How To Use Gibber In A Sentence

  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.
  • In his 1982 "Secondary Currents," which is described in the film's title credits as a "film noir," Rose pushes the sound and image concerns of structuralist filmmakers by creating a work that is "imageless": on a black screen, white subtitles translate the gibberish of the unreliable narrator in the voice-over. Baltimore City Paper
  • Sleep talking can range from a word or two of gibberish, to an entire speech.
  • Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.
  • The plant at the left, with the most vigorous root system, is the one most deficient in a plant hormone known as gibberellin. - latest science and technology news stories
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  • It spirals from crisp oration into stream-of-consciousness babble and finally into gibberish.
  • The day will come, soon enough, when I'm gibbering, and incoherent, but right now I'm in control and I don't want anyone else to know.
  • Sunday evening television is watched exclusively by fools, cranks and gibbering dingbats.
  • The ending really is one where you stare at the TV for about 5 minutes after its over and mutter gibberish.
  • And all this talk of it being a man's world is pure balderdash, poppycock and gibberish.
  • I do not wish to turn into a gibbering homicidal maniac, especially just before Christmas.
  • It became a nightmare chant, and he gibbered it to those that passed him on the trail. THE TASTE OF THE MEAT
  • Then he noticed Andrew acting strangely, grinning and waving, talking gibberish to himself and fidgeting.
  • But to lose control, to have his soul upset by the pangs of the flesh, to screech and gibber like an ape, to become the veriest beast -- ah, that was what was so terrible. Lost Face
  • Could you get the guys who taught you to sob and gibber with the impossibility of their relationship with the people they taught? Exclusive /Film Interview: Mike Newell, Director of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | /Film
  • I think that I've been talking gibberish for approximately the past twelve hours.
  • Gazing out of windows is like watching TV for cats, but they never use teleprompters to "gibber" at birds. Dave Astor: Why Cats Are Abandoning Obama
  • I expect every possible bureaucratic, budgetary and techno-gibberish obstacle possible to be put in COTS-D's way. A Big First Step for COTS-D Today - NASA Watch
  • I buzzed, I forgot about my feet, I gibbered ecstatically to strangers on chairlifts, I laughed and whooped, soared and floated.
  • GINGRICH: No. The intellectuals around me would -- if you wanted to use the term intelligentsia -- I mean, there's a self-identified, elite intellectual group in America who see themselves as the guardians of this alternative to traditional American civilization, and these are folks who write what I think is largely gibberish and explain deconstructionism and all sorts of ideas that I, frankly, don't pay much attention to, but that are somehow mystically going to be better than American civilization: multiculturalism, the counterculture, etc. To Renew America
  • Its 6000 strong population in the 1960s on the gibber and spinifex plain also enjoyed more than 3000 hours of sunshine a year.
  • Nürnberg is the correct spelling – anything else is auslander gibberishFiredoglake » Bush’s Favorite Democrat Wows the Connecticut Press — Again
  • From Jabir we gain the word alkali, the distilling apparatus known as an alembic and – says Al-Khalili – perhaps even the word gibberish. Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili – review
  • A few years ago, some smarty-pants college professor fooled a bunch of stupid college professors, by publishing a bunch of PC-babble gibberish (quite literally, gibberish) and getting it praised by his colleagues.
  • And Hall, usually so merry, could outfoot them all when he once got started on the cosmic pathos of religion and the gibbering anthropomorphisms of those who loved not to die. CHAPTER IX
  • Politicians have to be diplomatic, and pissing off Obama by spouting neocon gibberish is probably not a good idea. Matthew Yglesias » Boot v. Peres on Arab Peace Initiative
  • If we're lucky to say anything to them, it all gibberish.
  • Stop gibbering, man, and tell us what you saw.
  • In a roaring but strangely squeakily toned mumble of utter nonsensical gibberish, the round manchild asked me something I can only assume was about how my shopping went, to which I could think of no other reply except, "Fine, and you," before I loaded the conveyor belt with my few items that were to be sent frightfully into this employee's clumsily oversized hands. One Cent Baby
  • Possible analogies with other cold-requiring processes such as vernalization and stratification, and the interaction of auxin and gibberellin in the stalk elongation process in other plant species are discussed.
  • He was led, gibbering, by his mum into the stark light of a side exit.
  • A small set of genes that are regulated by KAR1, even when germination is prevented by the absence of gibberellin biosynthesis or light, were identified. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The whole point of this storyline is that he has reduced her to a gibbering wreck through emotional and verbal cruelty without any physical violence.
  • Of course, the rest of the nation — or, perhaps, most of it — was laughing at the Cowboys, hoping they'd plunge to 0-16 and owner Jerry Jones wound be found, like Dickens's Miss Havisham, wandering his $1.1 billion stadium barefoot in tailored Neiman Marcus pajamas, muttering gibberish about Tex Schramm and the NFL's collective bargaining agreement. In Dallas, Stars Are Again Aligned
  • The doctor, who can understand Hungarian, realised that the inmate was rambling and gibbering not in Russian but in Hungarian, which is not a Slavonic language.
  • In the worst cases no such meaning exists, and parsing the text reveals only hints of sense in masses of gibberish; other times the alchemy succeeds, and a plain emphatic version of the writer’s intentions suddenly emerges from the jumble of jargon like the hidden image in an autostereogram. December « 2008 « Sentence first
  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice.
  • I wondered if a gibbous moon makes a gibbon speak gibberish? Myrtle Beach Daze
  • I think; perhaps _ape_hood rather, -- paltry imitancy, from the teeth outward, of what our heart never felt nor our understanding ever saw; dim indolent adherence to extraneous and extinct traditions; traditions now really about extinct; not living now to almost any of us, and still haunting with their spectralities and gibbering _ghosts_ (in a truly baleful manner) almost all of us! Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • After a minute of two of stalking around the room, shaking and gibbering, I started looking around to see what had become of the chemical.
  • He gibbered madly and his muscles spasmed, and he sunk to his knees in the muddy trench, his heart pumping his blood out into the soil.
  • And the two idiots, gibbering and mouthing strange noises, danced apart, grotesque, fantastic, travestying love as they themselves had been travestied by life. Koolau the Leper
  • Before I get to the part where I start gibbering and spluttering, I should begin by doing what I can manage coherently.
  • The whole point of this storyline is that he has reduced her to a gibbering wreck through emotional and verbal cruelty without any physical violence.
  • The above gibberish is illustrative of what happens when you turn education over to the government. Obama Song | Commentary By Glenn Beck
  • He appeared to be talking gibberish about fridges and freezers.
  • They restrained the man as he writhed and gibbered.
  • The wood flamed up and crackled, and we danced and gibbered with delight. CHAPTER XIII
  • He ached with desire to express and could but gibber prosaically as everybody gibbered. Chapter 11
  • The corn gene contains the hormone gibberellin which stimulates growth in plants. RIA Novosti
  • The marriage over the tongs is a thing to scandalise any well-brought-up person, for before he joined the couple's hands, Jimmy jumped about in a startling way, uttering wild gibberish, and after the ceremony was over there was rough work, with incantations and blowing on pipes. Auld Licht Idylls
  • What I had seen in her notebook—slashes, dashes, and tiny loops all cramped together—looked like gibberish, but since she called her scribbling “medical theories,” I thought possibly she could be right: it could be a kind of formula. Fleur De Leigh’s Life of Crime
  • Except this time, gibberish is thieves' cant for… well… thieves' cant.
  • As a kind of plant growth regulator, Gibberellic acid (GA3) has bean widely applied in the farming, forestry and gardening.
  • I was so nervous, I just started talking gibberish.
  • GHOSTWRITERED: adj, meaning to employ someone to turn your gibberish into lame prose. Barry Bortnick: Sarah Palin's Secret Dictionary
  • Thus the actual idea behind what they were doing was lost and what remained was mindless gibberish in an alien language.
  • Can you do your job properly, or are you a gibbering tosspot?
  • Dancing happened everywhere, even overhead in a technician's glassed-in booth, often with a jittery intensity that turned the simplest movement phrases into gibberish.
  • Gibber on though the fans may about Morrissey's "asexuality," however, his most shocking songs are the ones that traffic in heteroerotic imagery. City Journal
  • Based on previous studies, we knew that mutant plants that do not respond to gibberellin produce around 100 times the normal amount of gibberellin. Innovations-report
  • So to pick up on the theme of my previous post: if you'd care to be precise about what (in your opinion) constitutes "gibber" in my posts, I'd be only too happy to discuss it with you. Army Rumour Service
  • But now I'm jumping up and down in my seat, gibbering like a chimp.
  • It always helps to have someone point out where you've written gibberish and pluck out the spelling mistakes.
  • The researchers also gave the subjects a posthypnotic suggestion to interpret the colored words as gibberish, which presumably would allow them to focus more on the color of the ink instead of reading the word. One step closer to Mind Control | Impact Lab
  • His shoulders are broad, his nostrils wide, his chest is deep, his blood is pure; he will continue to gibber in Bughouse Alley long after I have swung off and escaped the torment of the penitentiaries of California. Chapter 3
  • He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.
  • I am disappointed that The Peak would give vent to such immature gibbering.
  • Their gibbering hybrid of beer-hall chants, dramatic pseudo-emoting, spooky synths, throbbing rhythms, and tortured, swirling arrangements remained multiform and strange, but were internally consistent.
  • Flushed with his impassioned gibberish, he saw himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization.
  • There is a lot of dialogue to sift through, and since the characters just speak a chirpy brand of gibberish, you'll be doing a good bit of reading. CNET Australia
  • General Petraus and Ambassador Crocker will ostensibly report in September to President Bush, not the American people, that we are gaining ground, that “benchmarks”, that word parroted in stumbling appearances again and again by our mindless, gibbering, on-message Simian in Chief, are being met and that if we will only commit to six more months and thousands more troops Iraq will bloom into a burgeoning democracy in the middle east, a willing donor of crude oil to the free world. The insidious reason this abominable war does not stop
  • Hell, I never use the words "illimitable," or "gibbering," but I bet both are to be found many times in The ADD Blog at Comic Book Galaxy
  • Some sentences seem to be ignored in the subtitles, others are rendered into gibberish.
  • The scientists gibbered amongst themselves, all unusually excited.
  • Stop gibbering, man, and tell us what you saw.
  • The struggle here -- and elsewhere in Pinter's plays, or in THE PRISONER -- is in the undercurrents of dominance and submission of antipathic combat, in a gibberish that is unmistakeable as menacing, hectoring, shouting, frothing, spitting, pausing ... anger and disgust. Archive 2008-09-01
  • They have to be joyous peasants, drunken students and evil spirits singing demonic gibberish.
  • Fuelled by a potent mix of philistinism and Francophobia, they operate on the basis that modern French thought is a load of pretentious gibberish, while occasionally plucking out quotes from the more facetious French philosophers, taking them literally, and holding them up as examples of how silly the French are. Enowning
  • I always suspected David was prone to moments of gibberish.
  • Ergo it doesnt matter whow Amanda interpreted Limbaughs disenfranchised decoder ring gibberish. Think Progress » Republicans use failed terrorist attack as excuse to further delay Dawn Johnsen’s confirmation.
  • The words of the driver as he sailed away were -- "Go home and die, you moonstruck, gibbering, wobbling omadhaun," and she had thought that his description was apt and eloquent. Here are Ladies
  • He was piefaced soaked squiffy sloshed and all round ‘pissed as a newt’ not just a maniac but a dispsomaniac, takwe my word for it, I am an expert in drunken gibber and that is it. (n) Mayoral As A Newt
  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, raved , and otherwise disturbed the welkin.
  • He cowered in the corner(Sentence dictionary), gibbering with terror.
  • He appeared to be talking gibberish about fridges and freezers.
  • Who speaks the most gibberish, the worst jargon, the most twisted English and the biggest pile of gobbledegook?
  • After a while I stopped listening to his stream of gibberish.
  • Action dimethylsulphoxide combined gibberellic acid Xml's
  • Will you please flail around like a zombie and spout gibberish in one of the worst fantasy movies ever?
  • By this stage I wasn't babbling, more like gibbering.
  • The potential for disease is great because Gibberella zeae, the fungus that causes stalk rot in corn, also causes head scab in wheat.
  • Hand us a suitcase and we transform into paranoid gibbering wrecks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another family of plant hormones, the gibberellins, regulate stem elongation and have some similar effects to auxin.
  • In the first part of the triptych, we can hear the woman talk to the driver in Finnish gibberish.
  • He was too occupied with his own vision, and vividly burned before him the sordid barrenness of a poorhouse ward, where an ancient, very like what he himself would become, maundered and gibbered and drooled for a crumb of tobacco for his old clay pipe, and where, of all horrors, no sip of beer ever obtained, much less six quarts of it. CHAPTER 2
  • Moving into clearer etymological waters, we encounter the paradox that whilst Frenchmen have consistently dismissed Breton as a worthless baragouin ` patois, gibberish, 'the origin of that pejorative is undoubtedly Breton. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
  • A man in the middle of a particularly nasty nervous breakdown is gibbering.
  • The Chinese caligraphy is going to be replaced by a gibberish fantasy language, the distinct martial arts are being replaced because they don't think that they're that important that's what they said, they're removing the humor to make it more "political" and the visual styles are being dropped to more generic. Is There Hope for The Last Airbender? - Pink
  • It was just none of them wanted to be around the parents and their nonsense gibberish.
  • If you've not read the books and this sounds like gibberish, don't worry.
  • In this often surreal town, the absurdist gibberish that comes out of LAWA, the city department that owns and operates LAX, about the infeasibility of bringing Metro to the terminals takes first prize in the fiction department. Joel Epstein: LAX's Poor Excuse for Mass Transit
  • The movie's full of gibberish, scenes replayed in different languages, non-sequiturs and a lot of high-minded goofing around.
  • I bet he went to school once and everything, maybe even learned spelling and grammar, but now there's nothing left but a gibbering apeman, hooting for his party. Is the lunatic fringe hijacking America?
  • From Jabir we gain the word alkali, the distilling apparatus known as an alembic and – says Al-Khalili – perhaps even the word gibberish. Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili – review
  • I couldn't get an email response until I threatened to go to her workplace, and now I can't get the emails to stop - and the best part? turns out there are two women using the same email account and one of them doesn't sign her emails, which explains why one of them is always in gibberish - in 6 weeks of communications I never knew I was speaking to TWO people. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Well, "meaningless gibberish" is what they hear, and all they can understand. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • But he nearly screamed when she succumbed to that caress so at the very first of the courtship and mowed and gibbered and squealed little, queer, pig-like gurgly noises of delight. THE RED ONE
  • Growth is controlled by the phytohormone gibberellin and can be largely unidirectional, as in elongating stem internodes, or multidirectional, as in expanding leaves.
  • Responding to trollish gibberish is like yelling at an automated phone answering service. Think Progress » San Francisco Commonwealth Club postpones O’Keefe event.
  • Hormones such as auxins and gibberellins trigger fruit cells to expand.
  • (Sorry Tommy, an increase in indecipherable gibberish doesn’t cut it!). Think Progress » VIDEO: 8th General Calls For Rumsfeld’s Resignation
  • Here, likelihood you feel I said to pile gibberish, be!
  • The section on flowering includes informative reviews that consider the role of hormones, particularly gibberellins, during flowering.
  • The clerk, who seemed to think we understood physics, began to assail us with incomprehensible gibberish about the alloys of precious metals, enamels from the Far East and a revolutionary theory on pistons and communicating chambers, all of which contributed to the Teutonic science underpinning the glorious stroke of that champion of scrivening technology. The Shadow of the Wind
  • And cue the most incomprehensible stream of gibberish ever to pour forth from a human being's mouth.
  • A vexatious variant of the crossword is the cryptic crossword - just reading the clues to a cryptic crossword is enough to reduce whole swathes of the population to weeping and gibbering.
  • What you need to know in order to understand this gibberish is that the rifle is assumed to be 42.5 inches long, that L equals the distance the bullet will go wide, and that the asterisk means multiply. Calculating Flinch Factor
  • It was literally gibberish to him.
  • Cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxin have been applied to promote cell division during the early stages of fruit growth in many species.
  • And W. W.ods was the first to note that lather, which I had listed with just two meanings and pronunciations, is actually another "triple"; to these should be added the word rhyming with bather, meaning lathe-operator. viola gibberDave Chambliss (New Orleans, LA), mowBarbara M. Elesh (Rockville, M.), seer winding II. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
  • In the maize tassel, gibberellin concentration is 100-fold lower than in the developing ears.
  • It was an ancient Chinese philosopher who is first recorded as having said, what doubtlessly the cave men before him gibbered, namely, that a woman pursues a man by fluttering away in advance of him. CHAPTER XXXVII
  • The one thing that they had in common was that they all spoke gibberish.
  • The particular fungus at fault belongs to the genus Gibherella, so the compound was named gibberellin (jib'ur-el'in). The Human Brain
  • Abscisic acid (a sesquiterpenoid) and the gibberellins (diterpenoids) are growth regulators.
  • As Donnan looked at the gibbering madman in the crystal ball, his anger drained away.
  • Hormones such as auxins and gibberellins trigger fruit cells to expand.
  • He was piefaced soaked squiffy sloshed and all round ‘pissed as a newt’ not just a maniac but a dispsomaniac, takwe my word for it, I am an expert in drunken gibber and that is it. Archive 2008-01-20
  • And whatever real distinction there may have once been between journalism and flackery has long since been swept away by the howling, gibbering tsunami of the cable news channels, leaving only a few dazed refugees clinging to the treetops in the print press. Mjh's blog — 2005 — March
  • Gently undulating plains on Cretaceous sediments surround the floodplains, often with a duricrust forming a dense gravel or rock (gibber) surface pavement. Simpson desert
  • I find it hard to imagine a more oversampled, overstudied subgroup white kids in cities. “self-satisfied hipster gibberish.” Matthew Yglesias » Second-Order Remixing
  • Teleomorphs described for fusaria in 9 of 11 sections all belong to the Hypocreales either in Gibberella, Nectria, or Neocosmospora.
  • Having moved house seven times since 1980 we should be gibbering wrecks but we are pleased to say we are as excited as two children on Christmas morning.
  • Had some crazed sailor escaped, and was he gibbering from the roundtop? Myths & Legends of our New Possessions & Protectorate
  • A torrent of repetition and gibberish pours unendingly from the mouth of a man in a clown costume in Naumann's painful, static video installation.
  • The kind of lesson the inspectors would enjoy would be for the teacher to sit in silence while the students talk gibberish to each other.
  • And all the time the two old girls are gibbering softly in language, laughing.
  • Post-war architects, amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent, popularized a style which drew on many influences.
  • He sways before the roaring inferno, blind and gibbering.
  • (gibberellin-44) ,2-oxoglutarate: oxygen oxidoreductase Recommended name gibberellin-44 dioxygenase Synonyms (gibberellin-44) ,2-oxoglutarate: oxygen oxidoreductase GA44 oxidase Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • ‘Yes, yes,’ the man gibbered, suddenly regaining his voice.
  • His warder was a dumb dog, a squint-eyed Cerberus with what Count Victor for once condemned as a tribal gibberish for his language, so that he was incapable of understanding what was said to him even if he had been willing to converse. Doom Castle
  • Digital scolds bemoan tweeting as the ultimate signifier of our busted attention spans, but old-timey newspapers used to run randomized factoidal gibberish like this by the yard. Chicago Reader
  • They disappeared into the crowded room, gibbering good-naturedly.
  • He scuttled off, gibbering with delight, to make it habitable.
  • And all this talk of it being a man's world is pure balderdash, poppycock and gibberish.
  • The problem arises is that you character talks gibberish and it sounds like some foreign space language.
  • Rick Warren, it appears, retains deific powers to warp the minds of so many into rabid gibberish. Top Liberal Group Hammers Decision For Rick Warren To Deliver Obama's Inaugural Invocation
  • While getting Anti (?) war. com to stop linking to prowar gibberish is obviously a forlorn task, perhaps you could at least stop paying people to write it? Behind the Firefox 3 numbers for Iraq « Blog
  • After that he will be left to gibber his visions to padded walls. Chapter 7: The Bishop's Vision
  • Is there some point that your apparently random gibberish is working toward? Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • There was this chap I used to work with many years ago, who used to talk the most incomprehensible gibberish with tremendous enthusiasm.
  • He burst into hysterical tears of confusion, speaking a line of nonsensical gibberish.
  • They raced past caves, and mummied monsters came lurching out of the dark, gibbering silently, to join in the pursuit. The Moon of Skulls
  • He was talking gibberish about things and would walk off muttering to himself all the time. The Sun
  • There's a mumble of gibberish, broken words, broken thoughts, and I realize that my brother can't talk anymore.
  • Look up the term "gibberish" and tell me I'm wrong. Top headlines
  • Anthracnose, fusarium, and gibberella have already been reported; charcoal rot will likely be observed soon.
  • We're going to get a pigdin gibberish post one of these days, followed by him announcing he's off to buy a yacht. A Dozen Doses of Free Fiction From Robert A. Heinlein and Fritz Leiber
  • He spent the next day literally gibbering in his cell, while those in neighbouring cells threatened to kill him, because he had now kept them awake for three nights.
  • You're blinding us with calculated, partisan gibberish.
  • He's a supposed wordsmith who offers only gibberish. Times, Sunday Times
  • They mowed and gibbered in the moonlight, under crowns of drooping, golden blossoms. Koolau the Leper
  • On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, raved , and otherwise disturbed the welkin.
  • They're always gibbering and fighting - it can get to be too much for me to handle.
  • In a bumper year for the awards, the campaign has nominated a record 11 winners for the award nobody wants - noting an alarming rise in gobbledygook and gibberish.
  • So now I make chicken masaman curry and gibber for a while. Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
  • The two men stare at her, uncomprehending, rendered docile by her gibberish.
  • Brown warned the world that they have '50 days to save my career', and said that he faces a catastrophic future of tragic opinion polls, election defeats and global ignominy if world leaders don't come up with ways of convincing the world he isn't a bumbling, half-blind, gibbering loon with a grasp on reality that is tenuous at best. Brown: World has '50 Days to Save My Career'
  • At times I went almost mad, talking gibberish, pulling faces, and singing in mock Latin.
  • He gibbered his own rage and hurt, and, stooping, dealt Jerry a tremendous blow alongside the head and neck. CHAPTER VIII
  • A few tries at k 2:11 yielded nothing except some technical gibberish, a book on Russian submarines, another on World War II ships called corvettes. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • The marriage over the tongs is a thing to scandalize any well-brought-up person, for before he joined the couple's hands Jimmy jumped about in a startling way, uttering wild gibberish, and after the ceremony was over there was rough work, with incantations and blowing on pipes. Auld Licht Idyls
  • Massive incorporates naturally occurring gibberellins designed to increase internodal spacing allowing more room for the flower to mature and swell to its full potential. - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
  • Given the choice of English or gibberish, financial firms choose to spout utter nonsense!
  • Previous research showed that a growth regulating plant hormone called gibberellin could increase yam dormancy time for food storage purposes.
  • How much longer have we got to endure glib stupidity and bluster passing as ‘moral clarity’ or some such gibberish?
  • Many jesters and fools spoke a gibberish language called Grammelot that was first described over 500 years ago.
  • Before Andrew could answer, the red light flicked off and a doctor came out, gibbering away in Japanese.
  • At first the monkeys were intrigued with the computers and typed all sorts of stuff, even though it was meaningless gibberish.
  • Hand us a suitcase and we transform into paranoid gibbering wrecks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And cue the most incomprehensible stream of gibberish ever to pour forth from a human being's mouth.
  • People who use that term tend to start talking gibberish, without intending to. Smart people + big report = dreamy nonsense
  • From thenceforth no vexation, care, or grief shall take such deep impression in my heart, how hugely great or vehement soever it otherwise appear, but that it shall evanish forthwith at the sight of that my future babe, and at the hearing of the chat and prating of its childish gibberish. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The sputtering gibberish of a bed-wetting, torture-loving, blood-thirsty moral monster. Matthew Yglesias » No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
  • Fifteen minutes of listening to a mockney comedian gibbering a load of old cobblers. The Sun
  • They floundered and gibbered and mowed at his feet, lord of life and death that he was, infinitely wise as he had so often proved himself, as he had this time proved himself again. CHAPTER XI
  • The band is increasingly carving out its own, peculiar place on the art-pop spectrum, however; the seven-minute juggernaut "Sweet Nothing" and the wondrous " Arena" - which conjures visions of Boards of Canada as a rock band - are as drivingly danceable as they are drugged-up and disorienting, while few other bands would be capable of assembling mumbled gibberish and face-gnawing, low-frequency sinewaves into a tune as compelling as "Pie IX. - Home Page
  • He was a man and a monstrosity, as fearful a thing of fear as ever gibbered in the visions of a maddened brain. The Sleeping Wolf
  • Gibberellins are a class of plant hormones that exert profound and diverse effects on plant growth and development and that have been implicated in tropic growth responses since the 1970s.
  • At one point I saw before me a weird figure, gesticulating madly and mouthing gibberish.
  • I believe we had to choose the name of a tailless monkey — gibbous, gibbon, gibber, none of the above. Myrtle Beach Daze
  • The Times, during the American War, was cursed -- or cursed its readers -- with prophets, seers, and oracles, in its correspondents; and the prophecies turned out to be ridiculously wrong, the seeing to be purblindness, and the oracles to be gibberish. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 100, February, 1866
  • A strangely high proportion of the spam I receive is written in gibberish.
  • I even disregarded the fact that "gibber" is a verb, and not the noun "gibberish". Army Rumour Service
  • Somehow, it left me almost gibbering with fear.
  • Why do parties insist on meaningless gibberish as conference slogans?
  • She had learned to shoot a pistol, crawl under barbed wire, tap out gibberish on a Morse key.
  • The embryo also secretes the hormone gibberellin, which stimulates the aleurone cells to produce digestive enzymes as well. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen

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