How To Use Ghostly In A Sentence
The brothers then went on tour, filling theatres with ghostly music, flying coats and spirit voices.
But while the mysterious circumstances of the tragedy keep on adding up, the ghostly presence of her partner seems intent on having his say.
The Sun
Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
You start in the catacombs but beware ghostly ghouls at every turn!
Soon all that was left was nothing more than a ghostly echo of a guilty conscience.

The whole thing was a ghostly celebration taking place against a background of collapse and ruin.
The figure of a ghostly old woman dressed in a white dress and cape has appeared beside a hollow in the road.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a ghostly white.
Times, Sunday Times
She opened her eyes to look around the room she was in, but could only see dim shapes in the ghostly moonlight.
Ghostly singing and piano riffs are heard from time to time; scenes end with Hedda downstage center staring at the audience, sometimes followed by her hideous cackle.
Call it what you will - lily white, creamy white, porcelain or pearl - I am still ghostly pale.
A big, majestic study for this sculpture, in pastel, charcoal and acrylic on brown paper, finds two shadowy birds alighting, and a ghostly doubled head, its mouth stretched painfully wide.
So that ghostly form that appears in front of your car at night may very well be a tawny.
I suspect that the feeling we call ghostly is but the sense of abandonment in the lack of companion life; but be this as it may,
See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
His face turned ghostly white - he got the shock of his life.
The Sun
The Observer is on the lookout for ghostly goings-on in local haunted houses and tales of the spine-tingling supernatural.
From his seat on the floor, he could see the church, its steeple glowing, soft and pale and ghostly.
A woman cavorted in the rubble in a ghostly dance out of sync with the throbbing music.
The moon was shining enough to give a ghostly luminosity to the buildings that crowded both sides of the narrow street.
Grandma and grandpa were there too, only in like a sort of ghostly insubstantial form.
Strange noises, ghostly footsteps and ice cold winds haunt staff working late into the night.
In the meantime, I found an interesting story that claims a scientific explanation for ghostly events and feelings of unease - infrasound.
His own image is usually part of the ensemble, but often appears ghostly and intangible compared with the heavy sparkle of the box itself.
After months chided in ghostly Twilight spoof spearheaded by Jimmy Fallon, Robert Pattinson is reportedly set to come face-to-face with the comedian on NBC’s Late Night next month.
Jimmy Fallon Robert Pattinson “Twilight” Spoof
She began to feel terribly cold as she plummeted through the depths of the pond, feeling its matter travel through her body, through her skin and bones and internal organs like some ghostly ectoplasm.
Perhaps eyes painted without black pupils seem ghostly but the painterly dabs of umber tones definitely bring this woman back to earth.
A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.
That ghostly figure hanging round Man City's training ground rattling his knacked legs, is none other than Roque Santa Cruz: he's been left out of the club's Big Vase group stage squad.
Obsequious To The Point Of Becoming A Human Suppository
Then, when the final image is produced, there will be a ghostly image produced.
The Sun
Armed with only an acoustic guitar, My Morning Jacket's frontman falls into the delicate opening strains of ‘Bermuda Highway, ‘his ghostly caterwaul creeping up my spine like a fever.’
The drakes make a ghostly yodelling cry that can be heard coming across the water from far away.
Times, Sunday Times
During the recent cold snap my fingers turned ghostly white.
Times, Sunday Times
A large colour photograph from his shack dweller series has been bleached of its content, the sitter a vague outline, a ghostly presence leached from the scene.
There's a ghostly figure screaming a horrible noise right in my face.
The Sun
Plenty of adrenaline, audible gulps and raised arms expecting to defend oneself from ghostly ghouls and fiends, had now been replaced by a sense of confusion and a nagging anti-climatic feel.
The ghostly tollkeeper detects the fraud in an instant and roars out, "So you would cheat me of my dues?
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
Rendered in oil on top of this ground are ghostly diagrams of machine parts taken from technical manuals.
Click on its ghostly image and you'll be redirected elsewhere.
Times, Sunday Times
Her face looked peaceful, lit by ethereal moonlight filtering through the ghostly branches of the fairy tree.
It's that scanner that peeks under your clothing, creating a ghostly but realistic image of your naked body, accurate down to every curve, knurl, protuberance, carbuncle, wen, bleb, wart and wattle and garfunkel.
Airport frisk assessment: Gene gets rubbed the wrong way
And the idea that we are surrounded and interpenetrated by a sort of ghostly jelly appealed to the spiritualists of the day, who concocted the notion that we each have an etheric body as well as a material one.
Again, a ghostly figure rose from the body, and nodded its thanks before leaving to the afterworld.
Michael Stuhlbarg is a suitably chastened Xerxes, and Len Cariou is properly ghostly as Darius's minatory ghost.
Yet some ghostly things have remained constant for centuries.
Times, Sunday Times
The moon a ghostly galleon tossed upon the cloudy seas?
At 0300 hours the mist had lifted and the yellow light from the gas lamps cast a ghostly radiance that was reflected from the wet road cobbles.
Then while he sat on a beer keg until he should be in breath again the unwinded Spike would skip the rope -- a girl's skipping rope -- or shadow-box about the room with intricate dance steps, raining quick blows upon a ghostly boxer who was invariably beaten; or with smaller gloves he would cause the inflated bag to play lively tunes upon the ceiling of its support.
The Wrong Twin
That indeterminacy is itself masked in ghostly reflections of a former paradigm.
Paley, "Apocalypse Without Millenium" Part 2
The designers had their first breakthrough in the 1910s with a technique known as "graal," allowing for ghostly variations in color by cutting through layers of tinted glass, which are then covered in clear crystal.
From Classic Stemware to Avant-Garde Art, Sweden Offers a New Way to Look at Glass Design
I'll tune in every Christmas for the 24-hour "A Christmas Story" marathon, but the "Christmas Carol" - inspired tale of a jerkface TV exec and his eye-opening ghostly adventures is something I can pop in anytime, anywhere.
Bill Murray Re-Teaming With ‘Scrooged’ Writer Mitch Glazer For ‘Passion Play’ » MTV Movies Blog
Her face was ghostly white, like porcelain.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a slight nod, a ghostly intangible feeling of her gloved palm against my cheek, and a sensation of motherly warmth.
Unless I am establishing an alibi or there are ghostly apparitions hovering next to me, I'm not too bothered at seeing pictures of myself somewhere, but of course I'm too polite to say anything.
Square paintings divided into apparently geometric blocks, the stripped areas retaining the ghostly residue of the oils where they have bitten into the canvas.
For those who know her primarily as the earnest TV-drama doctor, her uninhibited sexiness when in the throes of ghostly passion comes as quite a surprise.
The moon was shining enough to give a ghostly luminosity to the buildings that crowded both sides of the narrow street.
These benighted souls have no idea how cadaverous and ghostly their ‘sanity’ appears as the intense throng of Dionysiac revelers sweeps past them p.
World Wide Mind
Talk the nightmare through with your girlfriend, imagining what the screaming ghostly figure is saying.
The Sun
Missing two fingers, probably due to frostbite, the image conjures the feel of his ghostly presence.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
Though made of bronze, "Many Glacier" was constructed originally out of twisted, weathered, "stray, downed pieces of wood," which the artist collects on her Montana ranch and in Hawaii; and the ghostly, whitewashed sculpture—a controlled state of collapse—suggests stone, petrified wood and a scrapheap of bones.
Soaring Heights, A Sense of Horses
Bamboo flutes add a ghostly, subtle melodic backbone to the more intricate interplay on the keyed instruments.
He spent his last hours wit '. his confessor, wrote to his wife and children, praying his family not to beweep him, not to forget him, and never to offend against their God; and this missive, with a lock of his hair for his beloved daughter, he finally entrusted to the ghostly father.
Arabian nights. English
They are tall, ghostly looking pink or lilac flowers.
Times, Sunday Times
She walks resolutely away, conscious of being spied upon by a ghostly face at every window.
The plain, self-luminous with the weird lucence of the arid lands, showed ghostly.
Arizona Nights
For a few months I kept promising myself I would ‘investigate’ the ghostly phenomenon and nail the suspect, but never got down to it for some reason or the other.
The drakes make a ghostly yodelling cry that can be heard coming across the water from far away.
Times, Sunday Times
The site has loads of ghost stories (all said to be true), haunted places that you can visit and ghostly photos.
Her face was ghostly white, like porcelain.
Times, Sunday Times
Likewise, Faraday thought that electric fields somehow manipulated charged particles with ghostly hands.
He grew terribly bright, as if ghostly images of himself had focused on him, and a crackling nimbus of pure force that glowed a deep gold-crimson surrounded him.
Vapours enchant the distances, bathing peaks in bewitchments of blue and grey of a hundred tones, transforming naked cliffs to amethyst, stretching spectral gauzes across the topazine morning, magnifying the splendour of noon by effacing the horizon, filling the evening with smoke of gold, bronzing the waters, banding the sundown with ghostly purple and green of nacre.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
There is a slight nod, a ghostly intangible feeling of her gloved palm against my cheek, and a sensation of motherly warmth.
And there's no shortage of folk willing to go public about their ghostly experiences.
He remains a ghostly presence in the movie, made manifest only as the final credits roll.
The Times Literary Supplement
He remains a ghostly presence in the movie, made manifest only as the final credits roll.
The Times Literary Supplement
Stained-glass windows radiated amber and azure light, and a half-completed fresco of Mary Magdalene showed ghostly against a plaster wall.
And yet that billboard vouchsafes to one of the novel's minor characters, J. Edgar's ghostly Sister, a vision of beatitude.
The figure, in its nakedness, has an almost ghostly, insubstantial quality, a pathetic vulnerability.
When Bill said, "Oran ..." we slipped in some egg, and I thought how ghostly a thing she was and how she could use one of my father's TV dinners.
The Fat Lady Sang
Pick out a smart, handy woman that can make butter yaller as gold, that'll bring gold, and not such limpsy-slimsy, ghostly-looking stuff as you've brought me.
He Fell in Love with His Wife
Recruited from the strongest and healthiest of the working-classes, it is above all indispensable that the Chinese letter-carrier should not be afraid of any ghostly enemy, such as bogies or devils.
Historic China, and other sketches
They began to chant, ghostly rhymes and witching songs that had been passed down through generations.
The family, including nine children, were all sleeping downstairs because of the ghostly goings-on upstairs at their home.
In the mirror above the fireplace he caught sight of himself, a ghostly wraith in shades of gray.
The Hole in the Wall « A Fly in Amber
His gravestone is located in front of a quintet of ghostly musicians who eternally perform in the attraction's memorable graveyard scene.
Suddenly seeing a turtle emerge out of the deep blue like a ghostly figure is eerie and amazing in equal measure.
The Sun
And Byzantine mosaics are a ghostly influence.
Times, Sunday Times
At dusk, it passes as a ghostly white shape.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps one day the little building blocks of life hidden in this ghostly spiral will form part of a new world.
The Sun
Over the course of the next week the images of these planes hitting the Towers would be replayed so often that they are now ghostly visions forever imprinted on my mind.
In the harsh light cast by the sun against the snow, she appeared ghostly, unreal, eerily beautiful.
Outside, through the open door, ghostly fleets of bicycles glided past.
Characteristically the paintings are grey in tonality, which together with their dusty-looking surfaces and the skeletal proportions of the figures often conveys a ghostly feeling.
At a great distance, the ghostly frost of a snow peak seemed suspended from the clear sky.
The next thing she recalls is waking up surrounded by ghostly figures.
Times, Sunday Times
And what little there was, — the slapping of a few reef-points and the creaking of a sheave in a block or two, — was ghostly under the hollow echoing pall in which we were swathed.
Chapter 25
Hordes of ghostly white snailfish, which resemble foot-long tadpoles with suckers on their bellies, appeared when one lander released bait in front of its onboard camera.
The Guardian World News
The image of her twin provides a reference to the doppleganger, the ghostly double, the other self.
He was the tallest and lankiest of them all, and like some ghostly cicerone, he never spoke, but led the way through the dewy grass into the white, glorious moonlight, and kept a few yards ahead of me in the dusty road until we reached the Rayne farmhouse.
A Village Ophelia and Other Stories
The acclamation that followed his death from colon cancer early this year strangely mirrored his ghostly omnipresence during life. He was a missing link: an authentic songster who voiced folk-made music.
The city was full of Undead - everything from animated skeletons to ghostly apparitions, and zombies.
Why He Should Return: Horace is a great character that works even better when he's a ghostly vision, as seen in "Cabin Fever.
LOST IN NUMBERS: Twenty-Three Dead Characters That Should Return For The Final Season Of ‘Lost’ » MTV Movies Blog
The ghostly effect was due to the white Hebron sheepskin jacket he was wearing against the cold of the desert night.
Times, Sunday Times
Mark's ghostly spider webs had been a version of this same feeling.
There is normally a constant roar of jets and the clatter of helicopters - but this time it was ghostly quiet.
Times, Sunday Times
The lake was ghostly white and deserted as a solitary horse roared down the straight.
Times, Sunday Times
Terror gripped the two men as they ran as fast as they could away from the ghostly train towards Elsham signal box.
There's a ghostly figure screaming a horrible noise right in my face.
The Sun
Vultures and hawks circled in the flat blue skies above; clouds flecked and passed as ships of ghostly steam; the sun was hot but not scorching.
Suddenly seeing a turtle emerge out of the deep blue like a ghostly figure is eerie and amazing in equal measure.
The Sun
See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
What makes a crescent Moon particularly interesting is a ghostly light across its unlit face, cupped by the thin crescent of moonlight.
Times, Sunday Times
Survivors, covered from head to toe in white dust, cut ghostly figures as they stood coughing.
If the quality of the voices runs the full range, even the murkiest field recording can cast a ghostly shadow.
Times, Sunday Times
And Byzantine mosaics are a ghostly influence.
Times, Sunday Times
Salix irrorata has mauve stems with a whitish bloom, wonderfully ghostly in the dusk of a misty, moisty winter's afternoon.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes a single slender thread, impearled with dewdrops, bridged the distance from one tendril to another, again a bit of cobweb was spread over a dead leaf, to catch a hint of iridescence from the sun or moon; and now and then a shimmering length of ghostly fabric was set in place at dusk, to hold the starry lights that came to shine upon the broken tapestry with the peace of benediction.
Master of the Vineyard
Her skin was ghostly white, smeared with splashes of mud and dribbles of blood which now gurgled and bubbled from the corners of her mouth.
FREE EXCERPT: Hater by David Moody (Chapter 3)
Confronting ghostly apparitions of Annabel, he is overwhelmed by guilt for forcing her to have children to prove his manhood.
Her voice is ghostly sweet, saved from sickliness by guttural Björk-ish quirks; backed up by electropop whimsy and twinkly piano, it is supremely suited to the sentiment.
Ellie Goulding's summer of love
As he played Chopin's D flat Nocturne, its simple song and silken dissonances sounding in the ghostly gloom of the Turbine Hall, no one stirred.
Daniel Barenboim - review
The ghostly blue light of a television flickered behind the curtains.
The figure, in its nakedness, has an almost ghostly, insubstantial quality, a pathetic vulnerability.
What makes a crescent Moon particularly interesting is a ghostly light across its unlit face, cupped by the thin crescent of moonlight.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a _chott_, or dried desert lake, glistening white and livid blue, full of ghostly reflections, to cross; but once on the other side all the poetic romance of fairy gardens and magic mirrors vanished.
A Soldier of the Legion
Punta Banda's ghostly streets, vacant houses and shuttered hotel bear testimony to dreams gone sour.
The original house was built on an ancient graveyard and its last owner is rumoured to have fled in terror at the ghostly goings on.
Computer-generated graphics for the ghostly, phantom towers - the most radical suggestion to date - will be considered by council officials tomorrow.
And Jesus in that word shewed me ghostly sight of her: right as I had seen her afore little and simple, so He shewed her then high and noble and glorious, and pleasing to Him above all creatures.
Revelations of Divine Love
This can result in anything from a grazed knee and wounded pride to a roadside memorial bike painted ghostly white.
The Sun
In a tank, ghostly lotus blossoms rose above the stars.
Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
The room was dark except for the light from the computer monitor, which cast a ghostly blue shade on the mother and daughter's faces.
The Palaeologi reigned in ghostly supremacy over the shreds and tatters of Byzantium until the Turks seized Constantinople in 1453.
Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
The ashes are all that is left and the body has been reduced so that the ghostly figure looks both handless and headless.
One of the best parts of this painting is a ghostly erection poking out of a vagina dentata, which is ejaculating a spermy ghost of Abraham Lincoln.
The next thing she recalls is waking up surrounded by ghostly figures.
Times, Sunday Times
The figure of a ghostly old woman dressed in a white dress and cape has appeared beside a hollow in the road.
Times, Sunday Times
But we can only wonder whether the dark shapes below our dinghy are marine life or the ghostly remains of pearling luggers and guano sailing ships wrecked by cyclones around the turn of last century.
As eyes readapted, the plain changed from inkiness to a ghostly gray, and stars trod splendidly forth.
Three Worlds To Conquer
The scares come from things that go bump in the night rather than from ghostly apparitions making visitations.
He got extreme Ouija board readings and ghostly images in photos of the site.
The Sun
The flashing of torches and the beautiful radiance of blue lights (technically, Bengal lights) upon the heads of our horses; the fine effect of such a showery and ghostly illumination falling upon our flowers and glittering laurels [Footnote: "_Glittering laurels_": -- I must observe that the colour of _green_ suffers almost a spiritual change and exaltation under the effect of Bengal lights.]; whilst all around ourselves, that formed a centre of light, the darkness gathered on the rear and flanks in massy blackness: these optical splendours, together with the prodigious enthusiasm of the people, composed a picture at once scenical and affecting, theatrical and holy.
The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc
In front of him stood five ghostly apparitions.
This ghostly apparition is actually a transfiguration of your loved one.
It spilled out, a sickly ribbon of yellow jaundice that crept from the antechamber in a ghostly thread.
My ghostly waiter was preferable to the obsequious, hovering variety which pop up like pantomime villains to ask if everything is all right just as you are about to start chewing.
Her ghostly figure has been seen at the foot of the stairs by visitors and staff.
At first glance, you might think the ghostly white snowberries and the coralberries have nothing in common.
The wide-spreading ebony horns thrown back among the morning-glories, the mouth open from the last sigh, the glassy eyes staring straight at the beautiful blue sky above, where a ghostly moon still lingered, the velvet neck ridged with veins and muscles, the body already buried in black ooze.
Balcony Stories
In one room, 12 toilets are flushing as if under ghostly control; an electronic machine is pulling the virtual levers - and manipulating water temperature and pressure as well.
One can make them out as ghostly shapes flitting about.
Times, Sunday Times
A full moon was drenching the mountains in ghostly light as some 60
Lines pulse or vibrate, and ghostly dots flash at the intersections of lines.
But I had a friend in Radio 3: so thanks, ghostly and absent companion.
Eastern sky, as though in chase; and then again the night, with the swift and ghostly passing of starry constellations, was all too much to view believingly.
The House on the Borderland
In Il deserto rosso (Red Desert), characters emerge singly from the ghostly fog as they watch Giuliana walk away from the car that she has almost driven off a pier.
The dashboard's fluorescence cast a ghostly apparition on the windscreen, losing me a heartbeat till I realized it was my own nervy face.
Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog.
The ghostly looking Mexican axolotl retains some of its larval features for life, including its feathery pink external gills.
The original house was built on an ancient graveyard and its last owner is rumoured to have fled in terror at the ghostly goings on.
The fallen tent had uprisen, and in the gathering twilight it flapped ghostly arms about and titubated toward them drunkenly.
One standout performer is Melody Moore, who has a big, bright soprano and makes something out of the banal role of Rita Clayton, the frantic mother of the kidnapped girl; also impressive is the boy soprano Michael Kepler Meo as the ghostly Arthur.
Creep Show
They all have a faintly pastel flavour, ghostly trace tastes; spectral reminders of something that might once have lived in the bottle.
Times, Sunday Times
The parson of the parish, who was one of the executors, and had acted as ghostly director to the old man, no sooner heard this exclamation than he cried out, “Avaunt, unchristian reviler! avaunt! wilt thou not allow the soul of his honour to rest in peace?”
The Adventures of Roderick Random
Perhaps one day the little building blocks of life hidden in this ghostly spiral will form part of a new world.
The Sun
These ghostly floating apparitions ranged from a pristine white - though more often dirtied by lava sand - to the most incredibly deep inky blue.
On a walk along their favourite beach, his character sees a ghostly apparition and the haunting begins.
Times, Sunday Times
Humankind may one day join the ghostly parade of defunct species, but the jury on that is still out.
Henry had awakened to feel a ghostly presence in the form of a room that was suddenly terribly cold, not knowing that Lucien had merely left the entrance to one of the draftiest passages open for a time.
Her ghostly form, clad in a white chiffon dress, twists and turns to mesmeric effect.
Times, Sunday Times
It is this ghostly, lifeless afterworld that Mr. Misrach captured by setting up his view camera along the empty streets of this miniature version of Dresden or Hiroshima a week or so after the fire.
Following the Flames
A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
At dusk, it passes as a ghostly white shape.
Times, Sunday Times
I heard ragged breathing in the gloom, and coughs and mutters; the ghostly respiration of the sick.
At this point, you have come to believe that you have a haunted house with bumps, rappings, ghostly footsteps and even apparitions that roam the hallways.
But while the mysterious circumstances of the tragedy keep on adding up, the ghostly presence of her partner seems intent on having his say.
The Sun
Most of the women meet their increasingly gruesome fate in the first half; the second act concentrates on Verna, Jordan's final prey, with the victims acting as a ghostly, often ribald chorus.
This is never so ruinous than in the case of ghostly Mae Nak Pornthip Papanai, a suitably mournful spook who is given a JU-ON style edentulous maw that knocked me each time right out of the picture.
Who's that Naking?
He could see, rearing up above the waves, the spires and minarets and twisted towers and diamantine domes, and even, in the misty height, the very palace of the High Shivantak—and the whole image ghostly, fringed with refractive rainbows.
Do Comets Dream?
All steles had a sort of aura to them, a ghostly imprint of their owners personality.
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
One can make them out as ghostly shapes flitting about.
Times, Sunday Times
The lake was ghostly white and deserted as a solitary horse roared down the straight.
Times, Sunday Times
A ghostly figure hovered at the end of the tunnel.
His face turned ghostly white - he got the shock of his life.
The Sun
A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
The whole is accompanied by a ghostly, premonitory sound of deep tolling bells.
We can only conduct our counts on quiet lanes, as these small, ghostly moths cannot be easily seen against the lights of oncoming vehicles.
Times, Sunday Times
The two pals took up the challenge of a national competition to create ghostly tales, plundering the inner recesses of their imaginations to come up with spine-chilling creations to strike fear into their readers.
A moonbow is much fainter than a rainbow because moonlight is weaker than sunlight, and can even look ghostly white.
Times, Sunday Times
There is normally a constant roar of jets and the clatter of helicopters - but this time it was ghostly quiet.
Times, Sunday Times
On a walk along their favourite beach, his character sees a ghostly apparition and the haunting begins.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a spine-chilling and ghostly silence.
In the final scene, sulfur-hued powder flurried down on the group, resulting in a ghostly entombment.
The ultimate ghostly presence, in patriarchy, is the phallus.
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
Its heroes, whose ghostly presences are often quoted in Kitaj's paintings, are the shipless helmsmen of modernism.
“Being asked, further, whether she had ever considered that what she called the poltergeist was more probably some mischievous person who was taking advantage of the fact that the house had a ghostly reputation among the villagers, she replied that she ‘had thought of it, of course,’ and added: ‘We always investigated each house we took of this kind to make sure nobody was playing about.
When Last I Died
It shook him to the core with a ghostly shaft of fear impaling his quivering heart.
Her eyes widened, as she stared at a ghostly figure, standing in the middle of the clearing.