How To Use Geyser In A Sentence

  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • The question is, who is liable for the cost of repairs if, for example, an undetected slow leak in a geyser causes a ceiling collapse and water damage to interior paint work, carpets and furniture?
  • Steam and hot water erupt from geysers.
  • Steam and hot water erupt from geysers.
  • Its hissing and spitting natural geyser is located seven kilometers southeast of the former Jalisco hacienda of El Carmen. Trees, shadows, steam and the rays of the early morning sun combine to cast an eerie spell over the hot river of Los Hervores. Its hissing and spitting natural geyser is located seven kilometers southeast of the former Jalisco hacienda of El Carmen. © Joh
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  • At times, the spring flows continuously; at other times it acts as a small geyser issuing a jet up to 70 cm in the air.
  • The kettle geysered all over the stove.
  • The fifth hole has so many beehive bunkers on it, it looks as if it was built through a geyser field in Yellowstone National Park.
  • I think that a geyser is a good example. jerrym replied to comment from eric Comfort/Cameron Darwin giveaway -- all hat and no cattle? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The Golden Circle is located in southwest Iceland and incorporates three main sights: Thingvellir National Park, a site of spectacular natural beauty where Iceland's ancient parliament convened and where the American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet; the high-temperature geothermal area that most people know as Geysir, on account of its best-known hot spring, from which the word "geyser" derives; and the beautiful Gullfoss waterfall. Alda Sigmundsdottir: The Magic of Iceland's Golden Circle
  • Despite the blistering heat, the pond is unique in the sense that it one of the biggest geysers in Java.
  • We also picked up a topo map showing the route to Geyser Spring.
  • LA should name geyser resulting from yet another watermain break in the valley after the mayor--"Old Unfaithful Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • ‘It's one of the most spectacular tall geysers in the world,’ he says.
  • This heated layer is the source of lava we see in volcanos, the source of heat that drives hot springs and geysers, and the source of raw material which pushes up the mid-oceanic ridges and forms new ocean floor.
  • These were probably caused by volcanic eruptions or geysers.
  • A geyser of lava spouted between them and Seth attacked, charging through the lava like it was water, an unstoppable locomotive of power.
  • The geyser spouted huge columns of water from the ground.
  • Gray hematite more quietly occupies the rims of hot springs and geysers where its presence often goes unnoticed.
  • There was a whoosh of water and a geyser effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The geyser spouted huge columns of water from the ground.
  • This lagune is probably formed in the basin or crater of some extinct geyser or volcanic spring, as the two high and wonderfully similar mountains on either side are identical in formation with those in which occur the cave-craters farther south on the same river. Zuñi Fetiches Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-1881, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1883, pages 3-45
  • That afternoon, during the restart of a gasoline octane boosting sub-unit, highly explosive hydrocarbons shot like a geyser out of an environmental safety system called a blowdown stack. The Daily News - News
  • Suddenly, white geysers of water soared into the air.
  • For years we have seen evidence of water on Mars that includes geysers and liquid water.
  • Although no eruptions have been recorded at Yellowstone for 70,000 years, the hot springs, spectacular geysers, and bubbling mud pools provide testimony that hot magma still resides not far beneath the surface.
  • Poke the top with a fork, and a geyser of steam rises up.
  • The geyser works on solar heaters, which warms my planet-loving heart.
  • Shouts and yells and crashes filled the air, ten times louder than in the hall, and it was difficult to see some places because of all the hissing steam, geysering up from spouts and funnels and pots.
  • His head was turned into atoms, and another geyser of a black liquid came from it's neck.
  • The accumulated geyserite constituted small, cone-shaped hills here and there, which are called geyser cones today.
  • Gouts of superheated water geysered, consumed by the column of fire, each rocketing fountain propelled heavenward by a deafening, heart-stopping concussion that left cannonading echoes in its wake.
  • Rainwater in volcanic areas can descend as far as several kilometres into the crust, later rising to the surface in hot springs or geysers.
  • I meant to use the word vulcanism, which can mean any volcanic or geo-thermal process could be geyser related also. Think Progress » ThinkFast: August 17, 2006
  • Midland is of course a flat, once dusty (since paved) Texas oil town closer to gushers than geysers.
  • Hot geysers and volcanic eruptions show this effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The explosion of Mount Katmai, the rise and fall of Kilauea's boiling lava, the playing of Yellowstone's monster geysers, the spectacle of Mazama's lake-filled crater, the steaming of the Cascade's myriad bubbling springs, all make strong appeal to the imagination. The Book of the National Parks
  • The center of the platform began to open like an iris and a geyser of flame spewed forth, engulfing its first breath of air.
  • Looking for all the world like a permanent feature of the museum's architectural program, his handsome project is centered by a geyser of steam piped from the Institute's heating plant.
  • Anthony Lukas's "Common Ground" " geysers of red, white, and blue water burst from a fireboat behind the band shell" — with a bit of strategic re-editing. When the Tea Party Began
  • Picture the many forms of water - from swelling surf to torrential rain to spouting geyser to limpid pool to sparkling bubbles to tinkling iceblocks to healing tears.
  • The airier, multiroom installation at Gagosian comprises 13 huge works from 2009-2011, one of which, nearly 20 feet tall, shoots upward like a geyser. Crushed and Brushed
  • In the Eastern Cape, it was only through a visit by him that an intergovernmental procedure, which had prevented a hot water geyser in a hospital being repaired, was "unblocked". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Walk the boardwalk by Old Faithful for both wildlife viewing and a fascinating view of hot springs, mud pots, fumaroles, and geysers.
  • One of them looked at the sign that labels the geyser and blurted out "it's the Great Geezer! Cryptic Cross Words
  • Well, it's the largest grouping of magmatic features on Earth: huge geysers (Old Faithful can reach 190 feet), hot springs, steaming fumaroles, and mud pots - the sad remains of geysers that have lost their oomph.
  • New Zealand's geographical features vary from the Southern Alps and fjords on South Island to the volcanoes, hot springs, and geysers on North Island.
  • This includes what we call volcanoes, as well as geysers and fumaroles.
  • It was preserved because of its amazing hot springs, fumaroles and geysers.
  • He came flying back past me, almost weightless in the air: giving vent to a geyser of brilliant red. NIGHT SISTERS
  • The temperature of the water is not high enough to form geyserite.
  • It involves installing insulated ceilings, geyser jackets, long-life, low-voltage light bulbs, and solar water heaters.
  • At the last second a geyser of frigid water rushed up under him, swirling around and under him just strong enough to keep him from hitting the ground.
  • Bacteria from a Yellowstone geyser are the source of enzymes that power a biochemical reaction called PCR, a workhorse of the genome revolution. What the Spill Will Kill
  • A maintenance brigade is repairing the rig, a geyser of steam and water shooting up into the air as they pull sections of pipe out of the ground.
  • There was a yellowish-grey foam swirling on top, and after a wave washed up on shore, its backwash collided with the next incoming wave to create a geyser effect.
  • Not far away is Rotorua, a tourist spot famed for its steam, geysers, bubbling mud and foul, sulphurous smells.
  • Geysers spout up where a column of underground water is heated to boiling by "magma, " or molten rock. Like a pan boiling over on your kitchen stove, this boiling pushes the water upward.
  • a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring
  • But that's only the tip of the iceberg: You need to take a look at the underwater impact of the oil geyser and the dangerous chemicals BP is using to "disperse" it - effects that could last for decades, even if the risky "Top Kill" maneuver to plug the well works. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Specialized microorganisms called extremophiles thrive in nuclear waste, volcanic vents, boiling geothermal geysers and even deep inside rocks.
  • The incredible geysers and picture postcard landscape brought Yellowstone its fame.
  • The car threw on its breaks and screeched against the pavement before ramming into a red fire hydrant, making a geyser of water spray into the air.
  • Replicated shagpile/Proustian pouffes elicit geysers of tears from unsuspecting famouses The Guardian World News
  • The sensation was one of blood distending the veins until they were about to release geysers of the dark red liquid.
  • Not far away is Rotorua, a tourist spot famed for its steam, geysers, bubbling mud and foul, sulphurous smells.
  • The name geyser comes from Geysir, the name of an erupting spring at Haukadalur, Iceland; that name, in turn, comes from the Icelandic verb gj�sa, \'to gush\ '. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Huge gusting winds, roaring up off the cliff face of the Boomerang Range, blasted billows of fine powdery snow high into the air like a tormented geyser.
  • The butler was almost invisible in the stream of an antiquated geyser.
  • The geyser, which is said to be one of the highest contributors of high electrical bills, is only switched on in the morning.
  • In fact 80 per cent of the country's electricity is generated from the natural heat of hot springs, geysers and volcanoes, which means very little pollution of any kind.
  • Only two of the confirmed fatalities were workers employed at the Chuandongbei gas field where a blow out had released a 30-metre geyser of concentrated sulfurated hydrogen.
  • Over centuries, these have carved out the natural limestone arch of Devil's Bridge, creating blowholes through which geysers of spouting surf crash with spectacular results.
  • During the day, you ride, go to the geysers up among the snowcaps or walk the volcano.
  • This second album erupts like a geyser of molten lava from your speakers.
  • Steam erupted from the geyser.
  • It is a startlingly brutal place where boiling geysers burst through mountain plains caked in salt, and jagged red rocks give way to massive sand dunes and desolate open salt flats.
  • The ocean geysers through a two-foot hawsehole as the ship buries its bows in the base of a wave.
  • That geyser dominated the bathroom like a ferocious monster.
  • It is full of craters - it has thirty active volcanoes - hot springs, and geysers.
  • Yet even knee deep in slush, Kelly soldiers on, bashing errant boyfriends, railing against the media machine and tapping an expansive geyser of teenage venom.
  • In the highest resolution images, active geysers (ice volcanoes) were seen spewing columns of dark material many kilometers into the thin atmosphere.
  • Wrapped in fleecelike mantles of bacteria, the worms live in papery tubes, which they burrow into the sides of deep-sea geysers.
  • The canisters ticked a few seconds before geysering upwards, thick jets of liquid spattering off the ceiling, foaming and filling the space, securing his hunched form in a bubble of packing foam. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The teenagers will visit many of Iceland's unique features, including geysers, volcanoes and geothermal hotspots.
  • Some of the hot springs are spouting springs or geysers, the most famous being Geysir in south Iceland.
  • Geysir" (from which the English word geyser is derived), erupts every 5-10 minutes ChessBase News
  • Her press releases informed that the geyser was a "temporary public artwork" by Clement Price-Thomas, titled Whilst you're Sleeping. Art or watermain break? Soho installation floods streets
  • Steam and hot water erupt from geysers.
  • There are also calderas, scoriae cones, lava streams, cinder fields, over 160 thermal and mineral springs, geysers, solfataras, mud pots and many other volcanic features. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • What and Where: A 182, 356-square-mile peninsula of volcanoes, geysers, forest and wildlife in the Russian Far East between the Sea of Okhotsk and the North Pacific.
  • Because geysers are designed to keep water hot at all times, it switches the heating element on and off countless times every day.
  • He came flying back past me, almost weightless in the air: giving vent to a geyser of brilliant red. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • Precious metals are commonly precipitated with the siliceous sinters that form around hot springs and geysers.
  • The airier, multiroom installation at Gagosian comprises 13 huge works from 2009-2011, one of which, nearly 20 feet tall, shoots upward like a geyser. Crushed and Brushed
  • Our destination at that unearthly hour was the 4,850 m Sol de Mañana geyser basin, unfortunately best seen before sunrise.
  • I heard of one absentee apartment, where a faulty geyser ran water for 6 months before being noticed.
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • Now there are plenty of places in the world where high temperatures come very close to the surface: volcanoes, and geysers and things like this come to mind immediately.
  • Exacerbating these problems is the issue of individual geysers and water meters, allowing tenants to be individually billed for their consumption.
  • Near geysers and hot spots, the ground is warm, the snow shallower, and the grass more accessible to hungry foragers.
  • Inside the closet behind the geyser was the perfect place for storing our contraband. Chapter 9 - Getting Out
  • At this series of erupting geysers in the north of the island, boiling water is expelled from the magma at the earth's core.
  • Geysers of steam leapt up from fissures in the rock.
  • But for water geyser activity to be happening in Enceladus, the water would have to be awfully near the surface. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The incredible geysers and picture postcard landscape brought Yellowstone its fame.
  • Once or twice a year, ice vulcanism near the south pole produced geysers of carbon ash that shot up into the atmosphere for miles. METAPLANETARY
  • The cliffs rising like cones are made up of sheet layers of hydroquarzite, silicic limestone and mass geyserite.
  • When the baking soda is hot enough, you will see little geysers of steam and carbon dioxide which are fun to watch, but which spray powder around.
  • Hot geysers and volcanic eruptions show this effect.
  • Exploding geysers, erupting volcanoes and steaming rivers give this North Atlantic country a "Lord of the Rings" quality that appeals to kids though they may find it a challenge to sound out the multisyllabic names—Eyjafjallajökull? Adventures, With Children
  • In a time where cars were noisy, smelly, rattling contraptions, prone to throwing tantrums and geysers of steam at the slightest pretext, this was like a chariot from heaven.
  • A new model helps explain the latest episode of rapid surface rise and increased geyser activity - from 1997 to 2003-in the volcanically active region in the western United States.
  • So, hot springs are geysers on the sea floor, chemical rich environments.
  • A maintenance brigade dressed in voluminous salopettes, Arctic mittens and balaclavas is repairing the rig, a geyser of steam and water shooting up into the air as they pull sections of pipe out of the ground.
  • Clutching the new map, Alexander and I drove south again and closed in on Geyser Spring, eventually striding up a babbling watercourse to the point where it burst fully formed from the ground - cold.
  • The crust of geyserite is thin in places and if walked on can break through.
  • In Chile's Atacama Desert, you'll ascend to 14,800 feet in the Andes to walk among spouting geysers and fumaroles, see cool salt formations in the Valley of the Moon, and visit a pink flamingo colony on Chaxa Lagoon.
  • Well, they're a wonder to behold… great geysers of steam and water constantly erupting from the ground in every direction.
  • Over hundreds of years, the geyserite builds up.
  • There you are, looking 1,800 feet down, as the Atlantic Ocean slams into a sheer wall of rock, and the wind coming off the sea shoots a geyser of water straight up across the face of these rocks.
  • Michoacán is a confluence of landscapes, rivers and lakes, a variety of climates, cascades hidden in abundantly exuberant vegetation, virgin beaches with crystalline waters, tempestuous waves and calm cooling waters, therapeutic spring waters, geysers, caves and subterranean rivers. Introduction to Michoacán - the soul of Mexico
  • Steam and hot water erupt from geysers.

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