How To Use Gestural In A Sentence
He made messy gestural models that advanced notions of formal and spatial complexity, all rendered with a rawness that was combustive.
She either brings forward or partially conceals the fine grid of the linen's sturdy warp and woof, establishing dual, interacting planes that are occasionally scored with gestural, curvilinear zips.
While I don't think it's easy to separate in an actor's persona something called 'pure acting' from another thing called 'gestural' there is nonetheless an overall effect created that might depend more on one side of the equation or the other.
They appeared quite content with gestural communication with the children.
Jay, Ash has evolved into the kind of star who can make up with the 'gestural' what she loses by way of 'acting'.
Pundits argue still, but no one gainsays that such involvement and determination created something more than a gestural pastiche.
Gesturese is a physical manifestation of baby speak which modifies gestural communication for young children.
The checkerboards of alternately horizontal and vertical stripes - lines that are also shapes - are not really gestural, as the paint is applied quite deliberately.
Apple's lawsuit can be construed as an indirect attack on Google, whose Android operating system powers the Nexus One to mimic some of the iPhone's capabilities, such as multitouch gestural input.
In the late 70s, a movement known variously as neo-expressionism or New Image Painting revived gestural figurative styles, with an institutional seal of approval given by the Royal Academy's
The Guardian World News
Here gestural, postural and vestimentary codes are much more important than overt displays of sexual arousal in the figures.
Like Sigmar Polke, he shifts gears between a tonal representationalism that is somewhat photographic and layered drawing, and then pulls away, leaving a gestural abstraction on top.
A unilinear view of modernity, with Shitao's gestural brushwork as a sort of unconscious precursor to Abstract Expressionism, is here surely laid to rest forever.
People with autism are also said to have weak central coherence - the ability to synthesise an array of information, such as verbal and gestural cues in conversation.
That he saw no need for that kind of gestural bullshit?
Adam Hanft: The Wall Street Journal as the National Enquirer of Business Journalism
In some spots, these self-consciously gestural strokes have been airbrushed blue.
Morrison is right that there have been many gestural attempts to endow some buildings and the institutions that they house with significance through architectural symbolism.
Deploying a mix of gestural dance and surreal black humour, Picó forces the audience to share her own issues about ageing, whether that's confronting the fact that it's time for her to build on her past, or considering the impetus to throw caution to the wind.
This week's new dance
Their rough cross-hatching disrupts but does not obliterate the darkness, creating a dramatic balance between gestural and geometric elements.
But although these early bipeds may have developed a more extensive gestural repertoire, I doubt whether their language began to develop grammatical sophistication until about two million years ago.
The brothers practice an idiom of grandly lyric, gestural abstraction - scrawls and scribbles across a compositional field of contrasting grounds, currently silk and lead.
The earlier, topic-based discussion attempts to establish a taxonomy of structural prototypes and gestural categories, from which follow readings of a group of works.
Influenced by artists Robert Motherwell and Joan Mitchell, McClymont uses the strong, gestural brushstrokes of the post-war Abstract Expressionists.
Stylistically, she has moved from a highly detailed, expressive idiom to a pared-down rendition of place in which the gestural mark is less pronounced.
Remarkably, after so much contrivance, the overall esthetic is relaxed and spontaneous, largely because he intercedes with a few gestural strokes of white paint here and there to unify the varied linear elements and textures.
Here, sweeping, gestural lines and painterly patches of color depicted a landscape of reclining, long-haired, bare-breasted girls, lop-eared rabbits and men in strange, chapeaus.
The art is very gestural, the drawings of horses loose and free-flowing.
The Art of The Georges and the Jewels
The user interface of future computers, irrespective of physical form factor, will increasingly permit more natural human interactiveness and even exploit visual and gestural communicativeness as we do with each other.
The large charcoals on paper reveal swift gestural movements that resolve into a solitary cabin in a white field or length of heavy chain drifting to the bottom of the sea.
A Logitech Wingman joystick was re-engineered for use as a gestural input device.
the study of gestural communication
The checkerboards of alternately horizontal and vertical stripes - lines that are also shapes - are not really gestural, as the paint is applied quite deliberately.
He also learned how to use the words "gestural" and "heuristic" in order to get good grades on his English papers.
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Helen Frankenthaler b. 1928, employing gestural brushstrokes, bold color shapes and shimmering washes, is considered to be a bridge between Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting.
Going From the Abstract to the Sort-Of Concrete
gestural" - it understands what you want to do by the gestures you use.
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She stretched out her hand, and the visitor stepped forward and shook it — though it was possible that she perceived and executed an entirely different act, cross-translated through gestural interlingua. » Post Topic » The Planck Dive by Greg Egan
Creating a collotype in which he hand retouched his gestural marks to give them the correct scale, and adding color notes in the margin, Hamilton layered it in a 40-color screenprint.
There have been many gestural attempts to endow some buildings and the institutions that they house with significance through architectural symbolism.
It is easy to imagine that characters frequently urge each other to ‘come’ do this or that or simply ‘come,’ where these phatic or merely gestural uses are much rarer in poetry.
Dramatically cropped by the edges of the canvas, the three dominating shapes obscure almost all traces of the beige, blue and brown gestural underpainting.
Rather than elongated phrases, Jones created choreography comprised of signs, gestural language, and everyday movement.
But the bust format ensures a rudimentary form without gestural and signifying elements or excrescences.
This finding bolsters the so-called gestural theory of language evolution, whose proponents argue that language evolved initially as a gesture system before becoming vocal.
This success justifies to them the need for having spoken in the code of gestural self-harm.
I like to use photorealism, loose and gestural drawing styles, and a combination of the two.
He is certainly gesturally sparing and chromatically costive.
Apple Inc. will offer iPhones in June that cost less and may include the kind of gestural controls it features on its Magic Mouse.
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This repeated approach gets messed up with the layering of gestural elements and, surprisingly, areas that looks like they could be a tiny skyscapes or a shadow of the amorphous forms floating over the black backgrounds.
A similar story may be told about the gestural communication of chimpanzees.
Beyond in game actions, the new system can also be used to interact with the menus and other xbox applications with simple gestural motions.
Yee has brushed thick gestural strokes of bright colour onto existing photographs, then re-produced these unique combined images in another photograph.
He is determined by his gestural artistry and resilient thistle-downiness to "sanction and fortify the natural human passion for believing that life can somehow, behind all the miseries and the mysteries, mean something profoundly worth while.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-21
As the title suggests, this is a highly gestural show, and this premiere production incorporates plenty of movement, as well as music.
Hals makes his loose, gestural approach, termed "painterly" by the Swiss-German art historian Heinrich Wölfflin, look so effortless that it is often assumed that he worked quickly, making what would now be called "one shot" paintings; in fact, he built up his vibrant images with traditional layering techniques, trusting—just as Rubens, his near-contemporary and fellow master of the painterly, did—that his last flourishes would bring the result to vivid life.
Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
A sheet of glass is silvered with a pattern of repeated gestural strokes, making for a shifting lattice of fragmentary reflections and glimpses through the glass.