How To Use Gielgud In A Sentence
The play originally starred John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson, and was a huge success.
One of the long ? living Oscar winners cited was Sir John Gielgud.
By his own say-so an insignificant umpire could dismiss a world class player by the lift of his finger rather as if a stage carpenter could have told Sir John Gielgud to hop it.
Of his speaking, Gielgud said in interview: ‘I study the shape, sound, and length of the words themselves, and try to reproduce them exactly as they were written’.
Gielgud will be best remembered for a series of radical interpretations and performances in Shakespearean roles.

John Gielgud, playing Othello at Stratford in 1961, was less happy, complaining that Hall's costumes were "beautiful but cumbrous" and that the elaborate production stalled while Zeffirelli leafed through "his damned press cuttings".
Peter J Hall obituary
Even Helen Mirren, a casting choice so obvious it hurts, can't alchemize the role of Hobson which won John Gielgud an Oscar into much besides a humorless scold.
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His voice may not be as oaken as Richard Burton's was, or as burnished as John Gielgud's, but it's a beautifully modulated instrument with its own somber music.
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Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act
Now as then, Gielgud is acute, highly intelligent and concerned to help draw a full portrait.
The standout performance, oddly, is the very very brief appearance of John Gielgud as Time.
May Books 6) The Winter's Tale, by William Shakespeare
Gielgud played Hamlet
By the standards of their day, of course, the Oliviers and Gielguds were invigoratingly unmannered and natural; as acting evolved around them, their vintage became noticeable.
John Gielgud, along with his two contemporaries and friends, Laurence Olivier and Ralph Richardson, dominated the thespian scene for much of the 20th century.
Gielgud appears briefly in this movie
Imagine John Gielgud at his plummiest reading the dialogue from, say, "The Hangover.
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