxes of sauces and spices at a small shop.
Times, Sunday Times
The shop also sells cards and gift-wrap, and music from the Naxos label.
Independent bookshops in Scotland
There is just no limit to the detritus that Palin will regurgitate and gift-wrap to sell to gullible sycophants, is there?
Second Palin book due in November
Gift-wrapped in thick brown paper tied with string, it had promising heft and solidity: a chemistry set with a real Bunsen burner, perhaps; certainly not anything boring to wear.
The price of the 2000 g gammon gift-wrap is $168 per wrap. The seller signed the number "16" in bold type and "8.0" in small type and led consumer misunderstand the price is $16.80 per wrap.
He'd had them gift-wrapped, but now he couldn't resist undoing the packages to show the toys off to Ella Jean.
Finally, let's see how Leko ended up having his queen completely gift-wrapped in his blindfold game against Piket.
She provides gift-wrap services and keeps track of customers' past purchases in order to make complimentary suggestions each time they come into the store.
Little Guys Tough It Out
At 919 Marketing in Holly Springs, N.C., where Ms. Plescher is director of technology, employees routinely have gifts shipped to the office, set up a gift-wrap table in the break room and stack wrapped presents against the walls.
The Sneaky, Cagey Side of the Holidays
Cards, gift-wrap, and some of the most creative packaging I've seen anywhere.
Faith Hope Consolo: The Faithful Shopper: Christmas in October
Love is a game, with rules and penalties, not a gift-wrapped box of sweeties, guaranteed to last until the sun goes down behind the mountaintops.
But rather than tell that story, dig in, and fight like a true leader would, Obama has chosen to hire corporate-friendly advisors, compromise on the most crucial substance, and attempt to eke out weak, symbolic, half-victories gift-wrapped in flowery oratory and spin.
Josh Silver: Comcastrophe: Comcast/NBC Merger Approved
Boxed cards, paper, party invitations, gifts and gift-wrap -- get an early, stylish start on your preparations!
Faith Hope Consolo: The Faithful Shopper: Christmas in October
In December, peak gift-wrap season, the rate plummets to four orders per hour, he says.
Boxing Up Shopping's Magic Moment
In game one, click on gift-wrapped parcels to reveal symbols.
The Sun
Did I realise that jumbo rolls of gift-wrap are three-for-the-price-of-two?
Customer: Can you help me gift-wrap this, please Salesgirl: Sure. (after a while) Customer: Wow!
Georgia committed four turnovers and five 15-yard penalties, continuing a sorry pattern set back in the summer, to gift-wrap Kentucky's first win in Athens since the Civil War.
UGA enters Tech game on a downer after loss to Kentucky - sports
The store offers a gift-wrapping service.
The books are gift-wrapped and can include a personal message.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a large, lidded cardboard box, close to the Royal Mail size limit, very white, gift-wrapped in beautiful blue ribbon, and exceeding light.
The store offers a gift-wrapping service.
Merry Christmas, Yanks: Braves gift-wrap Vazquez for Cabrera is the next entry in this blog.
Falcons' hopes thaw for back-to-back winning seasons - sports
Merry Christmas, Yanks: Braves gift-wrap Vazquez for Cabrera was the previous entry in this blog.
Power-hungry Braves to give Troy Glaus a try - sports
Some were gift-wrapped, others - scissors, torches, nutcrackers - were just in their bubble packs and looked sort of naked in comparison.
Times, Sunday Times
Having delivered his bundle of trouble, neatly gift-wrapped and fully annotated for the record, the Polizei Präsident dropped the phone.