How To Use Gibbous In A Sentence
`The gibbous moon hung low over the eldritch and batrachian inhabitants of squamous Dulwich.
It has also entered its uninteresting season for telescopic observers; it looks like a small, featureless, gibbous Moon for the rest of the year.
My hand was clasped around hers, and the light of the gibbous moon set a silver path out before us.
It is inky dark, with fireflies flashing in the trees and a gibbous moon hanging over Venus.
The male hooded merganser, with his distinct gibbous moon crest, demands immediate attention.
Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.
+Cap+ bright yellowish or orange color, 3 to 7 inches broad, convex, then flattened, gibbous, that is, more convex on one side than on the other; viscid, covered with woolly (floccose) scales, which often separate.
Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
The planet Jupiter blazes near the gibbous moon tonight.
As I nestle into my bedroll and blanket, I gaze up at the sky and see that a couple of stars have come out and also a gibbous moon has risen in the north.
Our sky chart shows the bright gibbous moon and the planet Jupiter for around mid - evening tonight.
In one sense the likenesses were speaking -- that is, a gibbous balloon proceeded from the mouth of each figure, wherein the following dialogue was indicated.
The Cock-House at Fellsgarth
During February, it brightens from mag -4.1 to -4.2 and its gibbous disc swells from 15 to 18 arcsec.
Starwatch: The February night sky
They were outside in the clearing in front of the fire below the waxing gibbous moon.
+Cap+ from 3 to 5 inches broad, of an olive green color, sometimes greenish umber, covered with a silky bloom, fleshy, gibbous, then plano-depressed and funnel-shaped, cuticle here and there separable; margin at first inflexed, then spreading.
Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
Consider the following (from 'Ghost World') which not only features the only - in my knowledge - use of the word 'gibbous' in popular song, but rather beautifully captures a mood:
Word Magazine - Comments
The second glume is thinner, dorsally gibbous, keeled, 5 - to 9-nerved, beaked and minutely bifid.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The waning gibbous moon and Saturn above your eastern horizon by around 8:00 p.m. tonight.
No. 5 is a species of fir which arives to the Size of No. 2, and No. 4. the Stem Simple branching, diffuse and proliferous. the bark thin dark brown, much divided with Small longitudinal interstices scaleing off in thin rolling flakes. it affords but little rosin and the wood is redish white 2/3ds of the diamieter in the Center the ballance white Somewhat porus and tough. the twigs are much longer and more slender than in either of the other speceies. the leaves are acerose 1/20 of an inch in width, and an inch in length, sessile, inserted on all Sides of the bough, Streight, their extremities pointing obliquely towards the extremities of the bough and more thickly placed than in either of the other Species; gibbous and flexable but more stiff than any except No. 1 and more blontly pointed than either of the other Species; the upper disk has a Small longitudinal Channel and is of a deep green tho not so
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
`The gibbous moon hung low over the eldritch and batrachian inhabitants of squamous Dulwich.
Jupiter is that blazing point of light near tonight's waxing gibbous moon.
I believe we had to choose the name of a tailless monkey — gibbous, gibbon, gibber, none of the above.
Myrtle Beach Daze
+Cap+ bright yellowish or orange color, 3 to 7 inches broad, convex, then flattened, gibbous, that is, more convex on one side than on the other; viscid, covered with woolly (floccose) scales, which often separate.
Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
Body broadly ovate, elevated and truncate posteriorly; back oblique; dorsal impression lanceolate; scutab area very slightly excavated; ambulacral spaces broad, triangular, depressed; interambulacral spaces slightly convex; anteal furrow broad and shallow, sides slightly gibbous; sub-anal impressions broadly ob-cordate; post-oral spinous space broadly lanceolate.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
They were outside in the clearing in front of the fire below the waxing gibbous moon.
Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.
Perhaps it was due to the gibbous moon which was shining right through my window on to my bed.
The moon is gibbous and yellow down at the end of the main street.
There's a bewildering array of familiar supervillains and splendid interludes played as Catwoman, along with collectibles, side missions and distractions in a game that oozes the very essence of Batman, from dialogue and character design to the gibbous moon permanently silhouetting its buildings.
This week's new games
Our sky chart shows the bright waxing gibbous moon and the planet Jupiter around mid - evening tonight.
Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across.
Starwatch: The January night sky
On the 16th Jupiter appears to the upper left of the waxing gibbous Moon.
I wondered if a gibbous moon makes a gibbon speak gibberish?
Myrtle Beach Daze
During February, it brightens from mag -4.1 to -4.2 and its gibbous disc swells from 15 to 18 arcsec.
Starwatch: The February night sky
Perhaps it was due to the gibbous moon which was shining right through my window on to my bed.
Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across.
Starwatch: The January night sky
The waxing gibbous moon was still behind the scudding clouds, but it was far from pitch dark.
As I nestle into my bedroll and blanket, I gaze up at the sky and see that a couple of stars have come out and also a gibbous moon has risen in the north.
The year is on the wane, has passed its gibbous phase and is now into that delicate fingernail-clipping shape that children draw in pictures to denote the moon.
This great democracy of ours is definitely waning, and it remains to be seen whether it will remain in its current gibbous state for long.
Rizwan A. Rahmani: The Indifference of Younger Voters and Our Imperiled Democracy
The waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.
Body broadly ovate, elevated and truncate posteriorly; back oblique; dorsal impression lanceolate; scutab area very slightly excavated; ambulacral spaces broad, triangular, depressed; interambulacral spaces slightly convex; anteal furrow broad and shallow, sides slightly gibbous; sub-anal impressions broadly ob-cordate; post-oral spinous space broadly lanceolate.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
Tonight , the waning gibbous moon is 2 days past full.
But a bright, gibbous moon would have cleared the hillside to shine into Mary Shelley's bedroom window just before 2am on 16 June.
Frankenstein's hour of creation identified by astronomers