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How To Use Giddiness In A Sentence

  • In this case you have to factor in alcohol, albeit I know there is a finding of sobriety, or not of insobriety; giddiness; certainly tiredness; early hours of the morning.
  • Giddiness can be controlled by medication or surgery.
  • The latter reaction was simply a giddiness at having managed to get free of bourgeois restraint.
  • The fans, though, can be forgiven their giddiness.
  • The strange giddiness of the first movement is immediately subdued by the grave brass chorale that opens the dark second movement.
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  • One month ago, the giddiness was severe and I was bedridden for about four days.
  • I question whether the persistent giddiness I feel around bristlecones is the altitude or a sense of their profound preeminence.
  • The road has been hedged by a parapet to prevent accidents, which enabled me to contemplate the whole descent, and gain vertigoes at pleasure; for a great part of my amusement in these steep rocks, is, they cause a giddiness and swimming in my head, which I am particularly fond of, provided The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Its cast, performances, visuals and devotion to its source material has me squirming in geeky giddiness every time I watch it. Best & Worst Films of 2008! « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Ashley Young could have been forgiven a certain giddiness, his signature still wet on a five-year contract at Manchester United with a title defence and Champions League football to come. Ashley Young confident of imposing himself on Old Trafford youth camp
  • Loss of feeling usually again in one side of the body, loss of vision, again usually one part of your field of view or sometimes one eye, loss of balance sometimes and giddiness or what we call vertigo can also be a sign of stroke. Undefined
  • He complained of giddiness, shivering, vomiting and pains all over his body.
  • I was beaming on the inside with happiness, on the verge of giddiness, as the clock ran down.
  • Angelique is introducing Dr. Wicklund with the same giddiness she has when introducing just about any author. Archive 2008-04-01
  • He does not look down where the earth holds out her green arms luringly, he does not look up where from the procession of clouds in the sky the fatal giddiness may drop down on his steady eye. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 Friedrich Hebbel and Otto Ludwig
  • He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
  • What are the precautions I have to take to prevent giddiness from occurring again with any diet restrictions?
  • She still suffers from bouts of vomiting blood, headache and giddiness.
  • The path requires visitors to be free from giddiness, and sturdy shoes might be a good idea too.
  • There likewise were plums and cherries and grapes, that the sick of all diseases assain and do away giddiness and yellow choler from the brain; and figs the branches between, varicoloured red and green, amazing sight and sense, even as saith the poet, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The bone system could have degenerated and a similar degeneration in the neck bones can cause unsteadiness and giddiness.
  • In the early stages, I had giddiness, which was got over by taking Stemetil.
  • They bring to mind the pop of Champagne corks, the confetti, the giddiness, the hubbub.
  • Only four weeks to go before the big day and instead of enjoying the pre-wedding giddiness, I am a wreck.
  • The whole place seems to be in a state of perpetual motion, and the occasional visitor is apt to have a feeling of giddiness. Hester Street Fair Opens In Style (PHOTOS)
  • Extreme anxiety can cause giddiness, heart palpitations, headaches or stomach disorders.
  • He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
  • I was feeling no pain, just that giddiness that comes from a lack of oxygen.
  • The inner ear is the site of origin of giddiness in nearly 90 per cent of patients.
  • There should be a joy, not empty and shallow giddiness, but joy as we go about our lives.
  • Certainly, some late-night giddiness contributed, too.
  • She and her family had been suffering from severe headaches, giddiness and nausea.
  • Suddenly he was seized with giddiness [ a fit of coughing ].
  • Extreme anxiety can cause giddiness, heart palpitations, headaches or stomach disorders.
  • Pornthip Rojanasunand, director of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science, said the circumstances suggested that Carradine may have died performing auto-erotic asphyxiation, which is said to result in a form of giddiness and euphoria - similar to alcohol or drug intoxication - that enhances the sexual experience. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In the audiocassette letter my parents sent relatives stateside shortly after she was born, they describe her with typical parental giddiness. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • In some of the gutter wounds and subcutaneous tracks crossing the forehead and sides of the head, signs of intracranial disturbance were occasionally observed in the absence of external fracture, such as transient muscular weakness, unsteadiness in movements, giddiness, diplopia, or loss of memory and intellectual clearness. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • There's almost a giddiness surrounding the talks in Houston.
  • Perhaps, too, we hear the dramatist wrestling with his own inner feelings, his own longing for mastery of women and at the same time his sense of shame and abashment at male giddiness and importunity. Shakespeare
  • Your history and tests suggest you have vertigo, which is a condition of imbalance with giddiness.
  • Still, much as one enjoys the giddiness as reality and fiction seep into each other, there is still something wilfully costive about it.
  • A wave of giddiness swept over her.
  • Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea, vomiting and giddiness?
  • A 19 year old college student was admitted with complaints of not talking and giddiness.
  • Some giddiness is to be expected.
  • She still suffers from bouts of vomiting blood, headache and giddiness.
  • If taken in large doses, the pinkroot is said to produce narcotic effects that may cause enhanced heart action, giddiness, lightheadedness or vertigo, unclear or diffused vision, muscular spasms, convulsions and even prove to be fatal. Find Me A Cure
  • Recently a dose of ninety-six grains, taken toxically, produced giddiness, then epileptic convulsions, with dilated pupils, and stertor of breathing. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Every time it opens its waxed mustached mouth to shout a line, a sense of nostalgic giddiness overcomes the viewer.
  • There likewise were plums and cherries and grapes, that the sick of all diseases assain and do away giddiness and yellow choler from the brain; and figs the branches between, varicoloured red and green, amazing sight and sense, even as saith the poet, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Eliza was delighted to the point of giddiness.
  • But, since she was dealing with fantasy, that locale isn't set in concrete: Prince Charming, or whatever we might call the rescuer of the play's maiden-in-distress, springs to her temporary rescue as a leaping, kilted Scot, sparkling with giddiness and glee, and his nearby home seems to be a castle. Leo Stutzin: 'Wild Bride' At The Berkeley Rep: Serious Enchantment
  • His desire to be of service to her only increased her giddiness.
  • He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
  • There is likewise more or less headache, neuralgia, giddiness, hebetude (state of mild stupidity), dejection, confusion of the senses, skin disease, acne rosacea (scarlet redness of the nose and cheeks), eczema, etc. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Our teacher ended the giddiness soon enough.
  • Giddiness is a common problem that can be almost disabling.
  • So I think the kind of giddiness that we had last summer is over.
  • If too large a dose of apiol be taken it will cause headache, giddiness, staggering, and deafness; and if going still further, it will induce epileptiform convulsions. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea, vomiting and giddiness? Is her menses normal?
  • It affects nerve centres of the head and spine and produces giddiness and deafness.
  • Add to this a method of montage favouring ellipses and assonances and one is well on the way to experiencing that giddiness which Jean Narboni has described as the essence of the ‘Godard effect’.
  • Provers of the tincture (H.) in toxic doses experienced giddiness, stupor, and confusion of mind, twitchings of the limbs, intermission of the pulse, and other symptoms indicative of the epileptiform Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • She is cute, clean and full of giddiness.
  • At first, I thought it was just the innocent giddiness of young children.
  • She alternates dizzily between childish giddiness and a sort of stoic, pursed-lips silence her interpretation of the model "pout" she sees on TV. Archive 2008-01-01
  • A similar degeneration in the neck bones can cause unsteadiness and giddiness.
  • Symptoms include nausea and giddiness.
  • In larger doses, black cohosh can cause dizziness, headaches, giddiness, nausea, and vomiting.
  • They all enjoy themselves to the point of giddiness.
  • I tried to be careful what I said, but dang if the giddiness of new friendship doesn't sometimes overwhelm my better judgment.
  • By the time I was finally able to rip open that dang plastic cover, the giddiness was oozing out of my ears.
  • My 13-year-old son has suffered from sickness, giddiness and headaches for about three years.
  • I recall bringing the cheese home with a feeling of giddiness.
  • She insists on just sitting in her chair until the giddiness passes.
  • But, since she was dealing with fantasy, that locale isn't set in concrete: Prince Charming, or whatever we might call the rescuer of the play's maiden-in-distress, springs to her temporary rescue as a leaping, kilted Scot, sparkling with giddiness and glee, and his nearby home seems to be a castle. Leo Stutzin: 'Wild Bride' At The Berkeley Rep: Serious Enchantment
  • Jason: Ah, the giddiness is completely mutual mike.

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