How To Use gestational age In A Sentence
- Abnormal nuchal findings on screening ultrasound: Aneuploidy stratification based on ultrasound anomaly and gestational age at detection. Prenatal Diagnosis
- His muscle tone is normal for gestational age and response to stimulation is good.
- Smoking in pregnancy is associated with increased rates of fetal and perinatal death and reduced birth weight for gestational age.
- Small for gestational age babies were defined as those whose weight was below the 10th centile of the gestational age sex specific US reference for fetal growth.
- An 18-year-old African-American couple was referred for their first pregnancy at 19 weeks gestational age for a monochorionic, diamniotic twin gestation complicated by severe Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
- Objective and Methods: Ultrasonographic study external ear in 206 fetuses of 20 - 40 week gestational ages.
- Objective and Methods: Ultrasonographic study of the external ear in 206 fetuses of 20~40 week gestational ages.
- This was the sample used for the analysis of birth weight, gestational age, and respiratory symptoms.
- Interestingly, depending on the gestational age, myofibroblasts can disappear from the wound site, a phenomenon that has been correlated to scarless wound healing.
- In this study, 74 percent of the infants -- those who developed a condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia -- still needed supplemental oxygen at the estimated gestational age of 36 weeks, and a third of them were sent home with supplemental oxygen that continued for another 2-3 months. Medlogs - Recent stories