How To Use Get together In A Sentence

  • I overheard two fifteen year old girls behind me at the ATM planning to get together tomorrow night and eat ice cream and comfort each other when they didn't get any valentines.
  • When the family get together you are the one who can heal a rift and get people talking. The Sun
  • The kids and their families get together to sing and do crafts and other fun activities.
  • Then again, there are those who reckon that's a load of old tosh and who would love nothing more than to be a fly on the wall next time BT's chiefs get together.
  • Let's get together again sometime.
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  • The club offers an opportunity for like-minded people to get together.
  • We've got lots of singles that get together and they do the four-meal column but divide it up into eight so they end up with eight half-size portions for themselves.
  • The two would get together at each commencement to compare their graduate tallies.
  • Huey, excited by Robert's ideas on deceit and self-deception, was eager for the three of us to get together.
  • Can i use post and get together? hello, if i do this way will it cause any problem? php Code: if (isset ($_POST [ 'order_ready'])) $id = $_GET [ 'id'] Digital Point Forums
  • We'll get together next week, OK?
  • We hope your family and my family can get together for a celebration like last year.
  • After a chance meeting, they again arranged a time to get together. Christianity Today
  • Cricket bosses, players and members of the public will get together to further plans to recruit budding players and form a team.
  • Great law firms or design companies don't spring up overnight, like rock supergroups that decide to get together one weekend.
  • Besides, the members get together for occasional functions such as birthday parties and weddings.
  • We must make all schools secondary moderns, and we must comprehensivise the universities and make them all equally bad. ow having seen the behaviour of the Labour backbenches today, and news from NickP's little marginals get together.
  • The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well
  • The way it is now I'd have to work four more hours a day for six whole days straight to get together enough for a month's rent.
  • People DO get together and plan grand strategies, figuring out ways to get advantages over the everyday schmo. Did you know that Jews control the Washington Post? [Bumped.] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • I am a firm believer that good things happen when talented people get together and work hard.
  • This is the only forum where East and West can get together.
  • We must get together sometime.
  • This annual sporting event takes place on Sunday, May 1 when keen runners and complete novices get together for a five-mile race, a one-mile adult run and a one-mile children's event.
  • Mullet, crabs, ray and other minnow are get together in the dock outside the Alabamian.
  • Whenever my wife and her mother get together they jaw away for hours.
  • We wrote about three songs that were pretty schmaltz, the sort of thing that sounds like what happens when two people get together and want to write a song for someone else.
  • They just wanted to get together for one more night and bid my son farewell - to say, ‘We love you, bud, and we're going to miss you.’
  • It is very important because this is one time in the year we all get together to remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice.
  • Why do they not get together and have a bit of a korero?
  • Will this sparky duo get together? Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a group of people who get together periodically to sing karaoke and socialize in different bars.
  • The regional exam boards all get together regularly to ensure equal standards.
  • We hope your family and my family can get together for a celebration like last year.
  • A few of us decided to get together and try and raise money above and beyond what people had already kindly donated.
  • If you heard the word scrambling, that's really what a lot of quarterbacks and receivers are doing right now, scrambling to get together in the communication and the timing of things. Front Page
  • It is far more democratic for those who are thinking about striking to get together in a big meeting to discuss it.
  • But after a major label snafu and family commitments subsided, they managed to get together 10 new songs, with a handful leftover that will make B-Sides or the beginnings of the next Autolux album. Spinner
  • The regional exam boards all get together regularly to ensure equal standards.
  • Then on Tuesday the Dorsey women get together for classes in such activities as calligraphy, photography and health cookery.
  • He was trying to organize a hoedown tonight down in Alphabet City where all of the new first-years could all get together and hang out before we start work Friday morning.
  • You know what school chums are like when they get together. The Glasgow Girls
  • Luckily, Subterranean Press/PS Publishing decided to get together and co-publish a lavish, dense, and beautiful based on the ARC edition of these seminal stories in one massive volume inside a terrific cover by Edward Miller, sporting introductions by John Scalzi, Joe Hill, Richard Matheson and Mark Scott Zicree. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.
  • The Dark Side have a bit of a get together and a chinwag.
  • Hey, I know it's Friday, and all anybody wants to do is get together with friends at the Sizzler, so I'll knock off the speechifying.
  • Let's all get together over Christmas.
  • Then we get together in big rooms and listen to each other having discussions on fiscal tightening or pelvic floor exercises, whither the welfare state. Times, Sunday Times
  • You discover the showbiz side of your personality when friends get together to raise money for a charity. The Sun
  • Kashing get together with him continually to play gin rummy games. Batin Itam: The Li Blood Line
  • The bride-to-be and her friends get together at a spa to enjoy relaxing massages, facials, manicures, pedicures and other treatments.
  • Let's get together and have a competition with all the best pilots without the aggravation found at the Worlds.
  • Let's all get together and act as one.
  • Together, the fivesome looked like a bunch of university pass-outs meeting at a get together.
  • In Brazil, the businessmen get together and work out the most pragmatic solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • We ought to get together some time soon.
  • Start your research by asking around and reading guidebooks to get together some ideas.
  • It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.
  • Maybe we could get together sometime next week?
  • They may wish to build their home back up, but it's going to require an entire neighborhood to kind of coalesce and that's a difficult thing to get together, isn't it? CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2006
  • It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.
  • One would assume this is because the moment ten people get together in a public square to call for Gaddafi's removal in the Libyan capital they will be mown down with machine gun fire as the first syllables escape their lips. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: As the Arab Dominoes Fall, Is Gaddafi Next?
  • It was an occasion for me to get together with my friends on the East Coast: Herb and Eva Sober and Chris and Flossie Anfinsen from NIH, Bill and Inge Edmond H. Fischer - Autobiography
  • I belong to a professional association and we have a little get together once a month to chat and catch up, etc.
  • A collision of worlds when two African-American families from divergent socioeconomic backgrounds get together one weekend in Martha's Vineyard for a wedding.
  • We have this thing called the Monday night club, when we get together and do something fun. The Sun
  • They have become my true pals and we often get together to discuss the trials of homework and domestic discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies that get together no longer need as many accountants or vice presidents of marketing as each had before the merger.
  • What's the topic of conversation when a group of new mums get together for a natter?
  • We made the contestants get together in groups of five where they had to pick who they wanted to work with. The Sun
  • The node, the module, the cupula, the life support systems and the toilet, this is the best thing that ever happened to NASA, and they're going to screw it up if they don't get together with his staff and work it out. NASA Faces Showdown With Colbert Nation - NASA Watch
  • Tonight we get together for a braai with Jon, Andrew and Debbie and our dear friends from Pietermaritzburg, Des and Lyn.
  • I call it a good excuse for geeky types to get together and kvetch.
  • Every week they get together to make music .
  • It'll take a month to get together all the materials I need for my book.
  • And it's on what we call a common, and I have common rights, and every year me and the commoners get together.
  • Barry was envious when the man at the table explained how a group of retired software engineers get together every Tuesday and Thursday for 18 holes.
  • Beginning with that first visit, I made it a point to always get together with Louise, Rissa, and the rest of the animal bone team for what I called a faunal session. The Goddess and the Bull
  • He suggested we get together for a drink sometime. I said I'd like that, and we left it there.
  • When you hear the word bankruptcy attached to a major city in Pennsylvania, that's the time where all these parties have to get together and say we need to find something else here. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But there are also small collectives of people who get together in a low-key style to make music: think Orquestra Scotland Brazil or even The Reindeer Section.
  • He says he will do anything to win me back but I know my family will disown me if we get together again. The Sun
  • Oh and PNB, I think organizing a burger get together in Brisbane is prime time for heckling and faff from the southerners. Cheeseburger Gothic » Kinda buried.
  • More than 1,000 music teachers from Guangzhou and circumjacent places will get together here.
  • Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together. Sam Levenson 
  • The inspection fitters said there had been some talk of a get together among the workers - a final fling as a group of workers.
  • That's why it's so important for telephoners to get together in person to talk about talking on the phone.
  • Then we get together in big rooms and listen to each other having discussions on fiscal tightening or pelvic floor exercises, whither the welfare state. Times, Sunday Times
  • After they've stowed away about eleventeen courses, from grapefruit and sherry to demitasse and benedictine, them that can leave the table without wheel chairs wanders out into the front rooms, and the men light up fresh perfectos and hunt for the smokin 'den, and the women get together in bunches and exchange polite knocks. Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
  • Since we don't have a curfew Friday, we thought a bunch of the girls could get together in the rec hut and have a little shindig.
  • And he said unto me, This miry slough is such a place as cannot be mended; it is the descent whither the scum and filth that attends conviction for sin doth continually run, and therefore it is called the Slough of Despond; for still, as the sinner is awakened about his lost condition, there ariseth in his soul many fears, and doubts, and discouraging apprehensions, which all of them get together, and settle in this place. The Pilgrim`s Progress
  • The bride-to-be and her friends get together at a spa to enjoy relaxing massages, facials, manicures, pedicures and other treatments.
  • This is the only forum where East and West can get together.
  • We thought the New Year would be agood time for us to get together and do another group post; what do we want for 2010? 2009 December | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
  • Every week they get together to make music .
  • To stop Tootle from going astray, the townspeople get together and conceive ofa clever plan, in which they all participate.
  • It's very traditional to get together for that and drink glögg (warmed spiced wine with almonds and raisins) and eat ‘Lussekatter’, saffron buns.
  • The regional exam boards all get together regularly to ensure equal standards.
  • Pacific, didn't pay enough attention to the United Nations and the other what we call multilateral forums where we all get together as nations. Interview with David Reyne and Kim Watkins, 9am with David and Kim - Transcript - The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • You discover the showbiz side of your personality when friends get together to raise money for a charity. The Sun
  • ‘Thank you.’ Claudia stood up. ‘I have to fly! We must get together for dinner soon!’
  • It's like totally funny to watch them all get together and like act like they're sooo kewl—NOT!
  • I guess in a way the get together was a kind of late baby shower.
  • On this night a half dozen members get together to eat dinner and sing karaoke at his home.
  • You know what school chums are like when they get together. The Glasgow Girls
  • The bride-to-be and her friends get together at a spa to enjoy relaxing massages, facials, manicures, pedicures and other treatments.
  • There is no doubt about it, when good people get together and work hard an amazing amount can be achieved in a short space of time.
  • ‘We will get together to have something like borsch and vodka on the table, have Russian accordion and balalaika and a lot singing,’ she says excitedly.
  • Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.
  • Whenever my wife and her mother get together they jaw away for hours.
  • Because each year, all the Oscar nominees get together for a giant nosh-up.
  • And I think, you know, I'd love to see our children and grandchildren get together here a hundred years from now and roll back a tape of this show and say how benighted we were or how right we were.
  • After a chance meeting, they again arranged a time to get together. Christianity Today
  • Villagers get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.
  • Plan a series of monthly or semi-monthly nights for the entire church family to get together.
  • This would mean they would all have to get together to oust me from our 4 million baht love nest.
  • A group of people needs to get together and gather a dozen or so really old bangers and drive them up to the toll bridge.
  • STREKALOV (through translator): Norm, we got some hopes to get together again at the future station, with the name Mir number two. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Mir Falls to Earth - March 23, 2001
  • The world looks on with bated breath as two old rivals get together moulding their swords into sickles and ploughshares.
  • In Brazil, the businessmen get together and work out the most pragmatic solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holidays like Thanksgiving give the opportunity to get together and celebrate familial bonds that are like no other.
  • And if Cupid is not totally swacked on ambrosia, perhaps the two of you can get together for a date.
  • It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.
  • Dear Refrained: Some extended family get together only at weddings and funerals -- and you stated that the general atmosphere was like a "family reunion. RSS
  • The regional exam boards all get together regularly to ensure equal standards.
  • Nevertheless, there was a certain tacit understanding, without any obligation, a certain tacit understanding, that the probability was that if war broke out we would all find ourselves in it together, and it followed from that that we were prepared in times of peace to get together and try to coordinate our actions. Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting: Some Aspects of the Commonwealth
  • The absolute worst, and this is what happened yesterday, is when she fills the empty space with an offer to get together again.
  • Sometimes, though, two damaged pieces of DNA get together and the carrier pays the price.
  • Sita added: "Clearly, what we need to do is educate the world more. What we need is African governments to get together and articulate an Africa investment proposition.
  • When they eat they get together, three or four of them in wholesome fellowship. The World in Perspective
  • Do you suppose we could get together for a little chat sometime soon?
  • Did they all get together at the end and scrape together lots of loose change after carefully dividing the bill according to work done?
  • The blue carriers are Cambs on August 10, 2008 at 2: 32 pm | Reply jaegerdude shame that its just a southern get together on August 10, 2008 at 3: 26 pm | Reply Zulu Warrior Vehicle Spotting « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Opinions differ as to why bands get together. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of our brothers from the other side said to me today, "If the Germans get past the British navy, there will be only one thing for us today, -- you Canadians and we of the United States will have to get together and fight this thing through," and I said "If they get past the British Navy, we can hold up our hands and yell 'Kamerad'. War Impressions
  • The language used in the report indicated a movement away from the usual language of pathologisation and medicalisation so often heard in the United Kingdom when government authority figures and other official bodies get together to discuss how to progress human rights issues for transpeople. Legal recognition of non-M/F identities
  • DonBelacquaDelPurgatorio on Corruption and popcorn nitpicker on A get together to tear it apart Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » We are all Roger Ailes now
  • In this film, the people of the outback get together on one of Australia's largest sheep stations for a sports day to raise money for the Flying Doctors' Service.
  • Tonight is the big wingding where all the parents who have accompanied their daughters to Mississauga can get together and mingle at the hotel dining room over a $30 buffet-style pasta dinner and cash bar.
  • Every week they get together to make music .
  • One candidate, Yaroslau Ramanchuk,was in what he calls a suspicious car accident last week, and on Monday, he showed up for a meeting with students and professors in Minsk, the capital, only to learn that city authorities had closed down the hall where they were to get together because of "problems" with the sewage system. Belarus looks east and west as presidential elections approach
  • Today, we get together to yell out our wishes loudly--- to be an excellent primary school graduate.
  • There's nothing for candour like a lower-school boy, and East was a genuine specimen — frank, hearty, and good-natured, well-satisfied with himself and his position, and choke-full of life and spirits, and all the Rugby prejudices and traditions which he had been able to get together in the long course of one half-year during which he had been at the School-house. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • Folks like you, Perry, need to get together with dingbats like Sarah and work on that secession document TOUT DE SUITE!!! Perry says Gore 'gone to hell'
  • I was part of a group of 12 or so geezers who get together the third week in November every year and dodder around with rifles. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • We hope your family and my family can get together for a celebration like last year.
  • They did get together, and soon married," Agape ex - plained. Here There Are Monsters
  • John birled a bright sovereign on the counter, one of twenty old Gourlay had battered his brains to get together for the boy's expenses. The House with the Green Shutters
  • We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.
  • He used to have amazing soirées where we would get together and perform all his favorite show tunes.
  • Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.
  • We provide high - end sociality platform for distinguished people to get together and make various elite friends.
  • In early fall I get together a pile of fresh sod loam, that is, the top spit from a pasture field, but do not add any manure to it. Mushrooms: how to grow them a practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure
  • They seemed eager to get together. Christianity Today
  • He said: 'We spoke quite a lot and he was often keen to get together and do something new. The Sun
  • They seemed eager to get together. Christianity Today
  • Vegetables are delicious by themselves, and dals and lentils need no company to produce a tasty dish, but when the two get together - the combination of beans and vegetables can only be described by the Hindi expression sone pe suhaga, an idiom that is loosely translated as "better than awesome"! Archive 2007-04-01
  • I think the term duet kind of intimates established singers who've kind of ran out of ideas and they take songs and they get together and make them into some kind of sugarcoated moment. Krauss and Plant: Opposites Attract on a Sweet CD
  • We hope your family and my family can get together for a celebration like last year.
  • They seemed eager to get together. Christianity Today
  • Moreover, in light of the Cameron's policy on marriage, he will probably insist that she and Don Millio get together again, pour l'encouragement les autres (sorry, I can't translate that into Eyetie). Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Two legendary masters, one of the sitar the other of the violin, get together for one thought-provoking session.
  • For all you chaps that replied to my comment below, thanks but i also agree with Mr. S. Ross when he said that we as citizens get together and practice more vigilance and report to the local authorities, and not be like the three wise monkies See no evil * hear no evil * say no evil* thats all in the past we are now looking into the future for the sake of all our Maltese citizens and no doubt although we are a small country but roar like a lion.
  • The Unit has a sitting room area where people can get together and get any information required.
  • let's get together sometime
  • Three times a week they get together to play ‘wallyball’ - volleyball played on a racquetball court.
  • Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?
  • A noble feature of this month was the camps that we held for people to get together for suhur (late night meal). Crossroads Arabia
  • Four or five of us, we get together real regular like for a night out up in Vegas or some such place. BLACK EAGLES
  • When even well-meaning people get together in hierarchical, committee-rich structures, they do beastly things and call it progress.
  • He said it was unusual for cheetahs to get together in packs of four.
  • They have become my true pals and we often get together to discuss the trials of homework and domestic discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • To get together a new side with a lot of inexperienced players as quickly as he has done speaks volumes. Times, Sunday Times
  • First you get together a batch of questions to be answered which supposedly measure intelligence or knowledge of some particular subject.
  • When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. Pablo Picasso 
  • Shall we get together one evening next week? Monday's out — I've got a French class.
  • I just want to get together with friends, get baked and watch a movie or something.
  • It's an opportunity for friends to get together in the park in a casual relaxed setting to enjoy great food and entertainment.
  • Maybe we could get together sometime next week?
  • Shall we get together one evening next week? Monday's out — I've got a French class.
  • They usually get together once a month.
  • Sal Baldenegro and I ought to get together again and sing a bunch of corridos.
  • We are looking forward to a good entry and hope this advance notice will allow producers of breeding sheep to get together a healthy entry.
  • Suppose, however, that a dentist and I want to get together and write an application that implements his top-secret super-duper billing technique.
  • We must get together for a drink sometime.
  • When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. Pablo Picasso 
  • Rather, we just need a venue to get together to show that we are just as much into having fun as we are into pursuing our academic ventures.
  • Both men know the only way ahead to avoid a national racial bloodbath is to get together and start talking again.
  • And then the fourth event to keep an eye on is about two weeks from today this meeting, what they call a conclave, which literally in Latin translates into "with a key," the conclave will begin in the Sistine Chapel, when 117 cardinals get together and decide ballot by ballot who will be the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
  • The good little girl was now the opportunistic hussy dumping her man to get together with the new most popular boy in school.
  • My french husband and our little french community in Austin, TX always end up playing petanque everytime we get together. Petanque - French Word-A-Day
  • Every week they get together to make music .
  • It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.
  • The management should get together with the union/The management and the union should get together to discuss their differences.
  • An effort is on to get together a list of voluntary donors who are reachable over the telephone.
  • To celebrate this momentous occasion, have all your neighbors get together for a good old fashioned barbeque.
  • Other research suggests that men who undergo open-heart surgery have a sevenfold decrease in mortality if they draw strength from religious faith and regularly get together with a group of people, such as a bowling league.
  • When we get together face to face we can discuss how to go forward. The Sun
  • It remains a family holiday when friends and family get together to enjoy the Easter bread and the sights and sounds of awakening nature.
  • How did the band get together? The Sun

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